aboutWindowTitle=About %S aboutWindowCloseButton=Close aboutWindowVersionString=version %S aboutAddon=About %S updatingMsg=Looking for updates... updateCompatibilityMsg=A compatibility update has been applied. updateNoUpdateMsg=No updates were found. updateErrorMessage=An error occurred while trying to find updates for %S. updateDisabledMessage=Updates are disabled for %S. updateAppManagedMessage=Updates to %S are performed when %S is updated. updateReadOnlyMessage=Update not supported (install location is read only). updateNotManagedMessage=Update not supported (install location is not managed by %S). restartBeforeEnableTitle=Enable Extension restartBeforeDisableTitle=Disable Extension incompatibleUpdateMessage=%S is checking for a compatibility update to %S. installSuccess=Install completed successfully installWaiting=Waiting... installInstalling=Installing... droppedInWarning=The following items were found in your Extensions folder. Do you want to install them? uninstallButton=Uninstall disableButton=Disable cancelButton=Cancel restartButton=Restart %S laterButton=Later moreInfoText=More information uninstallTitle=Uninstall %S uninstallWarnDependMsg=%S is required by one or more add-ons. If you continue, the following items will be disabled: uninstallQueryMessage=Do you want to uninstall %S? cancelInstallTitle=Cancel Install of %S cancelInstallQueryMessage=Are you sure you want to cancel the install of %S? cancelInstallButton=Yes cancelCancelInstallButton=No cancelUpgradeTitle=Cancel Upgrade of %S cancelUpgradeQueryMessage=Are you sure you want to cancel the upgrade of %S? cancelUpgradeButton=Yes cancelCancelUpgradeButton=No disableTitle=Disable %S disableWarningDependMessage=If you disable %S, the following items that require this extension will also be disabled: disableQueryMessage=Do you want to disable %S? extensions.update.url=https://addons.mozilla.org/update/VersionCheck.php?reqVersion=%REQ_VERSION%&id=%ITEM_ID%&version=%ITEM_VERSION%&maxAppVersion=%ITEM_MAXAPPVERSION%&status=%ITEM_STATUS%&appID=%APP_ID%&appVersion=%APP_VERSION%&appOS=%APP_OS%&appABI=%APP_ABI% extensions.getMoreExtensionsURL=https://%LOCALE%.add-ons.mozilla.com/%LOCALE%/%APP%/%VERSION%/extensions/ extensions.getMoreThemesURL=https://%LOCALE%.add-ons.mozilla.com/%LOCALE%/%APP%/%VERSION%/themes/ themesTitle=Themes extensionsTitle=Extensions globalItemList=The following items are available to all users. \nYou can start Firefox with -lock-item "{GUID}" to prevent users from uninstalling or disabling an item. To unlock an item, start Firefox with -unlock-item "{GUID}" globalItemListExtensions=\n\nGlobally Available Extensions:\n==============================\n\n globalItemListThemes=\n\nGlobally Available Themes:\n==========================\n\n statusFormatKBKB=#1 of #2 KB statusFormatKBMB=#1 KB of #2 MB statusFormatMBMB=#1 of #2 MB disabledObsoleteTitle=Old Extensions disabledObsoleteMessage=Any old extensions that you have installed have been disabled. type-32=Multiple Extension Package type-16=Plugin type-8=Language type-4=Theme type-2=Extension incompatibleTitle=Incompatible %S incompatibleMsg=%S %S could not be installed because it is not compatible with %S %S. (%S %S will only work with %S versions from %S to %S) incompatibleMsgSingleAppVersion=%S %S could not be installed because it is not compatible with %S %S. (%S %S will only work with %S %S) incompatibleMessageNoApp=%S %S could not be installed because it is not compatible with %S. incompatibleOlder=versions 0.8 or older. incompatibleThemeName=this Theme incompatibleExtension=Disabled - not compatible with %S %S incompatibleAddonMsg=Not compatible with %S %S blocklistedDisabled=Disabled for your protection invalidGUIDMessage="%S" could not be installed because of an error in its Install Manifest ("%S" is not a valid GUID). Please contact the author of this item about the problem. invalidVersionMessage="%S" could not be installed because of an error in its Install Manifest ("%S" is not a valid Version String). Please contact the author of this item about the problem. incompatiblePlatformMessage="%S" could not be installed because it is not compatible with your %S build type (%S). Please contact the author of this item about the problem. blocklistedInstallTitle=This extension is not secure blocklistedInstallMsg=The extension %S is known to be dangerous, and can't be installed. blocklistNotifyTitle=Some of your extensions aren't secure blocklistNotifyMsg=A security update to %S has indicated that one or more of your extensions are no longer considered safe. blocklistRestartMsg=You should restart %S so that these extensions can be disabled. missingFileTitle=Missing File missingFileMessage=%S could not load this item because the file %S was missing. missingFileConsoleMessage=Failed to install from %S because %S was not provided at the top level of the jar/xpi file. malformedMessage=%S could not install this item because "%S" (provided by the item) is not well-formed or does not exist. Please contact the author about this problem. malformedTitle=Malformed File malformedRegistrationTitle=Chrome Registration Failed malformedRegistrationMessage=%S could not install this item because of a failure in Chrome Registration. Please contact the author about this problem. invalidFileExtTitle=Invalid File Extension invalidFileExtMessage="%S" could not be installed because this item has an invalid file extension (%S is not a valid file extension for a %S). Please contact the author about this problem. missingPackageFilesTitle=Missing Installation Files missingPackageFilesMessage="%S" could not be installed because it does not contain a valid package (a %S must contain at least one extension or theme). Please contact the author about this problem. errorInstallTitle=Error errorInstallMsg=%S could not install the file at \n\n%S\n\nbecause: %S extensionFilter=Extensions (*.xpi) themesFilter=Themes (*.jar) installThemePickerTitle=Select a theme to install installExtensionPickerTitle=Select an extension to install cmdUninstallTooltipTheme=Uninstalls the selected Theme cmdUpdateTooltipAddons=Checks for updates to your Add-ons cmdInstallTooltipAddons=Install an Add-on cmdUpdateTooltipTheme=Checks for updates to your Themes cmdInstallTooltipTheme=Install a Theme dssSwitchAfterRestart=Restart %S to use. updateFailedMsg=Update failed for this item. updateDisabledMsg=Update is disabled for this item. updatesAvailableMessage1=%S found updates to the following items: updatesAvailableMessage2=Click Install Now to download and install the updates. updatesAvailableAccept=Install Now updatesAvailableCancel=Later updatesAvailableTitle=Updates Found itemFormat=%S %S (New version: %S) finishedUpdateCheck=Finished checking for updates to %S updateAvailableMsg=Version %S is available. xpinstallDisabledMsgLocked=Software installation has been disabled by your system administrator. xpinstallDisabledMsg=Software installation is currently disabled. Click Enable and try again. safeModeMsg=All add-ons have been disabled by safe mode. disabledCompatMsg=Add-on compatibility checking is disabled. You may have incompatible add-ons. noUpdatesMsg=No updates were found. offlineUpdateMsg=%S is currently in offline mode and is unable to update Add-ons. Click Go Online and try again. offlineInstallMsg=%S is currently in offline mode and is unable to install Add-ons. Click Go Online and try again. enableButtonLabel=Enable enableButtonAccesskey=n goOnlineButtonLabel=Go Online goOnlineButtonAccesskey=G newUpdateWindowTitle=%S Add-on Updates newUpdatesAvailableMsg=There are new updates available for your add-ons.