var gStore; var gRevisions = []; var gCursor; var gExpectedEvents = true; function testGetDataStores() { navigator.getDataStores('foo').then(function(stores) { is(stores.length, 1, "getDataStores('foo') returns 1 element"); gStore = stores[0]; gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); gStore.onchange = function(aEvent) { ok(gExpectedEvents, "Events received!"); runTest(); } runTest(); }, cbError); } function testBasicInterface() { var cursor = gStore.sync(); ok(cursor, "Cursor is created"); is(, gStore, " is the store"); ok("next" in cursor, " exists"); ok("close" in cursor, "Cursor.close exists"); cursor.close(); runTest(); } function testCursor(cursor, steps) { if (!steps.length) { runTest(); return; } var step = steps.shift(); { ok(!!data, " returns data"); is(data.operation, step.operation, "Waiting for operation: '" + step.operation + "' received '" + data.operation + "'"); switch (data.operation) { case 'clear': is (, null, "'clear' operation wants a null id"); break; case 'done': is(/[0-9a-zA-Z]{8}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{4}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{4}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{4}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{12}/.test(data.revisionId), true, "done has a valid revisionId"); is (data.revisionId, gRevisions[gRevisions.length-1], "Last revision matches"); is (, null, "'done' operation wants a null id"); break; case 'add': case 'update': if ('id' in step) { is(,, "next() add: id matches: " + + " " +; } if ('data' in step) { is(,, "next() add: data matches: " + + " " +; } break; case 'remove': if ('id' in step) { is(,, "next() add: id matches: " + + " " +; } break; } testCursor(cursor, steps); }); } var tests = [ // Test for GetDataStore testGetDataStores, // interface test testBasicInterface, // empty DataStore function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(); var steps = [ { operation: 'clear' }, { operation: 'done' }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { gExpectedEvents = false; var cursor = gStore.sync('wrong revision ID'); var steps = [ { operation: 'clear' }, { operation: 'done' }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[0]); var steps = [ { operation: 'done' }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, // Test add from scratch function() { gExpectedEvents = true; gStore.add(1).then(function(id) { gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); ok(true, "Item: " + id + " added"); }); }, function() { gStore.add(2,"foobar").then(function(id) { gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); ok(true, "Item: " + id + " added"); }); }, function() { gStore.add(3,3).then(function(id) { gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); ok(true, "Item: " + id + " added"); }); }, function() { gExpectedEvents = false; var cursor = gStore.sync(); var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 1 }, { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync('wrong revision ID'); var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 1 }, { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[0]); var steps = [ { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 1 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[1]); var steps = [ { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[2]); var steps = [ { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[3]); var steps = [ { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, // Test after an update function() { gExpectedEvents = true; gStore.put(123, 1).then(function() { gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); }); }, function() { gExpectedEvents = false; var cursor = gStore.sync(); var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync('wrong revision ID'); var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[0]); var steps = [ { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[1]); var steps = [ { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'update', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[2]); var steps = [ { operation: 'add', id: 3, data: 3 }, { operation: 'update', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[3]); var steps = [ { operation: 'update', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[4]); var steps = [ { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, // Test after a remove function() { gExpectedEvents = true; gStore.remove(3).then(function() { gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); }); }, function() { gExpectedEvents = false; var cursor = gStore.sync(); var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync('wrong revision ID'); var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[0]); var steps = [ { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[1]); var steps = [ { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 }, { operation: 'update', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[2]); var steps = [ { operation: 'update', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[3]); var steps = [ { operation: 'update', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'remove', id: 3 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[4]); var steps = [ { operation: 'remove', id: 3 }, { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, function() { var cursor = gStore.sync(gRevisions[5]); var steps = [ { operation: 'done' }]; testCursor(cursor, steps); }, // New events when the cursor is active function() { gCursor = gStore.sync(); var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 } ]; testCursor(gCursor, steps); }, function() { gStore.add(42, 2).then(function(id) { ok(true, "Item: " + id + " added"); gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); runTest(); }); }, function() { var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 2, data: 42 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 } ] testCursor(gCursor, steps); }, function() { gStore.put(43, 2).then(function(id) { gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); runTest(); }); }, function() { var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 2, data: 43 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 } ] testCursor(gCursor, steps); }, function() { gStore.remove(2).then(function(id) { gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); runTest(); }); }, function() { var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 } ] testCursor(gCursor, steps); }, function() { gStore.add(42).then(function(id) { ok(true, "Item: " + id + " added"); gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); runTest(); }); }, function() { var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 1, data: 123 }, { operation: 'add', id: 4, data: 42 }, { operation: 'add', id: 'foobar', data: 2 } ] testCursor(gCursor, steps); }, function() { gStore.clear().then(function() { gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); runTest(); }); }, function() { var steps = [ { operation: 'clear' } ]; testCursor(gCursor, steps); }, function() { gStore.add(42).then(function(id) { ok(true, "Item: " + id + " added"); gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); runTest(); }); }, function() { var steps = [ { operation: 'clear', }, { operation: 'add', id: 5, data: 42 } ]; testCursor(gCursor, steps); }, function() { gStore.clear().then(function() { gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); runTest(); }); }, function() { gStore.add(42).then(function(id) { ok(true, "Item: " + id + " added"); gRevisions.push(gStore.revisionId); runTest(); }); }, function() { var steps = [ { operation: 'clear' }, { operation: 'add', id: 6, data: 42 }, { operation: 'done'} ]; testCursor(gCursor, steps); }, function() { gExpectedEvents = true; gStore.add(42).then(function(id) { }); } ]; function runTest() { if (!tests.length) { finish(); return; } var test = tests.shift(); test(); }