/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); ok(!TabView.isVisible(), 'TabView is hidden'); let tab = gBrowser.loadOneTab('about:blank#other', {inBackground: true}); TabView._initFrame(function () { newWindowWithTabView(function (win) { onTabViewWindowLoaded(win, tab); }); }); } function onTabViewWindowLoaded(win, tab) { let contentWindow = win.TabView.getContentWindow(); let search = contentWindow.document.getElementById('search'); let searchbox = contentWindow.document.getElementById('searchbox'); let searchButton = contentWindow.document.getElementById('searchbutton'); let results = contentWindow.document.getElementById('results'); let isSearchEnabled = function () { return 'none' != search.style.display; } let assertSearchIsEnabled = function () { ok(isSearchEnabled(), 'search is enabled'); } let assertSearchIsDisabled = function () { ok(!isSearchEnabled(), 'search is disabled'); } let enableSearch = function () { assertSearchIsDisabled(); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type: 'mousedown'}, searchButton, contentWindow); } let finishTest = function () { win.close(); gBrowser.removeTab(tab); finish(); } let testClickOnSearchBox = function () { EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(searchbox, {}, contentWindow); assertSearchIsEnabled(); } let testClickOnOtherSearchResult = function () { // search for the tab from our main window searchbox.setAttribute('value', 'other'); contentWindow.performSearch(); // prepare to finish when the main window gets focus back window.addEventListener('focus', function onFocus() { window.removeEventListener('focus', onFocus, true); assertSearchIsDisabled(); // check that the right tab is active is(gBrowser.selectedTab, tab, 'search result is the active tab'); finishTest(); }, true); // click the first result ok(results.firstChild, 'search returns one result'); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(results.firstChild, {}, contentWindow); } enableSearch(); assertSearchIsEnabled(); testClickOnSearchBox(); testClickOnOtherSearchResult(); }