/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const TEST_URI = "http://example.com/browser/browser/devtools/webconsole/test/test-console.html"; let jsterm, testDriver; function test() { addTab(TEST_URI); browser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() { browser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true); openConsole(null, function(hud) { testDriver = testJSTerm(hud); testDriver.next(); }); }, true); } function nextTest() { testDriver.next(); } function checkResult(msg, desc, lines) { waitForSuccess({ name: "correct number of results shown for " + desc, validatorFn: function() { let nodes = jsterm.outputNode.querySelectorAll(".webconsole-msg-output"); return nodes.length == lines; }, successFn: function() { let labels = jsterm.outputNode.querySelectorAll(".webconsole-msg-output"); if (typeof msg == "string") { is(labels[lines-1].textContent.trim(), msg, "correct message shown for " + desc); } else if (typeof msg == "function") { ok(msg(labels), "correct message shown for " + desc); } nextTest(); }, failureFn: nextTest, }); } function testJSTerm(hud) { jsterm = hud.jsterm; jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("'id=' + $('#header').getAttribute('id')"); checkResult('"id=header"', "$() worked", 1); yield; jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("headerQuery = $$('h1')"); jsterm.execute("'length=' + headerQuery.length"); checkResult('"length=1"', "$$() worked", 2); yield; jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("xpathQuery = $x('.//*', document.body);"); jsterm.execute("'headerFound=' + (xpathQuery[0] == headerQuery[0])"); checkResult('"headerFound=true"', "$x() worked", 2); yield; // no jsterm.clearOutput() here as we clear the output using the clear() fn. jsterm.execute("clear()"); waitForSuccess({ name: "clear() worked", validatorFn: function() { return jsterm.outputNode.childNodes.length == 0; }, successFn: nextTest, failureFn: nextTest, }); yield; jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("'keysResult=' + (keys({b:1})[0] == 'b')"); checkResult('"keysResult=true"', "keys() worked", 1); yield; jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("'valuesResult=' + (values({b:1})[0] == 1)"); checkResult('"valuesResult=true"', "values() worked", 1); yield; jsterm.clearOutput(); let tabs = gBrowser.tabs.length; jsterm.execute("help()"); let output = jsterm.outputNode.querySelector(".webconsole-msg-output"); ok(!output, "help() worked"); jsterm.execute("help"); output = jsterm.outputNode.querySelector(".webconsole-msg-output"); ok(!output, "help worked"); jsterm.execute("?"); output = jsterm.outputNode.querySelector(".webconsole-msg-output"); ok(!output, "? worked"); let foundTab = null; waitForSuccess({ name: "help tabs opened", validatorFn: function() { let newTabOpen = gBrowser.tabs.length == tabs + 3; if (!newTabOpen) { return false; } foundTab = gBrowser.tabs[tabs]; return true; }, successFn: function() { gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.tabs[gBrowser.tabs.length - 1]); gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.tabs[gBrowser.tabs.length - 1]); gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.tabs[gBrowser.tabs.length - 1]); nextTest(); }, failureFn: nextTest, }); yield; jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("pprint({b:2, a:1})"); checkResult("a: 1\n b: 2", "pprint()", 1); yield; // check instanceof correctness, bug 599940 jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("[] instanceof Array"); checkResult("true", "[] instanceof Array == true", 1); yield; jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("({}) instanceof Object"); checkResult("true", "({}) instanceof Object == true", 1); yield; // check for occurrences of Object XRayWrapper, bug 604430 jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("document"); checkResult(function(nodes) { return nodes[0].textContent.search(/\[object xraywrapper/i) == -1; }, "document - no XrayWrapper", 1); yield; // check that pprint(window) and keys(window) don't throw, bug 608358 jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("pprint(window)"); checkResult(null, "pprint(window)", 1); yield; jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("keys(window)"); checkResult(null, "keys(window)", 1); yield; // bug 614561 jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("pprint('hi')"); checkResult('0: "h"\n 1: "i"', "pprint('hi')", 1); yield; // check that pprint(function) shows function source, bug 618344 jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("pprint(print)"); checkResult(function(nodes) { return nodes[0].textContent.indexOf("aOwner.helperResult") > -1; }, "pprint(function) shows source", 1); yield; // check that an evaluated null produces "null", bug 650780 jsterm.clearOutput(); jsterm.execute("null"); checkResult("null", "null is null", 1); yield; jsterm = testDriver = null; executeSoon(finishTest); yield; }