/* File: MoreFilesX.h Contains: A collection of useful high-level File Manager routines which use the HFS Plus APIs wherever possible. Version: MoreFilesX 1.0.1 Copyright: © 1992-2002 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. File Ownership: DRI: Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support Other Contact: For bug reports, consult the following page on the World Wide Web: http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/ Technology: DTS Sample Code Writers: (JL) Jim Luther Change History (most recent first): <3> 4/19/02 JL [2853905] Fixed #if test around header includes. <2> 4/19/02 JL [2853901] Updated standard disclaimer. <1> 1/25/02 JL MoreFilesX 1.0 Notes: What do those arrows in the documentation for each routine mean? --> The parameter is an input <-- The parameter is an output. The pointer to the variable where the output will be returned (must not be NULL). <** The parameter is an optional output. If it is not a NULL pointer, it points to the variable where the output will be returned. If it is a NULL pointer, the output will not be returned and will possibly let the routine and the File Manager do less work. If you don't need an optional output, don't ask for it. **> The parameter is an optional input. If it is not a NULL pointer, it points to the variable containing the input data. If it is a NULL pointer, the input is not used and will possibly let the routine and the File Manager do less work. */ // Modified 2006-01-23 - added this comment. #ifndef __MOREFILESX__ #define __MOREFILESX__ #ifndef __CARBON__ #if defined(__MACH__) #include #else #include #endif #endif #if PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if PRAGMA_IMPORT #pragma import on #endif #if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=mac68k #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH #pragma pack(push, 2) #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK #pragma pack(2) #endif /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- FinderInfo and ExtendedFinderInfo ----- /* * FSGetFinderInfo and FSSetFinderInfo use these unions for Finder information. */ union FinderInfo { FileInfo file; FolderInfo folder; }; typedef union FinderInfo FinderInfo; union ExtendedFinderInfo { ExtendedFileInfo file; ExtendedFolderInfo folder; }; typedef union ExtendedFinderInfo ExtendedFinderInfo; /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- GetVolParmsInfoBuffer Macros ----- /* * Macros to get information out of GetVolParmsInfoBuffer. */ /* version 1 field getters */ #define GetVolParmsInfoVersion(volParms) \ ((volParms)->vMVersion) #define GetVolParmsInfoAttrib(volParms) \ ((volParms)->vMAttrib) #define GetVolParmsInfoLocalHand(volParms) \ ((volParms)->vMLocalHand) #define GetVolParmsInfoServerAdr(volParms) \ ((volParms)->vMServerAdr) /* version 2 field getters (assume zero result if version < 2) */ #define GetVolParmsInfoVolumeGrade(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMVersion >= 2) ? (volParms)->vMVolumeGrade : 0) #define GetVolParmsInfoForeignPrivID(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMVersion >= 2) ? (volParms)->vMForeignPrivID : 0) /* version 3 field getters (assume zero result if version < 3) */ #define GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMVersion >= 3) ? (volParms)->vMExtendedAttributes : 0) /* attribute bits supported by all versions of GetVolParmsInfoBuffer */ #define VolIsNetworkVolume(volParms) \ ((volParms)->vMServerAdr != 0) #define VolHasLimitFCBs(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bLimitFCBs)) != 0) #define VolHasLocalWList(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bLocalWList)) != 0) #define VolHasNoMiniFndr(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoMiniFndr)) != 0) #define VolHasNoVNEdit(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoVNEdit)) != 0) #define VolHasNoLclSync(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoLclSync)) != 0) #define VolHasTrshOffLine(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bTrshOffLine)) != 0) #define VolHasNoSwitchTo(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoSwitchTo)) != 0) #define VolHasNoDeskItems(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoDeskItems)) != 0) #define VolHasNoBootBlks(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoBootBlks)) != 0) #define VolHasAccessCntl(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bAccessCntl)) != 0) #define VolHasNoSysDir(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoSysDir)) != 0) #define VolHasExtFSVol(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasExtFSVol)) != 0) #define VolHasOpenDeny(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasOpenDeny)) != 0) #define VolHasCopyFile(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasCopyFile)) != 0) #define VolHasMoveRename(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasMoveRename)) != 0) #define VolHasDesktopMgr(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasDesktopMgr)) != 0) #define VolHasShortName(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasShortName)) != 0) #define VolHasFolderLock(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasFolderLock)) != 0) #define VolHasPersonalAccessPrivileges(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges)) != 0) #define VolHasUserGroupList(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasUserGroupList)) != 0) #define VolHasCatSearch(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasCatSearch)) != 0) #define VolHasFileIDs(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasFileIDs)) != 0) #define VolHasBTreeMgr(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasBTreeMgr)) != 0) #define VolHasBlankAccessPrivileges(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasBlankAccessPrivileges)) != 0) #define VolSupportsAsyncRequests(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bSupportsAsyncRequests)) != 0) #define VolSupportsTrashVolumeCache(volParms) \ (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bSupportsTrashVolumeCache)) != 0) /* attribute bits supported by version 3 and greater versions of GetVolParmsInfoBuffer */ #define VolIsEjectable(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bIsEjectable)) != 0) #define VolSupportsHFSPlusAPIs(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsHFSPlusAPIs)) != 0) #define VolSupportsFSCatalogSearch(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsFSCatalogSearch)) != 0) #define VolSupportsFSExchangeObjects(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsFSExchangeObjects)) != 0) #define VolSupports2TBFiles(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupports2TBFiles)) != 0) #define VolSupportsLongNames(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsLongNames)) != 0) #define VolSupportsMultiScriptNames(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsMultiScriptNames)) != 0) #define VolSupportsNamedForks(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsNamedForks)) != 0) #define VolSupportsSubtreeIterators(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsSubtreeIterators)) != 0) #define VolL2PCanMapFileBlocks(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bL2PCanMapFileBlocks)) != 0) #define VolParentModDateChanges(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bParentModDateChanges)) != 0) #define VolAncestorModDateChanges(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bAncestorModDateChanges)) != 0) #define VolSupportsSymbolicLinks(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsSymbolicLinks)) != 0) #define VolIsAutoMounted(volParms) \ ((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bIsAutoMounted)) != 0) /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- userPrivileges Bit Masks and Macros ----- /* * Bit masks and macros to get common information out of userPrivileges byte * returned by FSGetCatalogInfo. * * Note: The userPrivileges byte is the same as the ioACUser byte returned * by PBGetCatInfo, and is the 1's complement of the user's privileges * byte returned in ioACAccess by PBHGetDirAccess. That's where the * ioACUser names came from. * * The userPrivileges are user's effective privileges based on the * user ID and the groups that user belongs to, and the owner, group, * and everyone privileges for the given directory. */ enum { /* mask for just the access restriction bits */ kioACUserAccessMask = (kioACUserNoSeeFolderMask + kioACUserNoSeeFilesMask + kioACUserNoMakeChangesMask), /* common access privilege settings */ kioACUserFull = 0x00, /* no access restiction bits on */ kioACUserNone = kioACUserAccessMask, /* all access restiction bits on */ kioACUserDropBox = (kioACUserNoSeeFolderMask + kioACUserNoSeeFilesMask), /* make changes, but not see files or folders */ kioACUserBulletinBoard = kioACUserNoMakeChangesMask /* see files and folders, but not make changes */ }; /* Macros for testing ioACUser bits. */ #define UserIsOwner(userPrivileges) \ (((userPrivileges) & kioACUserNotOwnerMask) == 0) #define UserHasFullAccess(userPrivileges) \ (((userPrivileges) & (kioACUserAccessMask)) == kioACUserFull) #define UserHasDropBoxAccess(userPrivileges) \ (((userPrivileges) & kioACUserAccessMask) == kioACUserDropBox) #define UserHasBulletinBoard(userPrivileges) \ (((userPrivileges) & kioACUserAccessMask) == kioACUserBulletinBoard) #define UserHasNoAccess(userPrivileges) \ (((userPrivileges) & kioACUserAccessMask) == kioACUserNone) /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- File Access Routines ----- /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSCopyFork OSErr FSCopyFork( SInt16 srcRefNum, SInt16 dstRefNum, void *copyBufferPtr, ByteCount copyBufferSize); /* The FSCopyFork function copies all data from the source fork to the destination fork of open file forks and makes sure the destination EOF is equal to the source EOF. srcRefNum --> The source file reference number. dstRefNum --> The destination file reference number. copyBufferPtr --> Pointer to buffer to use during copy. The buffer should be at least 4K-bytes minimum. The larger the buffer, the faster the copy (up to a point). copyBufferSize --> The size of the copy buffer. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- Volume Access Routines ----- /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetVolParms OSErr FSGetVolParms( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, UInt32 bufferSize, GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParmsInfo, UInt32 *actualInfoSize); /* The FSGetVolParms function returns information about the characteristics of a volume. A result of paramErr usually just means the volume doesn't support GetVolParms and the feature you were going to check for isn't available. volRefNum --> Volume specification. bufferSize --> Size of buffer pointed to by volParmsInfo. volParmsInfo <-- A GetVolParmsInfoBuffer record where the volume attributes information is returned. actualInfoSize <-- The number of bytes actually returned in volParmsInfo. __________ Also see: The GetVolParmsInfoBuffer Macros for checking attribute bits in this file */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetVRefNum OSErr FSGetVRefNum( const FSRef *ref, FSVolumeRefNum *vRefNum); /* The FSGetVRefNum function determines the volume reference number of a volume from a FSRef. ref --> The FSRef. vRefNum <-- The volume reference number. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetVInfo OSErr FSGetVInfo( FSVolumeRefNum volume, HFSUniStr255 *volumeName, /* can be NULL */ UInt64 *freeBytes, /* can be NULL */ UInt64 *totalBytes); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSGetVInfo function returns the name, available space (in bytes), and total space (in bytes) for the specified volume. volume --> The volume reference number. volumeName <** An optional pointer to a HFSUniStr255. If not NULL, the volume name will be returned in the HFSUniStr255. freeBytes <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. If not NULL, the number of free bytes on the volume will be returned in the UInt64. totalBytes <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. If not NULL, the total number of bytes on the volume will be returned in the UInt64. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetVolFileSystemID OSErr FSGetVolFileSystemID( FSVolumeRefNum volume, UInt16 *fileSystemID, /* can be NULL */ UInt16 *signature); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSGetVolFileSystemID function returns the file system ID and signature of a mounted volume. The file system ID identifies the file system that handles requests to a particular volume. The signature identifies the volume type of the volume (for example, FSID 0 is Macintosh HFS Plus, HFS or MFS, where a signature of 0x4244 identifies the volume as HFS). Here's a partial list of file system ID numbers (only Apple's file systems are listed): FSID File System ----- ----------------------------------------------------- $0000 Macintosh HFS Plus, HFS or MFS $0100 ProDOS File System $0101 PowerTalk Mail Enclosures $4147 ISO 9660 File Access (through Foreign File Access) $4242 High Sierra File Access (through Foreign File Access) $464D QuickTake File System (through Foreign File Access) $4953 Macintosh PC Exchange (MS-DOS) $4A48 Audio CD Access (through Foreign File Access) $4D4B Apple Photo Access (through Foreign File Access) $6173 AppleShare (later versions of AppleShare only) See the Technical Note "FL 35 - Determining Which File System Is Active" and the "Guide to the File System Manager" for more information. volume --> The volume reference number. fileSystemID <** An optional pointer to a UInt16. If not NULL, the volume's file system ID will be returned in the UInt16. signature <** An optional pointer to a UInt16. If not NULL, the volume's signature will be returned in the UInt16. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetMountedVolumes OSErr FSGetMountedVolumes( FSRef ***volumeRefsHandle, /* pointer to handle of FSRefs */ ItemCount *numVolumes); /* The FSGetMountedVolumes function returns the list of volumes currently mounted in an array of FSRef records. The array of FSRef records is returned in a Handle, volumeRefsHandle, which is allocated by FSGetMountedVolumes. The caller is responsible for disposing of volumeRefsHandle if the FSGetMountedVolumes returns noErr. volumeRefsHandle <-- Pointer to an FSRef Handle where the array of FSRefs is to be returned. numVolumes <-- The number of volumes returned in the array. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- FSRef/FSpec/Path/Name Conversion Routines ----- /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSRefMakeFSSpec OSErr FSRefMakeFSSpec( const FSRef *ref, FSSpec *spec); /* The FSRefMakeFSSpec function returns an FSSpec for the file or directory specified by the ref parameter. ref --> An FSRef specifying the file or directory. spec <-- The FSSpec. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSMakeFSRef OSErr FSMakeFSRef( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, SInt32 dirID, ConstStr255Param name, FSRef *ref); /* The FSMakeFSRef function creates an FSRef from the traditional volume reference number, directory ID and pathname inputs. It is functionally equivalent to FSMakeFSSpec followed by FSpMakeFSRef. volRefNum --> Volume specification. dirID --> Directory specification. name --> The file or directory name, or NULL. ref <-- The FSRef. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSMakePath OSStatus FSMakePath( SInt16 vRefNum, SInt32 dirID, ConstStr255Param name, UInt8 *path, UInt32 maxPathSize); /* The FSMakePath function creates a pathname from the traditional volume reference number, directory ID, and pathname inputs. It is functionally equivalent to FSMakeFSSpec, FSpMakeFSRef, FSRefMakePath. volRefNum --> Volume specification. dirID --> Directory specification. name --> The file or directory name, or NULL. path <-- A pointer to a buffer which FSMakePath will fill with a C string representing the pathname to the file or directory specified. The format of the pathname returned can be determined with the Gestalt selector gestaltFSAttr's gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit. If the gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit is clear, the pathname is a Mac OS File Manager full pathname in a C string, and file or directory names in the pathname may be mangled as returned by the File Manager. If the gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit is set, the pathname is a UTF8 encoded POSIX absolute pathname in a C string. In either case, the pathname returned can be passed back to FSPathMakeRef to create an FSRef to the file or directory, or FSPathMakeFSSpec to craete an FSSpec to the file or directory. maxPathSize --> The size of the path buffer in bytes. If the path buffer is too small for the pathname string, FSMakePath returns pathTooLongErr or buffersTooSmall. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSPathMakeFSSpec OSStatus FSPathMakeFSSpec( const UInt8 *path, FSSpec *spec, Boolean *isDirectory); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSPathMakeFSSpec function converts a pathname to an FSSpec. path --> A pointer to a C String that is the pathname. The format of the pathname you must supply can be determined with the Gestalt selector gestaltFSAttr's gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit. If the gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit is clear, the pathname must be a Mac OS File Manager full pathname in a C string. If the gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit is set, the pathname must be a UTF8 encoded POSIX absolute pathname in a C string. spec <-- The FSSpec. isDirectory <** An optional pointer to a Boolean. If not NULL, true will be returned in the Boolean if the specified path is a directory, or false will be returned in the Boolean if the specified path is a file. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark UnicodeNameGetHFSName OSErr UnicodeNameGetHFSName( UniCharCount nameLength, const UniChar *name, TextEncoding textEncodingHint, Boolean isVolumeName, Str31 hfsName); /* The UnicodeNameGetHFSName function converts a Unicode string to a Pascal Str31 (or Str27) string using an algorithm similar to that used by the File Manager. Note that if the name is too long or cannot be converted using the given text encoding hint, you will get an error instead of the mangled name that the File Manager would return. nameLength --> Number of UniChar in name parameter. name --> The Unicode string to convert. textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the conversion. You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the "default" textEncodingHint. isVolumeName --> If true, the output name will be limited to 27 characters (kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars). If false, the output name will be limited to 31 characters (kHFSMaxFileNameChars). hfsName <-- The hfsName as a Pascal string. __________ Also see: HFSNameGetUnicodeName */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark HFSNameGetUnicodeName OSErr HFSNameGetUnicodeName( ConstStr31Param hfsName, TextEncoding textEncodingHint, HFSUniStr255 *unicodeName); /* The HFSNameGetUnicodeName function converts a Pascal Str31 string to an Unicode HFSUniStr255 string using the same routines as the File Manager. hfsName --> The Pascal string to convert. textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the conversion. You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the "default" textEncodingHint. unicodeName <-- The Unicode string. __________ Also see: UnicodeNameGetHFSName */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- File/Directory Manipulation Routines ----- /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSRefValid Boolean FSRefValid(const FSRef *ref); /* The FSRefValid function determines if an FSRef is valid. If the result is true, then the FSRef refers to an existing file or directory. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetParentRef OSErr FSGetParentRef( const FSRef *ref, FSRef *parentRef); /* The FSGetParentRef function gets the parent directory FSRef of the specified object. Note: FSRefs always point to real file system objects. So, there cannot be a FSRef to the parent of volume root directories. If you call FSGetParentRef with a ref to the root directory of a volume, the function result will be noErr and the parentRef will be invalid (using it for other file system requests will fail). ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. parentRef <-- The parent directory's FSRef. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetFileDirName OSErr FSGetFileDirName( const FSRef *ref, HFSUniStr255 *outName); /* The FSGetFileDirName function gets the name of the file or directory specified. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. outName <-- The file or directory name. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetNodeID OSErr FSGetNodeID( const FSRef *ref, long *nodeID, /* can be NULL */ Boolean *isDirectory); /* can be NULL */ /* The GetNodeIDFromFSRef function gets the node ID number of the file or directory specified (note: the node ID is the directory ID for directories). ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. nodeID <** An optional pointer to a long. If not NULL, the node ID will be returned in the long. isDirectory <** An optional pointer to a Boolean. If not NULL, true will be returned in the Boolean if the object is a directory, or false will be returned in the Boolean if object is a file. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetUserPrivilegesPermissions OSErr FSGetUserPrivilegesPermissions( const FSRef *ref, UInt8 *userPrivileges, /* can be NULL */ UInt32 permissions[4]); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSGetUserPrivilegesPermissions function gets the userPrivileges and/or permissions of the file or directory specified. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. userPrivileges <** An optional pointer to a UInt8. If not NULL, the userPrivileges will be returned in the UInt8. permissions <** An optional pointer to an UInt32[4] array. If not NULL, the permissions will be returned in the UInt32[4] array. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSCheckLock OSErr FSCheckLock( const FSRef *ref); /* The FSCheckLock function determines if a file or directory is locked. If FSCheckLock returns noErr, then the file or directory is not locked and the volume it is on is not locked either. If FSCheckLock returns fLckdErr, then the file or directory is locked. If FSCheckLock returns wPrErr, then the volume is locked by hardware (i.e., locked tab on removable media). If FSCheckLock returns vLckdErr, then the volume is locked by software. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetForkSizes OSErr FSGetForkSizes( const FSRef *ref, UInt64 *dataLogicalSize, /* can be NULL */ UInt64 *rsrcLogicalSize); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSGetForkSizes returns the size of the data and/or resource fork for the specified file. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. dataLogicalSize <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. If not NULL, the data fork's size will be returned in the UInt64. rsrcLogicalSize <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. If not NULL, the resource fork's size will be returned in the UInt64. __________ Also see: FSGetTotalForkSizes */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetTotalForkSizes OSErr FSGetTotalForkSizes( const FSRef *ref, UInt64 *totalLogicalSize, /* can be NULL */ UInt64 *totalPhysicalSize, /* can be NULL */ ItemCount *forkCount); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSGetTotalForkSizes returns the total logical size and/or the total physical size of the specified file (i.e., it adds the sizes of all file forks). It optionally returns the number of file forks. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. totalLogicalSize <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. If not NULL, the sum of all fork logical sizes will be returned in the UInt64. totalPhysicalSize <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. If not NULL, the sum of all fork physical sizes will be returned in the UInt64. forkCount <** An optional pointer to a ItemCount. If not NULL, the number of file forks will be returned in the ItemCount. __________ Also see: FSGetForkSizes */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSBumpDate OSErr FSBumpDate( const FSRef *ref); /* The FSBumpDate function changes the content modification date of a file or directory to the current date/time. If the content modification date is already equal to the current date/time, then add one second to the content modification date. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetFinderInfo OSErr FSGetFinderInfo( const FSRef *ref, FinderInfo *info, /* can be NULL */ ExtendedFinderInfo *extendedInfo, /* can be NULL */ Boolean *isDirectory); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSGetFinderInfo function gets the finder information for a file or directory. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. info <** An optional pointer to a FinderInfo. If not NULL, the FileInfo (if ref is a file) or the FolderInfo (if ref is a folder) will be returned in the FinderInfo. extendedInfo <** An optional pointer to a ExtendedFinderInfo. If not NULL, the ExtendedFileInfo (if ref is a file) or the ExtendedFolderInfo (if ref is a folder) will be returned in the ExtendedFinderInfo. isDirectory <** An optional pointer to a Boolean. If not NULL, true will be returned in the Boolean if the object is a directory, or false will be returned in the Boolean if object is a file. __________ Also see: FSSetFinderInfo */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSSetFinderInfo OSErr FSSetFinderInfo( const FSRef *ref, const FinderInfo *info, /* can be NULL */ const ExtendedFinderInfo *extendedInfo); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSSetFinderInfo function sets the finder information for a file or directory. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. info **> A pointer to a FinderInfo record with the new FileInfo (if ref is a file) or new FolderInfo (if ref is a folder), or NULL if the FinderInfo is not to be changed. extendedInfo **> A pointer to a FinderInfo record with the new ExtendedFileInfo (if ref is a file) or new ExtendedFolderInfo (if ref is a folder), or NULL if the ExtendedFinderInfo is not to be changed. __________ Also see: FSGetFinderInfo */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSChangeCreatorType OSErr FSChangeCreatorType( const FSRef *ref, OSType fileCreator, OSType fileType); /* The FSChangeCreatorType function changes the creator and/or file type of a file. ref --> FSRef to a file. creator --> The new creator type or 0x00000000 to leave the creator type alone. fileType --> The new file type or 0x00000000 to leave the file type alone. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSChangeFinderFlags OSErr FSChangeFinderFlags( const FSRef *ref, Boolean setBits, UInt16 flagBits); /* The FSChangeFinderFlags function sets or clears flag bits in the finderFlags field of a file's FileInfo record or a directory's FolderInfo record. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. setBits --> If true, then set the bits specified in flagBits. If false, then clear the bits specified in flagBits. flagBits --> The flagBits parameter specifies which Finder Flag bits to set or clear. If a bit in flagBits is set, then the same bit in fdFlags is either set or cleared depending on the state of the setBits parameter. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSSetInvisible OSErr FSSetInvisible( const FSRef *ref); #pragma mark FSClearInvisible OSErr FSClearInvisible( const FSRef *ref); /* The FSSetInvisible and FSClearInvisible functions set or clear the kIsInvisible bit in the finderFlags field of the specified file or directory's finder information. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSSetNameLocked OSErr FSSetNameLocked( const FSRef *ref); #pragma mark FSClearNameLocked OSErr FSClearNameLocked( const FSRef *ref); /* The FSSetNameLocked and FSClearNameLocked functions set or clear the kNameLocked bit bit in the finderFlags field of the specified file or directory's finder information. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSSetIsStationery OSErr FSSetIsStationery( const FSRef *ref); #pragma mark FSClearIsStationery OSErr FSClearIsStationery( const FSRef *ref); /* The FSSetIsStationery and FSClearIsStationery functions set or clear the kIsStationery bit bit in the finderFlags field of the specified file or directory's finder information. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSSetHasCustomIcon OSErr FSSetHasCustomIcon( const FSRef *ref); #pragma mark FSClearHasCustomIcon OSErr FSClearHasCustomIcon( const FSRef *ref); /* The FSSetHasCustomIcon and FSClearHasCustomIcon functions set or clear the kHasCustomIcon bit bit in the finderFlags field of the specified file or directory's finder information. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSClearHasBeenInited OSErr FSClearHasBeenInited( const FSRef *ref); /* The FSClearHasBeenInited function clears the kHasBeenInited bit in the finderFlags field of the specified file or directory's finder information. Note: There is no FSSetHasBeenInited function because ONLY the Finder should set the kHasBeenInited bit. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSCopyFileMgrAttributes OSErr FSCopyFileMgrAttributes( const FSRef *sourceRef, const FSRef *destinationRef, Boolean copyLockBit); /* The CopyFileMgrAttributes function copies all File Manager attributes from the source file or directory to the destination file or directory. If copyLockBit is true, then set the locked state of the destination to match the source. sourceRef --> FSRef to a file or directory. destinationRef --> FSRef to a file or directory. copyLockBit --> If true, set the locked state of the destination to match the source. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode OSErr FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode( const FSRef *ref, const FSRef *destDirectory, UniCharCount nameLength, const UniChar *name, /* can be NULL (no rename during move) */ TextEncoding textEncodingHint, FSRef *newRef); /* if function fails along the way, newRef is final location of file */ /* The FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode function moves a file or directory and optionally renames it. The source and destination locations must be on the same volume. Note: If the input ref parameter is invalid, this call will fail and newRef, like ref, will be invalid. ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. destDirectory --> FSRef to the destination directory. nameLength --> Number of UniChar in name parameter. name --> An Unicode string with the new name for the moved object, or NULL if no rename is wanted. textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the rename. You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the "default" textEncodingHint. newRef <-- The new FSRef of the object moved. Note that if this function fails at any step along the way, newRef is still then final location of the object. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSDeleteContainerContents OSErr FSDeleteContainerContents( const FSRef *container); /* The FSDeleteContainerContents function deletes the contents of a container directory. All files and subdirectories in the specified container are deleted. If a locked file or directory is encountered, it is unlocked and then deleted. If any unexpected errors are encountered, FSDeleteContainerContents quits and returns to the caller. container --> FSRef to a directory. __________ Also see: FSDeleteContainer */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSDeleteContainer OSErr FSDeleteContainer( const FSRef *container); /* The FSDeleteContainer function deletes a container directory and its contents. All files and subdirectories in the specified container are deleted. If a locked file or directory is encountered, it is unlocked and then deleted. After deleting the container's contents, the container is deleted. If any unexpected errors are encountered, FSDeleteContainer quits and returns to the caller. container --> FSRef to a directory. __________ Also see: FSDeleteContainerContents */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark IterateContainerFilterProcPtr typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , IterateContainerFilterProcPtr ) ( Boolean containerChanged, ItemCount currentLevel, const FSCatalogInfo *catalogInfo, const FSRef *ref, const FSSpec *spec, const HFSUniStr255 *name, void *yourDataPtr); /* This is the prototype for the IterateContainerFilterProc function which is called once for each file and directory found by FSIterateContainer. The IterateContainerFilterProc can use the read-only data it receives for whatever it wants. The result of the IterateContainerFilterProc function indicates if iteration should be stopped. To stop iteration, return true; to continue iteration, return false. The yourDataPtr parameter can point to whatever data structure you might want to access from within the IterateContainerFilterProc. containerChanged --> Set to true if the container's contents changed during iteration. currentLevel --> The current recursion level into the container. 1 = the container, 2 = the container's immediate subdirectories, etc. catalogInfo --> The catalog information for the current object. Only the fields requested by the whichInfo parameter passed to FSIterateContainer are valid. ref --> The FSRef to the current object. spec --> The FSSpec to the current object if the wantFSSpec parameter passed to FSIterateContainer is true. name --> The name of the current object if the wantName parameter passed to FSIterateContainer is true. yourDataPtr --> An optional pointer to whatever data structure you might want to access from within the IterateFilterProc. result <-- To stop iteration, return true; to continue iteration, return false. __________ Also see: FSIterateContainer */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark CallIterateContainerFilterProc #define CallIterateContainerFilterProc(userRoutine, containerChanged, currentLevel, catalogInfo, ref, spec, name, yourDataPtr) \ (*(userRoutine))((containerChanged), (currentLevel), (catalogInfo), (ref), (spec), (name), (yourDataPtr)) /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSIterateContainer OSErr FSIterateContainer( const FSRef *container, ItemCount maxLevels, FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, Boolean wantFSSpec, Boolean wantName, IterateContainerFilterProcPtr iterateFilter, void *yourDataPtr); /* The FSIterateContainer function performs a recursive iteration (scan) of the specified container directory and calls your IterateContainerFilterProc function once for each file and directory found. The maxLevels parameter lets you control how deep the recursion goes. If maxLevels is 1, FSIterateContainer only scans the specified directory; if maxLevels is 2, FSIterateContainer scans the specified directory and one subdirectory below the specified directory; etc. Set maxLevels to zero to scan all levels. The yourDataPtr parameter can point to whatever data structure you might want to access from within your IterateContainerFilterProc. container --> The FSRef to the container directory to iterate. maxLevels --> Maximum number of directory levels to scan or zero to scan all directory levels. whichInfo --> The fields of the FSCatalogInfo you wish to get. wantFSSpec --> Set to true if you want the FSSpec to each object passed to your IterateContainerFilterProc. wantName --> Set to true if you want the name of each object passed to your IterateContainerFilterProc. iterateFilter --> A pointer to the IterateContainerFilterProc you want called once for each file and directory found by FSIterateContainer. yourDataPtr --> An optional pointer to whatever data structure you might want to access from within the IterateFilterProc. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetDirectoryItems OSErr FSGetDirectoryItems( const FSRef *container, FSRef ***refsHandle, /* pointer to handle of FSRefs */ ItemCount *numRefs, Boolean *containerChanged); /* The FSGetDirectoryItems function returns the list of items in the specified container. The array of FSRef records is returned in a Handle, refsHandle, which is allocated by FSGetDirectoryItems. The caller is responsible for disposing of refsHandle if the FSGetDirectoryItems returns noErr. container --> FSRef to a directory. refsHandle <-- Pointer to an FSRef Handle where the array of FSRefs is to be returned. numRefs <-- The number of FSRefs returned in the array. containerChanged <-- Set to true if the container changes while the list of items is being obtained. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSExchangeObjectsCompat OSErr FSExchangeObjectsCompat( const FSRef *sourceRef, const FSRef *destRef, FSRef *newSourceRef, FSRef *newDestRef); /* The FSExchangeObjectsCompat function exchanges the data between two files. The FSExchangeObjectsCompat function is an enhanced version of FSExchangeObjects function. The two enhancements FSExchangeObjectsCompat provides are: 1, FSExchangeObjectsCompat will work on volumes which do not support FSExchangeObjects. FSExchangeObjectsCompat does this by emulating FSExchangeObjects through a series of File Manager operations. If there is a failure at any step along the way, FSExchangeObjectsCompat attempts to undo any steps already taken to leave the files in their original state in their original locations. 2. FSExchangeObjectsCompat returns new FSRefs to the source and destination files. Note that if this function fails at any step along the way, newSourceRef and newDestRef still give you access to the final locations of the files being exchanged -- even if they are renamed or not in their original locations. sourceRef --> FSRef to the source file. destRef --> FSRef to the destination file. newSourceRef <-- The new FSRef to the source file. newDestRef <-- The new FSRef to the destination file. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- Shared Environment Routines ----- /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark MFX_FSLockRange /* Renamed from FSLockRange to MFX_FSLockRange to avoid a conflict with * the FSLockRange function present in the system library since Mac OS X * 10.4. */ OSErr MFX_FSLockRange( SInt16 refNum, SInt32 rangeLength, SInt32 rangeStart); /* The LockRange function locks (denies access to) a portion of a file that was opened with shared read/write permission. refNum --> The file reference number of an open file. rangeLength --> The number of bytes in the range. rangeStart --> The starting byte in the range to lock. __________ Also see: UnlockRange */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark MFX_FSUnlockRange /* Renamed from FSUnlockRange to MFX_FSUnlockRange to avoid a conflict with * the FSUnlockRange function present in the system library since Mac OS X * 10.4. */ OSErr MFX_FSUnlockRange( SInt16 refNum, SInt32 rangeLength, SInt32 rangeStart); /* The UnlockRange function unlocks (allows access to) a previously locked portion of a file that was opened with shared read/write permission. refNum --> The file reference number of an open file. rangeLength --> The number of bytes in the range. rangeStart --> The starting byte in the range to unlock. __________ Also see: LockRange */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetDirAccess OSErr FSGetDirAccess( const FSRef *ref, SInt32 *ownerID, /* can be NULL */ SInt32 *groupID, /* can be NULL */ SInt32 *accessRights); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSGetDirAccess function retrieves the directory access control information for a directory on a shared volume. ref --> An FSRef specifying the directory. ownerID <** An optional pointer to a SInt32. If not NULL, the directory's owner ID will be returned in the SInt32. groupID <** An optional pointer to a SInt32. If not NULL, the directory's group ID, or 0 if no group affiliation, will be returned in the SInt32. accessRights <** An optional pointer to a SInt32. If not NULL, the directory's access rights will be returned in the SInt32. __________ Also see: FSSetDirAccess, FSMapID, FSMapName */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSSetDirAccess OSErr FSSetDirAccess( const FSRef *ref, SInt32 ownerID, SInt32 groupID, SInt32 accessRights); /* The FSpSetDirAccess function changes the directory access control information for a directory on a shared volume. You must be the owner of a directory to change its access control information. ref --> An FSRef specifying the directory. ownerID --> The directory's owner ID. groupID --> The directory's group ID or 0 if no group affiliation. accessRights --> The directory's access rights. __________ Also see: FSGetDirAccess, FSMapID, FSMapName */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetVolMountInfoSize OSErr FSGetVolMountInfoSize( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, SInt16 *size); /* The FSGetVolMountInfoSize function determines the how much space the program needs to allocate for a volume mounting information record. volRefNum --> Volume specification. size <-- The space needed (in bytes) of the volume mounting information record. __________ Also see: FSGetVolMountInfo, VolumeMount */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSGetVolMountInfo OSErr FSGetVolMountInfo( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, void *volMountInfo); /* The FSGetVolMountInfo function retrieves a volume mounting information record containing all the information needed to mount the volume, except for passwords. volRefNum --> Volume specification. volMountInfo <-- The volume mounting information. __________ Also see: FSGetVolMountInfoSize, VolumeMount */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSVolumeMount /* Renamed from FSVolumeMount to MFX_FSVolumeMount to avoid a conflict with * the FSVolumeMount function present in the system library since Mac OS X * 10.5. */ OSErr MFX_FSVolumeMount( const void *volMountInfo, FSVolumeRefNum *volRefNum); /* The VolumeMount function mounts a volume using a volume mounting information record. volMountInfo --> A volume mounting information record. volRefNum <-- The volume reference number. __________ Also see: FSGetVolMountInfoSize, FSGetVolMountInfo */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSMapID OSErr FSMapID( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, SInt32 ugID, SInt16 objType, Str31 name); /* The FSMapID function determines the name of a user or group if you know the user or group ID. volRefNum --> Volume specification. objType --> The mapping function code: kOwnerID2Name to map a user ID to a user name kGroupID2Name to map a group ID to a group name name <** An optional pointer to a buffer (minimum Str31). If not NULL, the user or group name will be returned in the buffer. __________ Also see: FSGetDirAccess, FSSetDirAccess, FSMapName */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSMapName OSErr FSMapName( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, ConstStr255Param name, SInt16 objType, SInt32 *ugID); /* The FSMapName function determines the user or group ID if you know the user or group name. volRefNum --> Volume specification. name --> The user or group name. objType --> The mapping function code: kOwnerName2ID to map a user name to a user ID kGroupName2ID to map a user name to a group ID ugID <-- The user or group ID. __________ Also see: FSGetDirAccess, FSSetDirAccess, FSMapID */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSCopyFile OSErr FSCopyFile( const FSRef *srcFileRef, const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef, UniCharCount nameLength, const UniChar *copyName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */ TextEncoding textEncodingHint, FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSCopyFile function duplicates a file and optionally renames it. The source and destination volumes must be on the same file server. This function instructs the server to copy the file. srcFileRef --> An FSRef specifying the source file. dstDirectoryRef --> An FSRef specifying the destination directory. nameLength --> Number of UniChar in copyName parameter (ignored if copyName is NULL). copyName --> Points to the new file name if the file is to be renamed, or NULL if the file isn't to be renamed. textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the rename. You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the "default" textEncodingHint. newRef <** An optional pointer to a FSRef. If not NULL, the FSRef of the duplicated file will be returned in the FSRef. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSMoveRename OSErr FSMoveRename( const FSRef *srcFileRef, const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef, UniCharCount nameLength, const UniChar *moveName, /* can be NULL (no rename during move) */ TextEncoding textEncodingHint, FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */ /* The FSMoveRename function moves a file or directory (object), and optionally renames it. The source and destination locations must be on the same shared volume. srcFileRef --> An FSRef specifying the source file. dstDirectoryRef --> An FSRef specifying the destination directory. nameLength --> Number of UniChar in moveName parameter (ignored if copyName is NULL) moveName --> Points to the new object name if the object is to be renamed, or NULL if the object isn't to be renamed. textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the rename. You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the "default" textEncodingHint. newRef <** An optional pointer to a FSRef. If not NULL, the FSRef of the moved object will be returned in the FSRef. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- File ID Routines ----- /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSResolveFileIDRef OSErr FSResolveFileIDRef( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, SInt32 fileID, FSRef *ref); /* The FSResolveFileIDRef function returns an FSRef for the file with the specified file ID reference. volRefNum --> Volume specification. fileID --> The file ID reference. ref <-- The FSRef for the file ID reference. __________ Also see: FSCreateFileIDRef, FSDeleteFileIDRef */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSCreateFileIDRef OSErr FSCreateFileIDRef( const FSRef *ref, SInt32 *fileID); /* The FSCreateFileIDRef function creates a file ID reference for the specified file, or if a file ID reference already exists, supplies the file ID reference and returns the result code fidExists or afpIDExists. ref --> The FSRef for the file. fileID <-- The file ID reference (if result is noErr, fidExists, or afpIDExists). __________ Also see: GetFSRefFromFileIDRef, FSDeleteFileIDRef */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSDeleteFileIDRef /* Why is there no FSDeleteFileIDRef routine? There are two reasons: 1. Since Mac OS 8.1, PBDeleteFileIDRef hasn't deleted file ID references. On HFS volumes, deleting a file ID reference breaks aliases (which use file ID references to track files as they are moved around on a volume) and file ID references are automatically deleted when the file they refer to is deleted. On HFS Plus volumes, file ID references are always created when a file is created, deleted when the file is deleted, and cannot be deleted at any other time. 2. PBDeleteFileIDRef causes a memory access fault under Mac OS X 10.0 through 10.1.x. While this will be fixed in a future release, the implementation, like the Mac OS 8/9 implementation, does not delete file ID references. __________ Also see: GetFSRefFromFileIDRef, FSCreateFileIDRef */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark ----- Utility Routines ----- /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark GetTempBuffer Ptr GetTempBuffer( ByteCount buffReqSize, ByteCount *buffActSize); /* The GetTempBuffer function allocates a temporary buffer for file system operations which is at least 4K bytes and a multiple of 4K bytes. buffReqSize --> Size you'd like the buffer to be. buffActSize <-- The size of the buffer allocated. function result <-- Pointer to memory allocated, or NULL if no memory was available. The caller is responsible for disposing of this buffer with DisposePtr. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FileRefNumGetFSRef OSErr FileRefNumGetFSRef( short refNum, FSRef *ref); /* The FileRefNumGetFSRef function gets the FSRef of an open file. refNum --> The file reference number of an open file. ref <-- The FSRef to the open file. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSSetDefault OSErr FSSetDefault( const FSRef *newDefault, FSRef *oldDefault); /* The FSSetDefault function sets the current working directory to the directory specified by newDefault. The previous current working directory is returned in oldDefault and must be used to restore the current working directory to its previous state with the FSRestoreDefault function. These two functions are designed to be used as a wrapper around Standard I/O routines where the location of the file is implied to be the current working directory. This is how you should use these functions: result = FSSetDefault(&newDefault, &oldDefault); if ( noErr == result ) { // call the Stdio functions like remove, rename, // fopen, freopen, etc here! result = FSRestoreDefault(&oldDefault); } newDefault --> An FSRef that specifies the new current working directory. oldDefault <-- The previous current working directory's FSRef. __________ Also see: FSRestoreDefault */ /*****************************************************************************/ #pragma mark FSRestoreDefault OSErr FSRestoreDefault( const FSRef *oldDefault); /* The FSRestoreDefault function restores the current working directory to the directory specified by oldDefault. The oldDefault parameter was previously obtained from the FSSetDefault function. These two functions are designed to be used as a wrapper around Standard I/O routines where the location of the file is implied to be the current working directory. This is how you should use these functions: result = FSSetDefault(&newDefault, &oldDefault); if ( noErr == result ) { // call the Stdio functions like remove, rename, // fopen, freopen, etc here! result = FSRestoreDefault(&oldDefault); } oldDefault --> The FSRef of the location to restore. __________ Also see: FSSetDefault */ /*****************************************************************************/ #if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=reset #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH #pragma pack(pop) #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK #pragma pack() #endif #ifdef PRAGMA_IMPORT_OFF #pragma import off #elif PRAGMA_IMPORT #pragma import reset #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __MOREFILESX__ */