if (Cc === undefined) { var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; } window.addEventListener("load", testOnLoad, false); function testOnLoad() { window.removeEventListener("load", testOnLoad, false); // Make sure to launch the test harness for the first opened window only var prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); if (prefs.prefHasUserValue("testing.browserTestHarness.running")) return; prefs.setBoolPref("testing.browserTestHarness.running", true); var ww = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIWindowWatcher); var sstring = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); sstring.data = location.search; ww.openWindow(window, "chrome://mochikit/content/browser-harness.xul", "browserTest", "chrome,centerscreen,dialog,resizable,titlebar,toolbar=no,width=800,height=600", sstring); } function Tester(aTests, aCallback) { this.tests = aTests; this.callback = aCallback; } Tester.prototype = { checker: null, currentTestIndex: -1, get currentTest() { return this.tests[this.currentTestIndex]; }, get done() { return this.currentTestIndex == this.tests.length - 1; }, step: function Tester_step() { this.currentTestIndex++; }, start: function Tester_start() { this.execTest(); }, finish: function Tester_finish() { // Tests complete, notify the callback and return this.callback(this.tests); this.callback = null; this.tests = null; }, execTest: function Tester_execTest() { if (this.done) { this.finish(); return; } // Move to the next test (or first test). this.step(); // Load the tests into a testscope this.currentTest.scope = new testScope(this.currentTest.tests); var scriptLoader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"]. getService(Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader); try { scriptLoader.loadSubScript(this.currentTest.path, this.currentTest.scope); // Run the test this.currentTest.scope.test(); } catch (ex) { this.currentTest.tests.push(new testResult(false, "Exception thrown", ex, false)); this.currentTest.scope.done = true; } // If the test ran synchronously, move to the next test, // otherwise start a poller to monitor it's progress. if (this.currentTest.scope.done) { this.execTest(); } else { var self = this; this.checker = new resultPoller(this.currentTest, function () { self.execTest(); }); this.checker.start(); } } }; function testResult(aCondition, aName, aDiag, aIsTodo) { aName = aName || ""; this.pass = !!aCondition; this.todo = aIsTodo; this.msg = aName; if (this.pass) { if (aIsTodo) this.result = "TEST-KNOWN-FAIL"; else this.result = "TEST-PASS"; } else { if (aDiag) this.msg += " - " + aDiag; if (aIsTodo) this.result = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS"; else this.result = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL"; } } function testScope(aTests) { var scriptLoader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"]. getService(Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader); scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js", this.EventUtils); this.tests = aTests; var self = this; this.ok = function test_ok(condition, name, diag) { self.tests.push(new testResult(condition, name, diag, false)); }; this.is = function test_is(a, b, name) { self.ok(a == b, name, "Got " + a + ", expected " + b); }; this.isnot = function test_isnot(a, b, name) { self.ok(a != b, name, "Didn't expect " + a + ", but got it"); }; this.todo = function test_todo(condition, name, diag) { self.tests.push(new testResult(!condition, name, diag, true)); }; this.todo_is = function test_todo_is(a, b, name) { self.todo(a == b, name, "Got " + a + ", expected " + b); }; this.todo_isnot = function test_todo_isnot(a, b, name) { self.todo(a != b, name, "Didn't expect " + a + ", but got it"); }; this.executeSoon = function test_executeSoon(func) { let tm = Cc["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIThreadManager); tm.mainThread.dispatch({ run: function() { func(); } }, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); }; this.waitForExplicitFinish = function test_WFEF() { self.done = false; }; this.finish = function test_finish() { self.done = true; }; } testScope.prototype = { done: true, EventUtils: {} }; // Check whether the test has completed every 3 seconds const CHECK_INTERVAL = 3000; // Test timeout (seconds) const TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 30; const MAX_LOOP_COUNT = (TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000) / CHECK_INTERVAL; function resultPoller(aTest, aCallback) { this.test = aTest; this.callback = aCallback; } resultPoller.prototype = { loopCount: 0, interval: 0, start: function resultPoller_start() { var self = this; function checkDone() { self.loopCount++; if (self.loopCount > MAX_LOOP_COUNT) { self.test.tests.push(new testResult(false, "Timed out", "", false)); self.test.scope.done = true; } if (self.test.scope.done) { clearInterval(self.interval); // Notify the callback self.callback(); self.callback = null; self.test = null; } } this.interval = setInterval(checkDone, CHECK_INTERVAL); } };