/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40; -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "SharedSurfaceEGL.h" #include "GLBlitHelper.h" #include "GLContextEGL.h" #include "GLLibraryEGL.h" #include "GLReadTexImageHelper.h" #include "ScopedGLHelpers.h" #include "SharedSurface.h" #include "TextureGarbageBin.h" namespace mozilla { namespace gl { /*static*/ UniquePtr SharedSurface_EGLImage::Create(GLContext* prodGL, const GLFormats& formats, const gfx::IntSize& size, bool hasAlpha, EGLContext context) { GLLibraryEGL* egl = &sEGLLibrary; MOZ_ASSERT(egl); MOZ_ASSERT(context); UniquePtr ret; if (!HasExtensions(egl, prodGL)) { return Move(ret); } MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(prodGL->MakeCurrent()); GLuint prodTex = CreateTextureForOffscreen(prodGL, formats, size); if (!prodTex) { return Move(ret); } EGLClientBuffer buffer = reinterpret_cast(prodTex); EGLImage image = egl->fCreateImage(egl->Display(), context, LOCAL_EGL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, buffer, nullptr); if (!image) { prodGL->fDeleteTextures(1, &prodTex); return Move(ret); } ret.reset( new SharedSurface_EGLImage(prodGL, egl, size, hasAlpha, formats, prodTex, image) ); return Move(ret); } bool SharedSurface_EGLImage::HasExtensions(GLLibraryEGL* egl, GLContext* gl) { return egl->HasKHRImageBase() && egl->IsExtensionSupported(GLLibraryEGL::KHR_gl_texture_2D_image) && gl->IsExtensionSupported(GLContext::OES_EGL_image_external); } SharedSurface_EGLImage::SharedSurface_EGLImage(GLContext* gl, GLLibraryEGL* egl, const gfx::IntSize& size, bool hasAlpha, const GLFormats& formats, GLuint prodTex, EGLImage image) : SharedSurface(SharedSurfaceType::EGLImageShare, AttachmentType::GLTexture, gl, size, hasAlpha) , mMutex("SharedSurface_EGLImage mutex") , mEGL(egl) , mFormats(formats) , mProdTex(prodTex) , mImage(image) , mCurConsGL(nullptr) , mConsTex(0) , mSync(0) {} SharedSurface_EGLImage::~SharedSurface_EGLImage() { mEGL->fDestroyImage(Display(), mImage); mGL->MakeCurrent(); mGL->fDeleteTextures(1, &mProdTex); mProdTex = 0; if (mConsTex) { MOZ_ASSERT(mGarbageBin); mGarbageBin->Trash(mConsTex); mConsTex = 0; } if (mSync) { // We can't call this unless we have the ext, but we will always have // the ext if we have something to destroy. mEGL->fDestroySync(Display(), mSync); mSync = 0; } } void SharedSurface_EGLImage::Fence() { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mGL->MakeCurrent(); if (mEGL->IsExtensionSupported(GLLibraryEGL::KHR_fence_sync) && mGL->IsExtensionSupported(GLContext::OES_EGL_sync)) { if (mSync) { MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE( mEGL->fDestroySync(Display(), mSync) ); mSync = 0; } mSync = mEGL->fCreateSync(Display(), LOCAL_EGL_SYNC_FENCE, nullptr); if (mSync) { mGL->fFlush(); return; } } MOZ_ASSERT(!mSync); mGL->fFinish(); } bool SharedSurface_EGLImage::WaitSync() { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); if (!mSync) { // We must not be needed. return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(mEGL->IsExtensionSupported(GLLibraryEGL::KHR_fence_sync)); // Wait FOREVER, primarily because some NVIDIA (at least Tegra) drivers // have ClientWaitSync returning immediately if the timeout delay is anything // else than FOREVER. // // FIXME: should we try to use a finite timeout delay where possible? EGLint status = mEGL->fClientWaitSync(Display(), mSync, 0, LOCAL_EGL_FOREVER); if (status != LOCAL_EGL_CONDITION_SATISFIED) { return false; } MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE( mEGL->fDestroySync(Display(), mSync) ); mSync = 0; return true; } bool SharedSurface_EGLImage::PollSync() { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); if (!mSync) { // We must not be needed. return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(mEGL->IsExtensionSupported(GLLibraryEGL::KHR_fence_sync)); EGLint status = 0; MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE( mEGL->fGetSyncAttrib(mEGL->Display(), mSync, LOCAL_EGL_SYNC_STATUS_KHR, &status) ); if (status != LOCAL_EGL_SIGNALED_KHR) { return false; } MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE( mEGL->fDestroySync(mEGL->Display(), mSync) ); mSync = 0; return true; } EGLDisplay SharedSurface_EGLImage::Display() const { return mEGL->Display(); } void SharedSurface_EGLImage::AcquireConsumerTexture(GLContext* consGL, GLuint* out_texture, GLuint* out_target) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); MOZ_ASSERT(!mCurConsGL || consGL == mCurConsGL); if (!mConsTex) { consGL->fGenTextures(1, &mConsTex); MOZ_ASSERT(mConsTex); ScopedBindTexture autoTex(consGL, mConsTex, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL); consGL->fEGLImageTargetTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL, mImage); mCurConsGL = consGL; mGarbageBin = consGL->TexGarbageBin(); } MOZ_ASSERT(consGL == mCurConsGL); *out_texture = mConsTex; *out_target = LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL; } /*static*/ UniquePtr SurfaceFactory_EGLImage::Create(GLContext* prodGL, const SurfaceCaps& caps) { EGLContext context = GLContextEGL::Cast(prodGL)->GetEGLContext(); typedef SurfaceFactory_EGLImage ptrT; UniquePtr ret; GLLibraryEGL* egl = &sEGLLibrary; if (SharedSurface_EGLImage::HasExtensions(egl, prodGL)) { ret.reset( new ptrT(prodGL, context, caps) ); } return Move(ret); } } /* namespace gfx */ } /* namespace mozilla */