/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "GLContextTypes.h" #include struct PRLibrary; namespace mozilla { namespace gl { class WGLLibrary { public: WGLLibrary() : mInitialized(false), mOGLLibrary(nullptr), mHasRobustness(false), mWindow (0), mWindowDC(0), mWindowGLContext(0), mWindowPixelFormat (0) {} typedef HGLRC (GLAPIENTRY * PFNWGLCREATECONTEXTPROC) (HDC); PFNWGLCREATECONTEXTPROC fCreateContext; typedef BOOL (GLAPIENTRY * PFNWGLDELETECONTEXTPROC) (HGLRC); PFNWGLDELETECONTEXTPROC fDeleteContext; typedef BOOL (GLAPIENTRY * PFNWGLMAKECURRENTPROC) (HDC, HGLRC); PFNWGLMAKECURRENTPROC fMakeCurrent; typedef PROC (GLAPIENTRY * PFNWGLGETPROCADDRESSPROC) (LPCSTR); PFNWGLGETPROCADDRESSPROC fGetProcAddress; typedef HGLRC (GLAPIENTRY * PFNWGLGETCURRENTCONTEXT) (void); PFNWGLGETCURRENTCONTEXT fGetCurrentContext; typedef HDC (GLAPIENTRY * PFNWGLGETCURRENTDC) (void); PFNWGLGETCURRENTDC fGetCurrentDC; typedef BOOL (GLAPIENTRY * PFNWGLSHARELISTS) (HGLRC oldContext, HGLRC newContext); PFNWGLSHARELISTS fShareLists; typedef HANDLE (WINAPI * PFNWGLCREATEPBUFFERPROC) (HDC hDC, int iPixelFormat, int iWidth, int iHeight, const int* piAttribList); PFNWGLCREATEPBUFFERPROC fCreatePbuffer; typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNWGLDESTROYPBUFFERPROC) (HANDLE hPbuffer); PFNWGLDESTROYPBUFFERPROC fDestroyPbuffer; typedef HDC (WINAPI * PFNWGLGETPBUFFERDCPROC) (HANDLE hPbuffer); PFNWGLGETPBUFFERDCPROC fGetPbufferDC; typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNWGLBINDTEXIMAGEPROC) (HANDLE hPbuffer, int iBuffer); PFNWGLBINDTEXIMAGEPROC fBindTexImage; typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNWGLRELEASETEXIMAGEPROC) (HANDLE hPbuffer, int iBuffer); PFNWGLRELEASETEXIMAGEPROC fReleaseTexImage; typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNWGLCHOOSEPIXELFORMATPROC) (HDC hdc, const int* piAttribIList, const FLOAT *pfAttribFList, UINT nMaxFormats, int *piFormats, UINT *nNumFormats); PFNWGLCHOOSEPIXELFORMATPROC fChoosePixelFormat; typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNWGLGETPIXELFORMATATTRIBIVPROC) (HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat, int iLayerPlane, UINT nAttributes, int* piAttributes, int *piValues); PFNWGLGETPIXELFORMATATTRIBIVPROC fGetPixelFormatAttribiv; typedef const char * (WINAPI * PFNWGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGPROC) (HDC hdc); PFNWGLGETEXTENSIONSSTRINGPROC fGetExtensionsString; typedef HGLRC (WINAPI * PFNWGLCREATECONTEXTATTRIBSPROC) (HDC hdc, HGLRC hShareContext, const int *attribList); PFNWGLCREATECONTEXTATTRIBSPROC fCreateContextAttribs; bool EnsureInitialized(); HWND CreateDummyWindow(HDC *aWindowDC = nullptr); bool HasRobustness() const { return mHasRobustness; } bool IsInitialized() const { return mInitialized; } HWND GetWindow() const { return mWindow; } HDC GetWindowDC() const {return mWindowDC; } HGLRC GetWindowGLContext() const {return mWindowGLContext; } int GetWindowPixelFormat() const { return mWindowPixelFormat; } PRLibrary *GetOGLLibrary() { return mOGLLibrary; } private: bool mInitialized; PRLibrary *mOGLLibrary; bool mHasRobustness; HWND mWindow; HDC mWindowDC; HGLRC mWindowGLContext; int mWindowPixelFormat; }; // a global WGLLibrary instance extern WGLLibrary sWGLLibrary; } /* namespace gl */ } /* namespace mozilla */