/* * Copyright © 2013 Sebastien Alaiwan * * This program is made available under an ISC-style license. See the * accompanying file LICENSE for details. */ /* libcubeb api/function exhaustive test. Plays a series of tones in different * conditions. */ #ifdef NDEBUG #undef NDEBUG #endif #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #include #include #include #include #include #include "cubeb/cubeb.h" #include "common.h" #define MAX_NUM_CHANNELS 32 #if !defined(M_PI) #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #define NELEMS(x) ((int) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))) #define VOLUME 0.2 float get_frequency(int channel_index) { return 220.0f * (channel_index+1); } /* store the phase of the generated waveform */ typedef struct { int num_channels; float phase[MAX_NUM_CHANNELS]; float sample_rate; } synth_state; synth_state* synth_create(int num_channels, float sample_rate) { synth_state* synth = (synth_state *) malloc(sizeof(synth_state)); for(int i=0;i < MAX_NUM_CHANNELS;++i) synth->phase[i] = 0.0f; synth->num_channels = num_channels; synth->sample_rate = sample_rate; return synth; } void synth_destroy(synth_state* synth) { free(synth); } void synth_run_float(synth_state* synth, float* audiobuffer, long nframes) { for(int c=0;c < synth->num_channels;++c) { float freq = get_frequency(c); float phase_inc = 2.0 * M_PI * freq / synth->sample_rate; for(long n=0;n < nframes;++n) { audiobuffer[n*synth->num_channels+c] = sin(synth->phase[c]) * VOLUME; synth->phase[c] += phase_inc; } } } long data_cb_float(cubeb_stream *stream, void *user, void *buffer, long nframes) { synth_state *synth = (synth_state *)user; synth_run_float(synth, (float*)buffer, nframes); return nframes; } void synth_run_16bit(synth_state* synth, short* audiobuffer, long nframes) { for(int c=0;c < synth->num_channels;++c) { float freq = get_frequency(c); float phase_inc = 2.0 * M_PI * freq / synth->sample_rate; for(long n=0;n < nframes;++n) { audiobuffer[n*synth->num_channels+c] = sin(synth->phase[c]) * VOLUME * 32767.0f; synth->phase[c] += phase_inc; } } } long data_cb_short(cubeb_stream *stream, void *user, void *buffer, long nframes) { synth_state *synth = (synth_state *)user; synth_run_16bit(synth, (short*)buffer, nframes); return nframes; } void state_cb(cubeb_stream *stream, void *user, cubeb_state state) { } /* Our android backends don't support float, only int16. */ int supports_float32(const char* backend_id) { return (strcmp(backend_id, "opensl") != 0 && strcmp(backend_id, "audiotrack") != 0); } /* Some backends don't have code to deal with more than mono or stereo. */ int supports_channel_count(const char* backend_id, int nchannels) { return nchannels <= 2 || (strcmp(backend_id, "opensl") != 0 && strcmp(backend_id, "audiotrack") != 0); } int run_test(int num_channels, int sampling_rate, int is_float) { int ret = CUBEB_OK; cubeb *ctx = NULL; synth_state* synth = NULL; cubeb_stream *stream = NULL; const char * backend_id = NULL; ret = cubeb_init(&ctx, "Cubeb audio test"); if (ret != CUBEB_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing cubeb library\n"); goto cleanup; } backend_id = cubeb_get_backend_id(ctx); if ((is_float && !supports_float32(backend_id)) || !supports_channel_count(backend_id, num_channels)) { /* don't treat this as a test failure. */ goto cleanup; } fprintf(stderr, "Testing %d channel(s), %d Hz, %s (%s)\n", num_channels, sampling_rate, is_float ? "float" : "short", cubeb_get_backend_id(ctx)); cubeb_stream_params params; params.format = is_float ? CUBEB_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE : CUBEB_SAMPLE_S16NE; params.rate = sampling_rate; params.channels = num_channels; synth = synth_create(params.channels, params.rate); if (synth == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); goto cleanup; } ret = cubeb_stream_init(ctx, &stream, "test tone", params, 100, is_float ? data_cb_float : data_cb_short, state_cb, synth); if (ret != CUBEB_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing cubeb stream: %d\n", ret); goto cleanup; } cubeb_stream_start(stream); delay(200); cubeb_stream_stop(stream); cleanup: cubeb_stream_destroy(stream); cubeb_destroy(ctx); synth_destroy(synth); return ret; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int channel_values[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, }; int freq_values[] = { 16000, 24000, 44100, 48000, }; for(int j = 0; j < NELEMS(channel_values); ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < NELEMS(freq_values); ++i) { assert(channel_values[j] < MAX_NUM_CHANNELS); fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------\n"); assert(run_test(channel_values[j], freq_values[i], 0) == CUBEB_OK); assert(run_test(channel_values[j], freq_values[i], 1) == CUBEB_OK); } } return CUBEB_OK; }