/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- / /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; dump("###################################### forms.js loaded\n"); let Ci = Components.interfaces; let Cc = Components.classes; let Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Services, "fm", "@mozilla.org/focus-manager;1", "nsIFocusManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "domWindowUtils", function () { return content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); }); const RESIZE_SCROLL_DELAY = 20; let HTMLDocument = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDocument; let HTMLHtmlElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLHtmlElement; let HTMLBodyElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLBodyElement; let HTMLIFrameElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLIFrameElement; let HTMLInputElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement; let HTMLTextAreaElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement; let HTMLSelectElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement; let HTMLOptGroupElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLOptGroupElement; let HTMLOptionElement = Ci.nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement; let FormVisibility = { /** * Searches upwards in the DOM for an element that has been scrolled. * * @param {HTMLElement} node element to start search at. * @return {Window|HTMLElement|Null} null when none are found window/element otherwise. */ findScrolled: function fv_findScrolled(node) { let win = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; while (!(node instanceof HTMLBodyElement)) { // We can skip elements that have not been scrolled. // We only care about top now remember to add the scrollLeft // check if we decide to care about the X axis. if (node.scrollTop !== 0) { // the element has been scrolled so we may need to adjust // where we think the root element is located. // // Otherwise it may seem visible but be scrolled out of the viewport // inside this scrollable node. return node; } else { // this node does not effect where we think // the node is even if it is scrollable it has not hidden // the element we are looking for. node = node.parentNode; continue; } } // we also care about the window this is the more // common case where the content is larger then // the viewport/screen. if (win.scrollMaxX || win.scrollMaxY) { return win; } return null; }, /** * Checks if "top and "bottom" points of the position is visible. * * @param {Number} top position. * @param {Number} height of the element. * @param {Number} maxHeight of the window. * @return {Boolean} true when visible. */ yAxisVisible: function fv_yAxisVisible(top, height, maxHeight) { return (top > 0 && (top + height) < maxHeight); }, /** * Searches up through the dom for scrollable elements * which are not currently visible (relative to the viewport). * * @param {HTMLElement} element to start search at. * @param {Object} pos .top, .height and .width of element. */ scrollablesVisible: function fv_scrollablesVisible(element, pos) { while ((element = this.findScrolled(element))) { if (element.window && element.self === element) break; // remember getBoundingClientRect does not care // about scrolling only where the element starts // in the document. let offset = element.getBoundingClientRect(); // the top of both the scrollable area and // the form element itself are in the same document. // We adjust the "top" so if the elements coordinates // are relative to the viewport in the current document. let adjustedTop = pos.top - offset.top; let visible = this.yAxisVisible( adjustedTop, pos.height, pos.width ); if (!visible) return false; element = element.parentNode; } return true; }, /** * Verifies the element is visible in the viewport. * Handles scrollable areas, frames and scrollable viewport(s) (windows). * * @param {HTMLElement} element to verify. * @return {Boolean} true when visible. */ isVisible: function fv_isVisible(element) { // scrollable frames can be ignored we just care about iframes... let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); let parent = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; // used to calculate the inner position of frames / scrollables. // The intent was to use this information to scroll either up or down. // scrollIntoView(true) will _break_ some web content so we can't do // this today. If we want that functionality we need to manually scroll // the individual elements. let pos = { top: rect.top, height: rect.height, width: rect.width }; let visible = true; do { let frame = parent.frameElement; visible = visible && this.yAxisVisible(pos.top, pos.height, parent.innerHeight) && this.scrollablesVisible(element, pos); // nothing we can do about this now... // In the future we can use this information to scroll // only the elements we need to at this point as we should // have all the details we need to figure out how to scroll. if (!visible) return false; if (frame) { let frameRect = frame.getBoundingClientRect(); pos.top += frameRect.top + frame.clientTop; } } while ( (parent !== parent.parent) && (parent = parent.parent) ); return visible; } }; let FormAssistant = { init: function fa_init() { addEventListener("focus", this, true, false); addEventListener("blur", this, true, false); addEventListener("resize", this, true, false); addEventListener("submit", this, true, false); addEventListener("pagehide", this, true, false); addMessageListener("Forms:Select:Choice", this); addMessageListener("Forms:Input:Value", this); addMessageListener("Forms:Select:Blur", this); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); }, ignoredInputTypes: new Set([ 'button', 'file', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'reset', 'submit', 'image' ]), isKeyboardOpened: false, selectionStart: 0, selectionEnd: 0, scrollIntoViewTimeout: null, _focusedElement: null, get focusedElement() { if (this._focusedElement && Cu.isDeadWrapper(this._focusedElement)) this._focusedElement = null; return this._focusedElement; }, set focusedElement(val) { this._focusedElement = val; }, setFocusedElement: function fa_setFocusedElement(element) { if (element === this.focusedElement) return; if (this.focusedElement) { this.focusedElement.removeEventListener('mousedown', this); this.focusedElement.removeEventListener('mouseup', this); if (!element) { this.focusedElement.blur(); } } if (element) { element.addEventListener('mousedown', this); element.addEventListener('mouseup', this); } this.focusedElement = element; }, handleEvent: function fa_handleEvent(evt) { let focusedElement = this.focusedElement; let target = evt.target; switch (evt.type) { case "focus": if (target && isContentEditable(target)) { this.showKeyboard(this.getTopLevelEditable(target)); break; } if (target && this.isFocusableElement(target)) this.showKeyboard(target); break; case "blur": case "submit": case "pagehide": if (this.focusedElement) this.hideKeyboard(); break; case 'mousedown': // We only listen for this event on the currently focused element. // When the mouse goes down, note the cursor/selection position this.selectionStart = this.focusedElement.selectionStart; this.selectionEnd = this.focusedElement.selectionEnd; break; case 'mouseup': // We only listen for this event on the currently focused element. // When the mouse goes up, see if the cursor has moved (or the // selection changed) since the mouse went down. If it has, we // need to tell the keyboard about it if (this.focusedElement.selectionStart !== this.selectionStart || this.focusedElement.selectionEnd !== this.selectionEnd) { this.sendKeyboardState(this.focusedElement); } break; case "resize": if (!this.isKeyboardOpened) return; if (this.scrollIntoViewTimeout) { content.clearTimeout(this.scrollIntoViewTimeout); this.scrollIntoViewTimeout = null; } // We may receive multiple resize events in quick succession, so wait // a bit before scrolling the input element into view. if (this.focusedElement) { this.scrollIntoViewTimeout = content.setTimeout(function () { this.scrollIntoViewTimeout = null; if (this.focusedElement && !FormVisibility.isVisible(this.focusedElement)) { this.focusedElement.scrollIntoView(false); } }.bind(this), RESIZE_SCROLL_DELAY); } break; } }, receiveMessage: function fa_receiveMessage(msg) { let target = this.focusedElement; if (!target) { return; } let json = msg.json; switch (msg.name) { case "Forms:Input:Value": { target.value = json.value; let event = content.document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent('input', true, false); target.dispatchEvent(event); break; } case "Forms:Select:Choice": let options = target.options; let valueChanged = false; if ("index" in json) { if (options.selectedIndex != json.index) { options.selectedIndex = json.index; valueChanged = true; } } else if ("indexes" in json) { for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { let newValue = (json.indexes.indexOf(i) != -1); if (options.item(i).selected != newValue) { options.item(i).selected = newValue; valueChanged = true; } } } // only fire onchange event if any selected option is changed if (valueChanged) { let event = content.document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent('change', true, true); target.dispatchEvent(event); } break; case "Forms:Select:Blur": { this.setFocusedElement(null); break; } } }, observe: function fa_observe(subject, topic, data) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); removeMessageListener("Forms:Select:Choice", this); removeMessageListener("Forms:Input:Value", this); }, showKeyboard: function fa_showKeyboard(target) { if (this.isKeyboardOpened) return; if (target instanceof HTMLOptionElement) target = target.parentNode; let kbOpened = this.sendKeyboardState(target); if (this.isTextInputElement(target)) this.isKeyboardOpened = kbOpened; this.setFocusedElement(target); }, hideKeyboard: function fa_hideKeyboard() { sendAsyncMessage("Forms:Input", { "type": "blur" }); this.isKeyboardOpened = false; this.setFocusedElement(null); }, isFocusableElement: function fa_isFocusableElement(element) { if (element instanceof HTMLSelectElement || element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) return true; if (element instanceof HTMLOptionElement && element.parentNode instanceof HTMLSelectElement) return true; return (element instanceof HTMLInputElement && !this.ignoredInputTypes.has(element.type)); }, isTextInputElement: function fa_isTextInputElement(element) { return element instanceof HTMLInputElement || element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || isContentEditable(element); }, getTopLevelEditable: function fa_getTopLevelEditable(element) { function retrieveTopLevelEditable(element) { // Retrieve the top element that is editable if (element instanceof HTMLHtmlElement) element = element.ownerDocument.body; else if (element instanceof HTMLDocument) element = element.body; while (element && !isContentEditable(element)) element = element.parentNode; // Return the container frame if we are into a nested editable frame if (element && element instanceof HTMLBodyElement && element.ownerDocument.defaultView != content.document.defaultView) return element.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement; } if (element instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) return element; return retrieveTopLevelEditable(element) || element; }, sendKeyboardState: function(element) { // FIXME/bug 729623: work around apparent bug in the IME manager // in gecko. let readonly = element.getAttribute("readonly"); if (readonly) { return false; } sendAsyncMessage("Forms:Input", getJSON(element)); return true; } }; FormAssistant.init(); function isContentEditable(element) { if (element.isContentEditable || element.designMode == "on") return true; // If a body element is editable and the body is the child of an // iframe we can assume this is an advanced HTML editor if (element instanceof HTMLIFrameElement && element.contentDocument && (element.contentDocument.body.isContentEditable || element.contentDocument.designMode == "on")) return true; return element.ownerDocument && element.ownerDocument.designMode == "on"; } function getJSON(element) { let type = element.type || ""; let value = element.value || "" // Treat contenteditble element as a special text field if (isContentEditable(element)) { type = "text"; value = element.textContent; } // Until the input type=date/datetime/time have been implemented // let's return their real type even if the platform returns 'text' let attributeType = element.getAttribute("type") || ""; if (attributeType) { var typeLowerCase = attributeType.toLowerCase(); switch (typeLowerCase) { case "datetime": case "datetime-local": type = typeLowerCase; break; } } // Gecko has some support for @inputmode but behind a preference and // it is disabled by default. // Gaia is then using @x-inputmode has its proprietary way to set // inputmode for fields. This shouldn't be used outside of pre-installed // apps because the attribute is going to disappear as soon as a definitive // solution will be find. let inputmode = element.getAttribute('x-inputmode'); if (inputmode) { inputmode = inputmode.toLowerCase(); } else { inputmode = ''; } return { "type": type.toLowerCase(), "choices": getListForElement(element), "value": value, "inputmode": inputmode, "selectionStart": element.selectionStart, "selectionEnd": element.selectionEnd }; } function getListForElement(element) { if (!(element instanceof HTMLSelectElement)) return null; let optionIndex = 0; let result = { "multiple": element.multiple, "choices": [] }; // Build up a flat JSON array of the choices. // In HTML, it's possible for select element choices to be under a // group header (but not recursively). We distinguish between headers // and entries using the boolean "list.group". let children = element.children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { let child = children[i]; if (child instanceof HTMLOptGroupElement) { result.choices.push({ "group": true, "text": child.label || child.firstChild.data, "disabled": child.disabled }); let subchildren = child.children; for (let j = 0; j < subchildren.length; j++) { let subchild = subchildren[j]; result.choices.push({ "group": false, "inGroup": true, "text": subchild.text, "disabled": child.disabled || subchild.disabled, "selected": subchild.selected, "optionIndex": optionIndex++ }); } } else if (child instanceof HTMLOptionElement) { result.choices.push({ "group": false, "inGroup": false, "text": child.text, "disabled": child.disabled, "selected": child.selected, "optionIndex": optionIndex++ }); } } return result; };