/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); showTabView(onTabViewShown); } function onTabViewShown() { let contentWindow = TabView.getContentWindow(); let [originalTab] = gBrowser.visibleTabs; ok(TabView.isVisible(), "Tab View is visible"); is(contentWindow.GroupItems.groupItems.length, 1, "There is only one group"); let currentActiveGroup = contentWindow.GroupItems.getActiveGroupItem(); let endGame = function() { ok(TabView.isVisible(), "TabView is shown"); gBrowser.selectedTab = originalTab; hideTabView(function () { ok(!TabView.isVisible(), "TabView is hidden"); finish(); }); } // we need to stop the setBounds() css animation or else the test will // fail in single-mode because the group is newly created "ontabshown". let $container = contentWindow.iQ(currentActiveGroup.container); $container.css("-moz-transition-property", "none"); currentActiveGroup.setPosition(40, 40, true); currentActiveGroup.arrange({animate: false}); // move down 20 so we're far enough away from the top. checkSnap(currentActiveGroup, 0, 20, contentWindow, function(snapped){ is(currentActiveGroup.getBounds().top, 60, "group.top is 60px"); ok(!snapped,"Move away from the edge"); // Just pick it up and drop it. checkSnap(currentActiveGroup, 0, 0, contentWindow, function(snapped){ is(currentActiveGroup.getBounds().top, 60, "group.top is 60px"); ok(!snapped,"Just pick it up and drop it"); checkSnap(currentActiveGroup, 0, 1, contentWindow, function(snapped){ is(currentActiveGroup.getBounds().top, 60, "group.top is 60px"); ok(snapped,"Drag one pixel: should snap"); checkSnap(currentActiveGroup, 0, 5, contentWindow, function(snapped){ is(currentActiveGroup.getBounds().top, 65, "group.top is 65px"); ok(!snapped,"Moving five pixels: shouldn't snap"); endGame(); }); }); }); }); } function simulateDragDrop(item, offsetX, offsetY, contentWindow) { let target = item.container; EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, 1, 1, {type: "mousedown"}, contentWindow); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, 1 + offsetX, 1 + offsetY, {type: "mousemove"}, contentWindow); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, 1, 1, {type: "mouseup"}, contentWindow); } function checkSnap(item, offsetX, offsetY, contentWindow, callback) { let firstTop = item.getBounds().top; let firstLeft = item.getBounds().left; simulateDragDrop(item, offsetX, offsetY, contentWindow); let snapped = false; if (item.getBounds().top != firstTop + offsetY) snapped = true; if (item.getBounds().left != firstLeft + offsetX) snapped = true; callback(snapped); }