Welcome to the Mozilla Quality Assurance community! Mozilla Quality Assurance (QA) is a network of countless volunteers from the Internet community, along with a group of Mozilla employees, who share the common mission of taming the lizard through testing and constructively reporting bugs in Mozilla products. This extension allows you to find bugs in Mozilla products by running simple tests within the browser. Helping out doesn't take up much of your time, doesn't require any special skills, and helps to improve Mozilla products like Firefox and Thunderbird. When you find a bug, this extension helps you to report it to Litmus, the tool we use to track our testing efforts. Your test results are valuable, and we use them to ensure that all features work properly across a wide range of platforms, operating systems, and configurations. Why Should I Get Involved? xxx For more information on Mozilla Quality Assurance, please see Quality.Mozilla.Org (QMO). "> How do I get started? Getting started with Mozilla QA is easy! This setup wizard will ask you a few simple questions. Once that's done, you will be taken to the test runner, where you can select what you want to test, run those tests, and submit your results to Litmus. You'll also have a chance to learn about QA Community events and other ways to get involved. A note on privacy When you use the QA Extension, you are submitting test results to an open system. Other members of the community will access the information you submit in order to improve the quality of Mozilla products. You should not submit any private or confidential information using the Mozilla QA Extension. If you provide your real name or an IRC nickname to display instead, we will hide your email address from public view to help prevent email harvesting bots from spamming you. For more information, please see our privacy policy. Welcome to the Mozilla QA Community. Let's get started! "> Create Account button to create your new account. Once your account is created, press the 'Continue' button to complete setup."> Account Created Congratulations! Your Litmus account has been created. You'll be able to use your new account both here in the QA Extension, and on the Litmus website. That's it! You're ready to start testing. If you have any questions along the way, you may post to the Mozilla QA Blog , or, if you prefer, you can join us on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and become more involved in our testing community. We are in #qa on irc.mozilla.org. If you have an irc client installed already, you should be able to join by clicking this link: join #qa. "> irc.mozilla.org, channel #qa, but the easist way to get on IRC right now is through your web browser. Just click the button below.">