/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests that various mutations to the dom update the markup view correctly. // The test for comparing the markup view to the real dom is a bit weird: // - Select the text in the markup view // - Parse that as innerHTML in a document we've created for the purpose. // - Remove extraneous whitespace in that tree // - Compare it to the real dom with isEqualNode. const TEST_URL = TEST_URL_ROOT + "doc_markup_mutation.html"; // All the mutation types we want to test. const TEST_DATA = [ { desc: "Adding an attribute", test: () => { let node1 = getNode("#node1"); node1.setAttribute("newattr", "newattrval"); } }, { desc: "Removing an attribute", test: () => { let node1 = getNode("#node1"); node1.removeAttribute("newattr"); } }, { desc: "Updating the text-content", test: () => { let node1 = getNode("#node1"); node1.textContent = "newtext"; } }, { desc: "Updating the innerHTML", test: () => { let node2 = getNode("#node2"); node2.innerHTML = "
"; } }, { desc: "Removing child nodes", test: () => { let node4 = getNode("#node4"); while (node4.firstChild) { node4.removeChild(node4.firstChild); } } }, { desc: "Appending a child to a different parent", test: () => { let node17 = getNode("#node17"); let node1 = getNode("#node2"); node1.appendChild(node17); } }, { desc: "Swapping a parent and child element, putting them in the same tree", // body // node1 // node18 // node19 // node20 // node21 // will become: // body // node1 // node20 // node21 // node18 // node19 test: () => { let node18 = getNode("#node18"); let node20 = getNode("#node20"); let node1 = getNode("#node1"); node1.appendChild(node20); node20.appendChild(node18); } } ]; let test = asyncTest(function*() { info("Creating the helper tab for parsing"); let parseTab = yield addTab("data:text/html,"); let parseDoc = content.document; info("Creating the test tab"); let contentTab = yield addTab(TEST_URL); let doc = content.document; // Strip whitespace in the document for easier comparison stripWhitespace(doc.documentElement); let {inspector} = yield openInspector(); let markup = inspector.markup; info("Expanding all markup-view nodes"); yield markup.expandAll(); for (let step of TEST_DATA) { info("Starting test: " + step.desc); info("Executing the test markup mutation, listening for inspector-updated before moving on"); let updated = inspector.once("inspector-updated"); step.test(); yield updated; info("Expanding all markup-view nodes to make sure new nodes are imported"); yield markup.expandAll(); info("Comparing the markup-view markup with the content document"); compareMarkup(parseDoc, inspector); } }); function stripWhitespace(node) { node.normalize(); let iter = node.ownerDocument.createNodeIterator(node, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT + NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT, null); while ((node = iter.nextNode())) { node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/g, ''); if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && !/[^\s]/.exec(node.nodeValue)) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } } function compareMarkup(parseDoc, inspector) { // Grab the text from the markup panel... let markupContainerEl = getContainerForRawNode("body", inspector).elt; let sel = markupContainerEl.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection(); sel.selectAllChildren(markupContainerEl); // Parse it let parseNode = parseDoc.querySelector("body"); parseNode.outerHTML = sel; parseNode = parseDoc.querySelector("body"); // Pull whitespace out of text and comment nodes, there will // be minor unimportant differences. stripWhitespace(parseNode); // console.log(contentNode.innerHTML, parseNode.innerHTML); ok(getNode("body").isEqualNode(parseNode), "Markup panel matches what's in the content document."); }