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} richlistitem[isDisabled="true"] { color: GrayText; } richlistitem[selected="true"] { background-color: -moz-cellhighlight; color: -moz-cellhighlighttext; } #extensionsView:focus > richlistitem[selected="true"] { background-image: url("chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/itemEnabledFader.png"); background-color: Highlight; color: HighlightText; } #extensionsView:focus > richlistitem[selected="true"][isDisabled="true"] { background-image: url("chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/itemDisabledFader.png"); } .descriptionWrap { margin-bottom: 2px; } richlistitem[selected="true"]:not([opType]) .descriptionCrop { display: none; } .addonName { font-weight: bold; } .previewText { font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; color: ThreeDShadow; text-align: center; } #themePreviewArea { -moz-appearance: listbox; border: 2px solid; -moz-border-top-colors: ThreeDShadow ThreeDDarkShadow; -moz-border-right-colors: ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLightShadow; -moz-border-bottom-colors: ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLightShadow; -moz-border-left-colors: ThreeDShadow ThreeDDarkShadow; 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min-height: 2.1em; } .selectedButtons > button { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .enableButton, .disableButton, .optionsButton, .useThemeButton { -moz-margin-end: 0; } .enableButton, .disableButton, .uninstallButton, .cancelUninstallButton { -moz-margin-start: 5px; } /* Selected Add-on status messages and images */ richlistitem[compatible="true"] .incompatibleBox, richlistitem[providesUpdatesSecurely="true"] .insecureUpdateBox, richlistitem[satisfiesDependencies="true"] .needsDependenciesBox, richlistitem[blocklisted="false"] .blocklistedBox, richlistitem[opType="needs-uninstall"] .blocklistedBox, richlistitem[opType="needs-uninstall"] .incompatibleBox, richlistitem[opType="needs-uninstall"] .needsDependenciesBox, richlistitem[opType="needs-uninstall"] .blocklistedBox { display: none; } richlistitem[loading="true"] .updateBadge { display: -moz-box; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin-bottom: -3px; -moz-margin-end: -2px; list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/throbber/Throbber-small.gif"); 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