@setlocal @if "%2"=="" @goto :error @if "%1"=="" @goto :error @rem Choose executable (commercial build if there is one). @if exist netscp6.exe @goto :nav @set prog=mozilla.exe @goto :profile1 :nav @set prog=netscp6.exe @rem Set profiles, defaulting to "Default User" :profile1 @if "%3"=="" @goto :defaultUser @set profile1=%3 @goto :profile2 :defaultUser @set profile1=Default User :profile2 @if "%4"=="" @goto :defaultUser2 @set profile2=%4 @goto :start :defaultUser2 @set profile2=%profile1% :start @echo ----- %1/%profile1% ----- @rem For each *.jar., save *.jar and replace it. @for %%x in ( chrome\*.jar ) do @if exist %%x.%1 (copy %%x %%x.save >nul & copy %%x.%1 %%x >nul) @rem Do likewise for these special files: installed-chrome.txt chrome.rdf @for %%x in ( chrome\installed-chrome.txt chrome\chrome.rdf ) do @if exist %%x.%1 (copy %%x %%x.save >nul & copy %%x.%1 %%x >nul) @%prog% -P "%profile1%" -url chrome://navigator/content/quit.html > nul @%prog% -P "%profile1%" -url chrome://navigator/content/quit.html > nul @grep \"Navigator Window visible now" "%NS_TIMELINE_LOG_FILE%" @%prog% -P "%profile1%" -url chrome://navigator/content/quit.html > nul @grep \"Navigator Window visible now" "%NS_TIMELINE_LOG_FILE%" @%prog% -P "%profile1%" -url chrome://navigator/content/quit.html > nul @grep \"Navigator Window visible now" "%NS_TIMELINE_LOG_FILE%" @copy "%NS_TIMELINE_LOG_FILE%" "%1.%profile1%.log" > nul @rem Restore *.jar files. @for %%x in ( chrome\*.jar ) do @if exist %%x.%1 @(copy %%x.save %%x >nul & del %%x.save) @rem Restore special files. @for %%x in ( chrome\installed-chrome.txt chrome\chrome.rdf ) do @if exist %%x.%1 @(copy %%x.save %%x >nul & del %%x.save) :skip1 @echo ----- %2/%profile2% ----- @rem For each *.jar., save *.jar and replace it. @for %%x in ( chrome\*.jar ) do @if exist %%x.%2 @(copy %%x %%x.save >nul & copy %%x.%2 %%x >nul) @rem Do likewise for these special files: installed-chrome.txt chrome.rdf @for %%x in ( chrome\installed-chrome.txt chrome\chrome.rdf ) do @if exist %%x.%2 (copy %%x %%x.save >nul & copy %%x.%2 %%x >nul) @%prog% -P "%profile2%" -url chrome://navigator/content/quit.html > nul @%prog% -P "%profile2%" -url chrome://navigator/content/quit.html > nul @grep \"Navigator Window visible now" "%NS_TIMELINE_LOG_FILE%" @%prog% -P "%profile2%" -url chrome://navigator/content/quit.html > nul @grep \"Navigator Window visible now" "%NS_TIMELINE_LOG_FILE%" @%prog% -P "%profile2%" -url chrome://navigator/content/quit.html > nul @grep \"Navigator Window visible now" "%NS_TIMELINE_LOG_FILE%" @copy "%NS_TIMELINE_LOG_FILE%" "%2.%profile2%.log" > nul @rem Restore *.jar files. @for %%x in ( chrome\*.jar ) do @if exist %%x.%2 @(copy %%x.save %%x >nul & del %%x.save) @rem Restore special files. @for %%x in ( chrome\installed-chrome.txt chrome\chrome.rdf ) do @if exist %%x.%2 @(copy %%x.save %%x >nul & del %%x.save) :skip2 @goto :done :error @echo Syntax: compareNav ^ ^ ^ ^ @echo where ^ and ^ are flavors of comm.jar @echo e.g., comm.jar.^ and comm.jar.^ @echo and ^ and ^ are optional profile names @echo to use; e.g., "classic" or "modern"; profile1 defaults to @echo "Default User", profile2 defaults to profile1 @goto :done :done