/* run some tests on the data: protocol handler */ const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.results; // The behaviour wrt spaces is: // - Textual content keeps all spaces // - Other content strips unescaped spaces // - Base64 content strips escaped and unescaped spaces var urls = [ ["data:,foo", "text/plain", "foo"], ["data:application/octet-stream,foo bar", "application/octet-stream", "foobar"], ["data:application/octet-stream,foo%20bar", "application/octet-stream", "foo bar"], ["data:application/xhtml+xml,foo bar", "application/xhtml+xml", "foo bar"], ["data:application/xhtml+xml,foo%20bar", "application/xhtml+xml", "foo bar"], ["data:text/plain,foo%00 bar", "text/plain", "foo\x00 bar"], ["data:text/plain;base64,Zm9 vI%20GJ%0Dhc%0Ag==", "text/plain", "foo bar"], ["DATA:TEXT/PLAIN;BASE64,Zm9 vI%20GJ%0Dhc%0Ag==", "text/plain", "foo bar"] ]; function run_test() { dump("*** run_test\n"); function on_read_complete(request, data, idx) { dump("*** run_test.on_read_complete\n"); if (request.nsIChannel.contentType != urls[idx][1]) do_throw("Type mismatch! Is <" + chan.contentType + ">, should be <" + urls[idx][1] + ">"); /* read completed successfully. now compare the data. */ if (data != urls[idx][2]) do_throw("Stream contents do not match with direct read!"); do_test_finished(); } var ios = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIIOService); for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; ++i) { dump("*** opening channel " + i + "\n"); do_test_pending(); var chan = ios.newChannel(urls[i][0], "", null); chan.contentType = "foo/bar"; // should be ignored chan.asyncOpen(new ChannelListener(on_read_complete, i), null); } }