/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef GFX_PREFS_H #define GFX_PREFS_H #include #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "mozilla/TypedEnum.h" // First time gfxPrefs::GetSingleton() needs to be called on the main thread, // before any of the methods accessing the values are used, but after // the Preferences system has been initialized. // The static methods to access the preference value are safe to call // from any thread after that first call. // To register a preference, you need to add a line in this file using // the DECL_GFX_PREF macro. // // Update argument controls whether we read the preference value and save it // or connect with a callback. See UpdatePolicy enum below. // Pref is the string with the preference name. // Name argument is the name of the static function to create. // Type is the type of the preference - bool, int32_t, uint32_t. // Default is the default value for the preference. // // For example this line in the .h: // DECL_GFX_PREF(Once,"layers.dump",LayersDump,bool,false); // means that you can call // bool var = gfxPrefs::LayersDump(); // from any thread, but that you will only get the preference value of // "layers.dump" as it was set at the start of the session. If the value // was not set, the default would be false. // // In another example, this line in the .h: // DECL_GFX_PREF(Live,"gl.msaa-level",MSAALevel,uint32_t,2); // means that every time you call // uint32_t var = gfxPrefs::MSAALevel(); // from any thread, you will get the most up to date preference value of // "gl.msaa-level". If the value is not set, the default would be 2. // Note that changing a preference from Live to Once is now as simple // as changing the Update argument. If your code worked before, it will // keep working, and behave as if the user never changes the preference. // Things are a bit more complicated and perhaps even dangerous when // going from Once to Live, or indeed setting a preference to be Live // in the first place, so be careful. You need to be ready for the // values changing mid execution, and if you're using those preferences // in any setup and initialization, you may need to do extra work. #define DECL_GFX_PREF(Update, Pref, Name, Type, Default) \ public: \ static Type Name() { MOZ_ASSERT(SingletonExists()); return GetSingleton().mPref##Name.mValue; } \ private: \ static const char* Get##Name##PrefName() { return Pref; } \ static Type Get##Name##PrefDefault() { return Default; } \ PrefTemplate mPref##Name class gfxPrefs; class gfxPrefs MOZ_FINAL { private: // Enums for the update policy. MOZ_BEGIN_NESTED_ENUM_CLASS(UpdatePolicy) Skip, // Set the value to default, skip any Preferences calls Once, // Evaluate the preference once, unchanged during the session Live // Evaluate the preference and set callback so it stays current/live MOZ_END_NESTED_ENUM_CLASS(UpdatePolicy) // Since we cannot use const char*, use a function that returns it. template class PrefTemplate { public: PrefTemplate() : mValue(Default()) { Register(Update, Pref()); } void Register(UpdatePolicy aUpdate, const char* aPreference) { switch(aUpdate) { case UpdatePolicy::Skip: break; case UpdatePolicy::Once: mValue = PrefGet(aPreference, mValue); break; case UpdatePolicy::Live: PrefAddVarCache(&mValue,aPreference, mValue); break; default: MOZ_CRASH(); break; } } T mValue; }; // This is where DECL_GFX_PREF for each of the preferences should go. // We will keep these in an alphabetical order to make it easier to see if // a method accessing a pref already exists. Just add yours in the list. DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "apz.fling_friction", APZFlingFriction, float, 0.002f); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "apz.fling_stopped_threshold", APZFlingStoppedThreshold, float, 0.01f); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "apz.max_event_acceleration", APZMaxEventAcceleration, float, 999.0f); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "apz.max_velocity_pixels_per_ms", APZMaxVelocity, float, -1.0f); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "apz.max_velocity_queue_size", APZMaxVelocityQueueSize, uint32_t, 5); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "gfx.android.rgb16.force", AndroidRGB16Force, bool, false); #if defined(ANDROID) DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "gfx.apitrace.enabled", UseApitrace, bool, false); #endif DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "gfx.canvas.azure.accelerated", CanvasAzureAccelerated, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "gfx.canvas.skiagl.dynamic-cache", CanvasSkiaGLDynamicCache, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "gfx.canvas.skiagl.cache-size", CanvasSkiaGLCacheSize, int32_t, 96); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "gfx.canvas.skiagl.cache-items", CanvasSkiaGLCacheItems, int32_t, 256); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "gfx.color_management.enablev4", CMSEnableV4, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "gfx.color_management.mode", CMSMode, int32_t,-1); // The zero default here should match QCMS_INTENT_DEFAULT from qcms.h DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "gfx.color_management.rendering_intent", CMSRenderingIntent, int32_t, 0); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "gfx.direct2d.disabled", Direct2DDisabled, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "gfx.direct2d.force-enabled", Direct2DForceEnabled, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "gfx.gralloc.fence-with-readpixels", GrallocFenceWithReadPixels, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "gfx.layerscope.enabled", LayerScopeEnabled, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "gfx.layerscope.port", LayerScopePort, int32_t, 23456); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "gfx.work-around-driver-bugs", WorkAroundDriverBugs, bool, true); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "gl.msaa-level", MSAALevel, uint32_t, 2); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.acceleration.disabled", LayersAccelerationDisabled, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "layers.acceleration.draw-fps", LayersDrawFPS, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.acceleration.force-enabled", LayersAccelerationForceEnabled, bool, false); #ifdef XP_WIN // On windows, ignore the preference value, forcing async video to false. DECL_GFX_PREF(Skip, "layers.async-video.enabled", AsyncVideoEnabled, bool, false); #else DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.async-video.enabled", AsyncVideoEnabled, bool, false); #endif DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.bufferrotation.enabled", BufferRotationEnabled, bool, true); #ifdef MOZ_GFX_OPTIMIZE_MOBILE // If MOZ_GFX_OPTIMIZE_MOBILE is defined, we force component alpha off // and ignore the preference. DECL_GFX_PREF(Skip, "layers.componentalpha.enabled", ComponentAlphaEnabled, bool, false); #else // If MOZ_GFX_OPTIMIZE_MOBILE is not defined, we actually take the // preference value, defaulting to true. DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.componentalpha.enabled", ComponentAlphaEnabled, bool, true); #endif DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "layers.draw-bigimage-borders", DrawBigImageBorders, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "layers.draw-borders", DrawLayerBorders, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "layers.draw-tile-borders", DrawTileBorders, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.dump", LayersDump, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.enable-tiles", LayersTilesEnabled, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.simple-tiles", LayersUseSimpleTiles, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.force-per-tile-drawing", PerTileDrawing, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.overzealous-gralloc-unlocking", OverzealousGrallocUnlocking, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.force-shmem-tiles", ForceShmemTiles, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "layers.frame-counter", DrawFrameCounter, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "layers.low-precision-buffer", UseLowPrecisionBuffer, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "layers.low-precision-resolution", LowPrecisionResolution, int32_t, 250); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled", LayersOffMainThreadCompositionEnabled, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "layers.offmainthreadcomposition.frame-rate", LayersCompositionFrameRate, int32_t,-1); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.offmainthreadcomposition.force-enabled", LayersOffMainThreadCompositionForceEnabled, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.offmainthreadcomposition.testing.enabled", LayersOffMainThreadCompositionTestingEnabled, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "layers.orientation.sync.timeout", OrientationSyncMillis, uint32_t, (uint32_t)0); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.prefer-d3d9", LayersPreferD3D9, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.prefer-opengl", LayersPreferOpenGL, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.progressive-paint", UseProgressiveTilePainting, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layers.scroll-graph", LayersScrollGraph, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "layout.frame_rate", LayoutFrameRate, int32_t, -1); DECL_GFX_PREF(Live, "nglayout.debug.widget_update_flashing", WidgetUpdateFlashing, bool, false); DECL_GFX_PREF(Once, "webgl.force-layers-readback", WebGLForceLayersReadback, bool, false); public: // Manage the singleton: static gfxPrefs& GetSingleton() { if (!sInstance) { sInstance = new gfxPrefs; } return *sInstance; } static void DestroySingleton(); static bool SingletonExists(); private: static gfxPrefs* sInstance; private: // Creating these to avoid having to include Preferences.h in the .h static void PrefAddVarCache(bool*, const char*, bool); static void PrefAddVarCache(int32_t*, const char*, int32_t); static void PrefAddVarCache(uint32_t*, const char*, uint32_t); static void PrefAddVarCache(float*, const char*, float); static bool PrefGet(const char*, bool); static int32_t PrefGet(const char*, int32_t); static uint32_t PrefGet(const char*, uint32_t); static float PrefGet(const char*, float); gfxPrefs(); ~gfxPrefs(); gfxPrefs(const gfxPrefs&) MOZ_DELETE; gfxPrefs& operator=(const gfxPrefs&) MOZ_DELETE; }; #undef DECL_GFX_PREF /* Don't need it outside of this file */ #endif /* GFX_PREFS_H */