# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from mozrunner import FirefoxRunner from mozprofile import FirefoxProfile from optparse import OptionParser from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError from time import sleep import logging import urllib2 import os, sys, platform class FBRunner: def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Set up the log file or use stdout if none specified logLevel = logging.DEBUG if kwargs["debug"] else logging.INFO filename = kwargs["log"] self.log = logging.getLogger("FIREBUG") if filename: dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) handler = logging.FileHandler(filename) format = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s %(levelname)s | %(message)s" else: handler = logging.StreamHandler() format = "%(name)s %(levelname)s | %(message)s" handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format)) self.log.addHandler(handler) self.log.setLevel(logLevel) # Initialization self.binary = kwargs["binary"] self.profile = kwargs["profile"] self.serverpath = kwargs["serverpath"] self.version = kwargs["version"] self.testlist = kwargs["testlist"] self.platform = platform.system().lower() # Because the only communication between this script and the FBTest console is the # log file, we don't know whether there was a crash or the test is just taking awhile. # Make 1 minute the timeout for tests. self.TEST_TIMEOUT = 60 # Get version of Firefox being run (only possible if we were passed in a binary) self.appVersion = "" if self.binary: app = ConfigParser() app.read(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.binary), "application.ini")) ver = app.get("App", "Version").rstrip("0123456789pre") # Version should be of the form '3.6' or '4.0b' and not the whole string self.appVersion = ver[:-1] if ver[-1]=="." else ver # Read in fb-test-runner.config for local configuration localConfig = ConfigParser() localConfig.read("fb-test-runner.config") if not self.serverpath: self.serverpath = localConfig.get("runner_args", "server") # Ensure serverpath has correct format self.serverpath = self.serverpath.rstrip("/") + "/" # Make sure we have a firebug version if not self.version: try: self.version = localConfig.get("version_map", self.appVersion) except NoOptionError: self.version = localConfig.get("version_map", "default") self.log.warning("Could not find an appropriate version of Firebug to use, using Firebug " + self.version) # Read in the Firebug team's config file try: self.download(self.serverpath + "releases/firebug/test-bot.config", "test-bot.config") except urllib2.URLError: self.log.error("Could not download test-bot.config, check that '" + self.serverpath + "releases/firebug/test-bot.config' is valid") raise self.config = ConfigParser() self.config.read("test-bot.config") # Make sure we have a testlist if not self.testlist: self.testlist = self.config.get("Firebug"+self.version, "TEST_LIST") def cleanup(self): """ Remove temporarily downloaded files """ try: for tmpFile in ["firebug.xpi", "fbtest.xpi", "test-bot.config"]: if os.path.exists(tmpFile): self.log.debug("Removing " + tmpFile) os.remove(tmpFile) except Exception, e: self.log.warn("Could not clean up temporary files: " + str(e)) def download(self, url, savepath): """ Save the file located at 'url' into 'filename' """ self.log.debug("Downloading '" + url + "' to '" + savepath + "'") ret = urllib2.urlopen(url) savedir = os.path.dirname(savepath) if savedir and not os.path.exists(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) outfile = open(savepath, 'wb') outfile.write(ret.read()) outfile.close() def get_extensions(self): """ Downloads the firebug and fbtest extensions for the specified Firebug version """ self.log.debug("Downloading firebug and fbtest extensions from server") FIREBUG_XPI = self.config.get("Firebug" + self.version, "FIREBUG_XPI") FBTEST_XPI = self.config.get("Firebug" + self.version, "FBTEST_XPI") self.download(FIREBUG_XPI, "firebug.xpi") self.download(FBTEST_XPI, "fbtest.xpi") def disable_compatibilityCheck(self): """ Disables compatibility check which could potentially prompt the user for action """ self.log.debug("Disabling compatibility check") try: prefs = open(os.path.join(self.profile, "prefs.js"), "a") prefs.write("user_pref(\"extensions.checkCompatibility." + self.appVersion + "\", false);\n") prefs.close() except Exception, e: self.log.warn("Could not disable compatibility check: " + str(e)) def run(self): """ Code for running the tests """ if self.profile: # Ensure the profile actually exists if not os.path.exists(self.profile): self.log.warn("Profile '" + self.profile + "' doesn't exist. Creating temporary profile") self.profile = None else: # Move any potential existing log files to log_old folder if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.profile, "firebug/fbtest/logs")): self.log.debug("Moving existing log files to archive") for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.profile, "firebug/fbtest/logs")): os.rename(os.path.join(self.profile, "firebug/fbtest/logs", name), os.path.join(self.profile, "firebug/fbtest/logs_old", name)) # Grab the extensions from server try: self.get_extensions() except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError), e: self.log.error("Extensions could not be downloaded, malformed test-bot.config: " + str(e)) self.cleanup() raise except urllib2.URLError, e: self.log.error("Extensions could not be downloaded, urllib2 error: " + str(e)) self.cleanup() raise # Create environment variables mozEnv = os.environ mozEnv["XPC_DEBUG_WARN"] = "warn" # Suppresses certain alert warnings that may sometimes appear mozEnv["MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT"] = "true" # Disable crash reporter UI # Create profile for mozrunner and start the Firebug tests self.log.info("Starting Firebug Tests") try: self.log.debug("Creating Firefox profile and installing extensions") mozProfile = FirefoxProfile(profile=self.profile, addons=["firebug.xpi", "fbtest.xpi"]) self.profile = mozProfile.profile # Disable the compatibility check on startup if self.binary: self.disable_compatibilityCheck() else: self.log.warn("Can't disable compatibility check because binary wasn't specified") self.log.debug("Running Firefox with cmdargs '-runFBTests " + self.testlist + "'") mozRunner = FirefoxRunner(profile=mozProfile, binary=self.binary, cmdargs=["-runFBTests", self.testlist], env=mozEnv) mozRunner.start() except Exception, e: self.log.error("Could not start Firefox: " + str(e)) self.cleanup() raise # Find the log file timeout, logfile = 0, 0 # Wait up to 60 seconds for the log file to be initialized while not logfile and timeout < 60: try: for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.profile, "firebug/fbtest/logs")): logfile = open(os.path.join(self.profile, "firebug/fbtest/logs/", name)) except OSError: timeout += 1 sleep(1) # If log file was not found if not logfile: self.log.error("Could not find the log file in profile '" + self.profile + "'") self.cleanup() raise # If log file found, exit when fbtests finished (if no activity, wait up self.TEST_TIMEOUT) else: line, timeout = "", 0 while timeout < self.TEST_TIMEOUT: line = logfile.readline() if line == "": sleep(1) timeout += 1 else: print line.rstrip() if line.find("Test Suite Finished") != -1: break timeout = 0 # If there was a timeout, then there was most likely a crash (however could also be failure in FBTest console or test itself) if timeout >= self.TEST_TIMEOUT: logfile.seek(1) line = logfile.readlines()[-1] if line.find("FIREBUG INFO") != -1: line = line[line.find("|") + 1:].lstrip() # Extract the test name from log line line = line[:line.find("|")].rstrip() else: line = "Unknown Test" print "FIREBUG TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | " + line + " | Possible Firefox crash detected" # Print out crash message with offending test self.log.warn("Possible crash detected - test run aborted") # Cleanup logfile.close() mozRunner.stop() self.cleanup() self.log.debug("Exiting - Status successful") # Called from the command line def cli(argv=sys.argv[1:]): parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]") parser.add_option("--appname", dest="binary", help="Firefox binary path") parser.add_option("--profile-path", dest="profile", help="The profile to use when running Firefox") parser.add_option("-s", "--serverpath", dest="serverpath", help="The http server containing the Firebug tests") parser.add_option("-v", "--version", dest="version", help="The firebug version to run") parser.add_option("-t", "--testlist", dest="testlist", help="Specify the name of the testlist to use, should usually use the default") parser.add_option("--log", dest="log", help="Path to the log file (default is stdout)") parser.add_option("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="Enable debug logging") (opt, remainder) = parser.parse_args(argv) try: runner = FBRunner(binary=opt.binary, profile=opt.profile, serverpath=opt.serverpath, version=opt.version, testlist=opt.testlist, log=opt.log, debug=opt.debug) runner.run() except Exception: return -1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(cli())