# # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import with_statement import glob, logging, os, platform, shutil, subprocess, sys, tempfile, urllib2, zipfile import base64 import re from urlparse import urlparse try: import mozinfo except ImportError: # Stub out fake mozinfo since this is not importable on Android 4.0 Opt. # This should be fixed; see # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=650881 mozinfo = type('mozinfo', (), dict(info={}))() mozinfo.isWin = mozinfo.isLinux = mozinfo.isUnix = mozinfo.isMac = False # TODO! FILE: localautomation :/ # mapping from would-be mozinfo attr <-> sys.platform mapping = {'isMac': ['mac', 'darwin'], 'isLinux': ['linux', 'linux2'], 'isWin': ['win32', 'win64'], } mapping = dict(sum([[(value, key) for value in values] for key, values in mapping.items()], [])) attr = mapping.get(sys.platform) if attr: setattr(mozinfo, attr, True) if mozinfo.isLinux: mozinfo.isUnix = True __all__ = [ "ZipFileReader", "addCommonOptions", "dumpLeakLog", "isURL", "processLeakLog", "getDebuggerInfo", "DEBUGGER_INFO", "replaceBackSlashes", "wrapCommand", 'KeyValueParseError', 'parseKeyValue', 'systemMemory', 'environment', 'dumpScreen', ] # Map of debugging programs to information about them, like default arguments # and whether or not they are interactive. DEBUGGER_INFO = { # gdb requires that you supply the '--args' flag in order to pass arguments # after the executable name to the executable. "gdb": { "interactive": True, "args": "-q --args" }, "cgdb": { "interactive": True, "args": "-q --args" }, "cgdb": { "interactive": True, "args": "-q --args" }, "lldb": { "interactive": True, "args": "--" }, # valgrind doesn't explain much about leaks unless you set the # '--leak-check=full' flag. "valgrind": { "interactive": False, "args": "--leak-check=full" } } class ZipFileReader(object): """ Class to read zip files in Python 2.5 and later. Limited to only what we actually use. """ def __init__(self, filename): self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") def __del__(self): self._zipfile.close() def _getnormalizedpath(self, path): """ Gets a normalized path from 'path' (or the current working directory if 'path' is None). Also asserts that the path exists. """ if path is None: path = os.curdir path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(path)) assert os.path.isdir(path) return path def _extractname(self, name, path): """ Extracts a file with the given name from the zip file to the given path. Also creates any directories needed along the way. """ filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, name)) if name.endswith("/"): os.makedirs(filename) else: path = os.path.split(filename)[0] if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) with open(filename, "wb") as dest: dest.write(self._zipfile.read(name)) def namelist(self): return self._zipfile.namelist() def read(self, name): return self._zipfile.read(name) def extract(self, name, path = None): if hasattr(self._zipfile, "extract"): return self._zipfile.extract(name, path) # This will throw if name is not part of the zip file. self._zipfile.getinfo(name) self._extractname(name, self._getnormalizedpath(path)) def extractall(self, path = None): if hasattr(self._zipfile, "extractall"): return self._zipfile.extractall(path) path = self._getnormalizedpath(path) for name in self._zipfile.namelist(): self._extractname(name, path) log = logging.getLogger() def isURL(thing): """Return True if |thing| looks like a URL.""" # We want to download URLs like http://... but not Windows paths like c:\... return len(urlparse(thing).scheme) >= 2 def addCommonOptions(parser, defaults={}): parser.add_option("--xre-path", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "xrePath", # individual scripts will set a sane default default = None, help = "absolute path to directory containing XRE (probably xulrunner)") if 'SYMBOLS_PATH' not in defaults: defaults['SYMBOLS_PATH'] = None parser.add_option("--symbols-path", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "symbolsPath", default = defaults['SYMBOLS_PATH'], help = "absolute path to directory containing breakpad symbols, or the URL of a zip file containing symbols") parser.add_option("--debugger", action = "store", dest = "debugger", help = "use the given debugger to launch the application") parser.add_option("--debugger-args", action = "store", dest = "debuggerArgs", help = "pass the given args to the debugger _before_ " "the application on the command line") parser.add_option("--debugger-interactive", action = "store_true", dest = "debuggerInteractive", help = "prevents the test harness from redirecting " "stdout and stderr for interactive debuggers") def getFullPath(directory, path): "Get an absolute path relative to 'directory'." return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(directory, os.path.expanduser(path))) def searchPath(directory, path): "Go one step beyond getFullPath and try the various folders in PATH" # Try looking in the current working directory first. newpath = getFullPath(directory, path) if os.path.isfile(newpath): return newpath # At this point we have to fail if a directory was given (to prevent cases # like './gdb' from matching '/usr/bin/./gdb'). if not os.path.dirname(path): for dir in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): newpath = os.path.join(dir, path) if os.path.isfile(newpath): return newpath return None def getDebuggerInfo(directory, debugger, debuggerArgs, debuggerInteractive = False): debuggerInfo = None if debugger: debuggerPath = searchPath(directory, debugger) if not debuggerPath: print "Error: Path %s doesn't exist." % debugger sys.exit(1) debuggerName = os.path.basename(debuggerPath).lower() def getDebuggerInfo(type, default): if debuggerName in DEBUGGER_INFO and type in DEBUGGER_INFO[debuggerName]: return DEBUGGER_INFO[debuggerName][type] return default debuggerInfo = { "path": debuggerPath, "interactive" : getDebuggerInfo("interactive", False), "args": getDebuggerInfo("args", "").split() } if debuggerArgs: debuggerInfo["args"] = debuggerArgs.split() if debuggerInteractive: debuggerInfo["interactive"] = debuggerInteractive return debuggerInfo def dumpLeakLog(leakLogFile, filter = False): """Process the leak log, without parsing it. Use this function if you want the raw log only. Use it preferably with the |XPCOM_MEM_LEAK_LOG| environment variable. """ # Don't warn (nor "info") if the log file is not there. if not os.path.exists(leakLogFile): return with open(leakLogFile, "r") as leaks: leakReport = leaks.read() # Only |XPCOM_MEM_LEAK_LOG| reports can be actually filtered out. # Only check whether an actual leak was reported. if filter and not "0 TOTAL " in leakReport: return # Simply copy the log. log.info(leakReport.rstrip("\n")) def processSingleLeakFile(leakLogFileName, processType, leakThreshold): """Process a single leak log. """ # Per-Inst Leaked Total Rem ... # 0 TOTAL 17 192 419115886 2 ... # 833 nsTimerImpl 60 120 24726 2 ... lineRe = re.compile(r"^\s*\d+\s+(?P\S+)\s+" r"(?P-?\d+)\s+(?P-?\d+)\s+" r"-?\d+\s+(?P-?\d+)") processString = "" if processType: # eg 'plugin' processString = " %s process:" % processType crashedOnPurpose = False totalBytesLeaked = None leakAnalysis = [] leakedObjectNames = [] with open(leakLogFileName, "r") as leaks: for line in leaks: if line.find("purposefully crash") > -1: crashedOnPurpose = True matches = lineRe.match(line) if not matches: # eg: the leak table header row log.info(line.rstrip()) continue name = matches.group("name") size = int(matches.group("size")) bytesLeaked = int(matches.group("bytesLeaked")) numLeaked = int(matches.group("numLeaked")) # Output the raw line from the leak log table if it is the TOTAL row, # or is for an object row that has been leaked. if numLeaked != 0 or name == "TOTAL": log.info(line.rstrip()) # Analyse the leak log, but output later or it will interrupt the leak table if name == "TOTAL": totalBytesLeaked = bytesLeaked if size < 0 or bytesLeaked < 0 or numLeaked < 0: leakAnalysis.append("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | leakcheck |%s negative leaks caught!" % processString) continue if name != "TOTAL" and numLeaked != 0: leakedObjectNames.append(name) leakAnalysis.append("TEST-INFO | leakcheck |%s leaked %d %s (%s bytes)" % (processString, numLeaked, name, bytesLeaked)) log.info('\n'.join(leakAnalysis)) if totalBytesLeaked is None: # We didn't see a line with name 'TOTAL' if crashedOnPurpose: log.info("TEST-INFO | leakcheck |%s deliberate crash and thus no leak log" % processString) else: # TODO: This should be a TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL, but was changed to a warning # due to too many intermittent failures (see bug 831223). log.info("WARNING | leakcheck |%s missing output line for total leaks!" % processString) return if totalBytesLeaked == 0: log.info("TEST-PASS | leakcheck |%s no leaks detected!" % processString) return # totalBytesLeaked was seen and is non-zero. if totalBytesLeaked > leakThreshold: # Fail the run if we're over the threshold (which defaults to 0) prefix = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL" else: prefix = "WARNING" # Create a comma delimited string of the first N leaked objects found, # to aid with bug summary matching in TBPL. Note: The order of the objects # had no significance (they're sorted alphabetically). maxSummaryObjects = 5 leakedObjectSummary = ', '.join(leakedObjectNames[:maxSummaryObjects]) if len(leakedObjectNames) > maxSummaryObjects: leakedObjectSummary += ', ...' log.info("%s | leakcheck |%s %d bytes leaked (%s)" % (prefix, processString, totalBytesLeaked, leakedObjectSummary)) def processLeakLog(leakLogFile, leakThreshold = 0): """Process the leak log, including separate leak logs created by child processes. Use this function if you want an additional PASS/FAIL summary. It must be used with the |XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG| environment variable. """ if not os.path.exists(leakLogFile): log.info("WARNING | leakcheck | refcount logging is off, so leaks can't be detected!") return if leakThreshold != 0: log.info("TEST-INFO | leakcheck | threshold set at %d bytes" % leakThreshold) (leakLogFileDir, leakFileBase) = os.path.split(leakLogFile) fileNameRegExp = re.compile(r".*?_([a-z]*)_pid\d*$") if leakFileBase[-4:] == ".log": leakFileBase = leakFileBase[:-4] fileNameRegExp = re.compile(r".*?_([a-z]*)_pid\d*.log$") for fileName in os.listdir(leakLogFileDir): if fileName.find(leakFileBase) != -1: thisFile = os.path.join(leakLogFileDir, fileName) processType = None m = fileNameRegExp.search(fileName) if m: processType = m.group(1) processSingleLeakFile(thisFile, processType, leakThreshold) def replaceBackSlashes(input): return input.replace('\\', '/') def wrapCommand(cmd): """ If running on OS X 10.5 or older, wrap |cmd| so that it will be executed as an i386 binary, in case it's a 32-bit/64-bit universal binary. """ if platform.system() == "Darwin" and \ hasattr(platform, 'mac_ver') and \ platform.mac_ver()[0][:4] < '10.6': return ["arch", "-arch", "i386"] + cmd # otherwise just execute the command normally return cmd class KeyValueParseError(Exception): """error when parsing strings of serialized key-values""" def __init__(self, msg, errors=()): self.errors = errors Exception.__init__(self, msg) def parseKeyValue(strings, separator='=', context='key, value: '): """ parse string-serialized key-value pairs in the form of `key = value`. Returns a list of 2-tuples. Note that whitespace is not stripped. """ # syntax check missing = [string for string in strings if separator not in string] if missing: raise KeyValueParseError("Error: syntax error in %s" % (context, ','.join(missing)), errors=missing) return [string.split(separator, 1) for string in strings] def systemMemory(): """ Returns total system memory in kilobytes. Works only on unix-like platforms where `free` is in the path. """ return int(os.popen("free").readlines()[1].split()[1]) def environment(xrePath, env=None, crashreporter=True): """populate OS environment variables for mochitest""" env = os.environ.copy() if env is None else env assert os.path.isabs(xrePath) ldLibraryPath = xrePath envVar = None if mozinfo.isUnix: envVar = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" env['MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME'] = xrePath elif mozinfo.isMac: envVar = "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" elif mozinfo.isWin: envVar = "PATH" if envVar: envValue = ((env.get(envVar), str(ldLibraryPath)) if mozinfo.isWin else (ldLibraryPath, env.get(envVar))) env[envVar] = os.path.pathsep.join([path for path in envValue if path]) # crashreporter env['GNOME_DISABLE_CRASH_DIALOG'] = '1' env['XRE_NO_WINDOWS_CRASH_DIALOG'] = '1' env['NS_TRACE_MALLOC_DISABLE_STACKS'] = '1' if crashreporter: env['MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT'] = '1' env['MOZ_CRASHREPORTER'] = '1' else: env['MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_DISABLE'] = '1' # Additional temporary logging while we try to debug some intermittent # WebRTC conditions. This is necessary to troubleshoot bugs 841496, # 841150, and 839677 (at least) # Also (temporary) bug 870002 (mediastreamgraph) env.setdefault('NSPR_LOG_MODULES', 'signaling:5,mtransport:3') env['R_LOG_LEVEL'] = '5' env['R_LOG_DESTINATION'] = 'stderr' env['R_LOG_VERBOSE'] = '1' # ASan specific environment stuff asan = bool(mozinfo.info.get("asan")) if asan and (mozinfo.isLinux or mozinfo.isMac): try: totalMemory = systemMemory() # Only 2 GB RAM or less available? Use custom ASan options to reduce # the amount of resources required to do the tests. Standard options # will otherwise lead to OOM conditions on the current test slaves. # # If we have more than 2 GB or RAM but still less than 4 GB, we need # another set of options to prevent OOM in some memory-intensive # tests. message = "INFO | runtests.py | ASan running in %s configuration" if totalMemory <= 1024 * 1024 * 2: message = message % 'low-memory' env["ASAN_OPTIONS"] = "quarantine_size=50331648:redzone=64" elif totalMemory <= 1024 * 1024 * 4: message = message % 'mid-memory' env["ASAN_OPTIONS"] = "quarantine_size=100663296:redzone=64" else: message = message % 'default memory' except OSError,err: log.info("Failed determine available memory, disabling ASan low-memory configuration: %s", err.strerror) except: log.info("Failed determine available memory, disabling ASan low-memory configuration") else: log.info(message) return env def dumpScreen(utilityPath): """dumps the screen to the log file as a data URI""" # Need to figure out what tool and whether it write to a file or stdout if mozinfo.isUnix: utility = [os.path.join(utilityPath, "screentopng")] imgoutput = 'stdout' elif mozinfo.isMac: utility = ['/usr/sbin/screencapture', '-C', '-x', '-t', 'png'] imgoutput = 'file' elif mozinfo.isWin: utility = [os.path.join(utilityPath, "screenshot.exe")] imgoutput = 'file' else: log.warn("Unable to dump screen on platform '%s'", sys.platform) # Run the capture correctly for the type of capture kwargs = {'stdout': subprocess.PIPE} if imgoutput == 'file': tmpfd, imgfilename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='mozilla-test-fail_') os.close(tmpfd) utility.append(imgfilename) elif imgoutput == 'stdout': kwargs.update(dict(bufsize=-1, close_fds=True)) try: dumper = subprocess.Popen(utility, **kwargs) except OSError, err: log.info("Failed to start %s for screenshot: %s", utility[0], err.strerror) return # Check whether the capture utility ran successfully stdout, _ = dumper.communicate() returncode = dumper.poll() if returncode: log.info("%s exited with code %d", utility, returncode) return try: if imgoutput == 'stdout': image = stdout elif imgoutput == 'file': with open(imgfilename, 'rb') as imgfile: image = imgfile.read() except IOError, err: log.info("Failed to read image from %s", imgoutput) encoded = base64.b64encode(image) uri = "data:image/png;base64,%s" % encoded log.info("SCREENSHOT: %s", uri) return uri