#!/usr/bin/perl # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. # # The Original Code is the Network Security Services (NSS) # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006-2009 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** #-------------------------------------------------------------- # cgi script that parses request argument to appropriate # open ssl or tstclntw options and starts ssl client. # use CGI qw/:standard/; use subs qw(debug); #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Prints out an error string and exits the script with an # exitStatus. # Param: # str : an error string # exitStat: an exit status of the program # sub svr_error { my ($str, $exitStat) = @_; if (!defined $str || $str eq "") { $str = $ERR; } print "SERVER ERROR: $str\n"; if ($exitStat) { print end_html if ($osDataArr{wservRun}); exit $exitStat; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Prints out a debug message # Params: # str: debug message # inVal: additional value to print(optional) # sub debug { my ($str, $inVal) = @_; print "-- DEBUG: $str ($inVal)\n" if ($DEBUG == 1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Initializes execution context depending on a webserver the # script is running under. # sub init { %osDataArr = ( loadSupportedCipthersFn => \&osSpecific, cipherIsSupportedFn => \&verifyCipherSupport, cipherListFn => \&convertCipher, buildCipherTableFn => \&buildCipherTable, execCmdFn => \&osSpecific, ); $scriptName = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; if (!defined $scriptName) { $DEBUG=1; debug "Debug is ON"; } $DEBUG=1; $svrSoft = $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}; if (defined $svrSoft) { $_ = $svrSoft; /.*Microsoft.*/ && ($osDataArr{wserv} = "IIS"); /.*Apache.*/ && ($osDataArr{wserv} = "Apache"); $osDataArr{wservRun} = 1; } else { $osDataArr{wserv} = "Apache"; $osDataArr{wservRun} = 0; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Function-spigot to handle errors is OS specific functions are # not implemented for a particular OS. # Returns: # always returns 0(failure) # sub osSpecific { $ERR = "This function should be swapped to os specific function."; return 0; } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Sets os specific execution context values. # Returns: # 1 upon success, or 0 upon failure(if OS was not recognized) # sub setFunctRefs { debug("Entering setFunctRefs function", $osDataArr{wserv}); if ($osDataArr{wserv} eq "Apache") { $osDataArr{osConfigFile} = "apache_unix.cfg"; $osDataArr{suppCiphersCmd} = '$opensslb ciphers ALL:NULL'; $osDataArr{clientRunCmd} = '$opensslb s_client -host $in_host -port $in_port -cert $certDir/$in_cert.crt -key $certDir/$in_cert.key -CAfile $caCertFile $proto $ciphers -ign_eof < $reqFile'; $osDataArr{loadSupportedCipthersFn} = \&getSupportedCipherList_Unix; $osDataArr{execCmdFn} = \&execClientCmd_Unix; } elsif ($osDataArr{wserv} eq "IIS") { $osDataArr{osConfigFile} = "iis_windows.cfg"; $osDataArr{suppCiphersCmd} = '$tstclntwb'; $osDataArr{clientRunCmd} = '$tstclntwb -h $in_host -p $in_port -n $in_cert $proto $ciphers < $reqFile'; $osDataArr{loadSupportedCipthersFn} = \&getSupportedCipherList_Win; $osDataArr{execCmdFn} = \&execClientCmd_Win; } else { $ERR = "Unknown Web Server type."; return 0; } return 1; } #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Parses data from HTTP request. Will print a form if request # does not contain sufficient number of parameters. # Returns: # 1 if request has sufficient number of parameters # 0 if not. sub getReqData { my $debug = param('debug'); $in_host = param('host'); $in_port = param('port'); $in_cert = param('cert'); $in_cipher = param('cipher'); if (!$osDataArr{wservRun}) { $in_host="goa1"; $in_port="443"; $in_cert="TestUser511"; $in_cipher = "SSL3_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA"; } debug("Entering getReqData function", "$in_port:$in_host:$in_cert:$in_cipher"); if (defined $debug && $debug == "debug on") { $DEBUG = 1; } if (!defined $in_host || $in_host eq "" || !defined $in_port || $in_port eq "" || !defined $in_cert || $in_cert eq "") { if ($osDataArr{wservRun}) { print h1('Command description form:'), start_form(-method=>"get"), "Host: ",textfield('host'),p, "Port: ",textfield('port'),p, "Cert: ",textfield('cert'),p, "Cipher: ",textfield('cipher'),p, checkbox_group(-name=>'debug', -values=>['debug on ']), submit, end_form, hr; } else { print "Printing html form to get client arguments\n"; } $ERR = "the following parameters are required: host, port, cert"; return 0; } else { print "
" if ($osDataArr{wservRun});
        return 1;

# Building cipher conversion table from file based on the OS.
# Params:
#     tfile: cipher conversion file.
#     sysName: system name
#     tblPrt: returned pointer to a table.
sub buildCipherTable {
    my ($tfile, $sysName, $tblPrt) = @_;
    my @retArr = @$tblPrt;
    my %table, %rtable;
    my $strCount = 0;

    debug("Entering getReqData function", "$tfile:$sysName:$tblPrt");

    ($ERR = "No system name supplied" && return 0) if ($sysName =~ /^$/);
    if (!open(TFILE, "$tfile")) {
        $ERR = "Missing cipher conversion table file.";
        return 0;
    foreach () {
        /^#.*/ && next;
        /^\s*$/ && next;
        if ($strCount++ == 0) {
            my @sysArr =  split /\s+/;
            $colCount = 0;
            for (;$colCount <= $#sysArr;$colCount++) {
                last if ($sysArr[$colCount] =~ /(.*:|^)$sysName.*/);
        my @ciphArr =  split /\s+/, $_;
        $table{$ciphArr[0]} = $ciphArr[$colCount];
        $rtable{$ciphArr[$colCount]} = $ciphArr[0];
    $cipherTablePtr[0] = \%table;
    $cipherTablePtr[1] = \%rtable;
    return 1

# Client configuration function. Loads client configuration file.
# Initiates cipher table. Loads cipher list supported by ssl client.
sub configClient {

    debug "Entering configClient function";

    my $res = &setFunctRefs();
    return $res if (!$res);

    open(CFILE, $osDataArr{'osConfigFile'}) ||
        ($ERR = "Missing configuration file." && return 0);
    foreach () {
        /^#.*/ && next;
        eval $_;
    local @cipherTablePtr = ();
    $osDataArr{'buildCipherTableFn'}->($cipherTableFile, $clientSys) || return 0;
    $osDataArr{cipherTable} = $cipherTablePtr[0];
    $osDataArr{rcipherTable} = $cipherTablePtr[1];
    local $suppCiphersTablePrt;
    &{$osDataArr{'loadSupportedCipthersFn'}} || return 0;
    $osDataArr{suppCiphersTable} = $suppCiphersTablePrt;

# Verifies that a particular cipher is supported.
# Params:
#    checkCipher: cipher name
# Returns:
#    1 - cipher is supported(also echos the cipher).
#    0 - not supported.
sub verifyCipherSupport {
    my ($checkCipher) = @_;
    my @suppCiphersTable = @{$osDataArr{suppCiphersTable}};

    debug("Entering verifyCipherSupport", $checkCipher);
    foreach (@suppCiphersTable) {
        return 1 if ($checkCipher eq $_);
    $ERR = "cipher is not supported.";
    return 0;

# Converts long(?name of the type?) cipher name to 
# openssl/tstclntw cipher name.
# Returns:
#   0 if cipher was not listed. 1 upon success.
sub convertCipher {
    my ($cipher) = @_;
    my @retList;
    my $resStr;
    my %cipherTable = %{$osDataArr{cipherTable}};

    debug("Entering convertCipher", $cipher);
    if (defined $cipher) {
        my $cphr = $cipherTable{$cipher};
        if (!defined $cphr) {
            $ERR = "cipher is not listed.";
            return 0;
        &{$osDataArr{'cipherIsSupportedFn'}}($cphr) || return 0;
        $ciphers = "$cphr";
        return 1;
    return 0;

#  UNIX Apache Specific functions

# Executes ssl client command to get a list of ciphers supported
# by client.
sub getSupportedCipherList_Unix {
    my @arr, @suppCiphersTable;

    debug "Entering getSupportedCipherList_Unix function";

    eval '$sLisrCmd = "'.$osDataArr{'suppCiphersCmd'}.'"';
    if (!open (OUT, "$sLisrCmd|")) {
        $ERR="Can not run command to verify supported cipher list.";
        return 0;
    @arr = ;
    chop $arr[0];
    @suppCiphersTable = split /:/, $arr[0];
    debug("Supported ciphers", $arr[0]);
    $suppCiphersTablePrt = \@suppCiphersTable;
    return 1;

# Lunches ssl client command in response to a request.
sub execClientCmd_Unix {
    my $proto;
    local $ciphers;

    debug "Entering execClientCmd_Unix";
    if (defined $in_cipher && $in_cipher ne "") {
        my @arr = split /_/, $in_cipher, 2;
        $proto = "-".$arr[0];
        $proto =~ tr /SLT/slt/;
        $proto = "-tls1" if ($proto eq "-tls");
        return 0 if (!&{$osDataArr{'cipherListFn'}}($in_cipher));
        $ciphers = "-cipher $ciphers";
        debug("Return from cipher conversion", "$ciphers");

    eval '$command = "'.$osDataArr{'clientRunCmd'}.'"';
    debug("Executing command", $command);
    if (!open CMD_OUT, "$command 2>&1 |") {
       $ERR = "can not launch client";
       return 0;

    my @cmdOutArr = ;
    foreach (@cmdOutArr) {
        print $_;

    my $haveVerify = 0;
    my $haveErrors = 0;
    foreach (@cmdOutArr) {
        if (/unknown option/) {
            svr_error "unknown option\n";
        if (/:no ciphers available/) {
            svr_error "no cipthers available\n";
        if (/verify error:/) {
            svr_error "unable to do verification\n";
        if (/alert certificate revoked:/) {
            svr_error "attempt to connect with revoked sertificate\n";
        if (/(error|ERROR)/) {
            svr_error "found errors in server log\n";
        /verify return:1/ && ($haveVerify = 1);
     if ($haveVerify == 0) {
         svr_error "no 'verify return:1' found in server log\n";

    if ($haveErrors > 0) {
        $ERR = "Have $haveErrors server errors";
        debug "Exiting execClientCmd_Unix";
        return 0;
    debug "Exiting execClientCmd_Unix";
    return 1;

#  Windows IIS Specific functions

# Executes ssl client command to get a list of ciphers supported
# by client.
sub getSupportedCipherList_Win {
    my @arr, @suppCiphersTable;

    debug "Entering getSupportedCipherList_Win function";

    eval '$sLisrCmd = "'.$osDataArr{'suppCiphersCmd'}.'"';
    if (!open (OUT, "$sLisrCmd|")) {
        $ERR="Can not run command to verify supported cipher list.";
        return 0;
    my $startCipherList = 0;
    foreach () {
        if ($startCipherList) {
            /^([a-zA-Z])\s+/ && push @suppCiphersTable, $1;
        /.*from list below.*/ && ($startCipherList = 1);
    debug("Supported ciphers", join ':', @suppCiphersTable);
    $suppCiphersTablePrt = \@suppCiphersTable;
    return 1;

# Lunches ssl client command in response to a request.
sub execClientCmd_Win {
    my $proto;
    local $ciphers;

    debug "Entering execClientCmd_Win";
    if (defined $in_cipher && $in_cipher ne "") {
        my @arr = split /_/, $in_cipher, 2;
        $proto = "-2 -3 -T";

        $proto =~ s/-T// if ($arr[0] eq "TLS");
        $proto =~ s/-3// if ($arr[0] eq "SSL3");
        $proto =~ s/-2// if ($arr[0] eq "SSL2");
	return 0 if (!&{$osDataArr{'cipherListFn'}}($in_cipher));
        $ciphers = "-c $ciphers";
        debug("Return from cipher conversion", $ciphers);

    eval '$command = "'.$osDataArr{'clientRunCmd'}.'"';
    debug("Executing command", $command);
    if (!open CMD_OUT, "$command 2>&1 |") {
        $ERR = "can not launch client";
        return 0;

    my @cmdOutArr = ;
    foreach (@cmdOutArr) {
        print $_;

    my $haveVerify = 0;
    my $haveErrors = 0;
    foreach (@cmdOutArr) {
        if (/unknown option/) {
            svr_error "unknown option\n";
        if (/Error performing handshake/) {
            svr_error "Error performing handshake\n";
        if (/Error creating credentials/) {
            svr_error "Error creating credentials\n";
        if (/Error .* authenticating server credentials!/) {
            svr_error "Error authenticating server credentials\n";
        if (/(error|ERROR|Error)/) {
            svr_error "found errors in server log\n";

    if ($haveErrors > 0) {
        $ERR = "Have $haveErrors server errors";
        debug "Exiting execClientCmd_Win";
        return 0;
    debug "Exiting execClientCmd_Win";
    return 1;

#  Main line of execution

if ($osDataArr{wservRun}) {
    print header('text/html').
        start_html('iopr client');
print "SCRIPT=OK\n";

if (!&getReqData) { 
    svr_error($ERR, 1);

if (!&configClient) { 
    svr_error($ERR, 1);

&{$osDataArr{'execCmdFn'}} || svr_error;

if ($osDataArr{wservRun}) {
    print "
"; print end_html; }