[General] FONTNAME=MS Sans Serif FONTSIZE=8 CHARSET=0 ;Here is a partial list CHAR_SETS ; ANSI_CHARSET = 0 ; DEFAULT_CHARSET = 1 ; SYMBOL_CHARSET = 2 ; SHIFTJIS_CHARSET = 128 ; GB2312_CHARSET = 134 ; HANGEUL_CHARSET = 129 ; CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET = 136 ; OEM_CHARSET 255 WELCOMETITLEFONTNAME=Trebuchet MS Bold WELCOMETITLEFONTSIZE=14 ;The title text "Welcome to Mozilla Thunderbird" is too large to fit on the screen with a 14 pt ;font. For now, use a 12 pt font to prevent the text from getting clipped because it is too big. WELCOMETITLEFONTSIZE_THUNDERBIRD=12 WELCOMETITLEFONTWEIGHT=700 ;Here is a partial list font weight ; FW_NORMAL = 400 ; FW_BOLD = 700 OK_=&OK OK=OK CANCEL=Cancel CANCEL_=&Cancel NEXT_=&Next > BACK_=< &Back IGNORE_=&Ignore PROXY_MESSAGE=To configure a Proxy server for this download, click the Connection… button. PROXY_BUTTON=&Connection… PROXYSETTINGS=Proxy Settings: PROXYSETTINGS_=&Proxy Settings SERVER=Server: PORT=Port: USERID=User id: PASSWORD=Password: SELECTDIRECTORY=Select a directory DIRECTORIES_=&Directories: DRIVES_=Dri&ves: STATUS=Remaining: FILE=File: URL=URL: TO=To Path: ACCEPT_=&Accept DECLINE_=&Decline PROGRAMFOLDER_=&Program Folder: EXISTINGFOLDERS_=E&xisting Folders: SETUPMESSAGE=Setup has finished copying files to your computer. Before you can use $ProductNameInternal$, you must restart Windows or your computer. Choose one of the following options and click OK to finish setup. RESTART=Restart YESRESTART=Yes, I want to restart my computer now. NORESTART=No, I will restart my computer later. ADDITIONALCOMPONENTS_=&Additional Components: DESCRIPTION=Description TOTALDOWNLOADSIZE=Total download size: SPACEAVAILABLE=Space Available: COMPONENTS_=C&omponents: BROWSEINFO=Choose a Folder to install $ProductName$ into: DESTINATIONDIRECTORY=Install Folder BROWSE_=B&rowse… DOWNLOADSIZE=Download Size: %u KB CURRENTSETTINGS=Current Settings: INSTALLFOLDER=…to the following location: ADDTLCOMPWRAPPER=- %s PRIMCOMPOTHERS=%s, and: PRIMCOMPNOOTHERS=%s INSTALL_=&Install DELETE_=&Delete CONTINUE_=&Continue SKIP_=&Skip README=Re&ad Me PAUSE_=&Pause RESUME_=&Resume CHECKED=Checked UNCHECKED=Unchecked EXTRACTING=Extracting… [Messages] ERROR_DIALOG_CREATE=Could not create %s dialog. ERROR_FAILED=%s failed. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND=File not found: %s ERROR_GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY_FAILED=GetSystemDirectory() failed. ERROR_GET_WINDOWS_DIRECTORY_FAILED =GetWindowsDirectory() failed. DLGQUITTITLE=Exit Setup DLGQUITMSG=You have not finished installing $ProductName$. If you exit Setup now, $ProductName$ will not be installed. Are you sure you want to cancel Setup? DLG_REBOOT_TITLE=Restarting Windows ERROR_GETPROCADDRESS=GetProcAddress() of %s failed. ERROR_WRITEPRIVATEPROFILESTRING=WritePrivateProfileString() failed for file %s MSG_RETRIEVE_CONFIGINI=Please wait while Setup retrieves its configuration script from the web… ERROR_CREATE_TEMP_DIR=Setup was unable to create the TEMP directory: %s DLGBROWSETITLE=Select a directory ERROR_DETERMINING_DISK_SPACE=Could not determine available disk space for: %s DLG_DISK_SPACE_CHECK_TITLE=Disk space check DLG_DISK_SPACE_CHECK_CRUTIAL_MSG=Setup has detected insufficient disk space to continue with installation on %s for the path: %sRequired: %sAvailable: %sClick Retry if more disk space has been made available, or click Cancel to cancel Setup. DLG_DISK_SPACE_CHECK_MSG=Setup has detected insufficient disk space to continue with installation process on %s for the path: %sRequired: %sAvailable: %sClick OK to go back and choose a different destination path. ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY=Could not create folder: %sMake sure you have access to create the folder. ERROR_MESSAGE_TITLE=$ProductNameInternal$ Setup Error STR_FILE_NUMBER=File count: STR_FILENAME=Filename: MSG_SMARTUPDATE_START=Preparing Install, please wait… MSG_CONFIGURING=Configuring %s, please wait… ERROR_XPI_INSTALL=Error occurred during installation ERROR_SETUP_REQUIREMENT=$ProductName$ can only run on Windows 95 or newer. Setup will now exit. DLG_EXTRACTING_TITLE=$ProductName$ Setup - Install Progress STR_PROCESSINGFILE=Preparing file: %s STR_INSTALLING=Currently installing %s STR_COPYINGFILE=Copying file: %s MB_WARNING_STR=Warning MB_MESSAGE_STR=Message MB_ATTENTION_STR=Attention MSG_CREATE_DIRECTORY=The following directory does not exist:%sWould you like to create it? STR_CREATE_DIRECTORY=Create Directory? ERROR_PROGRAM_FOLDER_NAME=Invalid Program folder name entered. CB_DEFAULT=Default ERROR_DESTINATION_PATH=Invalid path entered. STR_SETUP_TYPE=Setup Type: STR_SELECTED_COMPONENTS=Selected Components: STR_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY=Destination Directory: STR_PROGRAM_FOLDER=Program Folder: STR_DELETING_DESTINATION_DIR=Deleting destination directory to be able to upgrade, please wait… STR_SETUP=Setup STR_DOWNLOAD_SITE=Download Site: STR_SAVE_INSTALLER_FILES=Save downloaded and Setup program files to: MSG_INIT_SETUP=Initializing Setup, please wait… STR_MESSAGEBOX_TITLE=%s Setup ERROR_GETVERSION=GetVersionEx() failed! DLG_USAGE_TITLE=Usage STATUS_EXTRACTING=Extracting %s STATUS_LAUNCHING_SETUP=Launching Setup… ERROR_FILE_WRITE=Unable to write file %s TITLE=Installation ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY=Out of memory! ERROR_DLL_LOAD=Could not load %s ERROR_STRING_LOAD=Could not load string resource ID %d ERROR_STRING_NULL=Null pointer encountered. ERROR_GLOBALALLOC=Memory allocation error. MSG_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS=Setup has detected that %s (%s) is still running. Click OK to quit %s and proceed with installation. Alternatively, use the Windows Task Manager to quit %s, and then click OK to continue with installation. MSG_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS_FAILED=Setup will now exit. Setup could not continue because %s (%s) is still running. Try manually quitting %s using Windows Task Manager, and then run Setup again. ERROR_PATH_WITHIN_WINDIR=$ProductName$ cannot be installed into a folder that is inside the Windows folder. Please choose a different folder.