/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cu = Components.utils; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["OperatorAppsRegistry"]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Webapps.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppsUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); let Path = OS.Path; #ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "iccProvider", "@mozilla.org/ril/content-helper;1", "nsIIccProvider"); #endif function debug(aMsg) { //dump("-*-*- OperatorApps.jsm : " + aMsg + "\n"); } // Single Variant source dir will be set in PREF_SINGLE_VARIANT_DIR // preference. // if PREF_SINGLE_VARIANT_DIR does not exist or has not value, it will use (as // single variant source) the value of // DIRECTORY_NAME + "/" + SINGLE_VARIANT_SOURCE_DIR value instead. // SINGLE_VARIANT_CONF_FILE will be stored on Single Variant Source. // Apps will be stored on an app per directory basis, hanging from // SINGLE_VARIANT_SOURCE_DIR const DIRECTORY_NAME = "webappsDir"; const SINGLE_VARIANT_SOURCE_DIR = "svoperapps"; const SINGLE_VARIANT_CONF_FILE = "singlevariantconf.json"; const PREF_FIRST_RUN_WITH_SIM = "dom.webapps.firstRunWithSIM"; const PREF_SINGLE_VARIANT_DIR = "dom.mozApps.single_variant_sourcedir"; const METADATA = "metadata.json"; const UPDATEMANIFEST = "update.webapp"; const MANIFEST = "manifest.webapp"; const APPLICATION_ZIP = "application.zip"; function isFirstRunWithSIM() { try { if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_FIRST_RUN_WITH_SIM)) { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_FIRST_RUN_WITH_SIM); } } catch(e) { debug ("Error getting pref. " + e); } return true; } #ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL let iccListener = { notifyStkCommand: function() {}, notifyStkSessionEnd: function() {}, notifyCardStateChanged: function() {}, notifyIccInfoChanged: function() { // TODO: Bug 927709 - OperatorApps for multi-sim // In Multi-sim, there is more than one client in iccProvider. Each // client represents a icc service. To maintain the backward compatibility // with single sim, we always use client 0 for now. Adding support for // multiple sim will be addressed in bug 927709, if needed. let clientId = 0; let iccInfo = iccProvider.getIccInfo(clientId); if (iccInfo && iccInfo.mcc && iccInfo.mnc) { let mcc = iccInfo.mcc; let mnc = iccInfo.mnc; debug("******* iccListener cardIccInfo MCC-MNC: " + mcc + "-" + mnc); iccProvider.unregisterIccMsg(clientId, this); OperatorAppsRegistry._installOperatorApps(mcc, mnc); debug("Broadcast message first-run-with-sim"); let messenger = Cc["@mozilla.org/system-message-internal;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISystemMessagesInternal); messenger.broadcastMessage("first-run-with-sim", { mcc: mcc, mnc: mnc }); } } }; #endif this.OperatorAppsRegistry = { _baseDirectory: null, init: function() { debug("init"); #ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL if (isFirstRunWithSIM()) { debug("First Run with SIM"); Task.spawn(function() { try { yield this._initializeSourceDir(); // TODO: Bug 927709 - OperatorApps for multi-sim // In Multi-sim, there is more than one client in iccProvider. Each // client represents a icc service. To maintain the backward // compatibility with single sim, we always use client 0 for now. // Adding support for multiple sim will be addressed in bug 927709, if // needed. let clientId = 0; let iccInfo = iccProvider.getIccInfo(clientId); let mcc = 0; let mnc = 0; if (iccInfo && iccInfo.mcc) { mcc = iccInfo.mcc; } if (iccInfo && iccInfo.mnc) { mnc = iccInfo.mnc; } if (mcc && mnc) { this._installOperatorApps(mcc, mnc); let messenger = Cc["@mozilla.org/system-message-internal;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISystemMessagesInternal); messenger.broadcastMessage("first-run-with-sim", { mcc: mcc, mnc: mnc }); } else { iccProvider.registerIccMsg(clientId, iccListener); } } catch (e) { debug("Error Initializing OperatorApps. " + e); } }.bind(this)); } else { debug("No First Run with SIM"); } #endif }, _copyDirectory: function(aOrg, aDst) { debug("copying " + aOrg + " to " + aDst); return aDst && Task.spawn(function() { try { let orgDir = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); orgDir.initWithPath(aOrg); if (!orgDir.exists() || !orgDir.isDirectory()) { debug(aOrg + " does not exist or is not a directory"); return; } let dstDir = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); dstDir.initWithPath(aDst); if (!dstDir.exists()) { dstDir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY); } let entries = orgDir.directoryEntries; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { let entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile); if (!entry.isDirectory()) { // Remove the file, because copyTo doesn't overwrite files. let dstFile = dstDir.clone(); dstFile.append(entry.leafName); if(dstFile.exists()) { dstFile.remove(false); } entry.copyTo(dstDir, entry.leafName); } else { yield this._copyDirectory(entry.path, Path.join(aDst, entry.leafName)); } } } catch (e) { debug("Error copying " + aOrg + " to " + aDst + ". " + e); } }.bind(this)); }, _initializeSourceDir: function() { return Task.spawn(function() { let svFinalDirName; try { svFinalDirName = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SINGLE_VARIANT_DIR); } catch(e) { debug ("Error getting pref. " + e); this.appsDir = FileUtils.getFile(DIRECTORY_NAME, [SINGLE_VARIANT_SOURCE_DIR]).path; return; } // If SINGLE_VARIANT_CONF_FILE is in PREF_SINGLE_VARIANT_DIR return // PREF_SINGLE_VARIANT_DIR as sourceDir, else go to // DIRECTORY_NAME + SINGLE_VARIANT_SOURCE_DIR and move all apps (and // configuration file) to PREF_SINGLE_VARIANT_DIR and return // PREF_SINGLE_VARIANT_DIR as sourceDir. let svFinalDir = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); svFinalDir.initWithPath(svFinalDirName); if (!svFinalDir.exists()) { svFinalDir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY); } let svIndex = svFinalDir.clone(); svIndex.append(SINGLE_VARIANT_CONF_FILE); if (!svIndex.exists()) { let svSourceDir = FileUtils.getFile(DIRECTORY_NAME, [SINGLE_VARIANT_SOURCE_DIR]); yield this._copyDirectory(svSourceDir.path, svFinalDirName); debug("removing directory:" + svSourceDir.path); try { svSourceDir.remove(true); } catch(ex) { } } this.appsDir = svFinalDirName; }.bind(this)); }, set appsDir(aDir) { debug("appsDir SET: " + aDir); if (aDir) { this._baseDirectory = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile); this._baseDirectory.initWithPath(aDir); } else { this._baseDirectory = null; } }, get appsDir() { return this._baseDirectory; }, eraseVariantAppsNotInList: function(aIdsApp) { if (!aIdsApp) { aIdsApp = [ ]; } let svDir; try { svDir = this.appsDir.clone(); } catch (e) { debug("eraseVariantAppsNotInList --> Error getting Dir "+ svDir.path + ". " + e); return; } if (!svDir || !svDir.exists()) { return; } let entries = svDir.directoryEntries; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { let entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile); if (entry.isDirectory() && aIdsApp.indexOf(entry.leafName) < 0) { try{ entry.remove(true); } catch(e) { debug("Error removing [" + entry.path + "]." + e); } } } }, _launchInstall: function(isPackage, aId, aMetadata, aManifest) { if (!aManifest) { debug("Error: The application " + aId + " does not have a manifest"); return; } let appData = { app: { installOrigin: aMetadata.installOrigin, origin: aMetadata.origin, manifestURL: aMetadata.manifestURL, manifestHash: AppsUtils.computeHash(JSON.stringify(aManifest)) }, appId: undefined, isBrowser: false, isPackage: isPackage, forceSuccessAck: true }; if (isPackage) { debug("aId:" + aId + ". Installing as packaged app."); let installPack = this.appsDir.clone(); installPack.append(aId); installPack.append(APPLICATION_ZIP); if (!installPack.exists()) { debug("SV " + installPack.path + " file do not exists for app " + aId); return; } appData.app.localInstallPath = installPack.path; appData.app.updateManifest = aManifest; DOMApplicationRegistry.confirmInstall(appData); } else { debug("aId:" + aId + ". Installing as hosted app."); appData.app.manifest = aManifest; DOMApplicationRegistry.confirmInstall(appData); } }, _installOperatorApps: function(aMcc, aMnc) { function normalizeCode(aCode) { let ncode = "" + aCode; while (ncode.length < 3) { ncode = "0" + ncode; } return ncode; } Task.spawn(function() { debug("Install operator apps ---> mcc:"+ aMcc + ", mnc:" + aMnc); if (!isFirstRunWithSIM()) { debug("Operator apps already installed."); return; } let key = normalizeCode(aMcc) + "-" + normalizeCode(aMnc); let aIdsApp = yield this._getSingleVariantDatas(); // aIdsApp will be undefined if the singleVariant config file not exist // or will have the following format: // {"mmc1-mnc1": [ap11,...,ap1N],..., "mmcM-mncM": [apM1,...,apMN]} // Behavior: // * If the configuration file does not exist, it's equivalent to // passing [] // * If the configuration file has data and the phone boots with a SIM // that isn't on the configuration file then we must have the same // behavior as if the phone had booted without a SIM inserted // (that is, don't do anything) // * If the phone boots with a configured SIM (mcc-mnc exists on // configuration file) then recover the app list to install if (!aIdsApp) { debug("No " + SINGLE_VARIANT_CONF_FILE + " in " + this.appsDir.path); aIdsApp = []; } else if (aIdsApp[key] === undefined) { debug("First Run with SIM not configured"); return; } else { debug("First Run with configured SIM "); aIdsApp = aIdsApp[key]; if (!Array.isArray(aIdsApp)) { aIdsApp = [aIdsApp]; } } debug("installOperatorApps --> aIdsApp:" + JSON.stringify(aIdsApp)); for (let i = 0; i < aIdsApp.length; i++) { let aId = aIdsApp[i]; let aMetadata = yield AppsUtils.loadJSONAsync( Path.join(this.appsDir.path, aId, METADATA)); if (!aMetadata) { debug("Error reading metadata file"); return; } debug("metadata:" + JSON.stringify(aMetadata)); let isPackage = true; let manifest; let manifests = [UPDATEMANIFEST, MANIFEST]; for (let j = 0; j < manifests.length; j++) { manifest = yield AppsUtils.loadJSONAsync( Path.join(this.appsDir.path, aId, manifests[j])); if (!manifest) { isPackage = false; } else { break; } } if (manifest) { this._launchInstall(isPackage, aId, aMetadata, manifest); } else { debug ("Error. Neither " + UPDATEMANIFEST + " file nor " + MANIFEST + " file for " + aId + " app."); } } this.eraseVariantAppsNotInList(aIdsApp); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_FIRST_RUN_WITH_SIM, false); Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null); }.bind(this)).then(null, function(aError) { debug("Error: " + aError); }); }, _getSingleVariantDatas: function() { return Task.spawn(function*() { let file = Path.join(this.appsDir.path, SINGLE_VARIANT_CONF_FILE); let aData = yield AppsUtils.loadJSONAsync(file); return aData; }.bind(this)); } }; OperatorAppsRegistry.init();