/** * Load the browser with the given url and then invokes the given function. */ function openBrowserWindow(aFunc, aURL) { gBrowserContext.testFunc = aFunc; gBrowserContext.startURL = aURL; addLoadEvent(openBrowserWindowIntl); } /** * Close the browser window. */ function closeBrowserWindow() { gBrowserContext.browserWnd.close(); } /** * Return the browser window object. */ function browserWindow() { return gBrowserContext.browserWnd; } /** * Return the document of the browser window. */ function browserDocument() { return browserWindow().document; } /** * Return tab browser object. */ function tabBrowser() { return browserWindow().gBrowser; } /** * Return browser element of the current tab. */ function currentBrowser() { return tabBrowser().selectedBrowser; } /** * Return DOM document of the current tab. */ function currentTabDocument() { return currentBrowser().contentDocument; } /** * Return browser element of the tab at the given index. */ function browserAt(aIndex) { return tabBrowser().getBrowserAtIndex(aIndex); } /** * Return DOM document of the tab at the given index. */ function tabDocumentAt(aIndex) { return browserAt(aIndex).contentDocument; } /** * Return input element of address bar. */ function urlbarInput() { return browserWindow().document.getElementById("urlbar").inputField; } /** * Return reload button. */ function reloadButton() { return browserWindow().document.getElementById("urlbar-reload-button"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // private section Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); var gBrowserContext = { browserWnd: null, testFunc: null, startURL: "" }; function openBrowserWindowIntl() { gBrowserContext.browserWnd = window.openDialog(Services.prefs.getCharPref("browser.chromeURL"), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", gBrowserContext.startURL); addA11yLoadEvent(startBrowserTests, browserWindow()); } function startBrowserTests() { if (gBrowserContext.startURL) // wait for load addA11yLoadEvent(gBrowserContext.testFunc, currentBrowser().contentWindow); else gBrowserContext.testFunc(); }