# really basic tests that square, circular, and elliptical border and # outline radius are not the same thing != border-square.html about:blank != border-circle.html about:blank != border-ellips.html about:blank != border-square.html border-circle.html != border-square.html border-ellips.html != border-circle.html border-ellips.html != outline-square.html about:blank != outline-circle.html about:blank != outline-ellips.html about:blank != outline-square.html outline-circle.html != outline-square.html outline-ellips.html != outline-circle.html outline-ellips.html == border-value-interpret.html border-value-interpret-ref.html != curved-borders-all-styles.html about:blank # no way to generate reference for dotted/dashed/inset/outset # ridge/groove borders # more serious tests, using SVG reference == border-circle-2.html border-circle-2-ref.xhtml fails == curved-stripe-border.html curved-stripe-border-ref.svg # bug 459945 # Corners == corner-1.html corner-1-ref.svg # bottom corners different radius than top corners random == corner-2.html corner-2-ref.svg # right corners different radius than left corners; see bug 500804 # Test that radii too long are reduced == border-reduce-height.html border-reduce-height-ref.html # Tests for border clipping fails == clipping-1.html clipping-1-ref.html # background color should completely fill box; bug 466572 != clipping-2.html about:blank # background color clipped to inner/outer border, can't get # great tests for this due to antialiasing problems described in bug 466572 == clipping-3.html clipping-3-ref.xhtml # edge of border-radius clips an underlying object's background # Inheritance == inherit-1.html inherit-1-ref.html # border-radius shouldn't inherit # Table elements == table-collapse-1.html table-collapse-1-ref.html # border-radius is ignored on internal table elements # when border-collapse: collapse == invalidate-1a.html invalidate-1-ref.html == invalidate-1b.html invalidate-1-ref.html