package org.mozilla.gecko.tests; public class testPictureLinkContextMenu extends ContentContextMenuTest { // Test website strings private static String PICTURE_PAGE_URL; private static String BLANK_PAGE_URL; private static final String PICTURE_PAGE_TITLE = StringHelper.ROBOCOP_PICTURE_LINK_TITLE; private static final String tabs [] = { "Image", "Link" }; private static final String photoMenuItems [] = { "Copy Image Location", "Share Image", "Set Image As", "Save Image" }; private static final String linkMenuItems [] = StringHelper.CONTEXT_MENU_ITEMS_IN_NORMAL_TAB; private static final String imageTitle = "^Image$"; public void testPictureLinkContextMenu() { blockForGeckoReady(); PICTURE_PAGE_URL=getAbsoluteUrl(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_PICTURE_LINK_URL); BLANK_PAGE_URL=getAbsoluteUrl(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_02_URL); loadAndPaint(PICTURE_PAGE_URL); verifyPageTitle(PICTURE_PAGE_TITLE); switchTabs(imageTitle); verifyContextMenuItems(photoMenuItems); verifyTabs(tabs); switchTabs(imageTitle); verifyCopyOption(photoMenuItems[0], "Firefox.jpg"); // Test the "Copy Image Location" option switchTabs(imageTitle); verifyShareOption(photoMenuItems[1], PICTURE_PAGE_TITLE); // Test the "Share Image" option verifyContextMenuItems(linkMenuItems); openTabFromContextMenu(linkMenuItems[0],2); // Test the "Open in New Tab" option - expecting 2 tabs: the original and the new one openTabFromContextMenu(linkMenuItems[1],2); // Test the "Open in Private Tab" option - expecting only 2 tabs in normal mode verifyCopyOption(linkMenuItems[2], BLANK_PAGE_URL); // Test the "Copy Link" option verifyShareOption(linkMenuItems[3], PICTURE_PAGE_TITLE); // Test the "Share Link" option verifyBookmarkLinkOption(linkMenuItems[4],BLANK_PAGE_URL); // Test the "Bookmark Link" option } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { mDatabaseHelper.deleteBookmark(BLANK_PAGE_URL); super.tearDown(); } }