/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_cache_CacheStorage_h #define mozilla_dom_cache_CacheStorage_h #include "mozilla/dom/cache/Types.h" #include "mozilla/dom/cache/TypeUtils.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsISupportsImpl.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsWrapperCache.h" #include "nsIIPCBackgroundChildCreateCallback.h" class nsIGlobalObject; namespace mozilla { class ErrorResult; namespace ipc { class PrincipalInfo; } namespace dom { enum class CacheStorageNamespace : uint32_t; class Promise; namespace workers { class WorkerPrivate; } namespace cache { class CacheStorageChild; class Feature; class CacheStorage final : public nsIIPCBackgroundChildCreateCallback , public nsWrapperCache , public TypeUtils { typedef mozilla::ipc::PBackgroundChild PBackgroundChild; public: static already_AddRefed CreateOnMainThread(Namespace aNamespace, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, ErrorResult& aRv); static already_AddRefed CreateOnWorker(Namespace aNamespace, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, workers::WorkerPrivate* aWorkerPrivate, ErrorResult& aRv); // webidl interface methods already_AddRefed Match(const RequestOrUSVString& aRequest, const CacheQueryOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed Has(const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed Open(const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed Delete(const nsAString& aKey, ErrorResult& aRv); already_AddRefed Keys(ErrorResult& aRv); // chrome-only webidl interface methods static already_AddRefed Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal, CacheStorageNamespace aNamespace, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, ErrorResult& aRv); // binding methods static bool PrefEnabled(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj); nsISupports* GetParentObject() const; virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aContext, JS::Handle aGivenProto) override; // nsIIPCbackgroundChildCreateCallback methods virtual void ActorCreated(PBackgroundChild* aActor) override; virtual void ActorFailed() override; // Called when CacheStorageChild actor is being destroyed void DestroyInternal(CacheStorageChild* aActor); // TypeUtils methods virtual nsIGlobalObject* GetGlobalObject() const override; #ifdef DEBUG virtual void AssertOwningThread() const override; #endif virtual CachePushStreamChild* CreatePushStream(nsIAsyncInputStream* aStream) override; private: CacheStorage(Namespace aNamespace, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, const mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo& aPrincipalInfo, Feature* aFeature); ~CacheStorage(); void MaybeRunPendingRequests(); const Namespace mNamespace; nsCOMPtr mGlobal; UniquePtr mPrincipalInfo; nsRefPtr mFeature; // weak ref cleared in DestroyInternal CacheStorageChild* mActor; struct Entry; nsTArray> mPendingRequests; bool mFailedActor; public: NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_SCRIPT_HOLDER_CLASS_AMBIGUOUS(CacheStorage, nsIIPCBackgroundChildCreateCallback) }; } // namespace cache } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_dom_cache_CacheStorage_h