/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8 -*- */ /* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 ft=cpp : */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ include protocol PContent; include protocol PContentDialog; include protocol PDocumentRenderer; include protocol PContentPermissionRequest; include protocol PRenderFrame; include protocol POfflineCacheUpdate; include protocol PIndexedDB; include "gfxMatrix.h"; include "IPC/nsGUIEventIPC.h"; include "mozilla/dom/TabMessageUtils.h"; include "mozilla/layout/RenderFrameUtils.h"; include "mozilla/net/NeckoMessageUtils.h"; using IPC::URI; using gfxMatrix; using gfxSize; using mozilla::layers::LayersBackend; using mozilla::layout::ScrollingBehavior; using mozilla::WindowsHandle; using nscolor; using nsCompositionEvent; using nsIMEUpdatePreference; using nsIntPoint; using nsIntRect; using nsIntSize; using nsKeyEvent; using nsMouseEvent; using nsMouseScrollEvent; using nsQueryContentEvent; using nsRect; using nsSelectionEvent; using nsTextEvent; using nsTouchEvent; using RemoteDOMEvent; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { rpc protocol PBrowser { manager PContent; manages PContentDialog; manages PDocumentRenderer; manages PContentPermissionRequest; manages PRenderFrame; manages POfflineCacheUpdate; manages PIndexedDB; both: AsyncMessage(nsString aMessage, nsString aJSON); parent: /** * When child sends this message, parent should move focus to * the next or previous focusable element. */ MoveFocus(bool forward); Event(RemoteDOMEvent aEvent); rpc CreateWindow() returns (PBrowser window); sync SyncMessage(nsString aMessage, nsString aJSON) returns (nsString[] retval); /** * The IME sequence number (seqno) parameter is used to make sure * that a notification is discarded if it arrives at the chrome process * too late. If the notification is late and we accept it, we will have * an out-of-date view of the content process, which means events that we * dispatch based on this out-of-date view will be wrong also. * (see Bug 599550 and Bug 591047 comments 44, 50, and 54) * * Chrome increments seqno and includes it in each IME event sent to * content, and content sends its current seqno back to chrome with each * notification. A notification is up-to-date only if the content * seqno is the same as the current chrome seqno, meaning no additional * event was sent to content before the notification was received * * On blur, chrome returns the current seqno to content, and content * uses it to discard subsequent events until the content seqno and * chrome seqno-on-blur match again. These events, meant for the blurred * textfield, are discarded to prevent events going to the wrong target */ /** * Notifies chrome that there is a focus change involving an editable * object (input, textarea, document, contentEditable. etc.) * * focus PR_TRUE if editable object is receiving focus * PR_FALSE if losing focus * preference Native widget preference for IME updates * seqno Current seqno value on the chrome side */ sync NotifyIMEFocus(bool focus) returns (nsIMEUpdatePreference preference, PRUint32 seqno); /** * Notifies chrome that there has been a change in text content * One call can encompass both a delete and an insert operation * Only called when NotifyIMEFocus returns PR_TRUE for mWantUpdates * * offset Starting offset of the change * end Ending offset of the range deleted * newEnd New ending offset after insertion * * for insertion, offset == end * for deletion, offset == newEnd */ NotifyIMETextChange(PRUint32 offset, PRUint32 end, PRUint32 newEnd); /** * Notifies chrome that there has been a change in selection * Only called when NotifyIMEFocus returns PR_TRUE for mWantUpdates * * seqno Current seqno value on the content side * anchor Offset where the selection started * focus Offset where the caret is */ NotifyIMESelection(PRUint32 seqno, PRUint32 anchor, PRUint32 focus); /** * Notifies chrome to refresh its text cache * Only called when NotifyIMEFocus returns PR_TRUE for mWantHints * * text The entire content of the text field */ NotifyIMETextHint(nsString text); /** * Instructs chrome to end any pending composition * * cancel PR_TRUE if composition should be cancelled * composition Text to commit before ending the composition * * if cancel is PR_TRUE, * widget should return empty string for composition * if cancel is PR_FALSE, * widget should return the current composition text */ sync EndIMEComposition(bool cancel) returns (nsString composition); sync GetInputContext() returns (PRInt32 IMEEnabled, PRInt32 IMEOpen); SetInputContext(PRInt32 IMEEnabled, PRInt32 IMEOpen, nsString type, nsString actionHint, PRInt32 cause, PRInt32 focusChange); /** * Gets the DPI of the screen corresponding to this browser. */ sync GetDPI() returns (float value); /** * Return native data of root widget */ sync GetWidgetNativeData() returns (WindowsHandle value); SetCursor(PRUint32 value); SetBackgroundColor(nscolor color); PContentPermissionRequest(nsCString aType, URI uri); PContentDialog(PRUint32 aType, nsCString aName, nsCString aFeatures, PRInt32[] aIntParams, nsString[] aStringParams); /** * Create a layout frame (encapsulating a remote layer tree) for * the page that is currently loaded in the . */ sync PRenderFrame() returns (ScrollingBehavior scrolling, LayersBackend backend, int32_t maxTextureSize, uint64_t layersId); /** * Starts an offline application cache update. * @param manifestURI * URI of the manifest to fetch, the application cache group ID * @param documentURI * URI of the document that referred the manifest * @param clientID * The group cache version identifier to use * @param stickDocument * True if the update was initiated by a document load that referred * a manifest. * False if the update was initiated by applicationCache.update() call. * * Tells the update to carry the documentURI to a potential separate * update of implicit (master) items. * * Why this argument? If the document was not found in an offline cache * before load and refers a manifest and this manifest itself has not * been changed since the last fetch, we will not do the application * cache group update. But we must cache the document (identified by the * documentURI). This argument will ensure that a previously uncached * document will get cached and that we don't re-cache a document that * has already been cached (stickDocument=false). */ POfflineCacheUpdate(URI manifestURI, URI documentURI, nsCString clientID, bool stickDocument); sync PIndexedDB(nsCString asciiOrigin) returns (bool allowed); /** * window.open from inside