#!/usr/bin/env python # # Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. # http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ # from __future__ import with_statement import sys, os, unittest, tempfile, shutil from StringIO import StringIO from runxpcshelltests import XPCShellTests objdir = os.path.abspath(os.environ["OBJDIR"]) xpcshellBin = os.path.join(objdir, "dist", "bin", "xpcshell") if sys.platform == "win32": xpcshellBin += ".exe" SIMPLE_PASSING_TEST = "function run_test() { do_check_true(true); }" SIMPLE_FAILING_TEST = "function run_test() { do_check_true(false); }" class XPCShellTestsTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Yes, these are unit tests for a unit test harness. """ def setUp(self): self.log = StringIO() self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.x = XPCShellTests(log=self.log) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) def writeFile(self, name, contents): """ Write |contents| to a file named |name| in the temp directory, and return the full path to the file. """ fullpath = os.path.join(self.tempdir, name) with open(fullpath, "w") as f: f.write(contents) return fullpath def writeManifest(self, tests): """ Write an xpcshell.ini in the temp directory and set self.manifest to its pathname. |tests| is a list containing either strings (for test names), or tuples with a test name as the first element and manifest conditions as the following elements. """ testlines = [] for t in tests: testlines.append("[%s]" % (t if isinstance(t, basestring) else t[0])) if isinstance(t, tuple): testlines.extend(t[1:]) self.manifest = self.writeFile("xpcshell.ini", """ [DEFAULT] head = tail = """ + "\n".join(testlines)) def assertTestResult(self, expected, mozInfo={}): """ Assert that self.x.runTests with manifest=self.manifest returns |expected|. """ self.assertEquals(expected, self.x.runTests(xpcshellBin, manifest=self.manifest, mozInfo=mozInfo), msg="""Tests should have %s, log: ======== %s ======== """ % ("passed" if expected else "failed", self.log.getvalue())) def _assertLog(self, s, expected): l = self.log.getvalue() self.assertEqual(expected, s in l, msg="""Value %s %s in log: ======== %s ========""" % (s, "expected" if expected else "not expected", l)) def assertInLog(self, s): """ Assert that the string |s| is contained in self.log. """ self._assertLog(s, True) def assertNotInLog(self, s): """ Assert that the string |s| is not contained in self.log. """ self._assertLog(s, False) def testPass(self): """ Check that a simple test without any manifest conditions passes. """ self.writeFile("test_basic.js", SIMPLE_PASSING_TEST) self.writeManifest(["test_basic.js"]) self.assertTestResult(True) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.testCount) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.passCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.failCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.todoCount) self.assertInLog("TEST-PASS") self.assertNotInLog("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL") def testFail(self): """ Check that a simple failing test without any manifest conditions fails. """ self.writeFile("test_basic.js", SIMPLE_FAILING_TEST) self.writeManifest(["test_basic.js"]) self.assertTestResult(False) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.testCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.passCount) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.failCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.todoCount) self.assertInLog("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL") self.assertNotInLog("TEST-PASS") def testPassFail(self): """ Check that running more than one test works. """ self.writeFile("test_pass.js", SIMPLE_PASSING_TEST) self.writeFile("test_fail.js", SIMPLE_FAILING_TEST) self.writeManifest(["test_pass.js", "test_fail.js"]) self.assertTestResult(False) self.assertEquals(2, self.x.testCount) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.passCount) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.failCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.todoCount) self.assertInLog("TEST-PASS") self.assertInLog("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL") def testSkip(self): """ Check that a simple failing test skipped in the manifest does not cause failure. """ self.writeFile("test_basic.js", SIMPLE_FAILING_TEST) self.writeManifest([("test_basic.js", "skip-if = true")]) self.assertTestResult(True) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.testCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.passCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.failCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.todoCount) self.assertNotInLog("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL") self.assertNotInLog("TEST-PASS") def testKnownFail(self): """ Check that a simple failing test marked as known-fail in the manifest does not cause failure. """ self.writeFile("test_basic.js", SIMPLE_FAILING_TEST) self.writeManifest([("test_basic.js", "fail-if = true")]) self.assertTestResult(True) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.testCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.passCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.failCount) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.todoCount) self.assertInLog("TEST-KNOWN-FAIL") # This should be suppressed because the harness doesn't include # the full log from the xpcshell run when things pass. self.assertNotInLog("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL") self.assertNotInLog("TEST-PASS") def testUnexpectedPass(self): """ Check that a simple failing test marked as known-fail in the manifest that passes causes an unexpected pass. """ self.writeFile("test_basic.js", SIMPLE_PASSING_TEST) self.writeManifest([("test_basic.js", "fail-if = true")]) self.assertTestResult(False) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.testCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.passCount) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.failCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.todoCount) # From the outer (Python) harness self.assertInLog("TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS") self.assertNotInLog("TEST-KNOWN-FAIL") # From the inner (JS) harness self.assertInLog("TEST-PASS") def testReturnNonzero(self): """ Check that a test where xpcshell returns nonzero fails. """ self.writeFile("test_error.js", "throw 'foo'") self.writeManifest(["test_error.js"]) self.assertTestResult(False) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.testCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.passCount) self.assertEquals(1, self.x.failCount) self.assertEquals(0, self.x.todoCount) self.assertInLog("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL") self.assertNotInLog("TEST-PASS") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()