var AlertsHelper = { _timeoutID: -1, _listener: null, _cookie: "", _clickable: false, get container() { delete this.container; let container = document.getElementById("alerts-container"); // Move the popup on the other side if we are in RTL let [leftSidebar, rightSidebar] = [Elements.tabs.getBoundingClientRect(), Elements.controls.getBoundingClientRect()]; if (leftSidebar.left > rightSidebar.left) container.setAttribute("left", "0"); else container.setAttribute("right", "0"); let self = this; container.addEventListener("transitionend", function() { self.alertTransitionOver(); }, true); return this.container = container; }, showAlertNotification: function ah_show(aImageURL, aTitle, aText, aTextClickable, aCookie, aListener) { this._clickable = aTextClickable || false; this._listener = aListener || null; this._cookie = aCookie || ""; // Reset the container settings from the last time so layout can happen naturally let container = this.container; container.removeAttribute("width"); let alertText = document.getElementById("alerts-text"); = ""; document.getElementById("alerts-image").setAttribute("src", aImageURL); document.getElementById("alerts-title").value = aTitle; alertText.textContent = aText; container.hidden = false; let bcr = container.getBoundingClientRect(); if (bcr.width > window.innerWidth - 50) { // If the window isn't wide enough, we need to re-layout container.setAttribute("width", window.innerWidth - 50); // force a max width = "pre-wrap"; // wrap text as needed bcr = container.getBoundingClientRect(); // recalculate the bcr } container.setAttribute("width", bcr.width); // redundant but cheap container.setAttribute("height", bcr.height); #ifdef ANDROID let offset = (window.innerWidth - container.width) / 2; if (offset < 0) Cu.reportError("showAlertNotification called before the window is ready"); else if (container.hasAttribute("left")) container.setAttribute("left", offset); else container.setAttribute("right", offset); #endif container.classList.add("showing"); let timeout = Services.prefs.getIntPref("alerts.totalOpenTime"); let self = this; if (this._timeoutID) clearTimeout(this._timeoutID); this._timeoutID = setTimeout(function() { self._timeoutAlert(); }, timeout); }, _timeoutAlert: function ah__timeoutAlert() { this._timeoutID = -1; this.container.classList.remove("showing"); if (this._listener) this._listener.observe(null, "alertfinished", this._cookie); }, alertTransitionOver: function ah_alertTransitionOver() { let container = this.container; if (!container.classList.contains("showing")) { container.height = 0; container.hidden = true; } }, click: function ah_click(aEvent) { if (this._clickable && this._listener) this._listener.observe(null, "alertclickcallback", this._cookie); if (this._timeoutID != -1) { clearTimeout(this._timeoutID); this._timeoutAlert(); } } };