/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://services-common/utils.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); const ROOT_BRANCH = "datareporting."; const POLICY_BRANCH = ROOT_BRANCH + "policy."; const SESSIONS_BRANCH = ROOT_BRANCH + "sessions."; const HEALTHREPORT_BRANCH = ROOT_BRANCH + "healthreport."; const HEALTHREPORT_LOGGING_BRANCH = HEALTHREPORT_BRANCH + "logging."; const DEFAULT_LOAD_DELAY_MSEC = 10 * 1000; const DEFAULT_LOAD_DELAY_FIRST_RUN_MSEC = 60 * 1000; /** * The Firefox Health Report XPCOM service. * * External consumers will be interested in the "reporter" property of this * service. This property is a `HealthReporter` instance that powers the * service. The property may be null if the Health Report service is not * enabled. * * EXAMPLE USAGE * ============= * * let reporter = Cc["@mozilla.org/datareporting/service;1"] * .getService(Ci.nsISupports) * .wrappedJSObject * .healthReporter; * * if (reporter.haveRemoteData) { * // ... * } * * IMPLEMENTATION NOTES * ==================== * * In order to not adversely impact application start time, the `HealthReporter` * instance is not initialized until a few seconds after "final-ui-startup." * The exact delay is configurable via preferences so it can be adjusted with * a hotfix extension if the default value is ever problematic. Because of the * overhead with the initial creation of the database, the first run is delayed * even more than subsequent runs. This does mean that the first moments of * browser activity may be lost by FHR. * * Shutdown of the `HealthReporter` instance is handled completely within the * instance (it registers observers on initialization). See the notes on that * type for more. */ this.DataReportingService = function () { this.wrappedJSObject = this; this._quitting = false; this._os = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIObserverService); this._clientID = null; this._loadClientIdTask = null; this._saveClientIdTask = null; this._stateDir = null; this._stateFilePath = null; } DataReportingService.prototype = Object.freeze({ classID: Components.ID("{41f6ae36-a79f-4613-9ac3-915e70f83789}"), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), //--------------------------------------------- // Start of policy listeners. //--------------------------------------------- /** * Called when policy requests data upload. */ onRequestDataUpload: function (request) { if (!this.healthReporter) { return; } this.healthReporter.requestDataUpload(request); }, onNotifyDataPolicy: function (request) { Observers.notify("datareporting:notify-data-policy:request", request); }, onRequestRemoteDelete: function (request) { if (!this.healthReporter) { return; } this.healthReporter.deleteRemoteData(request); }, //--------------------------------------------- // End of policy listeners. //--------------------------------------------- observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "app-startup": this._os.addObserver(this, "profile-after-change", true); break; case "profile-after-change": this._os.removeObserver(this, "profile-after-change"); try { this._prefs = new Preferences(HEALTHREPORT_BRANCH); // We don't initialize the sessions recorder unless Health Report is // around to provide pruning of data. // // FUTURE consider having the SessionsRecorder always enabled and/or // living in its own XPCOM service. if (this._prefs.get("service.enabled", true)) { this.sessionRecorder = new SessionRecorder(SESSIONS_BRANCH); this.sessionRecorder.onStartup(); } // We can't interact with prefs until after the profile is present. let policyPrefs = new Preferences(POLICY_BRANCH); this.policy = new DataReportingPolicy(policyPrefs, this._prefs, this); this._stateDir = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "datareporting"); this._stateFilePath = OS.Path.join(this._stateDir, "state.json"); this._os.addObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored", true); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("Exception when initializing data reporting service: " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(ex)); } break; case "sessionstore-windows-restored": this._os.removeObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored"); this._os.addObserver(this, "quit-application", false); let policy = this.policy; policy.startPolling(); // Don't initialize Firefox Health Reporter collection and submission // service unless it is enabled. if (!this._prefs.get("service.enabled", true)) { return; } let haveFirstRun = this._prefs.get("service.firstRun", false); let delayInterval; if (haveFirstRun) { delayInterval = this._prefs.get("service.loadDelayMsec") || DEFAULT_LOAD_DELAY_MSEC; } else { delayInterval = this._prefs.get("service.loadDelayFirstRunMsec") || DEFAULT_LOAD_DELAY_FIRST_RUN_MSEC; } // Delay service loading a little more so things have an opportunity // to cool down first. this.timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); this.timer.initWithCallback({ notify: function notify() { delete this.timer; // There could be a race between "quit-application" firing and // this callback being invoked. We close that door. if (this._quitting) { return; } // Side effect: instantiates the reporter instance if not already // accessed. // // The instance installs its own shutdown observers. So, we just // fire and forget: it will clean itself up. let reporter = this.healthReporter; policy.ensureUserNotified(); }.bind(this), }, delayInterval, this.timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); break; case "quit-application": this._os.removeObserver(this, "quit-application"); this._quitting = true; // Shutdown doesn't clear pending timers. So, we need to explicitly // cancel our health reporter initialization timer or else it will // attempt initialization after shutdown has commenced. This would // likely lead to stalls or crashes. if (this.timer) { this.timer.cancel(); } if (this.policy) { this.policy.stopPolling(); } break; } }, /** * The HealthReporter instance associated with this service. * * If the service is disabled, this will return null. * * The obtained instance may not be fully initialized. */ get healthReporter() { if (!this._prefs.get("service.enabled", true)) { return null; } if ("_healthReporter" in this) { return this._healthReporter; } try { this._loadHealthReporter(); } catch (ex) { this._healthReporter = null; Cu.reportError("Exception when obtaining health reporter: " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(ex)); } return this._healthReporter; }, _loadHealthReporter: function () { // This should never happen. It was added to help trace down bug 924307. if (!this.policy) { throw new Error("this.policy not set."); } let ns = {}; // Lazy import so application startup isn't adversely affected. Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", ns); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/HealthReport.jsm", ns); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm", ns); // How many times will we rewrite this code before rolling it up into a // generic module? See also bug 451283. const LOGGERS = [ "Services.DataReporting", "Services.HealthReport", "Services.Metrics", "Services.BagheeraClient", "Sqlite.Connection.healthreport", ]; let loggingPrefs = new Preferences(HEALTHREPORT_LOGGING_BRANCH); if (loggingPrefs.get("consoleEnabled", true)) { let level = loggingPrefs.get("consoleLevel", "Warn"); let appender = new ns.Log.ConsoleAppender(); appender.level = ns.Log.Level[level] || ns.Log.Level.Warn; for (let name of LOGGERS) { let logger = ns.Log.repository.getLogger(name); logger.addAppender(appender); } } if (loggingPrefs.get("dumpEnabled", false)) { let level = loggingPrefs.get("dumpLevel", "Debug"); let appender = new ns.Log.DumpAppender(); appender.level = ns.Log.Level[level] || ns.Log.Level.Debug; for (let name of LOGGERS) { let logger = ns.Log.repository.getLogger(name); logger.addAppender(appender); } } this._healthReporter = new ns.HealthReporter(HEALTHREPORT_BRANCH, this.policy, this.sessionRecorder); // Wait for initialization to finish so if a shutdown occurs before init // has finished we don't adversely affect app startup on next run. this._healthReporter.init().then(function onInit() { this._prefs.set("service.firstRun", true); }.bind(this)); }, _loadClientID: Task.async(function* () { if (this._loadClientIdTask) { return this._loadClientIdTask; } // Previously we had the stable client ID managed in FHR. // As we want to start correlating FHR and telemetry data (and moving towards // unifying the two), we moved the ID management to the datareporting // service. Consequently, we try to import the FHR ID first, so we can keep // using it. // Try to load the client id from the DRS state file first. try { let state = yield CommonUtils.readJSON(this._stateFilePath); if (state && 'clientID' in state && typeof(state.clientID) == 'string') { this._clientID = state.clientID; this._loadClientIdTask = null; return this._clientID; } } catch (e) { // fall through to next option } // If we dont have DRS state yet, try to import from the FHR state. try { let fhrStatePath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "healthreport", "state.json"); let state = yield CommonUtils.readJSON(fhrStatePath); if (state && 'clientID' in state && typeof(state.clientID) == 'string') { this._clientID = state.clientID; this._loadClientIdTask = null; this._saveClientID(); return this._clientID; } } catch (e) { // fall through to next option } // We dont have an id from FHR yet, generate a new ID. this._clientID = CommonUtils.generateUUID(); this._loadClientIdTask = null; this._saveClientIdTask = this._saveClientID(); // Wait on persisting the id. Otherwise failure to save the ID would result in // the client creating and subsequently sending multiple IDs to the server. // This would appear as multiple clients submitting similar data, which would // result in orphaning. yield this._saveClientIdTask; return this._clientID; }), _saveClientID: Task.async(function* () { let obj = { clientID: this._clientID }; yield OS.File.makeDir(this._stateDir); yield CommonUtils.writeJSON(obj, this._stateFilePath); this._saveClientIdTask = null; }), /** * This returns a promise resolving to the the stable client ID we use for * data reporting (FHR & Telemetry). Previously exising FHR client IDs are * migrated to this. * * @return Promise The stable client ID. */ getClientID: function() { if (this._loadClientIdTask) { return this._loadClientIdTask; } if (!this._clientID) { this._loadClientIdTask = this._loadClientID(); return this._loadClientIdTask; } return Promise.resolve(this._clientID); }, /** * Reset the stable client id. * * @return Promise The new client ID. */ resetClientID: Task.async(function* () { yield this._loadClientIdTask; yield this._saveClientIdTask; this._clientID = CommonUtils.generateUUID(); this._saveClientIdTask = this._saveClientID(); yield this._saveClientIdTask; return this._clientID; }), /* * Simulate a restart of the service. This is for testing only. */ _reset: Task.async(function* () { yield this._loadClientIdTask; yield this._saveClientIdTask; this._clientID = null; }), }); this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([DataReportingService]); #define MERGED_COMPARTMENT #include ../common/observers.js ; #include policy.jsm ; #include sessions.jsm ;