/** * Default list of commands to execute for a PeerConnection test. */ var STABLE = "stable"; var HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER = "have-local-offer"; var HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER = "have-remote-offer"; var CLOSED = "closed"; function deltaSeconds(date1, date2) { return (date2.getTime() - date1.getTime())/1000; } function dumpSdp(test) { if (typeof test._local_offer !== 'undefined') { dump("ERROR: SDP offer: " + test._local_offer.sdp.replace(/[\r]/g, '')); } if (typeof test._remote_answer !== 'undefined') { dump("ERROR: SDP answer: " + test._remote_answer.sdp.replace(/[\r]/g, '')); } if ((typeof test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescDate !== 'undefined') && (typeof test.pcRemote.setLocalDescDate !== 'undefined')) { var delta = deltaSeconds(test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescDate, test.pcRemote.setLocalDescDate); dump("Delay between pcLocal.setRemote <-> pcRemote.setLocal: " + delta + "\n"); } if ((typeof test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescDate !== 'undefined') && (typeof test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescStableEventDate !== 'undefined')) { var delta = deltaSeconds(test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescDate, test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescStableEventDate); dump("Delay between pcLocal.setRemote <-> pcLocal.signalingStateStable: " + delta + "\n"); } if ((typeof test.pcRemote.setLocalDescDate !== 'undefined') && (typeof test.pcRemote.setLocalDescStableEventDate !== 'undefined')) { var delta = deltaSeconds(test.pcRemote.setLocalDescDate, test.pcRemote.setLocalDescStableEventDate); dump("Delay between pcRemote.setLocal <-> pcRemote.signalingStateStable: " + delta + "\n"); } } var commandsPeerConnection = [ [ 'PC_LOCAL_GUM', function (test) { test.pcLocal.getAllUserMedia(function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_GUM', function (test) { test.pcRemote.getAllUserMedia(function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_CHECK_INITIAL_SIGNALINGSTATE', function (test) { is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "Initial local signalingState is 'stable'"); test.next(); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_CHECK_INITIAL_SIGNALINGSTATE', function (test) { is(test.pcRemote.signalingState, STABLE, "Initial remote signalingState is 'stable'"); test.next(); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_CREATE_OFFER', function (test) { test.createOffer(test.pcLocal, function () { is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "Local create offer does not change signaling state"); if (!test.pcRemote) { send_message({"offer": test.pcLocal._last_offer, "media_constraints": test.pcLocal.constraints}); } test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION', function (test) { test.setLocalDescription(test.pcLocal, test.pcLocal._last_offer, HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER, function () { is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER, "signalingState after local setLocalDescription is 'have-local-offer'"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_GET_OFFER', function (test) { if (test.pcLocal) { test._local_offer = test.pcLocal._last_offer; test._local_constraints = test.pcLocal.constraints; test.next(); } else { wait_for_message().then(function(message) { ok("offer" in message, "Got an offer message"); test._local_offer = new mozRTCSessionDescription(message.offer); test._local_constraints = message.media_constraints; test.next(); }); } } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION', function (test) { test.setRemoteDescription(test.pcRemote, test._local_offer, HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER, function () { is(test.pcRemote.signalingState, HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER, "signalingState after remote setRemoteDescription is 'have-remote-offer'"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_CREATE_ANSWER', function (test) { test.createAnswer(test.pcRemote, function () { is(test.pcRemote.signalingState, HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER, "Remote createAnswer does not change signaling state"); if (!test.pcLocal) { send_message({"answer": test.pcRemote._last_answer, "media_constraints": test.pcRemote.constraints}); } test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_GET_ANSWER', function (test) { if (test.pcRemote) { test._remote_answer = test.pcRemote._last_answer; test._remote_constraints = test.pcRemote.constraints; test.next(); } else { wait_for_message().then(function(message) { ok("answer" in message, "Got an answer message"); test._remote_answer = new mozRTCSessionDescription(message.answer); test._remote_constraints = message.media_constraints; test.next(); }); } } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION', function (test) { test.setRemoteDescription(test.pcLocal, test._remote_answer, STABLE, function () { is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "signalingState after local setRemoteDescription is 'stable'"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION', function (test) { test.setLocalDescription(test.pcRemote, test.pcRemote._last_answer, STABLE, function () { is(test.pcRemote.signalingState, STABLE, "signalingState after remote setLocalDescription is 'stable'"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_WAIT_FOR_ICE_CONNECTED', function (test) { var myTest = test; var myPc = myTest.pcLocal; function onIceConnectedSuccess () { ok(true, "pc_local: ICE switched to 'connected' state"); myTest.next(); }; function onIceConnectedFailed () { dumpSdp(myTest); ok(false, "pc_local: ICE failed to switch to 'connected' state: " + myPc.iceConnectionState); myTest.next(); }; if (myPc.isIceConnected()) { ok(true, "pc_local: ICE is in connected state"); myTest.next(); } else if (myPc.isIceConnectionPending()) { myPc.waitForIceConnected(onIceConnectedSuccess, onIceConnectedFailed); } else { dumpSdp(myTest); ok(false, "pc_local: ICE is already in bad state: " + myPc.iceConnectionState); myTest.next(); } } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_WAIT_FOR_ICE_CONNECTED', function (test) { var myTest = test; var myPc = myTest.pcRemote; function onIceConnectedSuccess () { ok(true, "pc_remote: ICE switched to 'connected' state"); myTest.next(); }; function onIceConnectedFailed () { dumpSdp(myTest); ok(false, "pc_remote: ICE failed to switch to 'connected' state: " + myPc.iceConnectionState); myTest.next(); }; if (myPc.isIceConnected()) { ok(true, "pc_remote: ICE is in connected state"); myTest.next(); } else if (myPc.isIceConnectionPending()) { myPc.waitForIceConnected(onIceConnectedSuccess, onIceConnectedFailed); } else { dumpSdp(myTest); ok(false, "pc_remote: ICE is already in bad state: " + myPc.iceConnectionState); myTest.next(); } } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_CHECK_MEDIA_TRACKS', function (test) { test.pcLocal.checkMediaTracks(test._remote_constraints, function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_CHECK_MEDIA_TRACKS', function (test) { test.pcRemote.checkMediaTracks(test._local_constraints, function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_CHECK_MEDIA_FLOW_PRESENT', function (test) { test.pcLocal.checkMediaFlowPresent(function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_CHECK_MEDIA_FLOW_PRESENT', function (test) { test.pcRemote.checkMediaFlowPresent(function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_CHECK_STATS', function (test) { test.pcLocal.getStats(null, function(stats) { test.pcLocal.checkStats(stats); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_CHECK_STATS', function (test) { test.pcRemote.getStats(null, function(stats) { test.pcRemote.checkStats(stats); test.next(); }); } ] ]; /** * Default list of commands to execute for a Datachannel test. */ var commandsDataChannel = [ [ 'PC_LOCAL_GUM', function (test) { test.pcLocal.getAllUserMedia(function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_INITIAL_SIGNALINGSTATE', function (test) { is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "Initial local signalingState is stable"); test.next(); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_GUM', function (test) { test.pcRemote.getAllUserMedia(function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_INITIAL_SIGNALINGSTATE', function (test) { is(test.pcRemote.signalingState, STABLE, "Initial remote signalingState is stable"); test.next(); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_CREATE_DATA_CHANNEL', function (test) { var channel = test.pcLocal.createDataChannel({}); is(channel.binaryType, "blob", channel + " is of binary type 'blob'"); is(channel.readyState, "connecting", channel + " is in state: 'connecting'"); is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "Create datachannel does not change signaling state"); test.next(); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_CREATE_OFFER', function (test) { test.pcLocal.createOffer(function (offer) { is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "Local create offer does not change signaling state"); ok(offer.sdp.contains("m=application"), "m=application is contained in the SDP"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION', function (test) { test.setLocalDescription(test.pcLocal, test.pcLocal._last_offer, HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER, function () { is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER, "signalingState after local setLocalDescription is 'have-local-offer'"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION', function (test) { test.setRemoteDescription(test.pcRemote, test.pcLocal._last_offer, HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER, function () { is(test.pcRemote.signalingState, HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER, "signalingState after remote setRemoteDescription is 'have-remote-offer'"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_CREATE_ANSWER', function (test) { test.createAnswer(test.pcRemote, function () { is(test.pcRemote.signalingState, HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER, "Remote create offer does not change signaling state"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION', function (test) { test.setRemoteDescription(test.pcLocal, test.pcRemote._last_answer, STABLE, function () { is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "signalingState after local setRemoteDescription is 'stable'"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION', function (test) { test.setLocalDescription(test.pcRemote, test.pcRemote._last_answer, STABLE, function (sourceChannel, targetChannel) { is(sourceChannel.readyState, "open", test.pcLocal + " is in state: 'open'"); is(targetChannel.readyState, "open", test.pcRemote + " is in state: 'open'"); is(test.pcRemote.signalingState, STABLE, "signalingState after remote setLocalDescription is 'stable'"); test.next(); } ); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_CHECK_MEDIA_TRACKS', function (test) { test.pcLocal.checkMediaTracks(test.pcRemote.constraints, function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_CHECK_MEDIA_TRACKS', function (test) { test.pcRemote.checkMediaTracks(test.pcLocal.constraints, function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_LOCAL_CHECK_MEDIA_FLOW_PRESENT', function (test) { test.pcLocal.checkMediaFlowPresent(function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'PC_REMOTE_CHECK_MEDIA_FLOW_PRESENT', function (test) { test.pcRemote.checkMediaFlowPresent(function () { test.next(); }); } ], [ 'SEND_MESSAGE', function (test) { var message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"; test.send(message, function (channel, data) { is(data, message, "Message correctly transmitted from pcLocal to pcRemote."); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'SEND_BLOB', function (test) { var contents = ["At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum."]; var blob = new Blob(contents, { "type" : "text/plain" }); test.send(blob, function (channel, data) { ok(data instanceof Blob, "Received data is of instance Blob"); is(data.size, blob.size, "Received data has the correct size."); getBlobContent(data, function (recv_contents) { is(recv_contents, contents, "Received data has the correct content."); test.next(); }); }); } ], [ 'CREATE_SECOND_DATA_CHANNEL', function (test) { test.createDataChannel({ }, function (sourceChannel, targetChannel) { is(sourceChannel.readyState, "open", sourceChannel + " is in state: 'open'"); is(targetChannel.readyState, "open", targetChannel + " is in state: 'open'"); is(targetChannel.binaryType, "blob", targetChannel + " is of binary type 'blob'"); is(targetChannel.readyState, "open", targetChannel + " is in state: 'open'"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'SEND_MESSAGE_THROUGH_LAST_OPENED_CHANNEL', function (test) { var channels = test.pcRemote.dataChannels; var message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"; test.send(message, function (channel, data) { is(channels.indexOf(channel), channels.length - 1, "Last channel used"); is(data, message, "Received message has the correct content."); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'SEND_MESSAGE_THROUGH_FIRST_CHANNEL', function (test) { var message = "Message through 1st channel"; var options = { sourceChannel: test.pcLocal.dataChannels[0], targetChannel: test.pcRemote.dataChannels[0] }; test.send(message, function (channel, data) { is(test.pcRemote.dataChannels.indexOf(channel), 0, "1st channel used"); is(data, message, "Received message has the correct content."); test.next(); }, options); } ], [ 'CREATE_NEGOTIATED_DATA_CHANNEL', function (test) { var options = {negotiated:true, id: 5, protocol:"foo/bar", ordered:false, maxRetransmits:500}; test.createDataChannel(options, function (sourceChannel2, targetChannel2) { is(sourceChannel2.readyState, "open", sourceChannel2 + " is in state: 'open'"); is(targetChannel2.readyState, "open", targetChannel2 + " is in state: 'open'"); is(targetChannel2.binaryType, "blob", targetChannel2 + " is of binary type 'blob'"); is(targetChannel2.readyState, "open", targetChannel2 + " is in state: 'open'"); if (options.id != undefined) { is(sourceChannel2.id, options.id, sourceChannel2 + " id is:" + sourceChannel2.id); } else { options.id = sourceChannel2.id; } var reliable = !options.ordered ? false : (options.maxRetransmits || options.maxRetransmitTime); is(sourceChannel2.protocol, options.protocol, sourceChannel2 + " protocol is:" + sourceChannel2.protocol); is(sourceChannel2.reliable, reliable, sourceChannel2 + " reliable is:" + sourceChannel2.reliable); /* These aren't exposed by IDL yet is(sourceChannel2.ordered, options.ordered, sourceChannel2 + " ordered is:" + sourceChannel2.ordered); is(sourceChannel2.maxRetransmits, options.maxRetransmits, sourceChannel2 + " maxRetransmits is:" + sourceChannel2.maxRetransmits); is(sourceChannel2.maxRetransmitTime, options.maxRetransmitTime, sourceChannel2 + " maxRetransmitTime is:" + sourceChannel2.maxRetransmitTime); */ is(targetChannel2.id, options.id, targetChannel2 + " id is:" + targetChannel2.id); is(targetChannel2.protocol, options.protocol, targetChannel2 + " protocol is:" + targetChannel2.protocol); is(targetChannel2.reliable, reliable, targetChannel2 + " reliable is:" + targetChannel2.reliable); /* These aren't exposed by IDL yet is(targetChannel2.ordered, options.ordered, targetChannel2 + " ordered is:" + targetChannel2.ordered); is(targetChannel2.maxRetransmits, options.maxRetransmits, targetChannel2 + " maxRetransmits is:" + targetChannel2.maxRetransmits); is(targetChannel2.maxRetransmitTime, options.maxRetransmitTime, targetChannel2 + " maxRetransmitTime is:" + targetChannel2.maxRetransmitTime); */ test.next(); }); } ], [ 'SEND_MESSAGE_THROUGH_LAST_OPENED_CHANNEL2', function (test) { var channels = test.pcRemote.dataChannels; var message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"; test.send(message, function (channel, data) { is(channels.indexOf(channel), channels.length - 1, "Last channel used"); is(data, message, "Received message has the correct content."); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'CLOSE_LAST_OPENED_DATA_CHANNEL2', function (test) { var channels = test.pcRemote.dataChannels; test.closeDataChannel(channels.length - 1, function (channel) { is(channel.readyState, "closed", "Channel is in state: 'closed'"); test.next(); }); } ], [ 'CLOSE_LAST_OPENED_DATA_CHANNEL', function (test) { var channels = test.pcRemote.dataChannels; test.closeDataChannel(channels.length - 1, function (channel) { is(channel.readyState, "closed", "Channel is in state: 'closed'"); test.next(); }); } ] ];