#sanitizeDurationChoice { -moz-margin-end: 0; } /* Align the duration label with the warning box and item list */ #sanitizeDurationLabel { -moz-margin-start: 3px; } /* Hide the duration dropdown suffix label if it's empty. Otherwise it takes up a little space, causing the end of the dropdown to not be aligned with the warning box. */ #sanitizeDurationSuffixLabel[value=""] { display: none; } /* Places tree */ #placesTreechildren::-moz-tree-row(selected), #placesTreechildren::-moz-tree-row(grippyRow) { background: #999; } #placesTreechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(selected) { color: #111; } /* Sanitize everything warning box */ #sanitizeEverythingWarningBox { background-color: Window; border: 1px solid ThreeDDarkShadow; border-radius: 5px; padding: 16px; } #sanitizeEverythingWarningIcon { list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-dialog-warning?size=dialog"); padding: 0; margin: 0; } #sanitizeEverythingWarningDescBox { padding: 0 16px; margin: 0; } /* Progressive disclosure button */ #detailsExpanderWrapper { padding: 0; margin-top: 6px; margin-bottom: 6px; -moz-margin-start: -6px; -moz-margin-end: 0; } .expander-up, .expander-down { min-width: 0; padding: 2px 0; -moz-padding-start: 2px; } .expander-up { list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/arrow/arrow-up.gif"); } .expander-down { list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/arrow/arrow-dn.gif"); } .expander-down:hover:active { list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/arrow/arrow-dn-hov.gif"); } .expander-up:hover:active { list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/arrow/arrow-up-hov.gif"); } /* Make the item list the same width as the warning box */ #itemList { -moz-margin-start: 0; -moz-margin-end: 0; } /* Without this a useless scrollbar appears in the listbox when its rows attribute is set to the total number of listitems, as it is currently. See bug 489958 comment 14 and bug 491788. */ #itemList > listitem { padding: 1px 0; } /* Align the last dialog button with the end of the warning box */ .prefWindow-dlgbuttons { -moz-margin-end: 0; } .dialog-button[dlgtype="accept"] { -moz-margin-end: 0; }