/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ var gPane = null; var gTab = null; var gDebuggee = null; var gDebugger = null; function test() { debug_tab_pane(STACK_URL, function(aTab, aDebuggee, aPane) { gTab = aTab; gDebuggee = aDebuggee; gPane = aPane; gDebugger = gPane.panelWin; testSimpleCall(); }); } function testSimpleCall() { gDebugger.DebuggerController.activeThread.addOneTimeListener("framesadded", function() { Services.tm.currentThread.dispatch({ run: function() { let globalScope = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Variables.addScope("Test-Global"); let localScope = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Variables.addScope("Test-Local"); let windowVar = globalScope.addVar("window"); let documentVar = globalScope.addVar("document"); let localVar0 = localScope.addVar("localVariable"); let localVar1 = localScope.addVar("localVar1"); let localVar2 = localScope.addVar("localVar2"); let localVar3 = localScope.addVar("localVar3"); let localVar4 = localScope.addVar("localVar4"); let localVar5 = localScope.addVar("localVar5"); localVar0._setGrip(42); localVar1._setGrip(true); localVar2._setGrip("nasu"); localVar3._setGrip({ "type": "undefined" }); localVar4._setGrip({ "type": "null" }); localVar5._setGrip({ "type": "object", "class": "Object" }); localVar5.addProperties({ "someProp0": { "value": 42, "enumerable": true }, "someProp1": { "value": true , "enumerable": true}, "someProp2": { "value": "nasu", "enumerable": true}, "someProp3": { "value": { "type": "undefined" }, "enumerable": true}, "someProp4": { "value": { "type": "null" }, "enumerable": true }, "someProp5": { "value": { "type": "object", "class": "Object" }, "enumerable": true } }); localVar5.get("someProp5").addProperties({ "someProp0": { "value": 42, "enumerable": true }, "someProp1": { "value": true, "enumerable": true }, "someProp2": { "value": "nasu", "enumerable": true }, "someProp3": { "value": { "type": "undefined" }, "enumerable": true }, "someProp4": { "value": { "type": "null" }, "enumerable": true }, "someAccessor": { "get": { "type": "object", "class": "Function" }, "set": { "type": "undefined" }, "enumerable": true } }); windowVar._setGrip({ "type": "object", "class": "Window" }); windowVar.addProperties({ "helloWorld": { "value": "hello world" } }); documentVar._setGrip({ "type": "object", "class": "HTMLDocument" }); documentVar.addProperties({ "onload": { "value": { "type": "null" } }, "onunload": { "value": { "type": "null" } }, "onfocus": { "value": { "type": "null" } }, "onblur": { "value": { "type": "null" } }, "onclick": { "value": { "type": "null" } }, "onkeypress": { "value": { "type": "null" } } }); ok(windowVar, "The windowVar hasn't been created correctly."); ok(documentVar, "The documentVar hasn't been created correctly."); ok(localVar0, "The localVar0 hasn't been created correctly."); ok(localVar1, "The localVar1 hasn't been created correctly."); ok(localVar2, "The localVar2 hasn't been created correctly."); ok(localVar3, "The localVar3 hasn't been created correctly."); ok(localVar4, "The localVar4 hasn't been created correctly."); ok(localVar5, "The localVar5 hasn't been created correctly."); for each (let elt in globalScope.target.querySelector(".nonenum").childNodes) { info("globalScope :: " + { id: elt.id, className: elt.className }.toSource()); } is(globalScope.target.querySelector(".nonenum").childNodes.length, 2, "The globalScope doesn't contain all the created variable elements."); for each (let elt in localScope.target.querySelector(".nonenum").childNodes) { info("localScope :: " + { id: elt.id, className: elt.className }.toSource()); } is(localScope.target.querySelector(".nonenum").childNodes.length, 6, "The localScope doesn't contain all the created variable elements."); is(localVar5.target.querySelector(".details").childNodes.length, 6, "The localVar5 doesn't contain all the created properties."); is(localVar5.get("someProp5").target.querySelector(".details").childNodes.length, 6, "The localVar5.someProp5 doesn't contain all the created properties."); is(windowVar.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "[object Window]", "The grip information for the windowVar wasn't set correctly."); is(documentVar.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "[object HTMLDocument]", "The grip information for the documentVar wasn't set correctly."); is(localVar0.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "42", "The grip information for the localVar0 wasn't set correctly."); is(localVar1.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "true", "The grip information for the localVar1 wasn't set correctly."); is(localVar2.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "\"nasu\"", "The grip information for the localVar2 wasn't set correctly."); is(localVar3.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "undefined", "The grip information for the localVar3 wasn't set correctly."); is(localVar4.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "null", "The grip information for the localVar4 wasn't set correctly."); is(localVar5.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "[object Object]", "The grip information for the localVar5 wasn't set correctly."); gDebugger.DebuggerController.activeThread.resume(function() { closeDebuggerAndFinish(); }); }}, 0); }); gDebuggee.simpleCall(); } registerCleanupFunction(function() { removeTab(gTab); gPane = null; gTab = null; gDebuggee = null; gDebugger = null; });