Performance Monitoring for Gecko

maintainer:  marc attinasi

Brief Overview

Gecko should be fast. To help us make sure that it is we monitor the performance of the system, specifically in terms of Parsing, Content Creation, Frame Creation and Style Resolution - the core aspects of layout. Facilitating the monitoring of performance across build cycles is a small set of tools that work in conjunction with program output coming from the Mozilla or Viewer applications to produce tables of performance values and historical comparisons of builds analysed in the past. The tools, their dependencies and their general care and feeding are the topics of this document.

Usage: A five-step plan to enlightenment

The PerfTools

IMPORTANT: The tools created for monitoring performance are very tightly coupled to output from the layout engine. As Viewer (or Mozilla) is run it spits-out various timing values to the console. These values are captured to files, parsed and assembled into HTML tables showing the amount of CPU time dedicated to parsing the document, creating the content model, building the frame model, and resolving style during the building of the frame model. All of the scripts that make up the perftool are locate in the directory \mozilla\tools\performance\layout. Running them from another location may work, but it is best to run from there.

The perl script,, is used to invoke Viewer and direct it to load various URLs. The URLs to load are contained in a text file, on per line. The file 40-URL.txt is the baseline file and contains a listing of file-URLs that are static, meaning they never change, because they are snapshots of popular sites. As the script executes it does two things:

  1. Invoke Viewer and feed it the URL-file, capturing the output to another file
  2. Invoke other perl scripts to process the Viewer output into HTML tables
A set of perl scripts are used to parse the output of the Viewer application. These scripts expect the format of the performance data to be intransient, in other words, it should not change or the scripts need to be updated. Here are the files involved in parsing the data and generating the HTML table:

The URLs

It is critical that the URLs that we load while measuring performance do not change. This is because we want to compare performance characteristics across builds, and if the URLs changed we could not really make valid comparisons. Also, as URLs change, they exercise different parts of the application, so we really want a consistent set or pages to measure performance against. The builds change, the pages do not.

On February 3, 2000 the top 40 sites were 'snaked' using the tool WebSnake. These sites now reside in disk-files and are loaded from those files during the load test. The file 40-URL.txt contains a listing of the file-URLs created from the web sites. The original web sites should be obvious from the file-URLs.

NOTE: There are some links to external images in the local websites. These should have been resolved by WebSnake but were not for some reason. These should be made local at some point so we can run without a connection to the internet.

Historical Data and Trending

Historical data will be gathered and presented to make it easy for those concerned to see how the relative performance of various parts of the product change over time. This historical data is kept in a flat file of comma-delimited values where each record is indexed by the pull-date/milestone and buildID (note that the buildID is not always reliable, however the pull-date/milestone is provided by the user when the performance package is run, so it can be made to be unique). The Historical Data and Trending table will show the averages for Parsing, Content Creation, Frame Creation, Style Resolution, Reflow, Total Layout and Total Page Load time for each build, along with a simple bar graph representation of each records weight relative to the other records in the table. At a later this can be extended to trend individual sites, however for most purposes the roll-up of overall averages is sufficient to track the performance trends of the engine.

The Execution Plan

Performance monitoring will be run on a weekly basis, and against all Milestone builds. The results of the runs will be published for all interested parties to see. Interested and/or responsible individuals will review the performance data to raise or lower developer awareness of performance problems and issues as they arise.

Currently, the results are published weekly at http://techno/users/attinasi/publish

Revision Control and Archiving

The scripts are checked into cvs in the directory \mozilla\tools\performance\layout. The history.txt file is also checked in to cvs after every run, as are the tables produced by the run. Commiting the files to cvs is a manual operation and should be completed only when the data has been analysed and appears valid. Be sure to:
  1. Commit history.txt after each successful run.
  2. Add / commit the new table and new trend-table after each successful run (in the Tables subdirectory).
  3. Commit any chages to the sciripts or this document.


02/04/2000 Created - attinasi
03/17/2000 Removed QA Partner stuff - no longer used