#!/usr/bin/env python # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import posixpath import sys, os import subprocess import runxpcshelltests as xpcshell import tempfile from automationutils import replaceBackSlashes from mozdevice import devicemanagerADB, devicemanagerSUT, devicemanager from zipfile import ZipFile import shutil import mozfile import mozinfo here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def remoteJoin(path1, path2): return posixpath.join(path1, path2) class RemoteXPCShellTestThread(xpcshell.XPCShellTestThread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): xpcshell.XPCShellTestThread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # embed the mobile params from the harness into the TestThread mobileArgs = kwargs.get('mobileArgs') for key in mobileArgs: setattr(self, key, mobileArgs[key]) def buildCmdTestFile(self, name): remoteDir = self.remoteForLocal(os.path.dirname(name)) if remoteDir == self.remoteHere: remoteName = os.path.basename(name) else: remoteName = remoteJoin(remoteDir, os.path.basename(name)) return ['-e', 'const _TEST_FILE = ["%s"];' % replaceBackSlashes(remoteName)] def remoteForLocal(self, local): for mapping in self.pathMapping: if (os.path.abspath(mapping.local) == os.path.abspath(local)): return mapping.remote return local def setupTempDir(self): # make sure the temp dir exists if not self.device.dirExists(self.remoteTmpDir): self.device.mkDir(self.remoteTmpDir) # env var is set in buildEnvironment return self.remoteTmpDir def setupPluginsDir(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.pluginsPath): return None # making sure tmp dir is set up self.setupTempDir() pluginsDir = remoteJoin(self.remoteTmpDir, "plugins") self.device.pushDir(self.pluginsPath, pluginsDir) if self.interactive: self.log.info("TEST-INFO | plugins dir is %s" % pluginsDir) return pluginsDir def setupProfileDir(self): self.device.removeDir(self.profileDir) self.device.mkDir(self.profileDir) if self.interactive or self.singleFile: self.log.info("TEST-INFO | profile dir is %s" % self.profileDir) return self.profileDir def logCommand(self, name, completeCmd, testdir): self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | full command: %r" % (name, completeCmd)) self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | current directory: %r" % (name, self.remoteHere)) self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | environment: %s" % (name, self.env)) def getHeadAndTailFiles(self, test): """Override parent method to find files on remote device.""" def sanitize_list(s, kind): for f in s.strip().split(' '): f = f.strip() if len(f) < 1: continue path = remoteJoin(self.remoteHere, f) if not self.device.fileExists(path): raise Exception('%s file does not exist: %s' % ( kind, path)) yield path self.remoteHere = self.remoteForLocal(test['here']) return (list(sanitize_list(test['head'], 'head')), list(sanitize_list(test['tail'], 'tail'))) def buildXpcsCmd(self, testdir): # change base class' paths to remote paths and use base class to build command self.xpcshell = remoteJoin(self.remoteBinDir, "xpcw") self.headJSPath = remoteJoin(self.remoteScriptsDir, 'head.js') self.httpdJSPath = remoteJoin(self.remoteComponentsDir, 'httpd.js') self.httpdManifest = remoteJoin(self.remoteComponentsDir, 'httpd.manifest') self.testingModulesDir = self.remoteModulesDir self.testharnessdir = self.remoteScriptsDir xpcshell.XPCShellTestThread.buildXpcsCmd(self, testdir) # remove "-g -a " and add "--greomni " del(self.xpcsCmd[1:5]) if self.options.localAPK: self.xpcsCmd.insert(3, '--greomni') self.xpcsCmd.insert(4, self.remoteAPK) if self.remoteDebugger: # for example, "/data/local/gdbserver" "localhost:12345" self.xpcsCmd = [ self.remoteDebugger, self.remoteDebuggerArgs, self.xpcsCmd] def launchProcess(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, env, cwd): cmd.insert(1, self.remoteHere) outputFile = "xpcshelloutput" f = open(outputFile, "w+") self.shellReturnCode = self.device.shell(cmd, f) f.close() # The device manager may have timed out waiting for xpcshell. # Guard against an accumulation of hung processes by killing # them here. Note also that IPC tests may spawn new instances # of xpcshell. self.device.killProcess(cmd[0]) self.device.killProcess("xpcshell") return outputFile def checkForCrashes(self, dump_directory, symbols_path, test_name=None): with mozfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dumpDir: self.device.getDirectory(self.remoteMinidumpDir, dumpDir) crashed = xpcshell.XPCShellTestThread.checkForCrashes(self, dumpDir, symbols_path, test_name) self.device.removeDir(self.remoteMinidumpDir) self.device.mkDir(self.remoteMinidumpDir) return crashed def communicate(self, proc): f = open(proc, "r") contents = f.read() f.close() os.remove(proc) return contents, "" def poll(self, proc): if self.device.processExist("xpcshell") is None: return self.getReturnCode(proc) # Process is still running return None def kill(self, proc): return self.device.killProcess("xpcshell", True) def getReturnCode(self, proc): if self.shellReturnCode is not None: return self.shellReturnCode else: return -1 def removeDir(self, dirname): self.device.removeDir(dirname) #TODO: consider creating a separate log dir. We don't have the test file structure, # so we use filename.log. Would rather see ./logs/filename.log def createLogFile(self, test, stdout): try: f = None filename = test.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1] + ".log" f = open(filename, "w") f.write(stdout) finally: if f is not None: f.close() # A specialization of XPCShellTests that runs tests on an Android device # via devicemanager. class XPCShellRemote(xpcshell.XPCShellTests, object): def __init__(self, devmgr, options, args, log=None): xpcshell.XPCShellTests.__init__(self, log) # Add Android version (SDK level) to mozinfo so that manifest entries # can be conditional on android_version. androidVersion = devmgr.shellCheckOutput(['getprop', 'ro.build.version.sdk']) mozinfo.info['android_version'] = androidVersion self.localLib = options.localLib self.localBin = options.localBin self.options = options self.device = devmgr self.pathMapping = [] self.remoteTestRoot = self.device.getTestRoot("xpcshell") # remoteBinDir contains xpcshell and its wrapper script, both of which must # be executable. Since +x permissions cannot usually be set on /mnt/sdcard, # and the test root may be on /mnt/sdcard, remoteBinDir is set to be on # /data/local, always. self.remoteBinDir = "/data/local/xpcb" # Terse directory names are used here ("c" for the components directory) # to minimize the length of the command line used to execute # xpcshell on the remote device. adb has a limit to the number # of characters used in a shell command, and the xpcshell command # line can be quite complex. self.remoteTmpDir = remoteJoin(self.remoteTestRoot, "tmp") self.remoteScriptsDir = self.remoteTestRoot self.remoteComponentsDir = remoteJoin(self.remoteTestRoot, "c") self.remoteModulesDir = remoteJoin(self.remoteTestRoot, "m") self.remoteMinidumpDir = remoteJoin(self.remoteTestRoot, "minidumps") self.profileDir = remoteJoin(self.remoteTestRoot, "p") self.remoteDebugger = options.debugger self.remoteDebuggerArgs = options.debuggerArgs self.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir self.env = {} if self.options.objdir: self.xpcDir = os.path.join(self.options.objdir, "_tests/xpcshell") elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(here, 'tests')): self.xpcDir = os.path.join(here, 'tests') else: print >> sys.stderr, "Couldn't find local xpcshell test directory" sys.exit(1) if options.localAPK: self.localAPKContents = ZipFile(options.localAPK) if options.setup: self.setupUtilities() self.setupModules() self.setupTestDir() self.setupMinidumpDir() self.remoteAPK = None if options.localAPK: self.remoteAPK = remoteJoin(self.remoteBinDir, os.path.basename(options.localAPK)) self.setAppRoot() # data that needs to be passed to the RemoteXPCShellTestThread self.mobileArgs = { 'device': self.device, 'remoteBinDir': self.remoteBinDir, 'remoteScriptsDir': self.remoteScriptsDir, 'remoteComponentsDir': self.remoteComponentsDir, 'remoteModulesDir': self.remoteModulesDir, 'options': self.options, 'remoteDebugger': self.remoteDebugger, 'pathMapping': self.pathMapping, 'profileDir': self.profileDir, 'remoteTmpDir': self.remoteTmpDir, 'remoteMinidumpDir': self.remoteMinidumpDir, } if self.remoteAPK: self.mobileArgs['remoteAPK'] = self.remoteAPK def setLD_LIBRARY_PATH(self): self.env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = self.remoteBinDir def pushWrapper(self): # Rather than executing xpcshell directly, this wrapper script is # used. By setting environment variables and the cwd in the script, # the length of the per-test command line is shortened. This is # often important when using ADB, as there is a limit to the length # of the ADB command line. localWrapper = tempfile.mktemp() f = open(localWrapper, "w") f.write("#!/system/bin/sh\n") for envkey, envval in self.env.iteritems(): f.write("export %s=%s\n" % (envkey, envval)) f.write("cd $1\n") f.write("echo xpcw: cd $1\n") f.write("shift\n") f.write("echo xpcw: xpcshell \"$@\"\n") f.write("%s/xpcshell \"$@\"\n" % self.remoteBinDir) f.close() remoteWrapper = remoteJoin(self.remoteBinDir, "xpcw") self.device.pushFile(localWrapper, remoteWrapper) os.remove(localWrapper) self.device.chmodDir(self.remoteBinDir) def buildEnvironment(self): self.buildCoreEnvironment() self.setLD_LIBRARY_PATH() self.env["MOZ_LINKER_CACHE"] = self.remoteBinDir if self.options.localAPK and self.appRoot: self.env["GRE_HOME"] = self.appRoot self.env["XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR"] = self.profileDir self.env["TMPDIR"] = self.remoteTmpDir self.env["HOME"] = self.profileDir self.env["XPCSHELL_TEST_TEMP_DIR"] = self.remoteTmpDir self.env["XPCSHELL_MINIDUMP_DIR"] = self.remoteMinidumpDir if self.options.setup: self.pushWrapper() def setAppRoot(self): # Determine the application root directory associated with the package # name used by the Fennec APK. self.appRoot = None packageName = None if self.options.localAPK: try: packageName = self.localAPKContents.read("package-name.txt") if packageName: self.appRoot = self.device.getAppRoot(packageName.strip()) except Exception as detail: print "unable to determine app root: " + str(detail) pass return None def setupUtilities(self): if (not self.device.dirExists(self.remoteBinDir)): # device.mkDir may fail here where shellCheckOutput may succeed -- see bug 817235 try: self.device.shellCheckOutput(["mkdir", self.remoteBinDir]); except devicemanager.DMError: # Might get a permission error; try again as root, if available self.device.shellCheckOutput(["mkdir", self.remoteBinDir], root=True); self.device.shellCheckOutput(["chmod", "777", self.remoteBinDir], root=True); remotePrefDir = remoteJoin(self.remoteBinDir, "defaults/pref") if (self.device.dirExists(self.remoteTmpDir)): self.device.removeDir(self.remoteTmpDir) self.device.mkDir(self.remoteTmpDir) if (not self.device.dirExists(remotePrefDir)): self.device.mkDirs(remoteJoin(remotePrefDir, "extra")) if (not self.device.dirExists(self.remoteScriptsDir)): self.device.mkDir(self.remoteScriptsDir) if (not self.device.dirExists(self.remoteComponentsDir)): self.device.mkDir(self.remoteComponentsDir) local = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'head.js') remoteFile = remoteJoin(self.remoteScriptsDir, "head.js") self.device.pushFile(local, remoteFile) local = os.path.join(self.localBin, "xpcshell") remoteFile = remoteJoin(self.remoteBinDir, "xpcshell") self.device.pushFile(local, remoteFile) local = os.path.join(self.localBin, "components/httpd.js") remoteFile = remoteJoin(self.remoteComponentsDir, "httpd.js") self.device.pushFile(local, remoteFile) local = os.path.join(self.localBin, "components/httpd.manifest") remoteFile = remoteJoin(self.remoteComponentsDir, "httpd.manifest") self.device.pushFile(local, remoteFile) local = os.path.join(self.localBin, "components/test_necko.xpt") remoteFile = remoteJoin(self.remoteComponentsDir, "test_necko.xpt") self.device.pushFile(local, remoteFile) if self.options.localAPK: remoteFile = remoteJoin(self.remoteBinDir, os.path.basename(self.options.localAPK)) self.device.pushFile(self.options.localAPK, remoteFile) self.pushLibs() def pushLibs(self): pushed_libs_count = 0 if self.options.localAPK: try: dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() szip = os.path.join(self.localBin, '..', 'host', 'bin', 'szip') if not os.path.exists(szip): # Tinderbox builds must run szip from the test package szip = os.path.join(self.localBin, 'host', 'szip') if not os.path.exists(szip): # If the test package doesn't contain szip, it means files # are not szipped in the test package. szip = None for info in self.localAPKContents.infolist(): if info.filename.endswith(".so"): print >> sys.stderr, "Pushing %s.." % info.filename remoteFile = remoteJoin(self.remoteBinDir, os.path.basename(info.filename)) self.localAPKContents.extract(info, dir) file = os.path.join(dir, info.filename) if szip: out = subprocess.check_output([szip, '-d', file], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self.device.pushFile(os.path.join(dir, info.filename), remoteFile) pushed_libs_count += 1 finally: shutil.rmtree(dir) return pushed_libs_count for file in os.listdir(self.localLib): if (file.endswith(".so")): print >> sys.stderr, "Pushing %s.." % file if 'libxul' in file: print >> sys.stderr, "This is a big file, it could take a while." remoteFile = remoteJoin(self.remoteBinDir, file) self.device.pushFile(os.path.join(self.localLib, file), remoteFile) pushed_libs_count += 1 # Additional libraries may be found in a sub-directory such as "lib/armeabi-v7a" localArmLib = os.path.join(self.localLib, "lib") if os.path.exists(localArmLib): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(localArmLib): for file in files: if (file.endswith(".so")): print >> sys.stderr, "Pushing %s.." % file remoteFile = remoteJoin(self.remoteBinDir, file) self.device.pushFile(os.path.join(root, file), remoteFile) pushed_libs_count += 1 return pushed_libs_count def setupModules(self): if self.testingModulesDir: self.device.pushDir(self.testingModulesDir, self.remoteModulesDir) def setupTestDir(self): print 'pushing %s' % self.xpcDir try: self.device.pushDir(self.xpcDir, self.remoteScriptsDir, retryLimit=10) except TypeError: # Foopies have an older mozdevice ver without retryLimit self.device.pushDir(self.xpcDir, self.remoteScriptsDir) def setupMinidumpDir(self): if self.device.dirExists(self.remoteMinidumpDir): self.device.removeDir(self.remoteMinidumpDir) self.device.mkDir(self.remoteMinidumpDir) def buildTestList(self): xpcshell.XPCShellTests.buildTestList(self) uniqueTestPaths = set([]) for test in self.alltests: uniqueTestPaths.add(test['here']) for testdir in uniqueTestPaths: abbrevTestDir = os.path.relpath(testdir, self.xpcDir) remoteScriptDir = remoteJoin(self.remoteScriptsDir, abbrevTestDir) self.pathMapping.append(PathMapping(testdir, remoteScriptDir)) class RemoteXPCShellOptions(xpcshell.XPCShellOptions): def __init__(self): xpcshell.XPCShellOptions.__init__(self) defaults = {} self.add_option("--deviceIP", action="store", type = "string", dest = "deviceIP", help = "ip address of remote device to test") defaults["deviceIP"] = None self.add_option("--devicePort", action="store", type = "string", dest = "devicePort", help = "port of remote device to test") defaults["devicePort"] = 20701 self.add_option("--dm_trans", action="store", type = "string", dest = "dm_trans", help = "the transport to use to communicate with device: [adb|sut]; default=sut") defaults["dm_trans"] = "sut" self.add_option("--objdir", action="store", type = "string", dest = "objdir", help = "local objdir, containing xpcshell binaries") defaults["objdir"] = None self.add_option("--apk", action="store", type = "string", dest = "localAPK", help = "local path to Fennec APK") defaults["localAPK"] = None self.add_option("--noSetup", action="store_false", dest = "setup", help = "do not copy any files to device (to be used only if device is already setup)") defaults["setup"] = True self.add_option("--local-lib-dir", action="store", type = "string", dest = "localLib", help = "local path to library directory") defaults["localLib"] = None self.add_option("--local-bin-dir", action="store", type = "string", dest = "localBin", help = "local path to bin directory") defaults["localBin"] = None self.add_option("--remoteTestRoot", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "remoteTestRoot", help = "remote directory to use as test root (eg. /mnt/sdcard/tests or /data/local/tests)") defaults["remoteTestRoot"] = None self.set_defaults(**defaults) def verifyRemoteOptions(self, options): if options.localLib is None: if options.localAPK and options.objdir: for path in ['dist/fennec', 'fennec/lib']: options.localLib = os.path.join(options.objdir, path) if os.path.isdir(options.localLib): break else: self.error("Couldn't find local library dir, specify --local-lib-dir") elif options.objdir: options.localLib = os.path.join(options.objdir, 'dist/bin') elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(here, '..', 'bin', 'xpcshell')): # assume tests are being run from a tests.zip options.localLib = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, '..', 'bin')) else: self.error("Couldn't find local library dir, specify --local-lib-dir") if options.localBin is None: if options.objdir: for path in ['dist/bin', 'bin']: options.localBin = os.path.join(options.objdir, path) if os.path.isdir(options.localBin): break else: self.error("Couldn't find local binary dir, specify --local-bin-dir") elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(here, '..', 'bin', 'xpcshell')): # assume tests are being run from a tests.zip options.localBin = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, '..', 'bin')) else: self.error("Couldn't find local binary dir, specify --local-bin-dir") return options class PathMapping: def __init__(self, localDir, remoteDir): self.local = localDir self.remote = remoteDir def main(): if sys.version_info < (2,7): print >>sys.stderr, "Error: You must use python version 2.7 or newer but less than 3.0" sys.exit(1) parser = RemoteXPCShellOptions() options, args = parser.parse_args() if not options.localAPK: for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(options.objdir, "dist")): if (file.endswith(".apk") and file.startswith("fennec")): options.localAPK = os.path.join(options.objdir, "dist") options.localAPK = os.path.join(options.localAPK, file) print >>sys.stderr, "using APK: " + options.localAPK break else: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: please specify an APK" sys.exit(1) options = parser.verifyRemoteOptions(options) if len(args) < 1 and options.manifest is None: print >>sys.stderr, """Usage: %s or: %s --manifest=test.manifest """ % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) if (options.dm_trans == "adb"): if (options.deviceIP): dm = devicemanagerADB.DeviceManagerADB(options.deviceIP, options.devicePort, packageName=None, deviceRoot=options.remoteTestRoot) else: dm = devicemanagerADB.DeviceManagerADB(packageName=None, deviceRoot=options.remoteTestRoot) else: dm = devicemanagerSUT.DeviceManagerSUT(options.deviceIP, options.devicePort, deviceRoot=options.remoteTestRoot) if (options.deviceIP == None): print "Error: you must provide a device IP to connect to via the --device option" sys.exit(1) if options.interactive and not options.testPath: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: You must specify a test filename in interactive mode!" sys.exit(1) xpcsh = XPCShellRemote(dm, options, args) # we don't run concurrent tests on mobile options.sequential = True if not xpcsh.runTests(xpcshell='xpcshell', testClass=RemoteXPCShellTestThread, testdirs=args[0:], mobileArgs=xpcsh.mobileArgs, **options.__dict__): sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()