Cu.import("resource://services-sync/engines/bookmarks.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/engines.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); Engines.register(BookmarksEngine); let engine = Engines.get("bookmarks"); let store = engine._store; store.wipe(); function test_copying_places() { // Gecko <2.0 if (store._haveGUIDColumn) { _("We have a GUID column; not testing anno GUID fixing."); return; } // // Copied and simplified from PlacesUIUtils, to which we don't have easy // access. // let ptm; try { ptm = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPlacesTransactionsService); } catch (ex) { _("Can't test transactions -- not running with a browser context."); return; } function getBookmarkItemCopyTransaction(aData, aContainer, aIndex, aExcludeAnnotations) { var itemURL = PlacesUtils._uri(aData.uri); var itemTitle = aData.title; var keyword = aData.keyword || null; var annos = aData.annos || []; // always exclude GUID when copying any item var excludeAnnos = [PlacesUtils.GUID_ANNO]; if (aExcludeAnnotations) excludeAnnos = excludeAnnos.concat(aExcludeAnnotations); annos = annos.filter(function(aValue, aIndex, aArray) { return excludeAnnos.indexOf( == -1; }); var childTxns = []; if (aData.dateAdded) childTxns.push(ptm.editItemDateAdded(null, aData.dateAdded)); if (aData.lastModified) childTxns.push(ptm.editItemLastModified(null, aData.lastModified)); if (aData.tags) { var tags = aData.tags.split(", "); var storedTags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(itemURL, {}); tags = tags.filter(function (aTag) { return (storedTags.indexOf(aTag) == -1); }, this); if (tags.length) childTxns.push(ptm.tagURI(itemURL, tags)); } return ptm.createItem(itemURL, aContainer, aIndex, itemTitle, keyword, annos, childTxns); } function getFolderCopyTransaction(aData, aContainer, aIndex) { function getChildItemsTransactions(aChildren) { var childItemsTransactions = []; var cc = aChildren.length; var index = aIndex; for (var i = 0; i < cc; ++i) { var txn = null; var node = aChildren[i]; // Make sure that items are given the correct index, this will be // passed by the transaction manager to the backend for the insertion. // Insertion behaves differently if index == DEFAULT_INDEX (append) if (aIndex != PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX) index = i; if (node.type == PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_CONTAINER) txn = getFolderCopyTransaction(node, aContainer, index); else // (node.type == PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE) txn = getBookmarkItemCopyTransaction(node, -1, index); if (txn) childItemsTransactions.push(txn); } return childItemsTransactions; } // tag folders use tag transactions if (aContainer == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId) { var txns = []; if (aData.children) { aData.children.forEach(function(aChild) { txns.push(ptm.tagURI(PlacesUtils._uri(aChild.uri), [aData.title])); }, this); } return ptm.aggregateTransactions("addTags", txns); } else { var childItems = getChildItemsTransactions(aData.children); if (aData.dateAdded) childItems.push(ptm.editItemDateAdded(null, aData.dateAdded)); if (aData.lastModified) childItems.push(ptm.editItemLastModified(null, aData.lastModified)); var annos = aData.annos || []; annos = annos.filter(function(aAnno) { // always exclude GUID when copying any item return != PlacesUtils.GUID_ANNO; }); return ptm.createFolder(aData.title, aContainer, aIndex, annos, childItems); } } // // End simplified PlacesUIUtils code. // let tracker = engine._tracker; tracker.clearChangedIDs(); try { _("Test copying using Places transactions."); Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:start-tracking"); _("Set up source and destination folders."); let f1 = Svc.Bookmark.createFolder(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId, "Folder One", Svc.Bookmark.DEFAULT_INDEX); let f2 = Svc.Bookmark.createFolder(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId, "Folder Two", Svc.Bookmark.DEFAULT_INDEX); let b1 = Svc.Bookmark.insertBookmark(f1, Utils.makeURI(""), Svc.Bookmark.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Example!"); _("F1: " + f1 + "; F2: " + f2 + "; B1: " + b1); _("Fetch GUIDs so our anno exists."); let f1GUID = store.GUIDForId(f1); let f2GUID = store.GUIDForId(f2); let b1GUID = store.GUIDForId(b1); do_check_true(!!f1GUID); do_check_true(!!f2GUID); do_check_true(!!b1GUID); _("Make sure the destination folder is empty."); do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(f2, false, true).root.childCount, 0); let f1Node = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(f1, false, false); _("Node to copy: " + f1Node.root.itemId); let serialized = PlacesUtils.wrapNode(f1Node.root, PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_CONTAINER); _("Serialized to " + serialized); let raw = PlacesUtils.unwrapNodes(serialized, PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_CONTAINER).shift(); let transaction = getFolderCopyTransaction(raw, f2, Svc.Bookmark.DEFAULT_INDEX, true); _("Run the copy transaction."); ptm.doTransaction(transaction); _("Verify that items have been copied."); let f2Node = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(f2, false, true); do_check_eq(f2Node.root.childCount, 1); _("Verify that the copied folder has different GUIDs."); let c0 = f2Node.root.getChild(0); do_check_eq(c0.title, "Folder One"); do_check_neq(c0.itemId, f1); do_check_neq(store.GUIDForId(c0.itemId), f1GUID); _("Verify that this copied folder contains a copied bookmark with different GUIDs."); c0 = c0.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode); c0.containerOpen = true; do_check_eq(c0.childCount, 1); let b0 = c0.getChild(0); do_check_eq(b0.title, "Example!"); do_check_eq(b0.uri, ""); do_check_neq(b0.itemId, b1); do_check_neq(store.GUIDForId(b0.itemId), b1GUID); } finally { tracker.clearChangedIDs(); Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:stop-tracking"); } } function test_tracking() { _("Verify we've got an empty tracker to work with."); let tracker = engine._tracker; do_check_eq([id for (id in tracker.changedIDs)].length, 0); let folder = Svc.Bookmark.createFolder(Svc.Bookmark.bookmarksMenuFolder, "Test Folder", Svc.Bookmark.DEFAULT_INDEX); function createBmk() { return Svc.Bookmark.insertBookmark(folder, Utils.makeURI(""), Svc.Bookmark.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Get Firefox!"); } try { _("Create bookmark. Won't show because we haven't started tracking yet"); createBmk(); do_check_eq([id for (id in tracker.changedIDs)].length, 0); _("Tell the tracker to start tracking changes."); Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:start-tracking"); createBmk(); // We expect two changed items because the containing folder // changed as well (new child). do_check_eq([id for (id in tracker.changedIDs)].length, 2); _("Notifying twice won't do any harm."); Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:start-tracking"); createBmk(); do_check_eq([id for (id in tracker.changedIDs)].length, 3); _("Let's stop tracking again."); tracker.clearChangedIDs(); Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:stop-tracking"); createBmk(); do_check_eq([id for (id in tracker.changedIDs)].length, 0); _("Notifying twice won't do any harm."); Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:stop-tracking"); createBmk(); do_check_eq([id for (id in tracker.changedIDs)].length, 0); } finally { _("Clean up."); store.wipe(); tracker.clearChangedIDs(); Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:stop-tracking"); } } function test_onItemChanged() { // Anno that's in ANNOS_TO_TRACK. const GENERATOR_ANNO = "microsummary/generatorURI"; _("Verify we've got an empty tracker to work with."); let tracker = engine._tracker; do_check_eq([id for (id in tracker.changedIDs)].length, 0); try { Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:stop-tracking"); let folder = Svc.Bookmark.createFolder(Svc.Bookmark.bookmarksMenuFolder, "Parent", Svc.Bookmark.DEFAULT_INDEX); _("Track changes to annos."); let b = Svc.Bookmark.insertBookmark(folder, Utils.makeURI(""), Svc.Bookmark.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Get Firefox!"); let bGUID = engine._store.GUIDForId(b); _("New item is " + b); _("GUID: " + bGUID); Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:start-tracking"); Svc.Annos.setItemAnnotation(b, GENERATOR_ANNO, "", 0, Svc.Annos.EXPIRE_NEVER); do_check_true(tracker.changedIDs[bGUID] > 0); } finally { _("Clean up."); store.wipe(); tracker.clearChangedIDs(); Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:stop-tracking"); } } function run_test() { initTestLogging("Trace"); Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Engine.Bookmarks").level = Log4Moz.Level.Trace; Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Store.Bookmarks").level = Log4Moz.Level.Trace; Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Tracker.Bookmarks").level = Log4Moz.Level.Trace; test_onItemChanged(); test_copying_places(); test_tracking(); }