/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = []; const PAYMENT_IPC_MSG_NAMES = ["Payment:Pay", "Payment:Success", "Payment:Failed"]; const PREF_PAYMENTPROVIDERS_BRANCH = "dom.payment.provider."; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageListenerManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "prefService", "@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1", "nsIPrefService"); function debug (s) { //dump("-*- PaymentManager: " + s + "\n"); }; let PaymentManager = { init: function init() { this.requestId = null; // Payment providers data are stored as a preference. this.registeredProviders = null; this.messageManagers = {}; for each (let msgname in PAYMENT_IPC_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.addMessageListener(msgname, this); } Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); }, /** * Process a message from the content process. */ receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(aMessage) { let name = aMessage.name; let msg = aMessage.json; debug("Received '" + name + "' message from content process"); if (msg.requestId) { this.requestId = msg.requestId; } switch (name) { case "Payment:Pay": { // First of all, we register the payment providers. if (!this.registeredProviders) { this.registeredProviders = {}; this.registerPaymentProviders(); } // We save the message target message manager so we can later dispatch // back messages without broadcasting to all child processes. this.messageManagers[this.requestId] = aMessage.target; // We check the jwt type and look for a match within the // registered payment providers to get the correct payment request // information. let paymentRequests = []; let jwtTypes = []; for (let i in msg.jwts) { let pr = this.getPaymentRequestInfo(msg.jwts[i]); if (!pr) { continue; } // We consider jwt type repetition an error. if (jwtTypes[pr.type]) { this.paymentFailed("DUPLICATE_JWT_TYPE"); return; } jwtTypes[pr.type] = true; paymentRequests.push(pr); } if (!paymentRequests.length) { this.paymentFailed("NO_VALID_PAYMENT_REQUEST"); return; } // After getting the list of valid payment requests, we ask the user // for confirmation before sending any request to any payment provider. // If there is more than one choice, we also let the user select the one // that he prefers. let glue = Cc["@mozilla.org/payment/ui-glue;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentUIGlue); if (!glue) { debug("Could not create nsIPaymentUIGlue instance"); this.paymentFailed("CREATE_PAYMENT_GLUE_FAILED"); return; } let confirmPaymentSuccessCb = function successCb(aResult) { // Get the appropriate payment provider data based on user's choice. let selectedProvider = this.registeredProviders[aResult]; if (!selectedProvider || !selectedProvider.uri) { debug("Could not retrieve a valid provider based on user's " + "selection"); this.paymentFailed("NO_VALID_SELECTED_PROVIDER"); return; } let jwt; for (let i in paymentRequests) { if (paymentRequests[i].type == aResult) { jwt = paymentRequests[i].jwt; break; } } if (!jwt) { debug("The selected request has no JWT information associated"); this.paymentFailed("NO_JWT_ASSOCIATED_TO_REQUEST"); return; } this.showPaymentFlow(selectedProvider, jwt); }; let confirmPaymentErrorCb = this.paymentFailed; glue.confirmPaymentRequest(paymentRequests, confirmPaymentSuccessCb.bind(this), confirmPaymentErrorCb.bind(this)); break; } case "Payment:Success": case "Payment:Failed": { let mm = this.messageManagers[this.requestId]; mm.sendAsyncMessage(name, { requestId: this.requestId, result: msg.result, errorMsg: msg.errorMsg }); break; } } }, /** * Helper function to register payment providers stored as preferences. */ registerPaymentProviders: function registerPaymentProviders() { let paymentProviders = prefService .getBranch(PREF_PAYMENTPROVIDERS_BRANCH) .getChildList(""); // First get the numbers of the providers by getting all ###.uri prefs. let nums = []; for (let i in paymentProviders) { let match = /^(\d+)\.uri$/.exec(paymentProviders[i]); if (!match) { continue; } else { nums.push(match[1]); } } // Now register the payment providers. for (let i in nums) { let branch = prefService .getBranch(PREF_PAYMENTPROVIDERS_BRANCH + nums[i] + "."); let vals = branch.getChildList(""); if (vals.length == 0) { return; } try { let type = branch.getCharPref("type"); if (type in this.registeredProviders) { continue; } this.registeredProviders[type] = { name: branch.getCharPref("name"), uri: branch.getCharPref("uri"), description: branch.getCharPref("description"), requestMethod: branch.getCharPref("requestMethod") }; debug("Registered Payment Providers: " + JSON.stringify(this.registeredProviders[type])); } catch (ex) { debug("An error ocurred registering a payment provider. " + ex); } } }, /** * Helper for sending a Payment:Failed message to the parent process. */ paymentFailed: function paymentFailed(aErrorMsg) { let mm = this.messageManagers[this.requestId]; mm.sendAsyncMessage("Payment:Failed", { requestId: this.requestId, errorMsg: aErrorMsg }); }, /** * Helper function to get the payment request info according to the jwt * type. Payment provider's data is stored as a preference. */ getPaymentRequestInfo: function getPaymentRequestInfo(aJwt) { if (!aJwt) { return null; } // First thing, we check that the jwt type is an allowed type and has a // payment provider flow information associated. // A jwt string consists in three parts separated by period ('.'): header, // payload and signature. let segments = aJwt.split('.'); if (segments.length !== 3) { debug("Error getting payment provider's uri. " + "Not enough or too many segments"); return null; } let payloadObject; try { // We only care about the payload segment, which contains the jwt type // that should match with any of the stored payment provider's data and // the payment request information to be shown to the user. let payload = atob(segments[1]); debug("Payload " + payload); // We get rid off the quotes and backslashes so we can parse the JSON // object. if (payload.charAt(0) === '"') { payload = payload.substr(1); } if (payload.charAt(payload.length - 1) === '"') { payload = payload.slice(0, -1); } payload = payload.replace(/\\/g, ''); payloadObject = JSON.parse(payload); } catch (e) { debug("Error decoding jwt " + e); return null; } if (!payloadObject || !payloadObject.typ || !payloadObject.request) { debug("Error decoding jwt. Not valid jwt. " + "No payload or jwt type or request found"); return null; } // Once we got the jwt 'typ' value we look for a match within the payment // providers stored preferences. let provider = this.registeredProviders[payloadObject.typ]; if (!provider || !provider.uri || !provider.name) { debug("Not registered payment provider for jwt type: " + payloadObject.typ); return null; } // We only allow https for payment providers uris. if (!/^https/.exec(provider.uri.toLowerCase())) { debug("Payment provider uris must be https: " + provider.uri); return null; } let pldRequest = payloadObject.request; let request; if (pldRequest.refund) { // The request is a refund request. request = Cc["@mozilla.org/payment/request-refund-info;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMPaymentRequestRefundInfo); // Refund request should contain a refund reason. if (!request || !pldRequest.reason) { debug("Not valid refund request"); return null; } request.wrappedJSObject.init(aJwt, payloadObject.typ, provider.name, pldRequest.reason); } else { // The request is a payment request. request = Cc["@mozilla.org/payment/request-payment-info;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMPaymentRequestPaymentInfo); // The payment request should contain at least a 'name', 'description' and // 'price' parameters. if (!request || !pldRequest.name || !pldRequest.description || !pldRequest.price) { debug("Not valid payment request"); return null; } // The payment request 'price' parameter is a collection of objects with // 'country', 'currency' and 'amount' members. let productPrices = []; if (!Array.isArray(pldRequest.price)) { pldRequest.price = [pldRequest.price]; } for (let i in pldRequest.price) { if (!pldRequest.price[i].country || !pldRequest.price[i].currency || !pldRequest.price[i].amount) { debug("Not valid payment request. " + "Price parameter is not well formed"); return null; } let price = Cc["@mozilla.org/payment/product-price;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMPaymentProductPrice); price.wrappedJSObject.init(pldRequest.price[i].country, pldRequest.price[i].currency, pldRequest.price[i].amount); productPrices.push(price); } request.wrappedJSObject.init(aJwt, payloadObject.typ, provider.name, pldRequest.name, pldRequest.description, productPrices); } return request; }, showPaymentFlow: function showPaymentFlow(aPaymentProvider, aJwt) { let paymentFlowInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/payment/flow-info;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentFlowInfo); paymentFlowInfo.uri = aPaymentProvider.uri; paymentFlowInfo.requestMethod = aPaymentProvider.requestMethod; paymentFlowInfo.jwt = aJwt; let glue = Cc["@mozilla.org/payment/ui-glue;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentUIGlue); if (!glue) { debug("Could not create nsIPaymentUIGlue instance"); this.paymentFailed("CREATE_PAYMENT_GLUE_FAILED"); return false; } glue.showPaymentFlow(paymentFlowInfo, this.paymentFailed); }, // nsIObserver observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "xpcom-shutdown") { for each (let msgname in PAYMENT_IPC_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(msgname, this); } this.registeredProviders = null; this.messageManagers = null; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); } }, }; PaymentManager.init();