/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests that annotations disappear when their target is hidden. */ "use strict"; let gTestTab; let gContentAPI; let gContentWindow; let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight"); let tooltip = document.getElementById("UITourTooltip"); Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/UITour.jsm"); function test() { registerCleanupFunction(() => { // Close the find bar in case it's open in the remaining tab gBrowser.getFindBar(gBrowser.selectedTab).close(); }); UITourTest(); } let tests = [ function test_highlight_move_outside_panel(done) { gContentAPI.showInfo("urlbar", "test title", "test text"); gContentAPI.showHighlight("customize"); waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, function checkPanelIsOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened"); // Move the highlight outside which should close the app menu. gContentAPI.showHighlight("appMenu"); waitForPopupAtAnchor(highlight.parentElement, document.getElementById("PanelUI-button"), () => { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Panel should have closed after the highlight moved elsewhere."); is(tooltip.state, "open", "The info panel should have remained open"); done(); }, "Highlight should move to the appMenu button and still be visible"); }, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight() for fixed panel items"); }, function test_highlight_panel_hideMenu(done) { gContentAPI.showHighlight("customize"); gContentAPI.showInfo("search", "test title", "test text"); waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, function checkPanelIsOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened"); // Close the app menu and make sure the highlight also disappeared. gContentAPI.hideMenu("appMenu"); waitForElementToBeHidden(highlight, function checkPanelIsClosed() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Panel still should have closed"); is(tooltip.state, "open", "The info panel should have remained open"); done(); }, "Highlight should have disappeared when panel closed"); }, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight() for fixed panel items"); }, function test_highlight_panel_click_find(done) { gContentAPI.showHighlight("help"); gContentAPI.showInfo("searchProvider", "test title", "test text"); waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, function checkPanelIsOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened"); // Click the find button which should close the panel. let findButton = document.getElementById("find-button"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(findButton, {}); waitForElementToBeHidden(highlight, function checkPanelIsClosed() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Panel should have closed when the find bar opened"); is(tooltip.state, "open", "The info panel should have remained open"); done(); }, "Highlight should have disappeared when panel closed"); }, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight() for fixed panel items"); }, function test_highlight_info_panel_click_find(done) { gContentAPI.showHighlight("help"); gContentAPI.showInfo("customize", "customize me!", "awesome!"); waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, function checkPanelIsOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened"); // Click the find button which should close the panel. let findButton = document.getElementById("find-button"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(findButton, {}); waitForElementToBeHidden(highlight, function checkPanelIsClosed() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Panel should have closed when the find bar opened"); waitForElementToBeHidden(tooltip, function checkTooltipIsClosed() { isnot(tooltip.state, "open", "The info panel should have closed too"); done(); }, "Tooltip should hide with the menu"); }, "Highlight should have disappeared when panel closed"); }, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight() for fixed panel items"); }, function test_highlight_panel_open_subview(done) { gContentAPI.showHighlight("customize"); gContentAPI.showInfo("backForward", "test title", "test text"); waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, function checkPanelIsOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened"); // Click the help button which should open the subview in the panel menu. let helpButton = document.getElementById("PanelUI-help"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(helpButton, {}); waitForElementToBeHidden(highlight, function highlightHidden() { is(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Panel should have stayed open when the subview opened"); is(tooltip.state, "open", "The info panel should have remained open"); PanelUI.hide(); done(); }, "Highlight should have disappeared when the subview opened"); }, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight() for fixed panel items"); }, function test_info_panel_open_subview(done) { gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar"); gContentAPI.showInfo("customize", "customize me!", "Open a subview"); waitForElementToBeVisible(tooltip, function checkPanelIsOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened"); // Click the help button which should open the subview in the panel menu. let helpButton = document.getElementById("PanelUI-help"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(helpButton, {}); waitForElementToBeHidden(tooltip, function tooltipHidden() { is(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Panel should have stayed open when the subview opened"); is(highlight.parentElement.state, "open", "The highlight should have remained open"); PanelUI.hide(); done(); }, "Tooltip should have disappeared when the subview opened"); }, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight() for fixed panel items"); }, function test_info_move_outside_panel(done) { gContentAPI.showInfo("addons", "test title", "test text"); gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar"); let addonsButton = document.getElementById("add-ons-button"); waitForPopupAtAnchor(tooltip, addonsButton, function checkPanelIsOpen() { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened"); // Move the info panel outside which should close the app menu. gContentAPI.showInfo("appMenu", "Cool menu button", "It's three lines"); waitForPopupAtAnchor(tooltip, document.getElementById("PanelUI-button"), () => { isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Menu should have closed after the highlight moved elsewhere."); is(highlight.parentElement.state, "open", "The highlight should have remained visible"); done(); }, "Tooltip should move to the appMenu button and still be visible"); }, "Tooltip should be shown after showInfo() for a panel item"); }, ];