/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "PathCairo.h" #include #include "DrawTargetCairo.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "PathHelpers.h" #include "HelpersCairo.h" namespace mozilla { namespace gfx { CairoPathContext::CairoPathContext(cairo_t* aCtx, DrawTargetCairo* aDrawTarget, FillRule aFillRule, const Matrix& aTransform /* = Matrix() */) : mTransform(aTransform) , mContext(aCtx) , mDrawTarget(aDrawTarget) , mFillRule(aFillRule) { cairo_reference(mContext); cairo_set_fill_rule(mContext, GfxFillRuleToCairoFillRule(mFillRule)); // If we don't have an identity transformation, we need to have a separate // context from the draw target, because we can't set a transformation on its // context. if (mDrawTarget && !mTransform.IsIdentity()) { DuplicateContextAndPath(mTransform); ForgetDrawTarget(); } else if (mDrawTarget) { mDrawTarget->SetPathObserver(this); } } CairoPathContext::~CairoPathContext() { if (mDrawTarget) { mDrawTarget->SetPathObserver(nullptr); } cairo_destroy(mContext); } void CairoPathContext::ObserveTarget(DrawTargetCairo* aDrawTarget) { if (!aDrawTarget) { return; } if (mDrawTarget) { mDrawTarget->SetPathObserver(nullptr); } mDrawTarget = aDrawTarget; // If there is a transform on the path, then we must have a separate context // from the draw target, so we cannot be its observer if (!mTransform.IsIdentity()) { ForgetDrawTarget(); return; } mDrawTarget->SetPathObserver(this); } void CairoPathContext::DuplicateContextAndPath(const Matrix& aMatrix /* = Matrix() */) { // Duplicate the path. cairo_path_t* path = cairo_copy_path(mContext); cairo_fill_rule_t rule = cairo_get_fill_rule(mContext); // Duplicate the context. cairo_surface_t* surf = cairo_get_target(mContext); cairo_destroy(mContext); mContext = cairo_create(surf); // Transform the context. cairo_matrix_t matrix; GfxMatrixToCairoMatrix(aMatrix, matrix); cairo_transform(mContext, &matrix); // Add the path, and throw away our duplicate. cairo_append_path(mContext, path); cairo_set_fill_rule(mContext, rule); cairo_path_destroy(path); } void CairoPathContext::PathWillChange() { // Once we've copied out the context's path, there's no use to holding on to // the draw target. Thus, there's nothing for us to do if we're independent // of the draw target, since we'll have already copied out the context's // path. if (mDrawTarget) { // The context we point to is going to change from under us. To continue // using this path, we need to copy it to a new context. DuplicateContextAndPath(); ForgetDrawTarget(); } } void CairoPathContext::MatrixWillChange(const Matrix& aNewMatrix) { // Cairo paths are stored in device space. Since we logically operate in user // space, we want to make it so our path will be in the same location if and // when our path is copied out. // To effect this, we copy out our path (which, in Cairo, implicitly converts // to user space), then temporarily set the context to have the new // transform. We then set the path, which ensures that the points are all // transformed correctly. Finally, we set the matrix back to its original // value. cairo_path_t* path = cairo_copy_path(mContext); cairo_matrix_t origMatrix; cairo_get_matrix(mContext, &origMatrix); cairo_matrix_t newMatrix; GfxMatrixToCairoMatrix(aNewMatrix, newMatrix); cairo_set_matrix(mContext, &newMatrix); cairo_new_path(mContext); cairo_append_path(mContext, path); cairo_path_destroy(path); cairo_set_matrix(mContext, &origMatrix); } void CairoPathContext::CopyPathTo(cairo_t* aToContext) { if (aToContext != mContext) { cairo_set_fill_rule(aToContext, GfxFillRuleToCairoFillRule(mFillRule)); cairo_matrix_t origMat; cairo_get_matrix(aToContext, &origMat); cairo_matrix_t mat; GfxMatrixToCairoMatrix(mTransform, mat); cairo_transform(aToContext, &mat); // cairo_copy_path gives us a user-space copy of the path, so we don't have // to worry about transformations here. cairo_path_t* path = cairo_copy_path(mContext); cairo_new_path(aToContext); cairo_append_path(aToContext, path); cairo_path_destroy(path); cairo_set_matrix(aToContext, &origMat); } } void CairoPathContext::ForgetDrawTarget() { mDrawTarget = nullptr; } bool CairoPathContext::ContainsPath(const Path* aPath) { if (aPath->GetBackendType() != BACKEND_CAIRO) { return false; } const PathCairo* path = static_cast(aPath); RefPtr ctx = const_cast(path)->GetPathContext(); return ctx == this; } PathBuilderCairo::PathBuilderCairo(CairoPathContext* aPathContext, const Matrix& aTransform /* = Matrix() */) : mFillRule(aPathContext->GetFillRule()) { RefPtr drawTarget = aPathContext->GetDrawTarget(); mPathContext = new CairoPathContext(*aPathContext, drawTarget, mFillRule, aPathContext->GetTransform() * aTransform); // We need to ensure that we are allowed to modify the path currently set on // aPathContext. If we don't have a draw target, CairoPathContext's // constructor has no way to make aPathContext duplicate its path (normally, // calling drawTarget->SetPathObserver() would do so). In this case, we // explicitly make aPathContext copy out its context and path, leaving our // path alone. if (!drawTarget) { aPathContext->DuplicateContextAndPath(); } } PathBuilderCairo::PathBuilderCairo(cairo_t* aCtx, DrawTargetCairo* aDrawTarget, FillRule aFillRule) : mPathContext(new CairoPathContext(aCtx, aDrawTarget, aFillRule)) , mFillRule(aFillRule) {} void PathBuilderCairo::MoveTo(const Point &aPoint) { cairo_move_to(*mPathContext, aPoint.x, aPoint.y); } void PathBuilderCairo::LineTo(const Point &aPoint) { cairo_line_to(*mPathContext, aPoint.x, aPoint.y); } void PathBuilderCairo::BezierTo(const Point &aCP1, const Point &aCP2, const Point &aCP3) { cairo_curve_to(*mPathContext, aCP1.x, aCP1.y, aCP2.x, aCP2.y, aCP3.x, aCP3.y); } void PathBuilderCairo::QuadraticBezierTo(const Point &aCP1, const Point &aCP2) { // We need to elevate the degree of this quadratic Bézier to cubic, so we're // going to add an intermediate control point, and recompute control point 1. // The first and last control points remain the same. // This formula can be found on http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/bezier.html Point CP0 = CurrentPoint(); Point CP1 = (CP0 + aCP1 * 2.0) / 3.0; Point CP2 = (aCP2 + aCP1 * 2.0) / 3.0; Point CP3 = aCP2; cairo_curve_to(*mPathContext, CP1.x, CP1.y, CP2.x, CP2.y, CP3.x, CP3.y); } void PathBuilderCairo::Close() { cairo_close_path(*mPathContext); } void PathBuilderCairo::Arc(const Point &aOrigin, float aRadius, float aStartAngle, float aEndAngle, bool aAntiClockwise) { ArcToBezier(this, aOrigin, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aAntiClockwise); } Point PathBuilderCairo::CurrentPoint() const { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point(*mPathContext, &x, &y); return Point(x, y); } TemporaryRef PathBuilderCairo::Finish() { RefPtr path = new PathCairo(*mPathContext, mPathContext->GetDrawTarget(), mFillRule, mPathContext->GetTransform()); return path; } TemporaryRef PathBuilderCairo::GetPathContext() { return mPathContext; } PathCairo::PathCairo(cairo_t* aCtx, DrawTargetCairo* aDrawTarget, FillRule aFillRule, const Matrix& aTransform) : mPathContext(new CairoPathContext(aCtx, aDrawTarget, aFillRule, aTransform)) , mFillRule(aFillRule) {} TemporaryRef PathCairo::CopyToBuilder(FillRule aFillRule) const { // Note: This PathBuilderCairo constructor causes our mPathContext to copy // out the path, since the path builder is going to change the path on us. RefPtr builder = new PathBuilderCairo(mPathContext); return builder; } TemporaryRef PathCairo::TransformedCopyToBuilder(const Matrix &aTransform, FillRule aFillRule) const { // Note: This PathBuilderCairo constructor causes our mPathContext to copy // out the path, since the path builder is going to change the path on us. RefPtr builder = new PathBuilderCairo(mPathContext, aTransform); return builder; } bool PathCairo::ContainsPoint(const Point &aPoint, const Matrix &aTransform) const { Matrix inverse = aTransform; inverse.Invert(); Point transformed = inverse * aPoint; return cairo_in_fill(*mPathContext, transformed.x, transformed.y); } Rect PathCairo::GetBounds(const Matrix &aTransform) const { double x1, y1, x2, y2; cairo_path_extents(*mPathContext, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); Rect bounds(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); return aTransform.TransformBounds(bounds); } Rect PathCairo::GetStrokedBounds(const StrokeOptions &aStrokeOptions, const Matrix &aTransform) const { double x1, y1, x2, y2; SetCairoStrokeOptions(*mPathContext, aStrokeOptions); cairo_stroke_extents(*mPathContext, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); Rect bounds(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); return aTransform.TransformBounds(bounds); } TemporaryRef PathCairo::GetPathContext() { return mPathContext; } void PathCairo::CopyPathTo(cairo_t* aContext, DrawTargetCairo* aDrawTarget) { if (mPathContext->GetContext() != aContext) { mPathContext->CopyPathTo(aContext); // Since aDrawTarget wants us to be the current path on its context, we // should also listen to it for updates to that path (as an optimization). mPathContext->ObserveTarget(aDrawTarget); } } } }