/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ let {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; let uuidGen = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator); let loader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"] .getService(Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader); loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/simpletest.js"); loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/common.js"); loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/actions.js"); Cu.import("chrome://marionette/content/elements.js"); Cu.import("chrome://marionette/content/error.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); let utils = {}; utils.window = content; // Load Event/ChromeUtils for use with JS scripts: loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/EventUtils.js", utils); loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/ChromeUtils.js", utils); loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/atoms.js", utils); loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/sendkeys.js", utils); loader.loadSubScript("chrome://specialpowers/content/specialpowersAPI.js"); loader.loadSubScript("chrome://specialpowers/content/specialpowers.js"); let marionetteLogObj = new MarionetteLogObj(); let isB2G = false; let marionetteTestName; let winUtil = content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let listenerId = null; // unique ID of this listener let curFrame = content; let isRemoteBrowser = () => curFrame.contentWindow !== null; let previousFrame = null; let elementManager = new ElementManager([]); let accessibility = new Accessibility(); let actions = new ActionChain(utils, checkForInterrupted); let importedScripts = null; // The sandbox we execute test scripts in. Gets lazily created in // createExecuteContentSandbox(). let sandbox; // the unload handler let onunload; // Flag to indicate whether an async script is currently running or not. let asyncTestRunning = false; let asyncTestCommandId; let asyncTestTimeoutId; let inactivityTimeoutId = null; let heartbeatCallback = function () {}; // Called by the simpletest methods. let originalOnError; //timer for doc changes let checkTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); //timer for readystate let readyStateTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); // timer for navigation commands. let navTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); let onDOMContentLoaded; // Send move events about this often let EVENT_INTERVAL = 30; // milliseconds // last touch for each fingerId let multiLast = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); let logger = Log.repository.getLogger("Marionette"); logger.info("loaded listener.js"); let modalHandler = function() { // This gets called on the system app only since it receives the mozbrowserprompt event sendSyncMessage("Marionette:switchedToFrame", { frameValue: null, storePrevious: true }); let isLocal = sendSyncMessage("MarionetteFrame:handleModal", {})[0].value; if (isLocal) { previousFrame = curFrame; } curFrame = content; sandbox = null; }; /** * Called when listener is first started up. * The listener sends its unique window ID and its current URI to the actor. * If the actor returns an ID, we start the listeners. Otherwise, nothing happens. */ function registerSelf() { let msg = {value: winUtil.outerWindowID}; // register will have the ID and a boolean describing if this is the main process or not let register = sendSyncMessage("Marionette:register", msg); if (register[0]) { let {id, remotenessChange} = register[0][0]; listenerId = id; if (typeof id != "undefined") { // check if we're the main process if (register[0][1] == true) { addMessageListener("MarionetteMainListener:emitTouchEvent", emitTouchEventForIFrame); } importedScripts = FileUtils.getDir('TmpD', [], false); importedScripts.append('marionetteContentScripts'); startListeners(); let rv = {}; if (remotenessChange) { rv.listenerId = id; } sendAsyncMessage("Marionette:listenersAttached", rv); } } } function emitTouchEventForIFrame(message) { message = message.json; let identifier = actions.nextTouchId; let domWindowUtils = curFrame. QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowUtils); var ratio = domWindowUtils.screenPixelsPerCSSPixel; var typeForUtils; switch (message.type) { case 'touchstart': typeForUtils = domWindowUtils.TOUCH_CONTACT; break; case 'touchend': typeForUtils = domWindowUtils.TOUCH_REMOVE; break; case 'touchcancel': typeForUtils = domWindowUtils.TOUCH_CANCEL; break; case 'touchmove': typeForUtils = domWindowUtils.TOUCH_CONTACT; break; } domWindowUtils.sendNativeTouchPoint(identifier, typeForUtils, Math.round(message.screenX * ratio), Math.round(message.screenY * ratio), message.force, 90); } function dispatch(fn) { return function(msg) { let id = msg.json.command_id; try { let rv; if (typeof msg.json == "undefined" || msg.json instanceof Array) { rv = fn.apply(null, msg.json); } else { rv = fn(msg.json); } if (typeof rv == "undefined") { sendOk(id); } else { sendResponse({value: rv}, id); } } catch (e) { sendError(e, id); } }; } /** * Add a message listener that's tied to our listenerId. */ function addMessageListenerId(messageName, handler) { addMessageListener(messageName + listenerId, handler); } /** * Remove a message listener that's tied to our listenerId. */ function removeMessageListenerId(messageName, handler) { removeMessageListener(messageName + listenerId, handler); } let getElementSizeFn = dispatch(getElementSize); let getActiveElementFn = dispatch(getActiveElement); let clickElementFn = dispatch(clickElement); let getElementAttributeFn = dispatch(getElementAttribute); let getElementTextFn = dispatch(getElementText); let getElementTagNameFn = dispatch(getElementTagName); let getElementRectFn = dispatch(getElementRect); let isElementEnabledFn = dispatch(isElementEnabled); /** * Start all message listeners */ function startListeners() { addMessageListenerId("Marionette:newSession", newSession); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:executeScript", executeScript); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:executeAsyncScript", executeAsyncScript); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:executeJSScript", executeJSScript); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:singleTap", singleTap); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:actionChain", actionChain); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:multiAction", multiAction); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:get", get); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:pollForReadyState", pollForReadyState); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:cancelRequest", cancelRequest); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getCurrentUrl", getCurrentUrl); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getTitle", getTitle); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getPageSource", getPageSource); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:goBack", goBack); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:goForward", goForward); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:refresh", refresh); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:findElementContent", findElementContent); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:findElementsContent", findElementsContent); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getActiveElement", getActiveElementFn); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:clickElement", clickElementFn); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementAttribute", getElementAttributeFn); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementText", getElementTextFn); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementTagName", getElementTagNameFn); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:isElementDisplayed", isElementDisplayed); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementValueOfCssProperty", getElementValueOfCssProperty); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:submitElement", submitElement); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementSize", getElementSizeFn); // deprecated addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementRect", getElementRectFn); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:isElementEnabled", isElementEnabledFn); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:isElementSelected", isElementSelected); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:sendKeysToElement", sendKeysToElement); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementLocation", getElementLocation); //deprecated addMessageListenerId("Marionette:clearElement", clearElement); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:switchToFrame", switchToFrame); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:deleteSession", deleteSession); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:sleepSession", sleepSession); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:emulatorCmdResult", emulatorCmdResult); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:importScript", importScript); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getAppCacheStatus", getAppCacheStatus); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:setTestName", setTestName); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:takeScreenshot", takeScreenshot); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:addCookie", addCookie); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:getCookies", getCookies); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:deleteAllCookies", deleteAllCookies); addMessageListenerId("Marionette:deleteCookie", deleteCookie); } /** * Used during newSession and restart, called to set up the modal dialog listener in b2g */ function waitForReady() { if (content.document.readyState == 'complete') { readyStateTimer.cancel(); content.addEventListener("mozbrowsershowmodalprompt", modalHandler, false); content.addEventListener("unload", waitForReady, false); } else { readyStateTimer.initWithCallback(waitForReady, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } } /** * Called when we start a new session. It registers the * current environment, and resets all values */ function newSession(msg) { isB2G = msg.json.B2G; accessibility.strict = msg.json.raisesAccessibilityExceptions; resetValues(); if (isB2G) { readyStateTimer.initWithCallback(waitForReady, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); // We have to set correct mouse event source to MOZ_SOURCE_TOUCH // to offer a way for event listeners to differentiate // events being the result of a physical mouse action. // This is especially important for the touch event shim, // in order to prevent creating touch event for these fake mouse events. actions.inputSource = Ci.nsIDOMMouseEvent.MOZ_SOURCE_TOUCH; } } /** * Puts the current session to sleep, so all listeners are removed except * for the 'restart' listener. This is used to keep the content listener * alive for reuse in B2G instead of reloading it each time. */ function sleepSession(msg) { deleteSession(); addMessageListener("Marionette:restart", restart); } /** * Restarts all our listeners after this listener was put to sleep */ function restart(msg) { removeMessageListener("Marionette:restart", restart); if (isB2G) { readyStateTimer.initWithCallback(waitForReady, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } registerSelf(); } /** * Removes all listeners */ function deleteSession(msg) { removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:newSession", newSession); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:executeScript", executeScript); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:executeAsyncScript", executeAsyncScript); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:executeJSScript", executeJSScript); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:singleTap", singleTap); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:actionChain", actionChain); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:multiAction", multiAction); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:get", get); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:pollForReadyState", pollForReadyState); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:cancelRequest", cancelRequest); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getTitle", getTitle); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getPageSource", getPageSource); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getCurrentUrl", getCurrentUrl); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:goBack", goBack); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:goForward", goForward); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:refresh", refresh); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:findElementContent", findElementContent); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:findElementsContent", findElementsContent); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getActiveElement", getActiveElementFn); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:clickElement", clickElementFn); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementAttribute", getElementAttributeFn); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementText", getElementTextFn); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementTagName", getElementTagNameFn); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:isElementDisplayed", isElementDisplayed); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementValueOfCssProperty", getElementValueOfCssProperty); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:submitElement", submitElement); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementSize", getElementSizeFn); // deprecated removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementRect", getElementRectFn); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:isElementEnabled", isElementEnabledFn); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:isElementSelected", isElementSelected); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:sendKeysToElement", sendKeysToElement); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getElementLocation", getElementLocation); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:clearElement", clearElement); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:switchToFrame", switchToFrame); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:deleteSession", deleteSession); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:sleepSession", sleepSession); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:emulatorCmdResult", emulatorCmdResult); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:importScript", importScript); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getAppCacheStatus", getAppCacheStatus); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:setTestName", setTestName); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:takeScreenshot", takeScreenshot); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:addCookie", addCookie); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:getCookies", getCookies); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:deleteAllCookies", deleteAllCookies); removeMessageListenerId("Marionette:deleteCookie", deleteCookie); if (isB2G) { content.removeEventListener("mozbrowsershowmodalprompt", modalHandler, false); } elementManager.reset(); // reset frame to the top-most frame curFrame = content; curFrame.focus(); actions.touchIds = {}; } /* * Helper methods */ /** * Generic method to send a message to the server */ function sendToServer(name, data, objs, id) { if (!data) { data = {} } if (id) { data.command_id = id; } sendAsyncMessage(name, data, objs); } /** * Send response back to server */ function sendResponse(value, command_id) { sendToServer("Marionette:done", value, null, command_id); } /** * Send ack back to server */ function sendOk(command_id) { sendToServer("Marionette:ok", null, null, command_id); } /** * Send log message to server */ function sendLog(msg) { sendToServer("Marionette:log", {message: msg}); } /** * Send error message to server */ function sendError(err, cmdId) { sendToServer("Marionette:error", null, {error: err}, cmdId); } /** * Clear test values after completion of test */ function resetValues() { sandbox = null; curFrame = content; actions.mouseEventsOnly = false; } /** * Dump a logline to stdout. Prepends logline with a timestamp. */ function dumpLog(logline) { dump(Date.now() + " Marionette: " + logline); } /** * Check if our context was interrupted */ function wasInterrupted() { if (previousFrame) { let element = content.document.elementFromPoint((content.innerWidth/2), (content.innerHeight/2)); if (element.id.indexOf("modal-dialog") == -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } return sendSyncMessage("MarionetteFrame:getInterruptedState", {})[0].value; } function checkForInterrupted() { if (wasInterrupted()) { if (previousFrame) { //if previousFrame is set, then we're in a single process environment curFrame = actions.frame = previousFrame; previousFrame = null; sandbox = null; } else { //else we're in OOP environment, so we'll switch to the original OOP frame sendSyncMessage("Marionette:switchToModalOrigin"); } sendSyncMessage("Marionette:switchedToFrame", { restorePrevious: true }); } } /* * Marionette Methods */ /** * Returns a content sandbox that can be used by the execute_foo functions. */ function createExecuteContentSandbox(win, timeout) { let mn = new Marionette( this, win, "content", marionetteLogObj, timeout, heartbeatCallback, marionetteTestName); mn.runEmulatorCmd = (cmd, cb) => this.runEmulatorCmd(cmd, cb); mn.runEmulatorShell = (args, cb) => this.runEmulatorShell(args, cb); let sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(win, {sandboxPrototype: win}); sandbox.global = sandbox; sandbox.window = win; sandbox.document = sandbox.window.document; sandbox.navigator = sandbox.window.navigator; sandbox.testUtils = utils; sandbox.asyncTestCommandId = asyncTestCommandId; sandbox.marionette = mn; mn.exports.forEach(fn => { if (typeof mn[fn] == "function") { sandbox[fn] = mn[fn].bind(mn); } else { sandbox[fn] = mn[fn]; } }); let specialPowersFn; if (typeof win.wrappedJSObject.SpecialPowers != "undefined") { specialPowersFn = () => win.wrappedJSObject.SpecialPowers; } else { specialPowersFn = () => new SpecialPowers(win); } XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(sandbox, "SpecialPowers", specialPowersFn); sandbox.asyncComplete = (obj, id) => { if (id == asyncTestCommandId) { curFrame.removeEventListener("unload", onunload, false); curFrame.clearTimeout(asyncTestTimeoutId); if (inactivityTimeoutId != null) { curFrame.clearTimeout(inactivityTimeoutId); } sendSyncMessage("Marionette:shareData", {log: elementManager.wrapValue(marionetteLogObj.getLogs())}); marionetteLogObj.clearLogs(); if (error.isError(obj)) { sendError(obj, id); } else { if (Object.keys(_emu_cbs).length) { _emu_cbs = {}; sendError(new WebDriverError("Emulator callback still pending when finish() called"), id); } else { sendResponse({value: elementManager.wrapValue(obj)}, id); } } asyncTestRunning = false; asyncTestTimeoutId = undefined; asyncTestCommandId = undefined; inactivityTimeoutId = null; } }; sandbox.finish = function() { if (asyncTestRunning) { sandbox.asyncComplete(mn.generate_results(), sandbox.asyncTestCommandId); } else { return mn.generate_results(); } }; sandbox.marionetteScriptFinished = val => sandbox.asyncComplete(val, sandbox.asyncTestCommandId); return sandbox; } /** * Execute the given script either as a function body (executeScript) * or directly (for mochitest like JS Marionette tests). */ function executeScript(msg, directInject) { // Set up inactivity timeout. if (msg.json.inactivityTimeout) { let setTimer = function() { inactivityTimeoutId = curFrame.setTimeout(function() { sendError(new ScriptTimeoutError("timed out due to inactivity"), asyncTestCommandId); }, msg.json.inactivityTimeout); }; setTimer(); heartbeatCallback = function() { curFrame.clearTimeout(inactivityTimeoutId); setTimer(); }; } asyncTestCommandId = msg.json.command_id; let script = msg.json.script; if (msg.json.newSandbox || !sandbox) { sandbox = createExecuteContentSandbox(curFrame, msg.json.timeout); if (!sandbox) { sendError(new WebDriverError("Could not create sandbox!"), asyncTestCommandId); return; } } else { sandbox.asyncTestCommandId = asyncTestCommandId; } try { if (directInject) { if (importedScripts.exists()) { let stream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]. createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream); stream.init(importedScripts, -1, 0, 0); let data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, stream.available()); stream.close(); script = data + script; } let res = Cu.evalInSandbox(script, sandbox, "1.8", "dummy file" ,0); sendSyncMessage("Marionette:shareData", {log: elementManager.wrapValue(marionetteLogObj.getLogs())}); marionetteLogObj.clearLogs(); if (res == undefined || res.passed == undefined) { sendError(new JavaScriptError("Marionette.finish() not called"), asyncTestCommandId); } else { sendResponse({value: elementManager.wrapValue(res)}, asyncTestCommandId); } } else { try { sandbox.__marionetteParams = Cu.cloneInto(elementManager.convertWrappedArguments( msg.json.args, curFrame), sandbox, { wrapReflectors: true }); } catch (e) { sendError(e, asyncTestCommandId); return; } script = "let __marionetteFunc = function(){" + script + "};" + "__marionetteFunc.apply(null, __marionetteParams);"; if (importedScripts.exists()) { let stream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]. createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream); stream.init(importedScripts, -1, 0, 0); let data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, stream.available()); stream.close(); script = data + script; } let res = Cu.evalInSandbox(script, sandbox, "1.8", "dummy file", 0); sendSyncMessage("Marionette:shareData", {log: elementManager.wrapValue(marionetteLogObj.getLogs())}); marionetteLogObj.clearLogs(); sendResponse({value: elementManager.wrapValue(res)}, asyncTestCommandId); } } catch (e) { let err = new JavaScriptError( e, "execute_script", msg.json.filename, msg.json.line, script); sendError(err, asyncTestCommandId); } } /** * Sets the test name, used in logging messages. */ function setTestName(msg) { marionetteTestName = msg.json.value; sendOk(msg.json.command_id); } /** * Execute async script */ function executeAsyncScript(msg) { executeWithCallback(msg); } /** * Execute pure JS test. Handles both async and sync cases. */ function executeJSScript(msg) { if (msg.json.async) { executeWithCallback(msg, msg.json.async); } else { executeScript(msg, true); } } /** * This function is used by executeAsync and executeJSScript to execute a script * in a sandbox. * * For executeJSScript, it will return a message only when the finish() method is called. * For executeAsync, it will return a response when marionetteScriptFinished/arguments[arguments.length-1] * method is called, or if it times out. */ function executeWithCallback(msg, useFinish) { // Set up inactivity timeout. if (msg.json.inactivityTimeout) { let setTimer = function() { inactivityTimeoutId = curFrame.setTimeout(function() { sandbox.asyncComplete(new ScriptTimeoutError("timed out due to inactivity"), asyncTestCommandId); }, msg.json.inactivityTimeout); }; setTimer(); heartbeatCallback = function() { curFrame.clearTimeout(inactivityTimeoutId); setTimer(); }; } let script = msg.json.script; asyncTestCommandId = msg.json.command_id; onunload = function() { sendError(new JavaScriptError("unload was called"), asyncTestCommandId); }; curFrame.addEventListener("unload", onunload, false); if (msg.json.newSandbox || !sandbox) { sandbox = createExecuteContentSandbox(curFrame, msg.json.timeout); if (!sandbox) { sendError(new JavaScriptError("Could not create sandbox!"), asyncTestCommandId); return; } } else { sandbox.asyncTestCommandId = asyncTestCommandId; } sandbox.tag = script; asyncTestTimeoutId = curFrame.setTimeout(function() { sandbox.asyncComplete(new ScriptTimeoutError("timed out"), asyncTestCommandId); }, msg.json.timeout); originalOnError = curFrame.onerror; curFrame.onerror = function errHandler(msg, url, line) { sandbox.asyncComplete(new JavaScriptError(msg + "@" + url + ", line " + line), asyncTestCommandId); curFrame.onerror = originalOnError; }; let scriptSrc; if (useFinish) { if (msg.json.timeout == null || msg.json.timeout == 0) { sendError(new TimeoutError("Please set a timeout"), asyncTestCommandId); } scriptSrc = script; } else { try { sandbox.__marionetteParams = Cu.cloneInto(elementManager.convertWrappedArguments( msg.json.args, curFrame), sandbox, { wrapReflectors: true }); } catch (e) { sendError(e, asyncTestCommandId); return; } scriptSrc = "__marionetteParams.push(marionetteScriptFinished);" + "let __marionetteFunc = function() { " + script + "};" + "__marionetteFunc.apply(null, __marionetteParams); "; } try { asyncTestRunning = true; if (importedScripts.exists()) { let stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); stream.init(importedScripts, -1, 0, 0); let data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, stream.available()); stream.close(); scriptSrc = data + scriptSrc; } Cu.evalInSandbox(scriptSrc, sandbox, "1.8", "dummy file", 0); } catch (e) { let err = new JavaScriptError( e, "execute_async_script", msg.json.filename, msg.json.line, scriptSrc); sandbox.asyncComplete(err, asyncTestCommandId); } } /** * This function creates a touch event given a touch type and a touch */ function emitTouchEvent(type, touch) { if (!wasInterrupted()) { let loggingInfo = "emitting Touch event of type " + type + " to element with id: " + touch.target.id + " and tag name: " + touch.target.tagName + " at coordinates (" + touch.clientX + ", " + touch.clientY + ") relative to the viewport"; dumpLog(loggingInfo); var docShell = curFrame.document.defaultView. QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation). QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell); if (docShell.asyncPanZoomEnabled && actions.scrolling) { // if we're in APZ and we're scrolling, we must use injectTouchEvent to dispatch our touchmove events let index = sendSyncMessage("MarionetteFrame:getCurrentFrameId"); // only call emitTouchEventForIFrame if we're inside an iframe. if (index != null) { sendSyncMessage("Marionette:emitTouchEvent", { index: index, type: type, id: touch.identifier, clientX: touch.clientX, clientY: touch.clientY, screenX: touch.screenX, screenY: touch.screenY, radiusX: touch.radiusX, radiusY: touch.radiusY, rotation: touch.rotationAngle, force: touch.force }); return; } } // we get here if we're not in asyncPacZoomEnabled land, or if we're the main process /* Disabled per bug 888303 marionetteLogObj.log(loggingInfo, "TRACE"); sendSyncMessage("Marionette:shareData", {log: elementManager.wrapValue(marionetteLogObj.getLogs())}); marionetteLogObj.clearLogs(); */ let domWindowUtils = curFrame.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowUtils); domWindowUtils.sendTouchEvent(type, [touch.identifier], [touch.clientX], [touch.clientY], [touch.radiusX], [touch.radiusY], [touch.rotationAngle], [touch.force], 1, 0); } } /** * This function generates a pair of coordinates relative to the viewport given a * target element and coordinates relative to that element's top-left corner. * @param 'x', and 'y' are the relative to the target. * If they are not specified, then the center of the target is used. */ function coordinates(target, x, y) { let box = target.getBoundingClientRect(); if (x == null) { x = box.width / 2; } if (y == null) { y = box.height / 2; } let coords = {}; coords.x = box.left + x; coords.y = box.top + y; return coords; } /** * This function returns true if the given coordinates are in the viewport. * @param 'x', and 'y' are the coordinates relative to the target. * If they are not specified, then the center of the target is used. */ function elementInViewport(el, x, y) { let c = coordinates(el, x, y); let viewPort = {top: curFrame.pageYOffset, left: curFrame.pageXOffset, bottom: (curFrame.pageYOffset + curFrame.innerHeight), right:(curFrame.pageXOffset + curFrame.innerWidth)}; return (viewPort.left <= c.x + curFrame.pageXOffset && c.x + curFrame.pageXOffset <= viewPort.right && viewPort.top <= c.y + curFrame.pageYOffset && c.y + curFrame.pageYOffset <= viewPort.bottom); } /** * This function throws the visibility of the element error if the element is * not displayed or the given coordinates are not within the viewport. * @param 'x', and 'y' are the coordinates relative to the target. * If they are not specified, then the center of the target is used. */ function checkVisible(el, x, y) { // Bug 1094246 - Webdriver's isShown doesn't work with content xul if (utils.getElementAttribute(el, "namespaceURI").indexOf("there.is.only.xul") == -1) { //check if the element is visible let visible = utils.isElementDisplayed(el); if (!visible) { return false; } } if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body') { return true; } if (!elementInViewport(el, x, y)) { //check if scroll function exist. If so, call it. if (el.scrollIntoView) { el.scrollIntoView(false); if (!elementInViewport(el)) { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; } /** * Function that perform a single tap */ function singleTap(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; try { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.id, curFrame); let acc = accessibility.getAccessibleObject(el, true); // after this block, the element will be scrolled into view let visible = checkVisible(el, msg.json.corx, msg.json.cory); checkVisibleAccessibility(acc, visible); if (!visible) { sendError(new ElementNotVisibleError("Element is not currently visible and may not be manipulated"), command_id); return; } checkActionableAccessibility(acc); if (!curFrame.document.createTouch) { actions.mouseEventsOnly = true; } let c = coordinates(el, msg.json.corx, msg.json.cory); if (!actions.mouseEventsOnly) { let touchId = actions.nextTouchId++; let touch = createATouch(el, c.x, c.y, touchId); emitTouchEvent('touchstart', touch); emitTouchEvent('touchend', touch); } actions.mouseTap(el.ownerDocument, c.x, c.y); sendOk(command_id); } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Check if the element's unavailable accessibility state matches the enabled * state * @param nsIAccessible object * @param Boolean enabled element's enabled state */ function checkEnabledStateAccessibility(accesible, enabled) { if (!accesible) { return; } if (enabled && accessibility.matchState(accesible, 'STATE_UNAVAILABLE')) { accessibility.handleErrorMessage('Element is enabled but disabled via ' + 'the accessibility API'); } } /** * Check if the element's visible state corresponds to its accessibility API * visibility * @param nsIAccessible object * @param Boolean visible element's visibility state */ function checkVisibleAccessibility(accesible, visible) { if (!accesible) { return; } let hiddenAccessibility = accessibility.isHidden(accesible); let message; if (visible && hiddenAccessibility) { message = 'Element is not currently visible via the accessibility API ' + 'and may not be manipulated by it'; } else if (!visible && !hiddenAccessibility) { message = 'Element is currently only visible via the accessibility API ' + 'and can be manipulated by it'; } accessibility.handleErrorMessage(message); } /** * Check if it is possible to activate an element with the accessibility API * @param nsIAccessible object */ function checkActionableAccessibility(accesible) { if (!accesible) { return; } let message; if (!accessibility.hasActionCount(accesible)) { message = 'Element does not support any accessible actions'; } else if (!accessibility.isActionableRole(accesible)) { message = 'Element does not have a correct accessibility role ' + 'and may not be manipulated via the accessibility API'; } else if (!accessibility.hasValidName(accesible)) { message = 'Element is missing an accesible name'; } accessibility.handleErrorMessage(message); } /** * Function to create a touch based on the element * corx and cory are relative to the viewport, id is the touchId */ function createATouch(el, corx, cory, touchId) { let doc = el.ownerDocument; let win = doc.defaultView; let [clientX, clientY, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY] = actions.getCoordinateInfo(el, corx, cory); let atouch = doc.createTouch(win, el, touchId, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY); return atouch; } /** * Function to start action chain on one finger */ function actionChain(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; let args = msg.json.chain; let touchId = msg.json.nextId; let callbacks = {}; callbacks.onSuccess = value => sendResponse(value, command_id); callbacks.onError = err => sendError(err, command_id); let touchProvider = {}; touchProvider.createATouch = createATouch; touchProvider.emitTouchEvent = emitTouchEvent; try { actions.dispatchActions( args, touchId, curFrame, elementManager, callbacks, touchProvider); } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Function to emit touch events which allow multi touch on the screen * @param type represents the type of event, touch represents the current touch,touches are all pending touches */ function emitMultiEvents(type, touch, touches) { let target = touch.target; let doc = target.ownerDocument; let win = doc.defaultView; // touches that are in the same document let documentTouches = doc.createTouchList(touches.filter(function(t) { return ((t.target.ownerDocument === doc) && (type != 'touchcancel')); })); // touches on the same target let targetTouches = doc.createTouchList(touches.filter(function(t) { return ((t.target === target) && ((type != 'touchcancel') || (type != 'touchend'))); })); // Create changed touches let changedTouches = doc.createTouchList(touch); // Create the event object let event = doc.createEvent('TouchEvent'); event.initTouchEvent(type, true, true, win, 0, false, false, false, false, documentTouches, targetTouches, changedTouches); target.dispatchEvent(event); } /** * Function to dispatch one set of actions * @param touches represents all pending touches, batchIndex represents the batch we are dispatching right now */ function setDispatch(batches, touches, command_id, batchIndex) { if (typeof batchIndex === "undefined") { batchIndex = 0; } // check if all the sets have been fired if (batchIndex >= batches.length) { multiLast = {}; sendOk(command_id); return; } // a set of actions need to be done let batch = batches[batchIndex]; // each action for some finger let pack; // the touch id for the finger (pack) let touchId; // command for the finger let command; // touch that will be created for the finger let el; let corx; let cory; let touch; let lastTouch; let touchIndex; let waitTime = 0; let maxTime = 0; let c; batchIndex++; // loop through the batch for (let i = 0; i < batch.length; i++) { pack = batch[i]; touchId = pack[0]; command = pack[1]; switch (command) { case 'press': el = elementManager.getKnownElement(pack[2], curFrame); c = coordinates(el, pack[3], pack[4]); touch = createATouch(el, c.x, c.y, touchId); multiLast[touchId] = touch; touches.push(touch); emitMultiEvents('touchstart', touch, touches); break; case 'release': touch = multiLast[touchId]; // the index of the previous touch for the finger may change in the touches array touchIndex = touches.indexOf(touch); touches.splice(touchIndex, 1); emitMultiEvents('touchend', touch, touches); break; case 'move': el = elementManager.getKnownElement(pack[2], curFrame); c = coordinates(el); touch = createATouch(multiLast[touchId].target, c.x, c.y, touchId); touchIndex = touches.indexOf(lastTouch); touches[touchIndex] = touch; multiLast[touchId] = touch; emitMultiEvents('touchmove', touch, touches); break; case 'moveByOffset': el = multiLast[touchId].target; lastTouch = multiLast[touchId]; touchIndex = touches.indexOf(lastTouch); let doc = el.ownerDocument; let win = doc.defaultView; // since x and y are relative to the last touch, therefore, it's relative to the position of the last touch let clientX = lastTouch.clientX + pack[2], clientY = lastTouch.clientY + pack[3]; let pageX = clientX + win.pageXOffset, pageY = clientY + win.pageYOffset; let screenX = clientX + win.mozInnerScreenX, screenY = clientY + win.mozInnerScreenY; touch = doc.createTouch(win, el, touchId, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY); touches[touchIndex] = touch; multiLast[touchId] = touch; emitMultiEvents('touchmove', touch, touches); break; case 'wait': if (pack[2] != undefined ) { waitTime = pack[2]*1000; if (waitTime > maxTime) { maxTime = waitTime; } } break; }//end of switch block }//end of for loop if (maxTime != 0) { checkTimer.initWithCallback(function(){setDispatch(batches, touches, command_id, batchIndex);}, maxTime, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } else { setDispatch(batches, touches, command_id, batchIndex); } } /** * Function to start multi-action */ function multiAction(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; let args = msg.json.value; // maxlen is the longest action chain for one finger let maxlen = msg.json.maxlen; try { // unwrap the original nested array let commandArray = elementManager.convertWrappedArguments(args, curFrame); let concurrentEvent = []; let temp; for (let i = 0; i < maxlen; i++) { let row = []; for (let j = 0; j < commandArray.length; j++) { if (commandArray[j][i] != undefined) { // add finger id to the front of each action, i.e. [finger_id, action, element] temp = commandArray[j][i]; temp.unshift(j); row.push(temp); } } concurrentEvent.push(row); } // now concurrent event is made of sets where each set contain a list of actions that need to be fired. // note: each action belongs to a different finger // pendingTouches keeps track of current touches that's on the screen let pendingTouches = []; setDispatch(concurrentEvent, pendingTouches, command_id); } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /* * This implements the latter part of a get request (for the case we need to resume one * when a remoteness update happens in the middle of a navigate request). This is most of * of the work of a navigate request, but doesn't assume DOMContentLoaded is yet to fire. */ function pollForReadyState(msg, start, callback) { let {pageTimeout, url, command_id} = msg.json; start = start ? start : new Date().getTime(); if (!callback) { callback = () => {}; } let end = null; function checkLoad() { navTimer.cancel(); end = new Date().getTime(); let aboutErrorRegex = /about:.+(error)\?/; let elapse = end - start; if (pageTimeout == null || elapse <= pageTimeout) { if (curFrame.document.readyState == "complete") { callback(); sendOk(command_id); } else if (curFrame.document.readyState == "interactive" && aboutErrorRegex.exec(curFrame.document.baseURI) && !curFrame.document.baseURI.startsWith(url)) { // We have reached an error url without requesting it. callback(); sendError(new UnknownError("Error loading page"), command_id); } else if (curFrame.document.readyState == "interactive" && curFrame.document.baseURI.startsWith("about:")) { callback(); sendOk(command_id); } else { navTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } } else { callback(); sendError(new TimeoutError("Error loading page, timed out (checkLoad)"), command_id); } } checkLoad(); } /** * Navigate to the given URL. The operation will be performed on the * current browser context, and handles the case where we navigate * within an iframe. All other navigation is handled by the server * (in chrome space). */ function get(msg) { let start = new Date().getTime(); // Prevent DOMContentLoaded events from frames from invoking this // code, unless the event is coming from the frame associated with // the current window (i.e. someone has used switch_to_frame). onDOMContentLoaded = function onDOMContentLoaded(event) { if (!event.originalTarget.defaultView.frameElement || event.originalTarget.defaultView.frameElement == curFrame.frameElement) { pollForReadyState(msg, start, () => { removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded, false); onDOMContentLoaded = null; }); } }; function timerFunc() { removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded, false); sendError(new TimeoutError("Error loading page, timed out (onDOMContentLoaded)"), msg.json.command_id); } if (msg.json.pageTimeout != null) { navTimer.initWithCallback(timerFunc, msg.json.pageTimeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded, false); curFrame.location = msg.json.url; } /** * Cancel the polling and remove the event listener associated with a current * navigation request in case we're interupted by an onbeforeunload handler * and navigation doesn't complete. */ function cancelRequest() { navTimer.cancel(); if (onDOMContentLoaded) { removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded, false); } } /** * Get URL of the top level browsing context. */ function getCurrentUrl(msg) { let url; if (msg.json.isB2G) { url = curFrame.location.href; } else { url = content.location.href; } sendResponse({value: url}, msg.json.command_id); } /** * Get the current Title of the window */ function getTitle(msg) { sendResponse({value: curFrame.top.document.title}, msg.json.command_id); } /** * Get the current page source */ function getPageSource(msg) { var XMLSerializer = curFrame.XMLSerializer; var pageSource = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(curFrame.document); sendResponse({value: pageSource}, msg.json.command_id); } /** * Go back in history */ function goBack(msg) { curFrame.history.back(); sendOk(msg.json.command_id); } /** * Go forward in history */ function goForward(msg) { curFrame.history.forward(); sendOk(msg.json.command_id); } /** * Refresh the page */ function refresh(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; curFrame.location.reload(true); let listen = function() { removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, false); sendOk(command_id); }; addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", listen, false); } /** * Find an element in the document using requested search strategy */ function findElementContent(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; try { let onSuccess = (el, id) => sendResponse({value: el}, id); let onError = (err, id) => sendError(err, id); elementManager.find(curFrame, msg.json, msg.json.searchTimeout, false /* all */, onSuccess, onError, command_id); } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Find elements in the document using requested search strategy */ function findElementsContent(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; try { let onSuccess = (els, id) => sendResponse({value: els}, id); let onError = (err, id) => sendError(err, id); elementManager.find(curFrame, msg.json, msg.json.searchTimeout, true /* all */, onSuccess, onError, command_id); } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Find and return the active element on the page. * * @return {WebElement} * Reference to web element. */ function getActiveElement() { let el = curFrame.document.activeElement; return elementManager.addToKnownElements(el); } /** * Send click event to element. * * @param {WebElement} id * Reference to the web element to click. */ function clickElement(id) { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(id, curFrame); let acc = accessibility.getAccessibleObject(el, true); let visible = checkVisible(el); checkVisibleAccessibility(acc, visible); if (!visible) { throw new ElementNotVisibleError("Element is not visible"); } checkActionableAccessibility(acc); if (utils.isElementEnabled(el)) { utils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(el, {}, el.ownerDocument.defaultView); } else { throw new InvalidElementStateError("Element is not Enabled"); } } /** * Get a given attribute of an element. * * @param {WebElement} id * Reference to the web element to get the attribute of. * @param {string} name * Name of the attribute. * * @return {string} * The value of the attribute. */ function getElementAttribute(id, name) { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(id, curFrame); return utils.getElementAttribute(el, name); } /** * Get the text of this element. This includes text from child elements. * * @param {WebElement} id * Reference to web element. * * @return {string} * Text of element. */ function getElementText(id) { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(id, curFrame); return utils.getElementText(el); } /** * Get the tag name of an element. * * @param {WebElement} id * Reference to web element. * * @return {string} * Tag name of element. */ function getElementTagName(id) { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(id, curFrame); return el.tagName.toLowerCase(); } /** * Check if element is displayed */ function isElementDisplayed(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; try { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.id, curFrame); let displayed = utils.isElementDisplayed(el); checkVisibleAccessibility(accessibility.getAccessibleObject(el), displayed); sendResponse({value: displayed}, command_id); } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Return the property of the computed style of an element * * @param object aRequest * 'element' member holds the reference id to * the element that will be checked * 'propertyName' is the CSS rule that is being requested */ function getElementValueOfCssProperty(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; let propertyName = msg.json.propertyName; try { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.id, curFrame); sendResponse({value: curFrame.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(propertyName)}, command_id); } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Submit a form on a content page by either using form or element in a form * @param object msg * 'json' JSON object containing 'id' member of the element */ function submitElement (msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; try { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.id, curFrame); while (el.parentNode != null && el.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'form') { el = el.parentNode; } if (el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form') { el.submit(); sendOk(command_id); } else { sendError(new NoSuchElementError("Element is not a form element or in a form"), command_id); } } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Get the size of the element. * * @param {WebElement} id * Web element reference. * * @return {Object.} * The width/height dimensions of th element. */ function getElementSize(id) { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(id, curFrame); let clientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return {width: clientRect.width, height: clientRect.height}; } /** * Get the size of the element. * * @param {WebElement} id * Reference to web element. * * @return {Object.} * The x, y, width, and height properties of the element. */ function getElementRect(id) { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(id, curFrame); let clientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: clientRect.x + curFrame.pageXOffset, y: clientRect.y + curFrame.pageYOffset, width: clientRect.width, height: clientRect.height }; } /** * Check if element is enabled. * * @param {WebElement} id * Reference to web element. * * @return {boolean} * True if enabled, false otherwise. */ function isElementEnabled(id) { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(id, curFrame); let enabled = utils.isElementEnabled(el); checkEnabledStateAccessibility(accessibility.getAccessibleObject(el), enabled); return enabled; } /** * Check if element is selected */ function isElementSelected(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; try { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.id, curFrame); sendResponse({value: utils.isElementSelected(el)}, command_id); } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Send keys to element */ function sendKeysToElement(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; let val = msg.json.value; let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.id, curFrame); if (el.type == "file") { let p = val.join(""); // for some reason using mozSetFileArray doesn't work with e10s // enabled (probably a bug), but a workaround is to elevate the element's // privileges with SpecialPowers // // this extra branch can be removed when the e10s bug 1149998 is fixed if (isRemoteBrowser()) { let fs = Array.prototype.slice.call(el.files); let file; try { file = new File(p); } catch (e) { let err = new InvalidArgumentError(`File not found: ${val}`); sendError(err, command_id); return; } fs.push(file); let wel = new SpecialPowers(utils.window).wrap(el); wel.mozSetFileArray(fs); } else { sendSyncMessage("Marionette:setElementValue", {value: p}, {element: el}); } sendOk(command_id); } else { utils.sendKeysToElement(curFrame, el, val, sendOk, sendError, command_id); } } /** * Get the element's top left-hand corner point. */ function getElementLocation(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; try { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.id, curFrame); let rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); let location = {}; location.x = rect.left; location.y = rect.top; sendResponse({value: location}, command_id); } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Clear the text of an element */ function clearElement(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; try { let el = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.id, curFrame); if (el.type == "file") { el.value = null; } else { utils.clearElement(el); } sendOk(command_id); } catch (e) { // Bug 964738: Newer atoms contain status codes which makes wrapping // this in an error prototype that has a status property unnecessary if (e.name == "InvalidElementStateError") { e = new InvalidElementStateError(e.message); } sendError(e, command_id); } } /** * Switch to frame given either the server-assigned element id, * its index in window.frames, or the iframe's name or id. */ function switchToFrame(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; function checkLoad() { let errorRegex = /about:.+(error)|(blocked)\?/; if (curFrame.document.readyState == "complete") { sendOk(command_id); return; } else if (curFrame.document.readyState == "interactive" && errorRegex.exec(curFrame.document.baseURI)) { sendError(new UnknownError("Error loading page"), command_id); return; } checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } let foundFrame = null; let frames = []; let parWindow = null; // Check of the curFrame reference is dead try { frames = curFrame.frames; //Until Bug 761935 lands, we won't have multiple nested OOP iframes. We will only have one. //parWindow will refer to the iframe above the nested OOP frame. parWindow = curFrame.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils).outerWindowID; } catch (e) { // We probably have a dead compartment so accessing it is going to make Firefox // very upset. Let's now try redirect everything to the top frame even if the // user has given us a frame since search doesnt look up. msg.json.id = null; msg.json.element = null; } if ((msg.json.id === null || msg.json.id === undefined) && (msg.json.element == null)) { // returning to root frame sendSyncMessage("Marionette:switchedToFrame", { frameValue: null }); curFrame = content; if(msg.json.focus == true) { curFrame.focus(); } sandbox = null; checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return; } if (msg.json.element != undefined) { if (elementManager.seenItems[msg.json.element] != undefined) { let wantedFrame; try { wantedFrame = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.element, curFrame); //Frame Element } catch (e) { sendError(e, command_id); } if (frames.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { // use XPCNativeWrapper to compare elements; see bug 834266 if (XPCNativeWrapper(frames[i].frameElement) == XPCNativeWrapper(wantedFrame)) { curFrame = frames[i].frameElement; foundFrame = i; } } } if (foundFrame === null) { // Either the frame has been removed or we have a OOP frame // so lets just get all the iframes and do a quick loop before // throwing in the towel let iframes = curFrame.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) { if (XPCNativeWrapper(iframes[i]) == XPCNativeWrapper(wantedFrame)) { curFrame = iframes[i]; foundFrame = i; } } } } } if (foundFrame === null) { if (typeof(msg.json.id) === 'number') { try { foundFrame = frames[msg.json.id].frameElement; if (foundFrame !== null) { curFrame = foundFrame; foundFrame = elementManager.addToKnownElements(curFrame); } else { // If foundFrame is null at this point then we have the top level browsing // context so should treat it accordingly. sendSyncMessage("Marionette:switchedToFrame", { frameValue: null}); curFrame = content; if(msg.json.focus == true) { curFrame.focus(); } sandbox = null; checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return; } } catch (e) { // Since window.frames does not return OOP frames it will throw // and we land up here. Let's not give up and check if there are // iframes and switch to the indexed frame there let iframes = curFrame.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); if (msg.json.id >= 0 && msg.json.id < iframes.length) { curFrame = iframes[msg.json.id]; foundFrame = msg.json.id; } } } } if (foundFrame === null) { sendError(new NoSuchFrameError("Unable to locate frame: " + (msg.json.id || msg.json.element)), command_id); return true; } sandbox = null; // send a synchronous message to let the server update the currently active // frame element (for getActiveFrame) let frameValue = elementManager.wrapValue(curFrame.wrappedJSObject)['ELEMENT']; sendSyncMessage("Marionette:switchedToFrame", { frameValue: frameValue }); let rv = null; if (curFrame.contentWindow === null) { // The frame we want to switch to is a remote/OOP frame; // notify our parent to handle the switch curFrame = content; rv = {win: parWindow, frame: foundFrame}; } else { curFrame = curFrame.contentWindow; if (msg.json.focus) curFrame.focus(); checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } sendResponse({value: rv}, command_id); } /** * Add a cookie to the document */ function addCookie(msg) { let cookie = msg.json.cookie; if (!cookie.expiry) { var date = new Date(); var thePresent = new Date(Date.now()); date.setYear(thePresent.getFullYear() + 20); cookie.expiry = date.getTime() / 1000; // Stored in seconds. } if (!cookie.domain) { var location = curFrame.document.location; cookie.domain = location.hostname; } else { var currLocation = curFrame.location; var currDomain = currLocation.host; if (currDomain.indexOf(cookie.domain) == -1) { sendError(new InvalidCookieDomainError("You may only set cookies for the current domain"), msg.json.command_id); } } // The cookie's domain may include a port. Which is bad. Remove it // We'll catch ip6 addresses by mistake. Since no-one uses those // this will be okay for now. See Bug 814416 if (cookie.domain.match(/:\d+$/)) { cookie.domain = cookie.domain.replace(/:\d+$/, ''); } var document = curFrame.document; if (!document || !document.contentType.match(/html/i)) { sendError(new UnableToSetCookieError("You may only set cookies on html documents"), msg.json.command_id); } let added = sendSyncMessage("Marionette:addCookie", {value: cookie}); if (added[0] !== true) { sendError(new UnableToSetCookieError(), msg.json.command_id); return; } sendOk(msg.json.command_id); } /** * Get all cookies for the current domain. */ function getCookies(msg) { var toReturn = []; var cookies = getVisibleCookies(curFrame.location); for (let cookie of cookies) { var expires = cookie.expires; if (expires == 0) { // Session cookie, don't return an expiry. expires = null; } else if (expires == 1) { // Date before epoch time, cap to epoch. expires = 0; } toReturn.push({ 'name': cookie.name, 'value': cookie.value, 'path': cookie.path, 'domain': cookie.host, 'secure': cookie.isSecure, 'expiry': expires }); } sendResponse({value: toReturn}, msg.json.command_id); } /** * Delete a cookie by name */ function deleteCookie(msg) { let toDelete = msg.json.name; let cookies = getVisibleCookies(curFrame.location); for (let cookie of cookies) { if (cookie.name == toDelete) { let deleted = sendSyncMessage("Marionette:deleteCookie", {value: cookie}); if (deleted[0] !== true) { sendError(new UnknownError("Could not delete cookie: " + msg.json.name), msg.json.command_id); return; } } } sendOk(msg.json.command_id); } /** * Delete all the visibile cookies on a page */ function deleteAllCookies(msg) { let cookies = getVisibleCookies(curFrame.location); for (let cookie of cookies) { let deleted = sendSyncMessage("Marionette:deleteCookie", {value: cookie}); if (!deleted[0]) { sendError(new UnknownError("Could not delete cookie: " + JSON.stringify(cookie)), msg.json.command_id); return; } } sendOk(msg.json.command_id); } /** * Get all the visible cookies from a location */ function getVisibleCookies(location) { let currentPath = location.pathname || '/'; let result = sendSyncMessage("Marionette:getVisibleCookies", {value: [currentPath, location.hostname]}); return result[0]; } function getAppCacheStatus(msg) { sendResponse({ value: curFrame.applicationCache.status }, msg.json.command_id); } // emulator callbacks let _emu_cb_id = 0; let _emu_cbs = {}; function runEmulatorCmd(cmd, callback) { if (callback) { _emu_cbs[_emu_cb_id] = callback; } sendAsyncMessage("Marionette:runEmulatorCmd", {emulator_cmd: cmd, id: _emu_cb_id}); _emu_cb_id += 1; } function runEmulatorShell(args, callback) { if (callback) { _emu_cbs[_emu_cb_id] = callback; } sendAsyncMessage("Marionette:runEmulatorShell", {emulator_shell: args, id: _emu_cb_id}); _emu_cb_id += 1; } function emulatorCmdResult(msg) { let message = msg.json; if (!sandbox) { return; } let cb = _emu_cbs[message.id]; delete _emu_cbs[message.id]; if (!cb) { return; } try { cb(message.result); } catch (e) { sendError(e, -1); return; } } function importScript(msg) { let command_id = msg.json.command_id; let file; if (importedScripts.exists()) { file = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(importedScripts, FileUtils.MODE_APPEND | FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY); } else { //Note: The permission bits here don't actually get set (bug 804563) importedScripts.createUnique(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, parseInt("0666", 8)); file = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(importedScripts, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE); importedScripts.permissions = parseInt("0666", 8); //actually set permissions } file.write(msg.json.script, msg.json.script.length); file.close(); sendOk(command_id); } /** * Takes a screen capture of the given web element if id * property exists in the message's JSON object, or if null captures * the bounding box of the current frame. * * If given an array of web element references in * msg.json.highlights, a red box will be painted around * them to highlight their position. */ function takeScreenshot(msg) { let node = null; if (msg.json.id) { try { node = elementManager.getKnownElement(msg.json.id, curFrame) } catch (e) { sendResponse(e.message, e.code, e.stack, msg.json.command_id); return; } } else { node = curFrame; } let highlights = msg.json.highlights; var document = curFrame.document; var rect, win, width, height, left, top; // node can be either a window or an arbitrary DOM node if (node == curFrame) { // node is a window win = node; if (msg.json.full) { // the full window width = document.body.scrollWidth; height = document.body.scrollHeight; top = 0; left = 0; } else { // only the viewport width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; height = document.documentElement.clientHeight; left = curFrame.pageXOffset; top = curFrame.pageYOffset; } } else { // node is an arbitrary DOM node win = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); width = rect.width; height = rect.height; top = rect.top; left = rect.left; } var canvas = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "canvas"); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Draws the DOM contents of the window to the canvas ctx.drawWindow(win, left, top, width, height, "rgb(255,255,255)"); // This section is for drawing a red rectangle around each element // passed in via the highlights array if (highlights) { ctx.lineWidth = "2"; ctx.strokeStyle = "red"; ctx.save(); for (var i = 0; i < highlights.length; ++i) { var elem = elementManager.getKnownElement(highlights[i], curFrame); rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); var offsetY = -top; var offsetX = -left; // Draw the rectangle ctx.strokeRect(rect.left + offsetX, rect.top + offsetY, rect.width, rect.height); } } // Return the Base64 encoded string back to the client so that it // can save the file to disk if it is required var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL("image/png", ""); var data = dataUrl.substring(dataUrl.indexOf(",") + 1); sendResponse({value: data}, msg.json.command_id); } // Call register self when we get loaded registerSelf();