/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ "use strict"; const DEBUG = false; const PERSIST_SYS_USB_CONFIG_PROPERTY = "persist.sys.usb.config"; const SYS_USB_CONFIG_PROPERTY = "sys.usb.config"; const SYS_USB_STATE_PROPERTY = "sys.usb.state"; const USB_FUNCTION_RNDIS = "rndis"; const USB_FUNCTION_ADB = "adb"; const kNetdInterfaceChangedTopic = "netd-interface-change"; const kNetdBandwidthControlTopic = "netd-bandwidth-control"; // Use this command to continue the function chain. const DUMMY_COMMAND = "tether status"; // Retry 20 times (2 seconds) for usb state transition. const USB_FUNCTION_RETRY_TIMES = 20; // Check "sys.usb.state" every 100ms. const USB_FUNCTION_RETRY_INTERVAL = 100; // 1xx - Requested action is proceeding const NETD_COMMAND_PROCEEDING = 100; // 2xx - Requested action has been successfully completed const NETD_COMMAND_OKAY = 200; // 4xx - The command is accepted but the requested action didn't // take place. const NETD_COMMAND_FAIL = 400; // 5xx - The command syntax or parameters error const NETD_COMMAND_ERROR = 500; // 6xx - Unsolicited broadcasts const NETD_COMMAND_UNSOLICITED = 600; // Broadcast messages const NETD_COMMAND_INTERFACE_CHANGE = 600; const NETD_COMMAND_BANDWIDTH_CONTROLLER = 601; importScripts("systemlibs.js"); function netdResponseType(code) { return Math.floor(code/100)*100; } function isBroadcastMessage(code) { let type = netdResponseType(code); return (type == NETD_COMMAND_UNSOLICITED); } function isError(code) { let type = netdResponseType(code); return (type != NETD_COMMAND_PROCEEDING && type != NETD_COMMAND_OKAY); } function isComplete(code) { let type = netdResponseType(code); return (type != NETD_COMMAND_PROCEEDING); } function isProceeding(code) { let type = netdResponseType(code); return (type === NETD_COMMAND_PROCEEDING); } function sendBroadcastMessage(code, reason) { let topic = null; switch (code) { case NETD_COMMAND_INTERFACE_CHANGE: topic = "netd-interface-change"; break; case NETD_COMMAND_BANDWIDTH_CONTROLLER: topic = "netd-bandwidth-control"; break; } if (topic) { postMessage({id: 'broadcast', topic: topic, reason: reason}); } } let gWifiFailChain = [stopSoftAP, setIpForwardingEnabled, stopTethering]; function wifiTetheringFail(params) { // Notify the main thread. postMessage(params); // If one of the stages fails, we try roll back to ensure // we don't leave the network systems in limbo. // This parameter is used to disable ipforwarding. params.enable = false; chain(params, gWifiFailChain, null); } function wifiTetheringSuccess(params) { // Notify the main thread. postMessage(params); return true; } let gUSBFailChain = [stopSoftAP, setIpForwardingEnabled, stopTethering]; function usbTetheringFail(params) { // Notify the main thread. postMessage(params); // Try to roll back to ensure // we don't leave the network systems in limbo. // This parameter is used to disable ipforwarding. params.enable = false; chain(params, gUSBFailChain, null); // Disable usb rndis function. enableUsbRndis({enable: false, report: false}); } function usbTetheringSuccess(params) { // Notify the main thread. postMessage(params); return true; } function networkInterfaceStatsFail(params) { // Notify the main thread. postMessage(params); return true; } function networkInterfaceStatsSuccess(params) { // Notify the main thread. params.txBytes = parseFloat(params.resultReason); postMessage(params); return true; } function updateUpStreamSuccess(params) { // Notify the main thread. postMessage(params); return true; } function updateUpStreamFail(params) { // Notify the main thread. postMessage(params); return true; } /** * Get network interface properties from the system property table. * * @param ifname * Name of the network interface. */ function getIFProperties(ifname) { return { ifname: ifname, gateway_str: libcutils.property_get("net." + ifname + ".gw"), dns1_str: libcutils.property_get("net." + ifname + ".dns1"), dns2_str: libcutils.property_get("net." + ifname + ".dns2"), }; } /** * Routines accessible to the main thread. */ /** * Dispatch a message from the main thread to a function. */ self.onmessage = function onmessage(event) { let message = event.data; if (DEBUG) debug("received message: " + JSON.stringify(message)); // We have to keep the id in message. It will be used when post the result // to NetworkManager later. let ret = self[message.cmd](message); if (!message.isAsync) { postMessage({id: message.id, ret: ret}); } }; /** * Set DNS servers for given network interface. */ function setDNS(options) { let ifprops = getIFProperties(options.ifname); let dns1_str = options.dns1_str || ifprops.dns1_str; let dns2_str = options.dns2_str || ifprops.dns2_str; libcutils.property_set("net.dns1", dns1_str); libcutils.property_set("net.dns2", dns2_str); // Bump the DNS change property. let dnschange = libcutils.property_get("net.dnschange", "0"); libcutils.property_set("net.dnschange", (parseInt(dnschange, 10) + 1).toString()); } /** * Set default route and DNS servers for given network interface. */ function setDefaultRouteAndDNS(options) { if (options.oldIfname) { libnetutils.ifc_remove_default_route(options.oldIfname); } let ifprops = getIFProperties(options.ifname); let gateway_str = options.gateway_str || ifprops.gateway_str; let dns1_str = options.dns1_str || ifprops.dns1_str; let dns2_str = options.dns2_str || ifprops.dns2_str; let gateway = netHelpers.stringToIP(gateway_str); libnetutils.ifc_set_default_route(options.ifname, gateway); libcutils.property_set("net.dns1", dns1_str); libcutils.property_set("net.dns2", dns2_str); // Bump the DNS change property. let dnschange = libcutils.property_get("net.dnschange", "0"); libcutils.property_set("net.dnschange", (parseInt(dnschange, 10) + 1).toString()); } /** * Run DHCP and set default route and DNS servers for a given * network interface. */ function runDHCPAndSetDefaultRouteAndDNS(options) { let dhcp = libnetutils.dhcp_do_request(options.ifname); dhcp.ifname = options.ifname; dhcp.oldIfname = options.oldIfname; //TODO this could be race-y... by the time we've finished the DHCP request // and are now fudging with the routes, another network interface may have // come online that's preferred... setDefaultRouteAndDNS(dhcp); } /** * Remove default route for given network interface. */ function removeDefaultRoute(options) { libnetutils.ifc_remove_default_route(options.ifname); } /** * Add host route for given network interface. */ function addHostRoute(options) { for (let i = 0; i < options.hostnames.length; i++) { libnetutils.ifc_add_route(options.ifname, options.hostnames[i], 32, options.gateway); } } /** * Remove host route for given network interface. */ function removeHostRoute(options) { for (let i = 0; i < options.hostnames.length; i++) { libnetutils.ifc_remove_route(options.ifname, options.hostnames[i], 32, options.gateway); } } function removeNetworkRoute(options) { let ipvalue = netHelpers.stringToIP(options.ip); let netmaskvalue = netHelpers.stringToIP(options.netmask); let subnet = netmaskvalue & ipvalue; let dst = netHelpers.ipToString(subnet); let prefixLength = netHelpers.getMaskLength(netmaskvalue); let gateway = ""; libnetutils.ifc_remove_default_route(options.ifname); libnetutils.ifc_remove_route(options.ifname, dst, prefixLength, gateway); } let gCommandQueue = []; let gCurrentCommand = null; let gCurrentCallback = null; let gPending = false; let gReason = []; /** * Handle received data from netd. */ function onNetdMessage(data) { let result = ""; let reason = ""; // The return result is separated from the reason by a space character. let i = 0; while (i < data.length) { let octet = data[i]; i += 1; if (octet == 32) { break; } result += String.fromCharCode(octet); } let code = parseInt(result); for (; i < data.length; i++) { let octet = data[i]; reason += String.fromCharCode(octet); } if (isBroadcastMessage(code)) { debug("Receiving broadcast message from netd."); debug(" ==> Code: " + code + " Reason: " + reason); sendBroadcastMessage(code, reason); nextNetdCommand(); return; } // Set pending to false before we handle next command. debug("Receiving '" + gCurrentCommand + "' command response from netd."); debug(" ==> Code: " + code + " Reason: " + reason); gReason.push(reason); // 1xx response code regards as command is proceeding, we need to wait for // final response code such as 2xx, 4xx and 5xx before sending next command. if (isProceeding(code)) { return; } if (isComplete(code)) { gPending = false; } if (gCurrentCallback) { gCurrentCallback(isError(code), {code: code, reason: gReason.join(" ")}); gReason = []; } // Handling pending commands if any. if (isComplete(code)) { nextNetdCommand(); } } /** * Send command to netd. */ function doCommand(command, callback) { debug("Preparing to send '" + command + "' command..."); gCommandQueue.push([command, callback]); return nextNetdCommand(); } function nextNetdCommand() { if (!gCommandQueue.length || gPending) { return true; } [gCurrentCommand, gCurrentCallback] = gCommandQueue.shift(); debug("Sending '" + gCurrentCommand + "' command to netd."); gPending = true; return postNetdCommand(gCurrentCommand); } function setInterfaceUp(params, callback) { let command = "interface setcfg " + params.ifname + " " + params.ip + " " + params.prefix + " " + "[" + params.link + "]"; return doCommand(command, callback); } function setInterfaceDown(params, callback) { let command = "interface setcfg " + params.ifname + " " + params.ip + " " + params.prefix + " " + "[" + params.link + "]"; return doCommand(command, callback); } function setIpForwardingEnabled(params, callback) { let command; if (params.enable) { command = "ipfwd enable"; } else { // Don't disable ip forwarding because others interface still need it. // Send the dummy command to continue the function chain. if (params.interfaceList.length > 1) { command = DUMMY_COMMAND; } else { command = "ipfwd disable"; } } return doCommand(command, callback); } function startTethering(params, callback) { let command; // We don't need to start tethering again. // Send the dummy command to continue the function chain. if (params.resultReason.indexOf("started") !== -1) { command = DUMMY_COMMAND; } else { command = "tether start " + params.wifiStartIp + " " + params.wifiEndIp + " " + params.usbStartIp + " " + params.usbEndIp; } return doCommand(command, callback); } function tetheringStatus(params, callback) { let command = "tether status"; return doCommand(command, callback); } function stopTethering(params, callback) { let command; // Don't stop tethering because others interface still need it. // Send the dummy to continue the function chain. if (params.interfaceList.length > 1) { command = DUMMY_COMMAND; } else { command = "tether stop"; } return doCommand(command, callback); } function tetherInterface(params, callback) { let command = "tether interface add " + params.ifname; return doCommand(command, callback); } function preTetherInterfaceList(params, callback) { let command = "tether interface list 0"; return doCommand(command, callback); } function postTetherInterfaceList(params, callback) { params.interfaceList = params.resultReason.split(" "); // Send the dummy command to continue the function chain. let command = DUMMY_COMMAND; return doCommand(command, callback); } function untetherInterface(params, callback) { let command = "tether interface remove " + params.ifname; return doCommand(command, callback); } function setDnsForwarders(params, callback) { let command = "tether dns set " + params.dns1 + " " + params.dns2; return doCommand(command, callback); } function enableNat(params, callback) { let command = "nat enable " + params.internalIfname + " " + params.externalIfname + " " + "0"; return doCommand(command, callback); } function disableNat(params, callback) { let command; // Don't disable nat because others interface still need it. // Send the dummy command to continue the function chain. if (params.interfaceList.length > 1) { command = DUMMY_COMMAND; } else { command = "nat disable " + params.internalIfname + " " + params.externalIfname + " " + "0"; } return doCommand(command, callback); } function wifiFirmwareReload(params, callback) { let command = "softap fwreload " + params.ifname + " " + params.mode; return doCommand(command, callback); } function startAccessPointDriver(params, callback) { let command = "softap start " + params.ifname; return doCommand(command, callback); } function stopAccessPointDriver(params, callback) { let command = "softap stop " + params.ifname; return doCommand(command, callback); } function startSoftAP(params, callback) { let command = "softap startap"; return doCommand(command, callback); } function stopSoftAP(params, callback) { let command = "softap stopap"; return doCommand(command, callback); } function getRxBytes(params, callback) { let command = "interface readrxcounter " + params.ifname; return doCommand(command, callback); } function getTxBytes(params, callback) { params.rxBytes = parseFloat(params.resultReason); let command = "interface readtxcounter " + params.ifname; return doCommand(command, callback); } function escapeQuote(str) { str = str.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); return str.replace(/"/g, "\\\""); } // The command format is "softap set wlan0 wl0.1 hotspot456 open null 6 0 8". function setAccessPoint(params, callback) { let command = "softap set " + params.ifname + " " + params.wifictrlinterfacename + " \"" + escapeQuote(params.ssid) + "\"" + " " + params.security + " \"" + escapeQuote(params.key) + "\"" + " " + "6 0 8"; return doCommand(command, callback); } function cleanUpStream(params, callback) { let command = "nat disable " + params.previous.internalIfname + " " + params.previous.externalIfname + " " + "0"; return doCommand(command, callback); } function createUpStream(params, callback) { let command = "nat enable " + params.current.internalIfname + " " + params.current.externalIfname + " " + "0"; return doCommand(command, callback); } /** * Modify usb function's property to turn on USB RNDIS function */ function enableUsbRndis(params) { let report = params.report; let retry = 0; // For some reason, rndis doesn't play well with diag,modem,nmea. // So when turning rndis on, we set sys.usb.config to either "rndis" // or "rndis,adb". When turning rndis off, we go back to // persist.sys.usb.config. // // On the otoro/unagi, persist.sys.usb.config should be one of: // // diag,modem,nmea,mass_storage // diag,modem,nmea,mass_storage,adb // // When rndis is enabled, sys.usb.config should be one of: // // rdnis // rndis,adb // // and when rndis is disabled, it should revert to persist.sys.usb.config let currentConfig = libcutils.property_get(SYS_USB_CONFIG_PROPERTY); let configFuncs = currentConfig.split(","); let persistConfig = libcutils.property_get(PERSIST_SYS_USB_CONFIG_PROPERTY); let persistFuncs = persistConfig.split(","); if (params.enable) { configFuncs = [USB_FUNCTION_RNDIS]; if (persistFuncs.indexOf(USB_FUNCTION_ADB) >= 0) { configFuncs.push(USB_FUNCTION_ADB); } } else { // We're turning rndis off, revert back to the persist setting. // adb will already be correct there, so we don't need to do any // further adjustments. configFuncs = persistFuncs; } let newConfig = configFuncs.join(","); if (newConfig != currentConfig) { libcutils.property_set(SYS_USB_CONFIG_PROPERTY, newConfig); } // Trigger the timer to check usb state and report the result to NetworkManager. if (report) { setTimeout(checkUsbRndisState, USB_FUNCTION_RETRY_INTERVAL, params); } function checkUsbRndisState(params) { let currentState = libcutils.property_get(SYS_USB_STATE_PROPERTY); let stateFuncs = currentState.split(","); let rndisPresent = (stateFuncs.indexOf(USB_FUNCTION_RNDIS) >= 0); if (params.enable == rndisPresent) { params.result = true; postMessage(params); retry = 0; return; } if (retry < USB_FUNCTION_RETRY_TIMES) { retry++; setTimeout(checkUsbRndisState, USB_FUNCTION_RETRY_INTERVAL, params); return; } params.result = false; postMessage(params); }; return true; } function dumpParams(params, type) { if (!DEBUG) { return; } debug("Dump params:"); debug(" ifname: " + params.ifname); debug(" ip: " + params.ip); debug(" link: " + params.link); debug(" prefix: " + params.prefix); debug(" startIp: " + params.startIp); debug(" endIp: " + params.endIp); debug(" dnsserver1: " + params.dns1); debug(" dnsserver2: " + params.dns2); debug(" internalIfname: " + params.internalIfname); debug(" externalIfname: " + params.externalIfname); if (type == "WIFI") { debug(" wifictrlinterfacename: " + params.wifictrlinterfacename); debug(" ssid: " + params.ssid); debug(" security: " + params.security); debug(" key: " + params.key); } } function chain(params, funcs, onError) { let i = -1; let f = funcs[i]; function next(error, result) { params.resultCode = result.code; params.resultReason = result.reason; if (error) { if (onError) { params.error = error; params.state = f.name; onError(params); } return; } i += 1; f = funcs[i]; if (f) { let ret = f(params, next); if (!ret && onError) { params.error = true; params.state = f.name; onError(params); } } }; next(null, {code: NETD_COMMAND_ERROR, reason: ""}); } let gWifiEnableChain = [wifiFirmwareReload, startAccessPointDriver, setAccessPoint, startSoftAP, setInterfaceUp, tetherInterface, setIpForwardingEnabled, tetheringStatus, startTethering, setDnsForwarders, enableNat, wifiTetheringSuccess]; let gWifiDisableChain = [stopSoftAP, stopAccessPointDriver, wifiFirmwareReload, untetherInterface, preTetherInterfaceList, postTetherInterfaceList, disableNat, setIpForwardingEnabled, stopTethering, wifiTetheringSuccess]; /** * handling main thread's enable/disable WiFi Tethering request */ function setWifiTethering(params) { let enable = params.enable; let interfaceProperties = getIFProperties(params.externalIfname); if (interfaceProperties.dns1_str) { params.dns1 = interfaceProperties.dns1_str; } if (interfaceProperties.dns2_str) { params.dns2 = interfaceProperties.dns2_str; } dumpParams(params, "WIFI"); if (enable) { // Enable Wifi tethering. debug("Starting Wifi Tethering on " + params.internalIfname + "<->" + params.externalIfname); chain(params, gWifiEnableChain, wifiTetheringFail); } else { // Disable Wifi tethering. debug("Stopping Wifi Tethering on " + params.internalIfname + "<->" + params.externalIfname); chain(params, gWifiDisableChain, wifiTetheringFail); } return true; } let gUpdateUpStreamChain = [cleanUpStream, createUpStream, updateUpStreamSuccess]; /** * handling upstream interface change event. */ function updateUpStream(params) { chain(params, gUpdateUpStreamChain, updateUpStreamFail); } let gUSBEnableChain = [setInterfaceUp, enableNat, setIpForwardingEnabled, tetherInterface, tetheringStatus, startTethering, setDnsForwarders, usbTetheringSuccess]; let gUSBDisableChain = [untetherInterface, preTetherInterfaceList, postTetherInterfaceList, disableNat, setIpForwardingEnabled, stopTethering, usbTetheringSuccess]; /** * handling main thread's enable/disable USB Tethering request */ function setUSBTethering(params) { let enable = params.enable; let interfaceProperties = getIFProperties(params.externalIfname); if (interfaceProperties.dns1_str) { params.dns1 = interfaceProperties.dns1_str; } if (interfaceProperties.dns2_str) { params.dns2 = interfaceProperties.dns2_str; } dumpParams(params, "USB"); if (enable) { // Enable USB tethering. debug("Starting USB Tethering on " + params.internalIfname + "<->" + params.externalIfname); chain(params, gUSBEnableChain, usbTetheringFail); } else { // Disable USB tetehring. debug("Stopping USB Tethering on " + params.internalIfname + "<->" + params.externalIfname); chain(params, gUSBDisableChain, usbTetheringFail); } return true; } let gNetworkInterfaceStatsChain = [getRxBytes, getTxBytes, networkInterfaceStatsSuccess]; /** * handling main thread's get network interface stats request */ function getNetworkInterfaceStats(params) { debug("getNetworkInterfaceStats: " + params.ifname); params.rxBytes = -1; params.txBytes = -1; params.date = new Date(); chain(params, gNetworkInterfaceStatsChain, networkInterfaceStatsFail); return true; } let debug; if (DEBUG) { debug = function (s) { dump("Network Worker: " + s + "\n"); }; } else { debug = function (s) {}; }