/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ MARIONETTE_TIMEOUT = 10000; SpecialPowers.addPermission("telephony", true, document); let telephony = window.navigator.mozTelephony; let inNumber = "5555551111"; let incomingCall; function verifyInitialState() { log("Verifying initial state."); ok(telephony); is(telephony.active, null); ok(telephony.calls); is(telephony.calls.length, 0); runEmulatorCmd("gsm list", function(result) { log("Initial call list: " + result); is(result[0], "OK"); if (result[0] == "OK") { simulateIncoming(); } else { log("Call exists from a previous test, failing out."); cleanUp(); } }); } function simulateIncoming() { log("Simulating an incoming call."); telephony.onincoming = function onincoming(event) { log("Received 'incoming' call event."); incomingCall = event.call; ok(incomingCall); is(incomingCall.number, inNumber); is(incomingCall.state, "incoming"); is(telephony.calls.length, 1); is(telephony.calls[0], incomingCall); runEmulatorCmd("gsm list", function(result) { log("Call list is now: " + result); is(result[0], "inbound from " + inNumber + " : incoming"); is(result[1], "OK"); answerIncoming(); }); }; runEmulatorCmd("gsm call " + inNumber); } function answerIncoming() { log("Answering the incoming call."); incomingCall.onconnecting = function onconnecting(event) { log("Received 'connecting' call event."); is(incomingCall, event.call); is(incomingCall.state, "connecting"); // Now hang-up the call before it is fully connected // Bug 784429: Hang-up while connecting, call is not terminated // If hang-up between 'connecting' and 'connected' states, receive the // 'disconnecting' event but then a 'connected' event, and the call is // never terminated; this test times out waiting for 'disconnected', and // will leave the emulator in a bad state (with an active incoming call). // For now, hangUp after the 'connected' event so this test doesn't // timeout; once the bug is fixed then update and remove the setTimeout //hangUp(); log("==> Waiting one second, remove wait once bug 784429 is fixed <=="); setTimeout(hangUp, 1000); }; incomingCall.onconnected = function onconnected(event) { log("Received 'connected' call event."); }; incomingCall.answer(); }; function hangUp() { log("Hanging up the incoming call before fully connected."); let gotDisconnecting = false; incomingCall.ondisconnecting = function ondisconnecting(event) { log("Received 'disconnecting' call event."); is(incomingCall, event.call); is(incomingCall.state, "disconnecting"); gotDisconnecting = true; }; incomingCall.ondisconnected = function ondisconnected(event) { log("Received 'disconnected' call event."); is(incomingCall, event.call); is(incomingCall.state, "disconnected"); ok(gotDisconnecting); is(telephony.active, null); is(telephony.calls.length, 0); runEmulatorCmd("gsm list", function(result) { log("Call list is now: " + result); is(result[0], "OK"); cleanUp(); }); }; incomingCall.hangUp(); } function cleanUp() { telephony.onincoming = null; SpecialPowers.removePermission("telephony", document); finish(); } // Start the test verifyInitialState();