/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Test that auto pretty printing doesn't accidentally toggle * pretty printing off when we switch to a minified source * that is already pretty printed. */ const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_auto-pretty-print-02.html"; let gTab, gDebuggee, gPanel, gDebugger; let gEditor, gSources, gPrefs, gOptions, gView; let gFirstSourceLabel = "code_ugly-6.js"; let gSecondSourceLabel = "code_ugly-7.js"; let gOriginalPref = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.debugger.auto-pretty-print"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.auto-pretty-print", true); function test(){ initDebugger(TAB_URL).then(([aTab, aDebuggee, aPanel]) => { gTab = aTab; gDebuggee = aDebuggee; gPanel = aPanel; gDebugger = gPanel.panelWin; gEditor = gDebugger.DebuggerView.editor; gSources = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Sources; gPrefs = gDebugger.Prefs; gOptions = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Options; gView = gDebugger.DebuggerView; // Should be on by default. testAutoPrettyPrintOn(); waitForSourceShown(gPanel, gFirstSourceLabel) .then(testSourceIsUgly) .then(() => waitForSourceShown(gPanel, gFirstSourceLabel)) .then(testSourceIsPretty) .then(testPrettyPrintButtonOn) .then(() => { // Switch to the second source. let finished = waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN); gSources.selectedIndex = 1; return finished; }) .then(testSecondSourceLabel) .then(() => { // Switch back to first source. let finished = waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN); gSources.selectedIndex = 0; return finished; }) .then(testFirstSourceLabel) .then(testPrettyPrintButtonOn) // Disable auto pretty printing so it does not affect the following tests. .then(disableAutoPrettyPrint) .then(() => closeDebuggerAndFinish(gPanel)) .then(null, aError => { ok(false, "Got an error: " + DevToolsUtils.safeErrorString(aError)); }) }); } function testSourceIsUgly() { ok(!gEditor.getText().contains("\n "), "The source shouldn't be pretty printed yet."); } function testFirstSourceLabel(){ ok(gSources.containsValue(EXAMPLE_URL + gFirstSourceLabel), "First source url is correct."); } function testSecondSourceLabel(){ ok(gSources.containsValue(EXAMPLE_URL + gSecondSourceLabel), "Second source url is correct."); } function testAutoPrettyPrintOn(){ is(gPrefs.autoPrettyPrint, true, "The auto-pretty-print pref should be on."); is(gOptions._autoPrettyPrint.getAttribute("checked"), "true", "The Auto pretty print menu item should be checked."); } function testPrettyPrintButtonOn(){ is(gDebugger.document.getElementById("pretty-print").checked, true, "The button should be checked when the source is selected."); } function disableAutoPrettyPrint(){ gOptions._autoPrettyPrint.setAttribute("checked", "false"); gOptions._toggleAutoPrettyPrint(); gOptions._onPopupHidden(); } function testSourceIsPretty() { ok(gEditor.getText().contains("\n "), "The source should be pretty printed.") } registerCleanupFunction(function() { gTab = null; gDebuggee = null; gPanel = null; gDebugger = null; gEditor = null; gSources = null; gOptions = null; gPrefs = null; gView = null; Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.auto-pretty-print", gOriginalPref); });