const FIREFOX_ID = "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}"; var litmus = { baseURL : qaPref.getPref(qaPref.prefBase+".litmus.url", "char"), getTestcase : function(testcase_id, callback) { var url = litmus.baseURL+'json.cgi?testcase_id='+testcase_id; var d = loadJSONDoc(url); d.addBoth(function (res) { d.deferred = null; return res; }); d.addCallback(callback); d.addErrback(function (err) { if (err instanceof CancelledError) { return; } alert(err); }); }, getSubgroup : function(subgroupID, callback) { var url = litmus.baseURL+'json.cgi?subgroup_id='+subgroupID; var d = loadJSONDoc(url); d.addBoth(function (res) { d.deferred = null; return res; }); d.addCallback(callback); d.addErrback(function (err) { if (err instanceof CancelledError) { return; } alert(err); }); }, validateLogin : function(uname, passwd, callback) { var req = doSimpleXMLHttpRequest(litmus.baseURL+'json.cgi', { validate_login: 1, username: uname, password: passwd, }); req.addErrback(callback); req.addCallback(callback); }, createAccount : function() { alert("XXX: not implemented"); }, postResultXML : function(xml, callback, errback) { var req = doSimpleXMLHttpRequest(litmus.baseURL+'process_test.cgi', { data: xml }); req.addErrback(errback); req.addCallback(function(resp) { // only call callback() if we really had a sucuess. XML // processing errors should result in a call to errback() if ((/ok/i).exec(resp.responseText)) { callback(resp); } else { errback(resp); } }); }, currentTestCaseIndex: 0, // position in array currentSubgroupID: 21, cachedTests: null, checkRadioButtons : function() { var menu = document.getElementById('testlist'); var disable = menu.selectedItem.firstChild.getAttribute("checked"); document.getElementById("qa-testcase-result").disabled = disable; }, prevButton : function() { litmus.currentTestCaseIndex--; litmus.selectCurrentTestCase(); }, nextButton: function() { // if they selected a result, then submit the result if ($('qa-testcase-result').selectedItem) { litmus.submitResult(); } litmus.currentTestCaseIndex++; litmus.selectCurrentTestCase(); }, handleSelect : function() { litmus.currentTestCaseIndex = document.getElementById('testlist').selectedIndex; litmus.selectCurrentTestCase(); }, selectCurrentTestCase : function() { var menu = document.getElementById('testlist'); menu.selectedIndex = litmus.currentTestCaseIndex; litmus.populateTestcase(litmus.cachedTests[litmus.currentTestCaseIndex]); litmus.checkRadioButtons(); }, populatePreviewBox : function() { //document.getElementById("prev1").innerHTML = "hi!"; This doesn't even work, I guess I'll rewrite table in XUL var menu = document.getElementById('testlist'); if (!menu) return; while (menu.firstChild) { // clear menu menu.removeChild(menu.firstChild); }; for (var i = 0; i < litmus.cachedTests.length; i++) { var row = menu.appendItem(""); var checkbox = document.createElement("listcell"); checkbox.setAttribute("label", ""); checkbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); checkbox.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); //checkbox.setAttribute("checked", "true"); var name = document.createElement("listcell"); name.setAttribute("label", "#" + litmus.cachedTests[i].testcase_id + " -- " + litmus.cachedTests[i].summary); name.setAttribute("crop", "end"); name.setAttribute("maxwidth", "175"); row.appendChild(checkbox); row.appendChild(name); } }, populateTestcase : function(testcase) { document.getElementById('qa-testcase-id').value = qaMain.bundle.getString("qa.extension.testcase.head")+testcase.testcase_id; document.getElementById('qa-testcase-summary').value = testcase.summary; document.getElementById('qa-testcase-steps').innerHTML = testcase.steps; document.getElementById('qa-testcase-expected').innerHTML = testcase.expected_results; }, populateFields : function(subgroup) { litmus.cachedTests = subgroup.testcases; //litmus.currentTestCaseIndex = 0; litmus.populatePreviewBox(); litmus.currentTestCaseIndex = 0; litmus.selectCurrentTestCase(); }, submitResult : function() { var rs; var item = $('qa-testcase-result').selectedItem; if ( == "qa-testcase-pass") { rs = 'Pass'; } else if ( == "qa-testcase-fail") { rs = 'Fail'; } else if ( == "qa-testcase-unclearBroken") { rs = 'Test unclear/broken'; } else { // no result selected, so don't submit anything for thes test: return false; } var l = new LitmusResults({username: qaPref.litmus.getUsername(), password: qaPref.litmus.getPassword(), server: litmus.baseURL}); l.sysconfig(new Sysconfig()); l.addResult(new Result({ testid: litmus.cachedTests[litmus.currentTestCaseIndex].testcase_id, resultstatus: rs, exitstatus: 'Exited Normally', duration: 0, comment: $('qa-testcase-comment').value, isAutomatedResult: 0 })); var callback = function(resp) { alert("yay"); }; var errback = function(resp) { alert(resp.responseText); }; litmus.postResultXML(l.toXML(), callback, errback); var menu = document.getElementById('testlist'); var item = menu.selectedItem; item.firstChild.setAttribute("checked", "true"); return false; // ?? Got rid of strict warning... }, }; // any missing fields will be autodetected function Sysconfig(aProduct, aPlatform, aOpsys, aBranch, aBuildid, aLocale) { this._load('product', aProduct); this._load('platform', aPlatform); this._load('opsys', aOpsys); this._load('branch', aBranch); this._load('buildid', aBuildid); this._load('locale', aLocale); this.populate(); } Sysconfig.prototype = { product: null, platorm: null, opsys: null, branch: null, buildid: null, locale: null, // set a field according to the following priorities: // 1. 'setting' // 2. qa.extension.sysconfig.fieldname // 3. null _load: function(fieldname, setting) { if (this[fieldname]) { return } if (setting) { this[fieldname] = setting; return; } var pref = qaPref.getPref(qaPref.prefBase+'.sysconfig.'+fieldname, 'char'); if (pref) { this[fieldname] = pref; return; } }, // if something cannot be autodetected, an exception is thrown // with the name of the missing field populate: function() { var appinfo = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULAppInfo); // build id: this.buildid = appinfo.appBuildID; if (! this.buildid) { throw "buildid" } // product: if (! this.product) { if (appinfo.ID == FIREFOX_ID) { this.product = 'Firefox'; } if (! this.product) { throw "product" } } // branch: // people switch branches, so we detect this even though it might // already be set in a pref if ((/^3\.0/).exec(appinfo.version)) { this.branch = 'Trunk'; } else if ((/^2\.0/).exec(appinfo.version)) { this.branch = '2.0 Branch'; } else if ((/^1\.5\./).exec(appinfo.version)) { this.branch = '1.5 Branch'; } if (! this.branch) { throw "branch" } // platform: if (! this.platform) { if ((/^Mac/).exec(navigator.platform)) { this.platform = 'Mac'; } else if ((/^Win/).exec(navigator.platform)) { this.platform = 'Windows'; } else if ((/^Linux/).exec(navigator.platform)) { this.platform = 'Linux'; } else if ((/^Solaris/).exec(navigator.platform)) { this.platform = 'Solaris'; } if (! this.platform) { throw "platform" } } // opsys if (this.platform == 'Windows') { switch (navigator.oscpu) { case 'Windows NT 5.1': this.opsys = 'Windows XP'; break; case 'Windows NT 5.2': this.opsys = 'Windows XP'; break; case 'Windows NT 6.0': this.opsys = 'Windows Vista'; break; case 'Windows NT 5.0': this.opsys = 'Windows 2000'; break; case 'Win 9x 4.90': this.opsys = 'Windows ME'; break; case 'Win98': this.opsys = 'Windows 98'; break; } } else if (this.platform == 'Linux') { this.opsys = 'Linux'; } else if (this.platform == 'Mac') { // no way to detect the OS on mac, so just assume // it's 10.4. The user can provide the real OS in setup this.opsys = 'Mac OS 10.4'; } if (! this.opsys) {throw "opsys" } // locale this.locale = navigator.language; if (!this.locale) { throw "locale" } }, };