#!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ Imports a test suite from a remote repository. Takes one argument, a file in the format described in README. Note: removes both source and destination directory before starting. Do not use with outstanding changes in either directory. """ import os import shutil import string import subprocess import sys import parseManifest import writeMakefile def parseManifestFile(dest, dir): subdirs, mochitests, _, __, supportfiles = parseManifest.parseManifestFile("hg-%s/%s/MANIFEST" % (dest, dir)) return subdirs, mochitests, supportfiles def getData(confFile): """This function parses a file of the form URL of remote repository|Name of the destination directory First directory of tests ... Last directory of tests""" repo = "" dest = "" directories = [] try: fp = open(confFile, "rb") first = True for line in fp: if first: idx = line.index("|") repo = line[:idx].strip() dest = line[idx + 1:].strip() first = False else: directories.append(line.strip()) finally: fp.close() return repo, dest, directories def makePath(a, b): if not b: # Empty directory, i.e., the repository root. return a return "%s/%s" % (a, b) def copy(thissrcdir, dest, directories): """Copy mochitests and support files from the external HG directory to their place in mozilla-central. """ print "Copying %s..." % (directories, ) for d in directories: dirtocreate = dest subdirs, mochitests, supportfiles = parseManifestFile(dest, d) sourcedir = makePath("hg-%s" % dest, d) destdir = makePath(dest, d) os.makedirs(destdir) for mochitest in mochitests: shutil.copy("%s/%s" % (sourcedir, mochitest), "%s/test_%s" % (destdir, mochitest)) for support in supportfiles: shutil.copy("%s/%s" % (sourcedir, support), "%s/%s" % (destdir, support)) if len(subdirs): if d: importDirs(thissrcdir, dest, ["%s/%s" % (d, subdir) for subdir in subdirs]) else: # Empty directory, i.e., the repository root importDirs(thissrcdir, dest, subdirs) def printMakefile(dest, directories): """Create a .mk file to be included into the main Makefile.in, which lists the directories with tests. """ print "Creating .mk..." path = dest + ".mk" fp = open(path, "wb") fp.write("DIRS += \\\n") fp.write(writeMakefile.makefileString([makePath(dest, d) for d in directories])) fp.write("\n") fp.close() subprocess.check_call(["hg", "add", path]) def printMakefiles(thissrcdir, dest, directories): """Create Makefile.in files for each directory that contains tests we import. """ print "Creating Makefile.ins..." for d in directories: if d: path = "%s/%s" % (dest, d) else: # Empty directory, i.e., the repository root path = dest print "Creating Makefile.in in %s..." % (path, ) subdirs, mochitests, supportfiles = parseManifestFile(dest, d) abspath = "%s/%s" % (thissrcdir, path) files = ["test_%s" % (mochitest, ) for mochitest in mochitests] files.extend(supportfiles) result = writeMakefile.substMakefile("importTestsuite.py", abspath, subdirs, files) fp = open(path + "/Makefile.in", "wb") fp.write(result) fp.close() def hgadd(dest, directories): """Inform hg of the files in |directories|.""" print "hg addremoving..." for d in directories: subprocess.check_call(["hg", "addremove", "%s/%s" % (dest, d)]) def importDirs(thissrcdir, dest, directories): copy(thissrcdir, dest, directories) printMakefiles(thissrcdir, dest, directories) def importRepo(confFile, thissrcdir): try: repo, dest, directories = getData(confFile) hgdest = "hg-%s" % (dest, ) print "Going to clone %s to %s..." % (repo, hgdest) print "Removing %s..." % dest subprocess.check_call(["rm", "--recursive", "--force", dest]) print "Removing %s..." % hgdest subprocess.check_call(["rm", "--recursive", "--force", hgdest]) print "Cloning %s to %s..." % (repo, hgdest) subprocess.check_call(["hg", "clone", repo, hgdest]) print "Going to import %s..." % (directories, ) importDirs(thissrcdir, dest, directories) printMakefile(dest, directories) hgadd(dest, directories) print "Removing %s again..." % hgdest subprocess.check_call(["rm", "--recursive", "--force", hgdest]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print e.returncode finally: print "Done" if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Need one argument." else: importRepo(sys.argv[1], "dom/imptests")