/* -*- js-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.results; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/debug.js", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this); #ifndef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm", this); #endif Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ThirdPartyCookieProbe.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm", this); // When modifying the payload in incompatible ways, please bump this version number const PAYLOAD_VERSION = 1; // This is the HG changeset of the Histogram.json file, used to associate // submitted ping data with its histogram definition (bug 832007) #expand const HISTOGRAMS_FILE_VERSION = "__HISTOGRAMS_FILE_VERSION__"; const PREF_BRANCH = "toolkit.telemetry."; const PREF_SERVER = PREF_BRANCH + "server"; const PREF_ENABLED = PREF_BRANCH + "enabled"; const PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID = PREF_BRANCH + "previousBuildID"; // Do not gather data more than once a minute const TELEMETRY_INTERVAL = 60000; // Delay before intializing telemetry (ms) const TELEMETRY_DELAY = 60000; // Delay before initializing telemetry if we're testing (ms) const TELEMETRY_TEST_DELAY = 100; // Seconds of idle time before pinging. // On idle-daily a gather-telemetry notification is fired, during it probes can // start asynchronous tasks to gather data. On the next idle the data is sent. const IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 5 * 60; var gLastMemoryPoll = null; let gWasDebuggerAttached = false; function getLocale() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIXULChromeRegistry). getSelectedLocale('global'); } XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "Telemetry", "@mozilla.org/base/telemetry;1", "nsITelemetry"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "idleService", "@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1", "nsIIdleService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UpdateChannel", "resource://gre/modules/UpdateChannel.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AddonManagerPrivate", "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryFile", "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryFile.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UITelemetry", "resource://gre/modules/UITelemetry.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryLog", "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryLog.jsm"); function generateUUID() { let str = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator).generateUUID().toString(); // strip {} return str.substring(1, str.length - 1); } /** * Read current process I/O counters. */ let processInfo = { _initialized: false, _IO_COUNTERS: null, _kernel32: null, _GetProcessIoCounters: null, _GetCurrentProcess: null, getCounters: function() { let isWindows = ("@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1" in Components.classes); if (isWindows) return this.getCounters_Windows(); return null; }, getCounters_Windows: function() { if (!this._initialized){ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); this._IO_COUNTERS = new ctypes.StructType("IO_COUNTERS", [ {'readOps': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'writeOps': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'otherOps': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'readBytes': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'writeBytes': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'otherBytes': ctypes.unsigned_long_long} ]); try { this._kernel32 = ctypes.open("Kernel32.dll"); this._GetProcessIoCounters = this._kernel32.declare("GetProcessIoCounters", ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.bool, // return ctypes.voidptr_t, // hProcess this._IO_COUNTERS.ptr); // lpIoCounters this._GetCurrentProcess = this._kernel32.declare("GetCurrentProcess", ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.voidptr_t); // return this._initialized = true; } catch (err) { return null; } } let io = new this._IO_COUNTERS(); if(!this._GetProcessIoCounters(this._GetCurrentProcess(), io.address())) return null; return [parseInt(io.readBytes), parseInt(io.writeBytes)]; } }; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TelemetryPing"]; this.TelemetryPing = Object.freeze({ /** * Returns the current telemetry payload. * @returns Object */ getPayload: function() { return Impl.getPayload(); }, /** * Save histograms to a file. * Used only for testing purposes. * * @param {nsIFile} aFile The file to load from. */ testSaveHistograms: function(aFile) { return Impl.testSaveHistograms(aFile); }, /** * Collect and store information about startup. */ gatherStartup: function() { return Impl.gatherStartup(); }, /** * Inform the ping which AddOns are installed. * * @param aAddOns - The AddOns. */ setAddOns: function(aAddOns) { return Impl.setAddOns(aAddOns); }, /** * Send a ping to a test server. Used only for testing. * * @param aServer - The server. */ testPing: function(aServer) { return Impl.testPing(aServer); }, /** * Load histograms from a file. * Used only for testing purposes. * * @param aFile - File to load from. */ testLoadHistograms: function(aFile) { return Impl.testLoadHistograms(aFile); }, /** * Returns the path component of the current submission URL. * @returns String */ submissionPath: function() { return Impl.submissionPath(); }, Constants: Object.freeze({ PREF_ENABLED: PREF_ENABLED, PREF_SERVER: PREF_SERVER, PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID: PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID, }), /** * Used only for testing purposes. */ reset: function() { this.uninstall(); return this.setup(); }, /** * Used only for testing purposes. */ setup: function() { return Impl.setup(true); }, /** * Used only for testing purposes. */ uninstall: function() { try { Impl.uninstall(); } catch (ex) { // Ignore errors } }, /** * Descriptive metadata * * @param reason * The reason for the telemetry ping, this will be included in the * returned metadata, * @return The metadata as a JS object */ getMetadata: function(reason) { return Impl.getMetadata(reason); }, /** * Send a notification. */ observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) { return Impl.observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData); } }); let Impl = { _histograms: {}, _initialized: false, _prevValues: {}, // Generate a unique id once per session so the server can cope with // duplicate submissions. _uuid: generateUUID(), // Regex that matches histograms we care about during startup. // Keep this in sync with gen-histogram-bucket-ranges.py. _startupHistogramRegex: /SQLITE|HTTP|SPDY|CACHE|DNS/, _slowSQLStartup: {}, _prevSession: null, _hasWindowRestoredObserver: false, _hasXulWindowVisibleObserver: false, _startupIO : {}, // The previous build ID, if this is the first run with a new build. // Undefined if this is not the first run, or the previous build ID is unknown. _previousBuildID: undefined, /** * Gets a series of simple measurements (counters). At the moment, this * only returns startup data from nsIAppStartup.getStartupInfo(). * * @return simple measurements as a dictionary. */ getSimpleMeasurements: function getSimpleMeasurements(forSavedSession) { let si = Services.startup.getStartupInfo(); var ret = { // uptime in minutes uptime: Math.round((new Date() - si.process) / 60000) } // Look for app-specific timestamps var appTimestamps = {}; try { let o = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryTimestamps.jsm", o); appTimestamps = o.TelemetryTimestamps.get(); } catch (ex) {} try { ret.addonManager = AddonManagerPrivate.getSimpleMeasures(); } catch (ex) {} try { ret.UITelemetry = UITelemetry.getSimpleMeasures(); } catch (ex) {} if (si.process) { for each (let field in Object.keys(si)) { if (field == "process") continue; ret[field] = si[field] - si.process } for (let p in appTimestamps) { if (!(p in ret) && appTimestamps[p]) ret[p] = appTimestamps[p] - si.process; } } ret.startupInterrupted = Number(Services.startup.interrupted); // Update debuggerAttached flag let debugService = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/debug;1"].getService(Ci.nsIDebug2); let isDebuggerAttached = debugService.isDebuggerAttached; gWasDebuggerAttached = gWasDebuggerAttached || isDebuggerAttached; ret.debuggerAttached = Number(gWasDebuggerAttached); ret.js = Cu.getJSEngineTelemetryValue(); let shutdownDuration = Telemetry.lastShutdownDuration; if (shutdownDuration) ret.shutdownDuration = shutdownDuration; let failedProfileLockCount = Telemetry.failedProfileLockCount; if (failedProfileLockCount) ret.failedProfileLockCount = failedProfileLockCount; let maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads = Telemetry.maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads; if (maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads) ret.maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads = maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads; for (let ioCounter in this._startupIO) ret[ioCounter] = this._startupIO[ioCounter]; let hasPingBeenSent = false; try { hasPingBeenSent = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SUCCESS").snapshot().sum > 0; } catch(e) { } if (!forSavedSession || hasPingBeenSent) { ret.savedPings = TelemetryFile.pingsLoaded; } ret.pingsOverdue = TelemetryFile.pingsOverdue; ret.pingsDiscarded = TelemetryFile.pingsDiscarded; return ret; }, /** * When reflecting a histogram into JS, Telemetry hands us an object * with the following properties: * * - min, max, histogram_type, sum, sum_squares_{lo,hi}: simple integers; * - log_sum, log_sum_squares: doubles; * - counts: array of counts for histogram buckets; * - ranges: array of calculated bucket sizes. * * This format is not straightforward to read and potentially bulky * with lots of zeros in the counts array. Packing histograms makes * raw histograms easier to read and compresses the data a little bit. * * Returns an object: * { range: [min, max], bucket_count: , * histogram_type: , sum: , * sum_squares_lo: , * sum_squares_hi: , * log_sum: , log_sum_squares: , * values: { bucket1: count1, bucket2: count2, ... } } */ packHistogram: function packHistogram(hgram) { let r = hgram.ranges;; let c = hgram.counts; let retgram = { range: [r[1], r[r.length - 1]], bucket_count: r.length, histogram_type: hgram.histogram_type, values: {}, sum: hgram.sum }; if (hgram.histogram_type == Telemetry.HISTOGRAM_EXPONENTIAL) { retgram.log_sum = hgram.log_sum; retgram.log_sum_squares = hgram.log_sum_squares; } else { retgram.sum_squares_lo = hgram.sum_squares_lo; retgram.sum_squares_hi = hgram.sum_squares_hi; } let first = true; let last = 0; for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { let value = c[i]; if (!value) continue; // add a lower bound if (i && first) { retgram.values[r[i - 1]] = 0; } first = false; last = i + 1; retgram.values[r[i]] = value; } // add an upper bound if (last && last < c.length) retgram.values[r[last]] = 0; return retgram; }, getHistograms: function getHistograms(hls) { let registered = Telemetry.registeredHistograms([]); let ret = {}; for (let name of registered) { for (let n of [name, "STARTUP_" + name]) { if (n in hls) { ret[n] = this.packHistogram(hls[n]); } } } return ret; }, getAddonHistograms: function getAddonHistograms() { let ahs = Telemetry.addonHistogramSnapshots; let ret = {}; for (let addonName in ahs) { let addonHistograms = ahs[addonName]; let packedHistograms = {}; for (let name in addonHistograms) { packedHistograms[name] = this.packHistogram(addonHistograms[name]); } if (Object.keys(packedHistograms).length != 0) ret[addonName] = packedHistograms; } return ret; }, getThreadHangStats: function getThreadHangStats(stats) { stats.forEach((thread) => { thread.activity = this.packHistogram(thread.activity); thread.hangs.forEach((hang) => { hang.histogram = this.packHistogram(hang.histogram); }); }); return stats; }, /** * Descriptive metadata * * @param reason * The reason for the telemetry ping, this will be included in the * returned metadata, * @return The metadata as a JS object */ getMetadata: function getMetadata(reason) { let ai = Services.appinfo; let ret = { reason: reason, OS: ai.OS, appID: ai.ID, appVersion: ai.version, appName: ai.name, appBuildID: ai.appBuildID, appUpdateChannel: UpdateChannel.get(), platformBuildID: ai.platformBuildID, revision: HISTOGRAMS_FILE_VERSION, locale: getLocale() }; // In order to share profile data, the appName used for Metro Firefox is "Firefox", // (the same as desktop Firefox). We set it to "MetroFirefox" here in order to // differentiate telemetry pings sent by desktop vs. metro Firefox. if(Services.metro && Services.metro.immersive) { ret.appName = "MetroFirefox"; } if (this._previousBuildID) { ret.previousBuildID = this._previousBuildID; } // sysinfo fields are not always available, get what we can. let sysInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/system-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2); let fields = ["cpucount", "memsize", "arch", "version", "kernel_version", "device", "manufacturer", "hardware", "hasMMX", "hasSSE", "hasSSE2", "hasSSE3", "hasSSSE3", "hasSSE4A", "hasSSE4_1", "hasSSE4_2", "hasEDSP", "hasARMv6", "hasARMv7", "hasNEON", "isWow64", "profileHDDModel", "profileHDDRevision", "binHDDModel", "binHDDRevision", "winHDDModel", "winHDDRevision"]; for each (let field in fields) { let value; try { value = sysInfo.getProperty(field); } catch (e) { continue; } if (field == "memsize") { // Send RAM size in megabytes. Rounding because sysinfo doesn't // always provide RAM in multiples of 1024. value = Math.round(value / 1024 / 1024); } ret[field] = value; } // gfxInfo fields are not always available, get what we can. let gfxInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo); let gfxfields = ["adapterDescription", "adapterVendorID", "adapterDeviceID", "adapterRAM", "adapterDriver", "adapterDriverVersion", "adapterDriverDate", "adapterDescription2", "adapterVendorID2", "adapterDeviceID2", "adapterRAM2", "adapterDriver2", "adapterDriverVersion2", "adapterDriverDate2", "isGPU2Active", "D2DEnabled", "DWriteEnabled", "DWriteVersion" ]; if (gfxInfo) { for each (let field in gfxfields) { try { let value = gfxInfo[field]; // bug 940806: We need to do a strict equality comparison here, // otherwise a type conversion will occur and boolean false values // will get filtered out if (value !== "") { ret[field] = value; } } catch (e) { continue } } } #ifndef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK let theme = LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme; if (theme) ret.persona = theme.id; #endif if (this._addons) ret.addons = this._addons; let flashVersion = this.getFlashVersion(); if (flashVersion) ret.flashVersion = flashVersion; return ret; }, /** * Pull values from about:memory into corresponding histograms */ gatherMemory: function gatherMemory() { let mgr; try { mgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIMemoryReporterManager); } catch (e) { // OK to skip memory reporters in xpcshell return; } let histogram = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_MEMORY_REPORTER_MS"); let startTime = new Date(); // Get memory measurements from distinguished amount attributes. We used // to measure "explicit" too, but it could cause hangs, and the data was // always really noisy anyway. See bug 859657. // // test_TelemetryPing.js relies on some of these histograms being // here. If you remove any of the following histograms from here, you'll // have to modify test_TelemetryPing.js: // // * MEMORY_JS_GC_HEAP, and // * MEMORY_JS_COMPARTMENTS_SYSTEM. // // The distinguished amount attribute names don't match the telemetry id // names in some cases due to a combination of (a) historical reasons, and // (b) the fact that we can't change telemetry id names without breaking // data continuity. // let boundHandleMemoryReport = this.handleMemoryReport.bind(this); function h(id, units, amountName) { try { // If mgr[amountName] throws an exception, just move on -- some amounts // aren't available on all platforms. But if the attribute simply // isn't present, that indicates the distinguished amounts have changed // and this file hasn't been updated appropriately. let amount = mgr[amountName]; NS_ASSERT(amount !== undefined, "telemetry accessed an unknown distinguished amount"); boundHandleMemoryReport(id, units, amount); } catch (e) { }; } let b = (id, n) => h(id, Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_BYTES, n); let c = (id, n) => h(id, Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT, n); let cc= (id, n) => h(id, Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT_CUMULATIVE, n); let p = (id, n) => h(id, Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_PERCENTAGE, n); b("MEMORY_VSIZE", "vsize"); b("MEMORY_VSIZE_MAX_CONTIGUOUS", "vsizeMaxContiguous"); b("MEMORY_RESIDENT", "residentFast"); b("MEMORY_HEAP_ALLOCATED", "heapAllocated"); p("MEMORY_HEAP_COMMITTED_UNUSED_RATIO", "heapOverheadRatio"); b("MEMORY_JS_GC_HEAP", "JSMainRuntimeGCHeap"); b("MEMORY_JS_MAIN_RUNTIME_TEMPORARY_PEAK", "JSMainRuntimeTemporaryPeak"); c("MEMORY_JS_COMPARTMENTS_SYSTEM", "JSMainRuntimeCompartmentsSystem"); c("MEMORY_JS_COMPARTMENTS_USER", "JSMainRuntimeCompartmentsUser"); b("MEMORY_IMAGES_CONTENT_USED_UNCOMPRESSED", "imagesContentUsedUncompressed"); b("MEMORY_STORAGE_SQLITE", "storageSQLite"); cc("MEMORY_EVENTS_VIRTUAL", "lowMemoryEventsVirtual"); cc("MEMORY_EVENTS_PHYSICAL", "lowMemoryEventsPhysical"); c("GHOST_WINDOWS", "ghostWindows"); cc("PAGE_FAULTS_HARD", "pageFaultsHard"); histogram.add(new Date() - startTime); }, handleMemoryReport: function(id, units, amount) { let val; if (units == Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_BYTES) { val = Math.floor(amount / 1024); } else if (units == Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_PERCENTAGE) { // UNITS_PERCENTAGE amounts are 100x greater than their raw value. val = Math.floor(amount / 100); } else if (units == Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT) { val = amount; } else if (units == Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT_CUMULATIVE) { // If the reporter gives us a cumulative count, we'll report the // difference in its value between now and our previous ping. if (!(id in this._prevValues)) { // If this is the first time we're reading this reporter, store its // current value but don't report it in the telemetry ping, so we // ignore the effect startup had on the reporter. this._prevValues[id] = amount; return; } val = amount - this._prevValues[id]; this._prevValues[id] = amount; } else { NS_ASSERT(false, "Can't handle memory reporter with units " + units); return; } let h = this._histograms[id]; if (!h) { h = Telemetry.getHistogramById(id); this._histograms[id] = h; } h.add(val); }, /** * Return true if we're interested in having a STARTUP_* histogram for * the given histogram name. */ isInterestingStartupHistogram: function isInterestingStartupHistogram(name) { return this._startupHistogramRegex.test(name); }, /** * Make a copy of interesting histograms at startup. */ gatherStartupHistograms: function gatherStartupHistograms() { let info = Telemetry.registeredHistograms([]); let snapshots = Telemetry.histogramSnapshots; for (let name of info) { // Only duplicate histograms with actual data. if (this.isInterestingStartupHistogram(name) && name in snapshots) { Telemetry.histogramFrom("STARTUP_" + name, name); } } }, /** * Get the current session's payload using the provided * simpleMeasurements and info, which are typically obtained by a call * to |this.getSimpleMeasurements| and |this.getMetadata|, * respectively. */ assemblePayloadWithMeasurements: function assemblePayloadWithMeasurements(simpleMeasurements, info) { let payloadObj = { ver: PAYLOAD_VERSION, simpleMeasurements: simpleMeasurements, histograms: this.getHistograms(Telemetry.histogramSnapshots), slowSQL: Telemetry.slowSQL, fileIOReports: Telemetry.fileIOReports, chromeHangs: Telemetry.chromeHangs, threadHangStats: this.getThreadHangStats(Telemetry.threadHangStats), lateWrites: Telemetry.lateWrites, addonHistograms: this.getAddonHistograms(), addonDetails: AddonManagerPrivate.getTelemetryDetails(), UIMeasurements: UITelemetry.getUIMeasurements(), log: TelemetryLog.entries(), info: info }; if (Object.keys(this._slowSQLStartup).length != 0 && (Object.keys(this._slowSQLStartup.mainThread).length || Object.keys(this._slowSQLStartup.otherThreads).length)) { payloadObj.slowSQLStartup = this._slowSQLStartup; } return payloadObj; }, getSessionPayload: function getSessionPayload(reason) { let measurements = this.getSimpleMeasurements(reason == "saved-session"); let info = this.getMetadata(reason); return this.assemblePayloadWithMeasurements(measurements, info); }, assemblePing: function assemblePing(payloadObj, reason) { let slug = this._uuid; return { slug: slug, reason: reason, payload: payloadObj }; }, getSessionPayloadAndSlug: function getSessionPayloadAndSlug(reason) { return this.assemblePing(this.getSessionPayload(reason), reason); }, popPayloads: function popPayloads(reason) { function payloadIter() { if (reason != "overdue-flush") { yield this.getSessionPayloadAndSlug(reason); } let iterator = TelemetryFile.popPendingPings(reason); for (let data of iterator) { yield data; } } let payloadIterWithThis = payloadIter.bind(this); return { __iterator__: payloadIterWithThis }; }, /** * Send data to the server. Record success/send-time in histograms */ send: function send(reason, server) { // populate histograms one last time this.gatherMemory(); return this.sendPingsFromIterator(server, reason, Iterator(this.popPayloads(reason))); }, sendPingsFromIterator: function sendPingsFromIterator(server, reason, i) { let p = [data for (data in i)].map((data) => this.doPing(server, data).then(null, () => TelemetryFile.savePing(data, true))); return Promise.all(p); }, finishPingRequest: function finishPingRequest(success, startTime, ping) { let hping = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PING"); let hsuccess = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SUCCESS"); hsuccess.add(success); hping.add(new Date() - startTime); if (success) { return TelemetryFile.cleanupPingFile(ping); } else { return Promise.resolve(); } }, submissionPath: function submissionPath(ping) { let slug; if (!ping) { slug = this._uuid; } else { let info = ping.payload.info; let pathComponents = [ping.slug, info.reason, info.appName, info.appVersion, info.appUpdateChannel, info.appBuildID]; slug = pathComponents.join("/"); } return "/submit/telemetry/" + slug; }, doPing: function doPing(server, ping) { let deferred = Promise.defer(); let url = server + this.submissionPath(ping); let request = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest); request.mozBackgroundRequest = true; request.open("POST", url, true); request.overrideMimeType("text/plain"); request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"); let startTime = new Date(); function handler(success) { return function(event) { this.finishPingRequest(success, startTime, ping).then(() => { if (success) { deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.reject(event); } }); }; } request.addEventListener("error", handler(false).bind(this), false); request.addEventListener("load", handler(true).bind(this), false); request.setRequestHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter); converter.charset = "UTF-8"; let utf8Payload = converter.ConvertFromUnicode(JSON.stringify(ping.payload)); utf8Payload += converter.Finish(); let payloadStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream); payloadStream.data = this.gzipCompressString(utf8Payload); request.send(payloadStream); return deferred.promise; }, gzipCompressString: function gzipCompressString(string) { let observer = { buffer: "", onStreamComplete: function(loader, context, status, length, result) { this.buffer = String.fromCharCode.apply(this, result); } }; let scs = Cc["@mozilla.org/streamConverters;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIStreamConverterService); let listener = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/stream-loader;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIStreamLoader); listener.init(observer); let converter = scs.asyncConvertData("uncompressed", "gzip", listener, null); let stringStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream); stringStream.data = string; converter.onStartRequest(null, null); converter.onDataAvailable(null, null, stringStream, 0, string.length); converter.onStopRequest(null, null, null); return observer.buffer; }, attachObservers: function attachObservers() { if (!this._initialized) return; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "cycle-collector-begin", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "idle-daily", false); }, detachObservers: function detachObservers() { if (!this._initialized) return; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "idle-daily"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "cycle-collector-begin"); if (this._isIdleObserver) { idleService.removeIdleObserver(this, IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); this._isIdleObserver = false; } }, /** * Initializes telemetry within a timer. If there is no PREF_SERVER set, don't turn on telemetry. */ setup: function setup(aTesting) { // Initialize some probes that are kept in their own modules this._thirdPartyCookies = new ThirdPartyCookieProbe(); this._thirdPartyCookies.init(); // Record old value and update build ID preference if this is the first // run with a new build ID. let previousBuildID = undefined; try { previousBuildID = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID); } catch (e) { // Preference was not set. } let thisBuildID = Services.appinfo.appBuildID; // If there is no previousBuildID preference, this._previousBuildID remains // undefined so no value is sent in the telemetry metadata. if (previousBuildID != thisBuildID) { this._previousBuildID = previousBuildID; Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID, thisBuildID); } #ifdef MOZILLA_OFFICIAL if (!Telemetry.canSend) { // We can't send data; no point in initializing observers etc. // Only do this for official builds so that e.g. developer builds // still enable Telemetry based on prefs. Telemetry.canRecord = false; return; } #endif let enabled = false; try { enabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_ENABLED); this._server = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SERVER); } catch (e) { // Prerequesite prefs aren't set } if (!enabled) { // Turn off local telemetry if telemetry is disabled. // This may change once about:telemetry is added. Telemetry.canRecord = false; return; } AsyncShutdown.sendTelemetry.addBlocker( "Telemetry: shutting down", function condition(){ this.uninstall(); if (Telemetry.canSend) { return this.savePendingPings(); } }.bind(this)); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application-granted", false); #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID Services.obs.addObserver(this, "application-background", false); #endif Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xul-window-visible", false); this._hasWindowRestoredObserver = true; this._hasXulWindowVisibleObserver = true; // Delay full telemetry initialization to give the browser time to // run various late initializers. Otherwise our gathered memory // footprint and other numbers would be too optimistic. this._timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); let deferred = Promise.defer(); function timerCallback() { Task.spawn(function*(){ this._initialized = true; yield TelemetryFile.loadSavedPings(); // If we have any TelemetryPings lying around, we'll be aggressive // and try to send them all off ASAP. if (TelemetryFile.pingsOverdue > 0) { // It doesn't really matter what we pass to this.send as a reason, // since it's never sent to the server. All that this.send does with // the reason is check to make sure it's not a test-ping. yield this.send("overdue-flush", this._server); } this.attachObservers(); this.gatherMemory(); Telemetry.asyncFetchTelemetryData(function () {}); delete this._timer; deferred.resolve(); }.bind(this)); } this._timer.initWithCallback(timerCallback.bind(this), aTesting ? TELEMETRY_TEST_DELAY : TELEMETRY_DELAY, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return deferred.promise; }, testLoadHistograms: function testLoadHistograms(file) { return TelemetryFile.testLoadHistograms(file); }, getFlashVersion: function getFlashVersion() { let host = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost); let tags = host.getPluginTags(); for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { if (tags[i].name == "Shockwave Flash") return tags[i].version; } return null; }, savePendingPings: function savePendingPings() { let sessionPing = this.getSessionPayloadAndSlug("saved-session"); return TelemetryFile.savePendingPings(sessionPing); }, testSaveHistograms: function testSaveHistograms(file) { return TelemetryFile.savePingToFile(this.getSessionPayloadAndSlug("saved-session"), file.path, true); }, /** * Remove observers to avoid leaks */ uninstall: function uninstall() { this.detachObservers(); if (this._hasWindowRestoredObserver) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored"); this._hasWindowRestoredObserver = false; } if (this._hasXulWindowVisibleObserver) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xul-window-visible"); this._hasXulWindowVisibleObserver = false; } Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application-granted"); #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "application-background", false); #endif }, getPayload: function getPayload() { // This function returns the current Telemetry payload to the caller. // We only gather startup info once. if (Object.keys(this._slowSQLStartup).length == 0) { this.gatherStartupHistograms(); this._slowSQLStartup = Telemetry.slowSQL; } this.gatherMemory(); return this.getSessionPayload("gather-payload"); }, gatherStartup: function gatherStartup() { let counters = processInfo.getCounters(); if (counters) { [this._startupIO.startupSessionRestoreReadBytes, this._startupIO.startupSessionRestoreWriteBytes] = counters; } this.gatherStartupHistograms(); this._slowSQLStartup = Telemetry.slowSQL; }, setAddOns: function setAddOns(aAddOns) { this._addons = aAddOns; }, sendIdlePing: function sendIdlePing(aTest, aServer) { if (this._isIdleObserver) { idleService.removeIdleObserver(this, IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); this._isIdleObserver = false; } if (aTest) { return this.send("test-ping", aServer); } else if (Telemetry.canSend) { return this.send("idle-daily", aServer); } }, testPing: function testPing(server) { return this.sendIdlePing(true, server); }, /** * This observer drives telemetry. */ observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case "profile-after-change": return this.setup(); case "cycle-collector-begin": let now = new Date(); if (!gLastMemoryPoll || (TELEMETRY_INTERVAL <= now - gLastMemoryPoll)) { gLastMemoryPoll = now; this.gatherMemory(); } break; case "xul-window-visible": Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xul-window-visible"); this._hasXulWindowVisibleObserver = false; var counters = processInfo.getCounters(); if (counters) { [this._startupIO.startupWindowVisibleReadBytes, this._startupIO.startupWindowVisibleWriteBytes] = counters; } break; case "sessionstore-windows-restored": Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored"); this._hasWindowRestoredObserver = false; // Check whether debugger was attached during startup let debugService = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/debug;1"].getService(Ci.nsIDebug2); gWasDebuggerAttached = debugService.isDebuggerAttached; this.gatherStartup(); break; case "idle-daily": // Enqueue to main-thread, otherwise components may be inited by the // idle-daily category and miss the gather-telemetry notification. Services.tm.mainThread.dispatch((function() { // Notify that data should be gathered now, since ping will happen soon. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "gather-telemetry", null); // The ping happens at the first idle of length IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS. idleService.addIdleObserver(this, IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); this._isIdleObserver = true; }).bind(this), Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); break; case "idle": this.sendIdlePing(false, this._server); break; #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID // On Android, we can get killed without warning once we are in the background, // but we may also submit data and/or come back into the foreground without getting // killed. To deal with this, we save the current session data to file when we are // put into the background. This handles the following post-backgrounding scenarios: // 1) We are killed immediately. In this case the current session data (which we // save to a file) will be loaded and submitted on a future run. // 2) We submit the data while in the background, and then are killed. In this case // the file that we saved will be deleted by the usual process in // finishPingRequest after it is submitted. // 3) We submit the data, and then come back into the foreground. Same as case (2). // 4) We do not submit the data, but come back into the foreground. In this case // we have the option of either deleting the file that we saved (since we will either // send the live data while in the foreground, or create the file again on the next // backgrounding), or not (in which case we will delete it on submit, or overwrite // it on the next backgrounding). Not deleting it is faster, so that's what we do. case "application-background": if (Telemetry.canSend) { let ping = this.getSessionPayloadAndSlug("saved-session"); TelemetryFile.savePing(ping, true); } break; #endif } }, };