/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const ICC_ID = "123456789"; function do_check_throws(f, result, stack) { if (!stack) { stack = Components.stack.caller; } try { f(); } catch (exc) { if (exc.result == result) return; do_throw("expected result " + result + ", caught " + exc, stack); } do_throw("expected result " + result + ", none thrown", stack); } let gMobileMessageService = Cc["@mozilla.org/mobilemessage/mobilemessageservice;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIMobileMessageService); function newMessage() { return gMobileMessageService.createSmsMessage.apply(gMobileMessageService, arguments); } function run_test() { run_next_test(); } /** * Ensure an SmsMessage object created has sensible initial values. */ add_test(function test_interface() { let sms = newMessage(null, null, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", null, null, null, "normal", new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), true); do_check_true(sms instanceof Ci.nsIDOMMozSmsMessage); do_check_eq(sms.id, 0); do_check_eq(sms.threadId, 0); do_check_eq(sms.iccId, ICC_ID); do_check_eq(sms.delivery, "sent"); do_check_eq(sms.deliveryStatus, "success"); do_check_eq(sms.receiver, null); do_check_eq(sms.sender, null); do_check_eq(sms.body, null); do_check_eq(sms.messageClass, "normal"); do_check_true(sms.read); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test if ICC ID is null when it's not available. */ add_test(function test_icc_id_not_available() { let sms = newMessage(null, null, null, "sent", "success", null, null, null, "normal", new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), true); do_check_true(sms instanceof Ci.nsIDOMMozSmsMessage); do_check_eq(sms.id, 0); do_check_eq(sms.threadId, 0); do_check_eq(sms.iccId, null); do_check_eq(sms.delivery, "sent"); do_check_eq(sms.deliveryStatus, "success"); do_check_eq(sms.receiver, null); do_check_eq(sms.sender, null); do_check_eq(sms.body, null); do_check_eq(sms.messageClass, "normal"); do_check_true(sms.read); run_next_test(); }); /** * Verify that attributes are read-only. */ add_test(function test_readonly_attributes() { let sms = newMessage(null, null, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", null, null, null, "normal", new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), true); sms.id = 1; do_check_eq(sms.id, 0); sms.threadId = 1; do_check_eq(sms.threadId, 0); sms.iccId = "987654321"; do_check_eq(sms.iccId, ICC_ID); sms.delivery = "received"; do_check_eq(sms.delivery, "sent"); sms.deliveryStatus = "pending"; do_check_eq(sms.deliveryStatus, "success"); sms.receiver = "a receiver"; do_check_eq(sms.receiver, null); sms.sender = "a sender"; do_check_eq(sms.sender, null); sms.body = "a body"; do_check_eq(sms.body, null); sms.messageClass = "class-0"; do_check_eq(sms.messageClass, "normal"); let oldTimestamp = sms.timestamp; sms.timestamp = Date.now(); do_check_eq(sms.timestamp, oldTimestamp); let oldSentTimestamp = sms.sentTimestamp; sms.sentTimestamp = Date.now(); do_check_eq(sms.sentTimestamp, oldSentTimestamp); let oldDeliveryTimestamp = sms.deliveryTimestamp; sms.deliveryTimestamp = Date.now(); do_check_eq(sms.deliveryTimestamp, oldDeliveryTimestamp); sms.read = false; do_check_true(sms.read); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test supplying the timestamp as a number of milliseconds. */ add_test(function test_timestamp_number() { let ts = Date.now(); let sms = newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", ts, ts, ts, true); do_check_eq(sms.id, 42); do_check_eq(sms.threadId, 1); do_check_eq(sms.iccId, ICC_ID); do_check_eq(sms.delivery, "sent"); do_check_eq(sms.deliveryStatus, "success"); do_check_eq(sms.sender, "the sender"); do_check_eq(sms.receiver, "the receiver"); do_check_eq(sms.body, "the body"); do_check_eq(sms.messageClass, "normal"); do_check_eq(sms.timestamp, ts); do_check_eq(sms.sentTimestamp, ts); do_check_eq(sms.deliveryTimestamp, ts); do_check_true(sms.read); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test supplying the timestamp as a Date object. */ add_test(function test_timestamp_date() { let date = new Date(); let sms = newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", date, date, date, true); do_check_eq(sms.id, 42); do_check_eq(sms.threadId, 1); do_check_eq(sms.iccId, ICC_ID); do_check_eq(sms.delivery, "sent"); do_check_eq(sms.deliveryStatus, "success"); do_check_eq(sms.sender, "the sender"); do_check_eq(sms.receiver, "the receiver"); do_check_eq(sms.body, "the body"); do_check_eq(sms.messageClass, "normal"); do_check_eq(sms.timestamp, date.getTime()); do_check_eq(sms.sentTimestamp, date.getTime()); do_check_eq(sms.deliveryTimestamp, date.getTime()); do_check_true(sms.read); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that a floating point number for the timestamp is not allowed. */ add_test(function test_invalid_timestamp_float() { // Test timestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", 3.1415, new Date(), new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); // Test sentTimestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), 3.1415, new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); // Test deliveryTimestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), new Date(), 3.1415, true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that a null value for the timestamp is not allowed. */ add_test(function test_invalid_timestamp_null() { // Test timestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", null, new Date(), new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); // Test sentTimestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), null, new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); // Test deliveryTimestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), new Date(), null, true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that undefined for the timestamp is not allowed. */ add_test(function test_invalid_timestamp_undefined() { // Test timestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", undefined, new Date(), new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); // Test sentTimestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), undefined, new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); // Test deliveryTimestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), new Date(), undefined, true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that a random object for the timestamp is not allowed. */ add_test(function test_invalid_timestamp_object() { // Test timestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", {}, new Date(), new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); // Test sentTimestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), {}, new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); // Test deliveryTimestamp. do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), new Date(), {}, true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that an invalid delivery string is not accepted. */ add_test(function test_invalid_delivery_string() { do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "this is invalid", "pending", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), 0, 0, true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that a number is not accepted for the 'delivery' argument. */ add_test(function test_invalid_delivery_string() { do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, 1, "pending", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), 0, 0, true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that an invalid delivery status string is not accepted. */ add_test(function test_invalid_delivery_status_string() { do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "this is invalid", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), new Date(), 0, true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that a number is not accepted for the 'deliveryStatus' argument. */ add_test(function test_invalid_delivery_status_string() { do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", 1, "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "normal", new Date(), new Date(), 0, true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that an invalid message class string is not accepted. */ add_test(function test_invalid_message_class_string() { do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", "this is invalid", new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); }); /** * Test that a number is not accepted for the 'messageClass' argument. */ add_test(function test_invalid_message_class_string() { do_check_throws(function() { newMessage(42, 1, ICC_ID, "sent", "success", "the sender", "the receiver", "the body", 1, new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), true); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); run_next_test(); });