/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); function run_test() { run_next_test(); } add_test(function test_required_args() { try { Utils.namedTimer(function callback() { do_throw("Shouldn't fire."); }, 0); do_throw("Should have thrown!"); } catch(ex) { run_next_test(); } }); add_test(function test_simple() { _("Test basic properties of Utils.namedTimer."); const delay = 200; let that = {}; let t0 = Date.now(); Utils.namedTimer(function callback(timer) { do_check_eq(this, that); do_check_eq(this._zetimer, null); do_check_true(timer instanceof Ci.nsITimer); // Difference should be ~delay, but hard to predict on all platforms, // particularly Windows XP. do_check_true(Date.now() > t0); run_next_test(); }, delay, that, "_zetimer"); }); add_test(function test_delay() { _("Test delaying a timer that hasn't fired yet."); const delay = 100; let that = {}; let t0 = Date.now(); function callback(timer) { // Difference should be ~2*delay, but hard to predict on all platforms, // particularly Windows XP. do_check_true((Date.now() - t0) > delay); run_next_test(); } Utils.namedTimer(callback, delay, that, "_zetimer"); Utils.namedTimer(callback, 2 * delay, that, "_zetimer"); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_clear() { _("Test clearing a timer that hasn't fired yet."); const delay = 0; let that = {}; Utils.namedTimer(function callback(timer) { do_throw("Shouldn't fire!"); }, delay, that, "_zetimer"); that._zetimer.clear(); do_check_eq(that._zetimer, null); Utils.nextTick(run_next_test); run_next_test(); });