#neckoTiming.pl # # This file drives the Neck Page Load Timer. # Written by John A. Taylor in 2001 use Strict; my @pageList; my @fileList; my @timeList; my @minTimes; my @maxTimes; my @avgTimes; my $file_name; # = "PageList_all_pages.txt"; my $output_file = "timing_output.html"; my $test_loc; # = " c:/builds/src/mozilla/dist/WIN32_O.OBJ/bin/TestPageLoad"; my $test_com; my $num_tests=1; my $num_pages=0; if($#ARGV != 2){ usage(@ARGV); } $num_tests = $ARGV[0]; $file_name = $ARGV[1]; $test_loc = $ARGV[2]; push (@pageList, GetTestList($file_name)); my $i, $j, this; for($i = 0; $i < $num_tests; $i++) { $j=0; foreach $page (@pageList) { my $start, $finish, $total; $test_com = $test_loc . " " . $page . " | "; printf "Testing (%d/%d): $page\n",$i*$num_pages+$j+1, $num_tests * $num_pages; # $start = (times)[0]; open (TEST, $test_com) || die ("Could not find test program: $test_loc"); while() { if(/>>PageLoadTime>>(\d*)>>/){ print "$1\n"; $this = $1/1000; $timeList[$j][$i] = $this; @avgTimes[$j] += $this; if($this > @maxTimes[$j] || $i == 0) { @maxTimes[$j] = $this; } if($this < @minTimes[$j] || $i == 0) { @minTimes[$j] = $this; } } } $j++; } } for($i = 0; $i < $j; $i++) { @avgTimes[$i] /= $num_tests; } PrintReport(); print "\nHTML formated report is in: timing_output.html\nin this directory\n"; exit; my $num_cols = $num_tests + 4; sub PrintReport { my $j=0; open (OUT, ">$output_file"); print OUT "

Necko Timing Test Results

", "Number of iterations: $num_tests", "", ""; foreach $page(@pageList) { #$loc=$page; #$max_time = @maxTimes[$j]; #$min_time = @minTimes[$j]; #$avg_time = @avgTimes[$j]; #$time_1 = $timeList[$j][0]; #write; printf OUT "", @avgTimes[$j]; #print "\n$page\t\t@avgTimes[$j]\t@maxTimes[$j]\t@minTimes[$j]\t"; my $i; for($i=0; $i < $num_tests; $i++){ print OUT ""; } print OUT ""; $j++; } print OUT "
Page LocationAvg TimeMax TimeMin TimeTimes ...

Report Done

"; } sub GetTestList { my ($list_file) = @_; my @retval = (); open (TESTLIST, $list_file) || die("Could not find test list file: '$list_file': $!\n"); while () { s/\n$//; if (!(/\s*\#/)) { # It's not a comment, so process it push (@retval, $_); $num_pages++; } } close (TESTLIST); return @retval; } sub usage { print STDERR ("\nusage: $0 NUM FILE LOC \n\n" . "NUM Number of iterations you want\n" . "FILE Location of input file containing test pages\n" . "LOC Path (including executable) of TestPageLoad\n" . " (should be in same directory as mozilla bin\n". " ex: /builds/mozilla/dist/bin/TestPageLoad )\n\n"); exit (1); }