/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); const ABOUT_PERMISSIONS_SPEC = "about:permissions"; const TEST_URI_1 = NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla.com/"); const TEST_URI_2 = NetUtil.newURI("http://mozilla.org/"); // values from DefaultPermissions object const PERM_UNKNOWN = 0; const PERM_ALLOW = 1; const PERM_DENY = 2; const PERM_SESION = 8; // used to set permissions on test sites const TEST_PERMS = { "password": PERM_ALLOW, "cookie": PERM_ALLOW, "geo": PERM_UNKNOWN, "indexedDB": PERM_UNKNOWN, "popup": PERM_DENY }; const NO_GLOBAL_ALLOW = [ "geo", "indexedDB" ]; // number of managed permissions in the interface const TEST_PERMS_COUNT = 5; function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); registerCleanupFunction(cleanUp); // add test history visit PlacesUtils.history.addVisit(TEST_URI_1, Date.now() * 1000, null, Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_LINK, false, 0); // set permissions ourselves to avoid problems with different defaults // from test harness configuration for (let type in TEST_PERMS) { if (type == "password") { Services.logins.setLoginSavingEnabled(TEST_URI_2.prePath, true); } else { // set permissions on a site without history visits to test enumerateServices Services.perms.add(TEST_URI_2, type, TEST_PERMS[type]); } } function observer() { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "browser-permissions-initialized", false); runNextTest(); } Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "browser-permissions-initialized", false); // open about:permissions gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:permissions"); } function cleanUp() { for (let type in TEST_PERMS) { if (type != "password") { Services.perms.remove(TEST_URI_1.host, type); Services.perms.remove(TEST_URI_2.host, type); } } gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); } function runNextTest() { if (gTestIndex == tests.length) { waitForClearHistory(finish); return; } let nextTest = tests[gTestIndex++]; info("[" + nextTest.name + "] running test"); nextTest(); } var gSitesList; var gHeaderDeck; var gSiteLabel; var gTestIndex = 0; var tests = [ function test_page_load() { is(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, ABOUT_PERMISSIONS_SPEC, "about:permissions loaded"); gSitesList = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("sites-list"); ok(gSitesList, "got sites list"); gHeaderDeck = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("header-deck"); ok(gHeaderDeck, "got header deck"); gSiteLabel = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("site-label"); ok(gSiteLabel, "got site label"); runNextTest(); }, function test_sites_list() { is(gSitesList.firstChild.id, "all-sites-item", "all sites is the first item in the sites list"); ok(getSiteItem(TEST_URI_1.host), "site item from places db exists"); ok(getSiteItem(TEST_URI_2.host), "site item from enumerating services exists"); runNextTest(); }, function test_filter_sites_list() { // set filter to test host let sitesFilter = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("sites-filter"); sitesFilter.value = TEST_URI_1.host; sitesFilter.doCommand(); // make sure correct sites are collapsed/showing let testSite1 = getSiteItem(TEST_URI_1.host); ok(!testSite1.collapsed, "test site 1 is not collapsed"); let testSite2 = getSiteItem(TEST_URI_2.host); ok(testSite2.collapsed, "test site 2 is collapsed"); // clear filter sitesFilter.value = ""; sitesFilter.doCommand(); runNextTest(); }, function test_all_sites() { // "All Sites" item should be selected when the page is first loaded is(gSitesList.selectedItem, gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("all-sites-item"), "all sites item is selected"); let defaultsHeader = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("defaults-header"); is(defaultsHeader, gHeaderDeck.selectedPanel, "correct header shown for all sites"); ok(gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("passwords-count").hidden, "passwords count is hidden"); ok(gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("cookies-count").hidden, "cookies count is hidden"); // Test to make sure "Allow" items hidden for certain permission types NO_GLOBAL_ALLOW.forEach(function(aType) { let menuitem = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById(aType + "-" + PERM_ALLOW); ok(menuitem.hidden, aType + " allow menuitem hidden for all sites"); }); runNextTest(); }, function test_all_sites_permission() { // there should be no user-set pref for cookie behavior is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior"), PERM_UNKNOWN, "network.cookie.cookieBehavior is expected default"); // the default behavior is to allow cookies let cookieMenulist = getPermissionMenulist("cookie"); is(cookieMenulist.value, PERM_ALLOW, "menulist correctly shows that cookies are allowed"); // set the pref to block cookies Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", PERM_DENY); // check to make sure this change is reflected in the UI is(cookieMenulist.value, PERM_DENY, "menulist correctly shows that cookies are blocked"); // clear the pref Services.prefs.clearUserPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior"); runNextTest(); }, function test_manage_all_passwords() { // make sure "Manage All Passwords..." button opens the correct dialog addWindowListener("chrome://passwordmgr/content/passwordManager.xul", runNextTest); gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("passwords-manage-all-button").doCommand(); }, function test_manage_all_cookies() { // make sure "Manage All Cookies..." button opens the correct dialog addWindowListener("chrome://browser/content/preferences/cookies.xul", runNextTest); gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("cookies-manage-all-button").doCommand(); }, function test_select_site() { // select the site that has the permissions we set at the beginning of the test let testSiteItem = getSiteItem(TEST_URI_2.host); gSitesList.selectedItem = testSiteItem; let siteHeader = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("site-header"); is(siteHeader, gHeaderDeck.selectedPanel, "correct header shown for a specific site"); is(gSiteLabel.value, TEST_URI_2.host, "header updated for selected site"); ok(!gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("passwords-count").hidden, "passwords count is not hidden"); ok(!gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("cookies-count").hidden, "cookies count is not hidden"); // Test to make sure "Allow" items are *not* hidden for certain permission types NO_GLOBAL_ALLOW.forEach(function(aType) { let menuitem = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById(aType + "-" + PERM_ALLOW); ok(!menuitem.hidden, aType + " allow menuitem not hidden for single site"); }); runNextTest(); }, function test_permissions() { let menulists = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementsByClassName("pref-menulist"); is(menulists.length, TEST_PERMS_COUNT, "got expected number of managed permissions"); for (let i = 0; i < menulists.length; i++) { let permissionMenulist = menulists.item(i); let permissionType = permissionMenulist.getAttribute("type"); // permissions should reflect what we set at the beginning of the test is(permissionMenulist.value, TEST_PERMS[permissionType], "got expected value for " + permissionType + " permission"); } runNextTest(); }, function test_permission_change() { let geoMenulist = getPermissionMenulist("geo"); is(geoMenulist.value, PERM_UNKNOWN, "menulist correctly shows that geolocation permission is unspecified"); // change a permission programatically Services.perms.add(TEST_URI_2, "geo", PERM_DENY); // check to make sure this change is reflected in the UI is(geoMenulist.value, PERM_DENY, "menulist shows that geolocation is blocked"); // change a permisssion in the UI let geoAllowItem = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("geo-" + PERM_ALLOW); geoMenulist.selectedItem = geoAllowItem; geoMenulist.doCommand(); // check to make sure this change is reflected in the permission manager is(Services.perms.testPermission(TEST_URI_2, "geo"), PERM_ALLOW, "permission manager shows that geolocation is allowed"); runNextTest(); }, function test_forget_site() { // click "Forget About This Site" button gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("forget-site-button").doCommand(); is(gSiteLabel.value, "", "site label cleared"); let allSitesItem = gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById("all-sites-item"); is(gSitesList.selectedItem, allSitesItem, "all sites item selected after forgetting selected site"); // check to make sure site is gone from sites list let testSiteItem = getSiteItem(TEST_URI_2.host); ok(!testSiteItem, "site removed from sites list"); // check to make sure we forgot all permissions corresponding to site for (let type in TEST_PERMS) { if (type == "password") { ok(Services.logins.getLoginSavingEnabled(TEST_URI_2.prePath), "password saving should be enabled by default"); } else { is(Services.perms.testPermission(TEST_URI_2, type), PERM_UNKNOWN, type + " permission should not be set for test site 2"); } } runNextTest(); } ]; function getPermissionMenulist(aType) { return gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById(aType + "-menulist"); } function getSiteItem(aHost) { return gBrowser.contentDocument. querySelector(".site[value='" + aHost + "']"); } function addWindowListener(aURL, aCallback) { Services.wm.addListener({ onOpenWindow: function(aXULWindow) { info("window opened, waiting for focus"); Services.wm.removeListener(this); var domwindow = aXULWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal); waitForFocus(function() { is(domwindow.document.location.href, aURL, "should have seen the right window open"); domwindow.close(); aCallback(); }, domwindow); }, onCloseWindow: function(aXULWindow) { }, onWindowTitleChange: function(aXULWindow, aNewTitle) { } }); } // copied from toolkit/components/places/tests/head_common.js function waitForClearHistory(aCallback) { let observer = { observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, PlacesUtils.TOPIC_EXPIRATION_FINISHED); aCallback(); } }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, PlacesUtils.TOPIC_EXPIRATION_FINISHED, false); PlacesUtils.bhistory.removeAllPages(); }